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#    Copyright 2001-2007, AllAfrica Global Media
#    This file is part of XML::Comma
#    XML::Comma is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    For more information about XML::Comma, point a web browser at
#, or read the tutorial included
#    with the XML::Comma distribution at docs/guide.html

package XML::Comma::Doc;

use XML::Comma::Util qw( dbg flatten_arrayrefs );

@ISA = ( 'XML::Comma::NestedElement' );

use strict;

# object fields
# _Doc_from_file
# _Doc_locked
# _Doc_new
# Doc_storage:        information from last storage, in a hashref

# new() : takes a type=>, block=> or file=> and returns a new doc.
sub new {
  my ( $class, %arg ) = @_;
  unless(defined($arg{validate})) {
    my $validate_new = eval { XML::Comma->validate_new };
    $validate_new = 0 if($@); #default to 0 if we can't read the config value
    $arg{validate} = $validate_new;
  if ( $arg{type} ) {
    my $type = $arg{type};
    my $self = {}; bless ( $self, $class );
    eval {
      $self->{_Doc_from_file} = $arg{from_file}  if  $arg{from_file};
      $self->{_Doc_new} = 1;
      $self->_init ( def          => '',
                     tag_up_path  => $type,
                     read_args  => $arg{read_args} );
    }; if ( $@ ) { XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_NEW_ERROR', $@ ); }
    return $self;
  } elsif ( $arg{file} || $arg{block} ) {
    return _new_from_content ( %arg, %{$arg{read_args} || {}} );
  } else {
        XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_NEW_ERROR',
                               "no type/block/file given" );

sub _init {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
  # set the Doc_storage arg so that SUPER::_init will set
  # $self->{Doc_storage} to the right reference. also set the
  # create_args field, so that sub-elements will have access to flags
  # such as "no_read_hooks" on instantiation.
  $arg{Doc_storage} = {};
  $arg{Doc_storage}->{read_args} = $arg{read_args};
  $self->SUPER::_init ( %arg );

# there was almost complete duplication of code between
# _new_from_file and _new_from_block, so i combined them
# and fixed the arguments from the caller so that we don't
# have to differentiate.
sub _new_from_content {
  my %arg = @_;
  my $doc = eval {
    XML::Comma::parser()->new ( %arg );
  }; if ( $@ ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_NEW_ERROR', $@ );
  # we need to set the storage info so that the content of
  # any blob elements can be loaded and validated.
  $doc->set_storage_info ( $arg{store_obj}, $arg{location}, $arg{id}, $arg{key}, $arg{lock} );
  $doc->validate() if( $arg{validate} );
  return $doc;

# retrieve: takes a single 'address' arg, or a hash of type=>,
# storage=>, id=> and gets a doc from storage. type, storage and id
# are all required. Sets Doc_storage->{foo}
# info.
# timeout =>
sub _retrieval_common {
  my $class = shift();
  my %args;
  my $store = eval {
    %args = $class->parse_read_args(@_);
  }; if ( $@ ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_READ/RETRIEVE_ERROR', $@ );
  return ( $store, $args{id}, $args{timeout}, \%args );

sub parse_read_args {
  my $class = shift();
  my %args;
  # either a single key arg followed by optional hash args, or all
  # hash args
  if ( scalar(@_) % 2 ) {
    my $key = shift();
    %args = @_;
    ( $args{type}, $args{store}, $args{id} ) =
      XML::Comma::Storage::Util->split_key ( $key );
    die "bad doc key: $key\n"
      unless ($args{type} and $args{store} and $args{id});
  } else {
    %args = @_;
    $args{type}     ||  die "no type given to Doc->read/Doc->retrieve()\n";
    $args{store}    ||  die "no store given to Doc->read/Doc->retrieve()\n";
    $args{id}       ||  die "no id given to Doc->read/Doc->retrieve()\n";
  return %args;

