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package UR::DataSource::File;

# NOTE!  This module is deprecated.  Use UR::DataSource::Filesystem instead.

# A data source implementation for text files where the fields
# are delimited by commas (or anything else really).  Usually,
# the lines in the file will be sorted by one or more columns,
# but it isn't strictly necessary
# For now, it's structured around files where the record is delimited by
# newlines, and the fields are delimited by qr(\s*,\s*).  Those are
# overridable in concrete data sources by specifying record_seperator() and
# delimiter().
# FIXME - work out a way to support record-oriented data as well as line-oriented data

use UR;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "0.41"; # UR $VERSION;

use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use File::Temp;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File qw();

our @CARP_NOT = qw( UR::Context UR::DataSource::FileMux UR::Object::Type );

class UR::DataSource::File {
    is => ['UR::DataSource'],
    has => [
        delimiter             => { is => 'String', default_value => '\s*,\s*', doc => 'Delimiter between columns on the same line' },
        record_separator      => { is => 'String', default_value => "\n", doc => 'Delimiter between lines in the file' },
        column_order          => { is => 'ARRAY',  doc => 'Names of the columns in the file, in order' },
        skip_first_line       => { is => 'Integer', default_value => 0, doc => 'Number of lines at the start of the file to skip' },
        handle_class          => { is => 'String', default_value => 'IO::File', doc => 'Class to use for new file handles' },
        quick_disconnect      => { is => 'Boolean', default_value => 1, doc => 'Do not hold the file handle open between requests' },
    has_optional => [ 
        server                => { is => 'String', doc => 'pathname to the data file' },
        file_list             => { is => 'ARRAY',  doc => 'list of pathnames of equivalent files' },
        sort_order            => { is => 'ARRAY',  doc => 'Names of the columns by which the data file is sorted' },
        constant_values       => { is => 'ARRAY',  doc => 'Property names which are not in the data file(s), but are part of the objects loaded from the data source' },

        # REMOVE
        #file_cache_index      => { is => 'Integer', doc => 'index into the file cache where the next read will be placed' },
        _open_query_count      => { is => 'Integer', doc => 'number of queries currently using this data source, used internally' },
    doc => 'A data source for line-oriented files',

sub can_savepoint { 0;}  # Doesn't support savepoints
sub get_default_handle {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($self->{'_fh'}) {
        if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
            my $time = time();
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("\nFILE OPEN AT %d [%s]\n",$time, scalar(localtime($time)));

        my $filename = $self->server;
        unless (-e $filename) {
            # file doesn't exist
            $filename = '/dev/null';

        my $handle_class = $self->handle_class;
        my $fh = $handle_class->new($filename);
        unless($fh) {
            $self->error_message("Can't open ".$self->server." for reading: $!");

        if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: opened %s fileno %d\n\n",$self->server, $fh->fileno);

        $self->{'_fh'} = $fh;
    return $self->{'_fh'};

sub disconnect_default_handle {
    my $self = shift;

    if (my $fh = $self->{'_fh'}) {
        $self->{'_fh'} = undef;

sub prepare_for_fork {
    my $self = shift;

    # make sure this is clear before we fork
    $self->{'_fh_position'} = undef;
    if (defined $self->{'_fh'}) {
        $self->{'_fh_position'} = $self->{'_fh'}->tell();
        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: preparing to fork; closing file %s and noting position at %s\n",$self->server, $self->{'_fh_position'}) if $ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'};

sub finish_up_after_fork {
    my $self = shift;
    if (defined $self->{'_fh_position'}) {
        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: resetting after fork; reopening file %s and fast-forwarding to %s\n",$self->server, $self->{'_fh_position'}) if $ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'};
        my $fh = $self->get_default_handle; 

sub _regex {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($self->{'_regex'}) {
        my $delimiter = $self->delimiter;
        my $r = eval { qr($delimiter)  };
        if ($@ || !$r) {
            $self->error_message("Unable to interepret delimiter '".$self->delimiter.": $@");
        $self->{'_regex'} = $r;
    return $self->{'_regex'};

