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use strict;
use Perlbal::Test;

use Test::More tests => 15;
require HTTP::Request;
require HTTP::Date;

my $port = new_port();
my $dir = tempdir();

my $conf = qq{
SERVER aio_mode = none

SET test.role = web_server
SET test.listen =$port
SET test.docroot = $dir
SET test.dirindexing = 0
SET test.persist_client = 1

my $msock = start_server($conf);
ok($msock, "manage sock");
my $ua = ua();
ok($ua, "ua");

my ($url, $disk_file, $contents);
sub set_path {
    my $path = shift;
    $url = "$port$path";
    $disk_file = "$dir$path";
sub set_contents {
    $contents = shift;
sub write_file {
    open(F, ">$disk_file") or die "Couldn't open $disk_file: $!\n";
    print F $contents;
    close F;

our $last_res;
sub get {
    my $url = shift;
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
    my $res = $last_res = $ua->request($req);
    return $res->is_success ? $res->content : undef;

# write a file to disk
mkdir "$dir/foo";
set_contents("foo bar baz\n" x 1000);
ok(filecontent($disk_file) eq $contents, "disk file verify");

# a simple get
ok(get($url) eq $contents, "GET request");

# a get with URL parameters
ok(get("$url?foo=bar") eq $contents, "GET request");

    my $file_time = (stat($disk_file))[9];
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url, [ 'If-Modified-Since' => HTTP::Date::time2str($file_time) ]);
    my $res = $ua->request($req);

    is($res->code, 304, "Got not modified");
    is($res->header("Content-Length"), undef, "Shouldn't get a Content-Length header");

# 404 path
ok(! get("$url/404.txt"), "missing file");

# verify directory indexing is off
    my $dirurl = $url;
    $dirurl =~ s!/[^/]+?$!/!;
    my $diridx = get($dirurl);
    like($diridx, qr/Directory listing disabled/, "no dirlist");
    manage("SET test.dirindexing = 1");
    $diridx = get($dirurl);
    like($diridx, qr/bar\.txt/, "see dirlist");

# test that index files work
    my $dirurl = $url;
    $dirurl =~ s!/[^/]+?$!/!;

    manage("SET test.dirindexing = 0");
    my $diridx = get($dirurl);
    like($diridx, qr/Directory listing disabled/, "no dirlist");
    manage("SET test.index_files = not_here.txt, nor_here.html, bar.txt");
    $diridx = get($dirurl);
    like($diridx, qr/foo bar baz/, "got the index file");
    manage("SET test.index_files = blah.txt");
    $diridx = get($dirurl);
    like($diridx, qr/Directory listing disabled/, "no dirlist again");

# directory traversal should fail
ok(! get("$url/../foo/bar.txt"), "directory traversal");

# files with '..' in the names should succeed
    ok(get($url) eq $contents, "File with .. in name");