## errors for the rest of these methods will be thrown by the
## underlying store routines

## read will either return a doc or throw an error, unless the id
## given is '+' or '-' and there are no docs stored
sub read {
  my $class = shift();
  my ( $store, $id, $to, $parsed_args ) = $class->_retrieval_common(@_);
  my $doc = eval { $store->read ( $id, $parsed_args ); };
  if ( $@ ) { XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_READ_ERROR', $@, $id ); };
  $doc->set_read_only  if  $doc;
  return $doc;

sub retrieve {
  my $class = shift();
  my ( $store, $id, $timeout, $parsed_args ) = $class->_retrieval_common(@_);
  # store's read() handles locking and info setting
  my $doc = eval { $store->read ( $id, $parsed_args, 1, 0, $timeout ); };
  if ( $@ ) { XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_RETRIEVE_ERROR', $@, $id ); };
  return $doc;

sub retrieve_no_wait {
  my $class = shift();
  my ( $store, $id, $to, $parsed_args ) = $class->_retrieval_common(@_);
  my $doc = eval { $store->read ( $id, $parsed_args, 1, 1 ); };
  if ( $@ ) { XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_RETRIEVE_ERROR', $@ ); };
  return $doc;

sub get_lock {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
  eval {
    my $locked = XML::Comma->lock_singlet()->lock ( $self->doc_key(),
                                                    $arg{timeout} );
    $self->{_Doc_locked} = 1  if  $locked;
  }; if ( $@ ) { XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'LOCK_ERROR', $@ ); };
  return $self;

### used by Store->write() to put an entry in the lock tables for a
### newly-created doc key.
sub force_lock_flag_set {
  $_[0]->{_Doc_locked} = 1;

sub get_lock_no_wait {
  my $self = shift();
  my $locked;
  eval {
    $locked = XML::Comma->lock_singlet()->lock ( $self->doc_key(), 1 );
    if ( $locked ) {
      $self->{_Doc_locked} = 1;
  }; if ( $@ ) { XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'LOCK_ERROR', $@ ); };
  return if ! $locked;
  return $self;

# set the reference to this doc's definition. overrides Element->def()
sub _init_def {
  my $self = shift;
  my $def = $self->{_def} = XML::Comma::DefManager->for_path ( $self->tag() );
  if ( my @classes = $def->get_decorators ) {
    bless ( $self, Class::ClassDecorator::hierarchy(ref($self),@classes) );

# return a (possibly very long) string that is this document in XML
# form.
# override $element->to_string() so we can run the document_level
# write hook (passing $self as only argument). note that we call
# SUPER::to_string after we do that.
# FIX: break into open-content-close, calling $self->SUPER::content()
sub to_string {
  my $self = shift();
  foreach ( @{$self->def()->get_hooks_arrayref('document_write_hook')} ) {
    $_->( $self );
  return $self->system_stringify();

# return a concatenation of all fields for use in a textsearch, etc.
# takes the same args as get_all_fields
sub full_field_texts {
  my ($self, %args) = @_; 
  return join(" ", map { $_->get } $self->get_leaf_nodes(%args)); 

# return all leaf nodes in the doc
# you can also use an include or exclude argument to control which 
# elements you care about, e.g.:
#		include => [ path_1, path_2 ... ]
#		exclude => [ path_1, path_2 ... ]
#	where paths are of the form "$nest_name/$nest_name/$leaf_name"
# TODO: provide optional list of property types to care about, e.g.
# ignore booleans and ranges... another possibility - an option
# to use the same things as ignore/include_for_hash?
sub get_leaf_nodes {
  my ($self, %args) = @_; 
  die "can't specify both include and exclude args to get_leaf_nodes"
    if($args{include} && $args{exclude}); 
  my $def = $self->def;
  my $path = $args{path} || '';
  my @leaves;
  foreach my $el_def ( $def->def_sub_elements() ) {
    my $el_name = $el_def->name;
    if($args{include}) {
      next unless grep(/^$el_name$/, @{$args{include}} );
    } elsif($args{exclude}) {
      next if grep(/^$el_name$/, @{$args{exclude}} );
    if($def->is_plural($el_name)) {
      push @leaves, $self->elements($el_name); 
    } elsif($el_def->is_nested()) {
      push @leaves, XML::Comma::Doc::get_leaf_nodes(
        $self->element($el_name), path => "$path/$el_name");
    } else {
      push @leaves, $self->element($el_name);
  return wantarray ? @leaves : join(" ", @leaves);