# We're overriding server() so everyone else can have a single way of getting
# the file's pathname instead of having to know about both server and file_list
sub server {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($self->{'_cached_server'}) {
        if ($self->__server()) {
            $self->{'_cached_server'} = $self->__server();
        } elsif ($self->file_list) {
            my $files = $self->file_list;
            my $count = scalar(@$files);
            my $idx = $$ % $count;
            $self->{'_cached_server'} = $files->[$idx];
        } else {
            die "Data source ",$self->id," didn't specify either server or file_list";
    return $self->{'_cached_server'};

# Should be divisible by 3
our $MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 99;
# The offset cache is an arrayref containing three pieces of data:
# 0: If this cache slot is being used by a loading iterator
# 1: concatenated data from the sorted columns for comparison with where you are in the file
# 2: the seek position that line came from
sub _offset_cache {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($self->{'_offset_cache'}) {
        $self->{'_offset_cache'} = [];
    return $self->{'_offset_cache'};

our %iterator_data_source; 
our %iterator_cache_slot_refs;

sub _allocate_offset_cache_slot {
    my $self = shift;

    my $cache = $self->_offset_cache();
    my $next = scalar(@$cache);
#print STDERR "_allocate_offset_cache_slot ".$self->server." current size is $next ";
    if ($next > $MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {
#print STDERR "searching... \n";
        my $last_offset_cache_slot = $self->{'_last_offset_cache_slot'};
        if ($last_offset_cache_slot >= $MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {
            $next = 0;
        } else {
            $next = $last_offset_cache_slot + 3;
        # Search for an unused slot
        while ($cache->[$next] and $next != $last_offset_cache_slot) {
            $next += 3;
            $next = 0 if ($next > $MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
        if ($next > $MAX_CACHE_SIZE or $next eq $last_offset_cache_slot) {
            #print STDERR scalar(keys(%iterator_data_source))." items in iterator_data_source ".scalar(keys(%iterator_cache_slot))." in iterator_cache_slot\n";
            Carp::carp("Unable to find an open file offset cache slot because there are too many outstanding loading iterators.  Temporarily expanding the cache...");
            # We'll let it go ahead and expand the list
            $next = $MAX_CACHE_SIZE;
            $MAX_CACHE_SIZE += 3;
    $cache->[$next] = 1;
    $cache->[$next+1] = undef;
    $cache->[$next+2] = undef;

    $self->{'_last_offset_cache_slot'} = $next;
#print STDERR "using slot $next current size ".scalar(@$cache)."\n";
    return $next;

sub _free_offset_cache_slot {
    my($self, $cache_slot) = @_;

    my $cache = $self->_offset_cache();
    unless ($cache_slot < scalar(@$cache)) {
        $self->warning_message("Freeing offset cache slot past the end.  Current size ".scalar(@$cache).", requested $cache_slot");

    unless (defined $cache->[$cache_slot]) {
        $self->warning_message("Freeing unused offset cache slot $cache_slot");

    if ($cache->[$cache_slot+1] and scalar(@{$cache->[$cache_slot+1]}) == 0) {
        # There's no data in here.  Must have happened when the reader went all the
        # way to the end of the file and found nothing.  Remove this entry completely
        # because it's not helpful
        splice(@$cache, $cache_slot,3);

    } else {
        # There is data in here, mark it as a free slot
        $cache->[$cache_slot] = 0;
    return 1;

sub _invalidate_cache {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{'_offset_cache'} = [];
    return 1;

sub _generate_loading_templates_arrayref {
    my($self,$old_sql_cols) = @_;

    my $columns_in_file = $self->column_order;
    my %column_to_position_map;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$columns_in_file; $i++) {
        $column_to_position_map{$columns_in_file->[$i]} = $i;

