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package WWW::EmpireTheatres::Film;

=head1 NAME

WWW::EmpireTheatres::Film - A class representing a film


    # where is the film playing?
    for my $cinema ( @{ $film->cinemas } ) {
        printf( "%s (%s, %s)\n", $cinema->name, $cinema->city, $cinema->province );

    # when is it playing?
    for my $showtime ( @{ $film->showtimes( cinema => $cinema ) } ) {
        printf( "%s\n", $showtime->datetime );


This class represents a film. You can find out what cinemas it's playing
and when it's playing.


use base qw( Class::Accessor );

use strict;
use URI;
use HTML::TokeParser::Simple;
use Carp;

our $VERSION = '0.04';

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw( title link parent id ) );

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new( [\%options] )

Creates a new WWW::EmpireTheatres::Film object.

=head2 showtimes( cinema => $cinema [, date => $date ] )

Find out when $film is playing @ $cinema.


sub showtimes {
    my $self    = shift;
    my %options = @_;

    return $options{ cinema }->showtimes( film => $self, @_ );

=head2 cinemas( )

Find out which cinemas have this film.


sub cinemas {
    my $self = shift;
    my %options = @_;
    my $agent   = $self->parent->agent;
    my $link    = $self->link;

    my $uri     = URI->new( $link );
    my %query   = $uri->query_form;

    if( $options{ date } ) {
        $query{ Day } = $options{ date };

        $uri->query_form( \%query );

        $link = $uri->as_string;
    else {
        $options{ date } = $query{ Day };

    $agent->get( $link );
    croak( 'Error fetching listings' ) unless $agent->success;
    my $parser = HTML::TokeParser::Simple->new( string => $agent->content );

    my @results;

    if( $agent->content =~ /Sorry, this movie is not playing on the selected day/ ) {
        return \@results;

    while( my $token = $parser->get_token ) {
        next unless $token->is_start_tag( 'font' ) and $token->get_attr( 'color' ) and $token->get_attr( 'color' ) eq '#FFFFFF';

        while( $token = $parser->get_token ) {
            last if $token->is_start_tag( 'img' ) and $token->get_attr( 'src' ) eq 'images/spacer.gif';
            next unless $token->is_start_tag( 'a' );

            my $uri   = URI->new( $token->get_attr( 'href' ) );
            my %query = $uri->query_form;

            push @results, $self->parent->cinema( id => $query{ TH_ID } || $query{ th_id } );

    return \@results;

=head2 title( )

The title of the film.

=head2 link( )

A link to the listing of the cinemas that have this film.

=head2 id( )

The internal id used on the website.

=head2 parent( )

The parent WWW::EmpireTheatres object.

=head1 AUTHOR

=over 4

=item * Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt>



Copyright 2007 by Brian Cassidy

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