# to_string without the hooks, basically. FIX: clean up these two
sub system_stringify {
  my $str = $_[0]->SUPER::to_string();
  # Doc still needs to output an empty envelope, if we're empty
  # (unlike NestedElement)
  if ( ! $str ) {
    $str = '<' . $_[0]->tag() . ">\n";
    $str .= '</'. $_[0]->tag() . '>';
    $str .= "\n";
  return $str;


# Doc_storage stuff. set by retrieve() and store() operations, so
# only available after doing a retrieve or store of some kind.
sub doc_store {
  return  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{store} || undef;
sub doc_location {
 return $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{location} || undef;
sub doc_id {
  return $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{id} || undef;
sub doc_key {
  return $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{key} || undef;
sub doc_is_locked {
  return $_[0]->{_Doc_locked};
sub doc_is_new {
  return !$_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{store};

# and a couple of odd-balls, classified under storage_ for convenience
# the *original file* this doc was instantiated from, if any
sub doc_source_file {
  return $_[0]->{_Doc_from_file} || undef;
sub doc_last_modified {
  if ( ! $_[0]->doc_store() ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'NO_LAST_MODIFIED',
                           "doc_last_modified without store" );
  return $_[0]->doc_store()->last_modified ( $_[0]->doc_location() );

# set_storage_info routine, called mostly from Store as part of its
# lower-level routines. but move() also does some mucking to save
# state cleanly. (FIX? should there be a lower-level Store::move())
# Note: this ref is passed down the tree at new element creation, so
# that Blobs down the tree know where to put themselves.
# args: ( $store, $filename, $id, $key, $locked )
sub set_storage_info {
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{store} = $_[1]      if $_[1];
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{location} = $_[2]   if $_[2];
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{id} = $_[3]         if $_[3];
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{key} = $_[4]        if $_[4];
  $_[0]->{_Doc_locked} = $_[5];
sub clear_storage_info {
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{store} = undef;
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{location} = undef;
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{id} = undef;
  $_[0]->{Doc_storage}->{key} = undef;
  $_[0]->{_Doc_locked} = 0;

# FIX: make sure that we're locked before we try to unlock (or have
# store info, or something)
sub doc_unlock {
  #dbg 'unlo', $_[0], $_[1] || 'undef', $_[0]->doc_key();
  XML::Comma->lock_singlet()->unlock ( $_[1] || $_[0]->doc_key() );
  $_[0]->{_Doc_locked} = undef  if  ref $_[0];
  $_[0]->set_read_only()  if  ref $_[0];

# store=>      : string storage_name
# keep_open => : if true, don't unlock/mark ro
# no_hooks =>  : don't run either pre_store or post_store hooks (addition of
#              : this is prompted by the need to store inside a post_store_hook)
# :additional args particular to the underlying Store
# let Storage->store() throw most of the errors, here
sub store {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
  # check whether we're allowed to store
  if ( ! ($self->{_Doc_locked} || $self->{_Doc_new}) ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'BAD_STORE_ATTEMPT',
                           "doc isn't locked, can't store" );
  # do the write -- and do it differently depending on whether this is
  # a first-time store, a copy between two stores, or a re-store

  eval {
    my $store = $self->doc_store();
    my $store_arg = $arg{store} || '';
    # first-time store
    if ( ! $store ) {
      die "no store given to first-time Doc->store()\n"  unless  $store_arg;
      $store = $self->def()->get_store( $store_arg );
      $store->write ( %arg, doc=>$self, anew=>1 );
    # re-store the doc in an already-known store
    elsif ( (! $store_arg)  or  $store->name() eq $store_arg ) {
      $store->write ( %arg, doc=>$self );
    # store the doc in a different store (an implicit copy)
    else {
      $self->copy ( %arg );
  }; if ( $@ ) { 
    my $error = $@;
    my $doc_id;
    eval { $doc_id = $self->doc_id; };
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'STORE_ERROR', $error, $doc_id );
  return $self;

# delete from permanent storage
sub erase {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  if ( ! $self->{_Doc_locked} ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'BAD_ERASE_ATTEMPT',
                           "doc isn't locked, can't erase" );
  if ( ! $self->doc_store() ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'BAD_ERASE_ATTEMPT',
                           "erase without store" );
  eval {
    $self->doc_store()->erase ( $self, $self->doc_location() );
  }; if ( $@ ) {
    my $error = $@;
    my $doc_id;
    eval { $doc_id = $self->doc_id; };
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'ERASE_ERROR', $error, $doc_id ); }
  return $self;