    # strip out columns that don't exist in the file
    my $sql_cols;
    foreach my $column_data ( @$old_sql_cols ) {
        my $propertys_column_name = $column_data->[1]->column_name;
        next unless ($propertys_column_name and exists($column_to_position_map{$propertys_column_name}));

        push @$sql_cols, $column_data;

    unless ($sql_cols) {
        $self->error_message("Couldn't determine column information for data source " . $self->id);

    # reorder the requested columns to be in the same order as the file
    my @sql_cols_with_column_name =
           map{ [ $column_to_position_map{ $_->[1]->column_name }, $_ ] }
    my @sorted_sql_cols =
           map { $_->[1] }
           sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
    $sql_cols = \@sorted_sql_cols;
    my $templates = $self->SUPER::_generate_loading_templates_arrayref($sql_cols);

    if (my $constant_values = $self->constant_values) {
        # Find the first unused index in the loading template
        my $next_template_slot = -1;
        foreach my $tmpl ( @$templates ) {
            foreach my $col ( @{$tmpl->{'column_positions'}} ) {
                if ($col >= $next_template_slot) {
                    $next_template_slot = $col + 1;
        if ($next_template_slot == -1) {
            die "Couldn't determine last column in loading template for data source" . $self->id;
        foreach my $prop ( @$constant_values ) {
            push @{$templates->[0]->{'column_positions'}}, $next_template_slot++;
            push @{$templates->[0]->{'property_names'}}, $prop;
    return $templates;

sub _things_in_list_are_numeric {
    my $self = shift;

    foreach ( @{$_[0]} ) {
        return 0 if (! Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_));
    return 1;

# Construct a closure to perform a test on the $index-th column of 
# @$$next_candidate_row.  The closures return 0 is the test is successful,
# -1 if unsuccessful but the file's value was less than $value, and 1
# if unsuccessful and greater.  The iterator that churns throug the file
# knows that if it's comparing an ID/sorted column, and the comparator
# returns 1 then we've gone past the point where we can expect to ever
# find another successful match and we should stop looking
my $ALWAYS_FALSE = sub { -1 };
sub _comparator_for_operator_and_property {
    my($self,$property,$next_candidate_row, $index, $operator,$value) = @_;

    no warnings 'uninitialized';  # we're handling ''/undef/null specially below where it matters

    if ($operator eq 'between') {
        if ($value->[0] eq '' or $value->[1] eq '') {
            return $ALWAYS_FALSE;

        if ($property->is_numeric and $self->_things_in_list_are_numeric($value)) {
            if ($value->[0] > $value->[1]) {
                # Will never be true
                Carp::carp "'between' comparison will never be true with values ".$value->[0]," and ".$value->[1];
                return $ALWAYS_FALSE;

            # numeric 'between' comparison
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');
                       if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] < $value->[0]) {
                           return -1;
                       } elsif ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] > $value->[1]) {
                           return 1;
                       } else {
                           return 0;
        } else {
            if ($value->[0] gt $value->[1]) {
                Carp::carp "'between' comparison will never be true with values ".$value->[0]," and ".$value->[1];
                return $ALWAYS_FALSE;

            # A string 'between' comparison
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');
                       if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] lt $value->[0]) {
                           return -1;
                       } elsif ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] gt $value->[1]) {
                           return 1;
                       } else {
                           return 0;

    } elsif ($operator eq 'in') {
        if (! @$value) {
            return $ALWAYS_FALSE;

        if ($property->is_numeric and $self->_things_in_list_are_numeric($value)) {
            # Numeric 'in' comparison  returns undef if we're within the range of the list
            # but don't actually match any of the items in the list
            @$value = sort { $a <=> $b } @$value;  # sort the values first
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');
                       if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] < $value->[0]) {
                           return -1;
                       } elsif ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] > $value->[-1]) {
                           return 1;
                       } else {
                           foreach ( @$value ) {
                               return 0 if $$next_candidate_row->[$index] == $_;
                           return -1;