# copy stores a document again, according to storage args. store=> is
# optional; the current store will be used if none is specified. most
# copy() operations can be performed with a store() and different
# storage arguments. copies from/to the same sequential store, though,
# need this routine. (make sense?)
sub copy {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
  # first, check to make sure that we are a stored doc. we really
  # don't want to allow calling copy() on a not-yet-stored doc, even
  # though it doesn't really matter.
  if ( ! $self->doc_store() ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'BAD_COPY_ATTEMPT',
                           "copy without store" );
  eval {
    my $store;
    if ( $arg{store} ) {
      $store = $self->def()->get_store ( $arg{store} );
    } else {
      $store = $self->doc_store();
    my $key = $self->doc_key();
    $store->write ( %arg, doc=>$self, anew=>1  );
    XML::Comma::Doc->doc_unlock ( $key );
    $self->doc_unlock()  unless  $arg{keep_open};
  }; if ( $@ ) { 
    my $error = $@;
    my $doc_id;
    eval { $doc_id = $self->doc_id; };
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'STORE_ERROR', $error, $doc_id ); }
  return $self;

# takes the same args as copy. doc can't be ro
sub move {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
  if ( ! $self->doc_store() ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'OPERATION_NEEDS_STORAGE',
                           "move without storage" );
  if ( ! $self->{_Doc_locked} ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_STORE_ERROR',
                           "doc is ro" );
  eval {
    # we're going to erase the current incarnation of this doc when
    # we're done, so let's keep track of its key
    my $old_key = $self->doc_key();
    # copy the doc
    $self->copy ( %arg );
    # retrieve the pre-copy version and erase it
  }; if ( $@ ) {
    my $error = $@;
    my $doc_id;
    eval { $doc_id = $self->doc_id; };
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'STORE_ERROR', $error, $doc_id ); }
  return $self;


# args: index => (defaults to main)
#       defer_textsearches => flag that, if true, indicates that a record
#                             should be marked as having a textsearch
#                             that needs to be updated, but that the
#                             actual update should be put off until later.
#       comma_flag => (used as a special marker by Indexing routines)

sub index_update {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;

  if ( ! $arg{index} ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_INDEX_ERROR',
                           "no index name given to Doc->index_update()" );
  my $index_arg = $arg{ index };

  my ( $def_name, $index_name );
  # possible $doc->index_update( "doctype:index" ) syntax
  if ( index($index_arg, ':') > 0 ) {
    ( $def_name, $index_name ) = split /:/, $index_arg;
  } else {
    $def_name   = $self->def()->name();
    $index_name = $index_arg;

  my $ret = eval { 
      XML::Comma::Def->read( name => $def_name )
                     ->get_index( $index_name )
                     ->update( $self,
  if ( $@ ) {
    my $error = $@;
    my $doc_id;
    eval { $doc_id = $self->doc_id; };
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_INDEX_ERROR', $error, $doc_id ); 

  return $ret;

sub index_remove {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
  if ( ! $arg{index} ) {
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_INDEX_ERROR',
                           "no index-name given to Doc->index_remove()" );
  my $index_arg = $arg{ index };

  # possible $doc->index_remove( "doctype:index" ) syntax
  my ( $def_name, $index_name );
  if ( index($index_arg, ':') > 0 ) {
    ( $def_name, $index_name ) = split /:/, $index_arg;
  } else {
    $def_name   = $self->def()->name();
    $index_name = $index_arg;
  my $ret = eval { 
      XML::Comma::Def->read( name => $def_name )
                     ->get_index( $index_name )
                     ->delete( $self );
  if ( $@ ) {
    my $error = $@;
    my $doc_id;
    eval { $doc_id = $self->doc_id; };
    XML::Comma::Log->err ( 'DOC_INDEX_ERROR', $error, $doc_id ); 

  return $ret;

#    print 'D: ' . $_[0] . "\n";
#    print '   ' . ($::index->{_def}||'<undef>')."\n";
#    print "destroying: " . $_[0]->doc_key() . "\n";
  if ( $_[0]->{_Doc_locked} ) {
#    print "unlocking: " . $_[0]->doc_key() . "...";
#    print "okay\n";