        } else {
            # A string 'in' comparison
            @$value = sort { $a cmp $b } @$value;
            return sub {
                       if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] lt $value->[0]) {
                           return -1;
                       } elsif ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] gt $value->[-1]) {
                           return 1;
                       } else {
                           foreach ( @$value ) {
                               return 0 if $$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq $_;
                           return -1;


    } elsif ($operator eq 'not in') {
        if (! @$value) {
            return $ALWAYS_FALSE;

        if ($property->is_numeric and $self->_things_in_list_are_numeric($value)) {
            return sub {
                return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');
                foreach ( @$value ) {
                    return -1 if $$next_candidate_row->[$index] == $_;
                return 0;

        } else {
            return sub {
                foreach ( @$value ) {
                    return -1 if $$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq $_;
                return 0;

    } elsif ($operator eq 'like') {
        # 'like' is always a string comparison.  In addition, we can't know if we're ahead
        # or behind in the file's ID columns, so the only two return values are 0 and 1
        return $ALWAYS_FALSE if ($value eq '');  # property like NULL is always false

        # Convert SQL-type wildcards to Perl-type wildcards
        # Convert a % to a *, and _ to ., unless they're preceeded by \ to escape them.
        # Not that this isn't precisely correct, as \\% should really mean a literal \
        # followed by a wildcard, but we can't be correct in all cases without including 
        # a real parser.  This will catch most cases.

        $value =~ s/(?<!\\)%/.*/g;
        $value =~ s/(?<!\\)_/./g;
        my $regex = qr($value);
        return sub {
                   return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');
                   if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] =~ $regex) {
                       return 0;
                   } else {
                       return 1;

    } elsif ($operator eq 'not like') {
        return $ALWAYS_FALSE if ($value eq '');  # property like NULL is always false
        $value =~ s/(?<!\\)%/.*/;
        $value =~ s/(?<!\\)_/./;
        my $regex = qr($value);
        return sub {
                   return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');
                   if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] =~ $regex) {
                       return 1;
                   } else {
                       return 0;

    # FIXME - should we only be testing the numericness of the property?
    } elsif ($property->is_numeric and $self->_things_in_list_are_numeric([$value])) {
        # Basic numeric comparisons
        if ($operator eq '=') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq ''); # null always != a number
                       return $$next_candidate_row->[$index] <=> $value;
        } elsif ($operator eq '<') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq ''); # null always != a number
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] < $value ? 0 : 1;
        } elsif ($operator eq '<=') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq ''); # null always != a number
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] <= $value ? 0 : 1;
        } elsif ($operator eq '>') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq ''); # null always != a number
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] > $value ? 0 : -1;
        } elsif ($operator eq '>=') {
            return sub { 
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq ''); # null always != a number
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] >= $value ? 0 : -1;
        } elsif ($operator eq 'true') {
            return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] ? 0 : -1;
        } elsif ($operator eq 'false') {
            return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] ? -1 : 0;
        } elsif ($operator eq '!=' or $operator eq 'ne') {
             return sub {
                       return 0 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '');  # null always != a number
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] != $value ? 0 : -1;

    } else {
        # Basic string comparisons
        if ($operator eq '=') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '' xor $value eq '');
                       return $$next_candidate_row->[$index] cmp $value;
        } elsif ($operator eq '<') {
            return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] lt $value ? 0 : 1;
        } elsif ($operator eq '<=') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '' or $value eq '');
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] le $value ? 0 : 1;
        } elsif ($operator eq '>') {
            return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] gt $value ? 0 : -1;
        } elsif ($operator eq '>=') {
            return sub {
                       return -1 if ($$next_candidate_row->[$index] eq '' or $value eq '');
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] ge $value ? 0 : -1;
        } elsif ($operator eq 'true') {
            return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] ? 0 : -1;
        } elsif ($operator eq 'false') {
            return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] ? -1 : 0;
        } elsif ($operator eq '!=' or $operator eq 'ne') {
             return sub {
                       $$next_candidate_row->[$index] ne $value ? 0 : -1;

sub create_iterator_closure_for_rule {
    my($self,$rule) = @_;

    my $class_name = $rule->subject_class_name;
    my $class_meta = $class_name->__meta__;
    my $rule_template = $rule->template;

    my $csv_column_order_names = $self->column_order;
    my $csv_column_count = scalar @$csv_column_order_names;

    my $operators_for_properties = $rule_template->operators_for_properties();
    my $values_for_properties = $rule->legacy_params_hash;
    foreach ( values %$values_for_properties ) {
        if (ref eq 'HASH' and exists $_->{'value'}) {
            $_ = $_->{'value'};

    my $sort_order_names = $self->sort_order;
    my %sort_column_names = map { $_ => 1 } @$sort_order_names;
    my @non_sort_column_names = grep { ! exists($sort_column_names{$_}) } @$csv_column_order_names;

    my %column_name_to_index_map;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$csv_column_order_names; $i++) {
        $column_name_to_index_map{$csv_column_order_names->[$i]} = $i;

    # Index in the split-file-data for each sorted column in order
    my @sort_order_column_indexes = map { $column_name_to_index_map{$_} } @$sort_order_names;

    foreach my $column_name ( @$csv_column_order_names ) {
        my $prop = UR::Object::Property->get(class_name => $class_name, column_name => $column_name);
        unless ( $prop or $WARNED_ABOUT_COLUMN{$class_name . '::' . $column_name}++) {
            $self->warning_message("Couldn't find a property in class $class_name that goes with column $column_name");
        $property_meta_for_column_name{$column_name} = $prop;

    my @rule_columns_in_order;  # The order we should perform rule matches on - value is the index in @next_file_row to test
    my @comparison_for_column;  # closures to call to perform the match - same order as @rule_columns_in_order
    my $last_sort_column_in_rule = -1; # Last index in @rule_columns_in_order that applies when trying "the shortcut"
    my $looking_for_sort_columns = 1;

    my $next_candidate_row;  # This will be filled in by the closure below
    foreach my $column_name ( @$sort_order_names, @non_sort_column_names ) {
        my $property_meta = $property_meta_for_column_name{$column_name};
        unless ($property_meta) {
            Carp::croak("Class $class_name has no property connected to column named '$column_name' in data source ".$self->id);
        my $property_name = $property_meta->property_name;
        if (! $operators_for_properties->{$property_name}) {
            $looking_for_sort_columns = 0;
        } elsif ($looking_for_sort_columns && $sort_column_names{$column_name}) {
        } else {
            # There's been a gap in the ID column list in the rule, stop looking for
            # further ID columns
            $looking_for_sort_columns = 0;

        push @rule_columns_in_order, $column_name_to_index_map{$column_name};
        my $operator = $operators_for_properties->{$property_name};
        my $rule_value = $values_for_properties->{$property_name};
        my $comparison_function = $self->_comparator_for_operator_and_property($property_meta,
        unless ($comparison_function) {
            Carp::croak("Unknown operator '$operator' in file data source filter");
        push @comparison_for_column, $comparison_function;

    my $split_regex = $self->_regex();

    # FIXME - another performance boost might be to do some kind of binary search
    # against the file to set the initial/next position?
    my $file_pos = 0;

    # search in the offset cache for something helpful
    my $offset_cache = $self->_offset_cache();

    # If the rule doesn't touch the sorted columns, then we can't use the offset cache for help :(
    if ($last_sort_column_in_rule >= 0) {
        # Starting at index 1 because we're interested in the file and seek data, not if it's in use
        # offset 0 is the in-use flag, offset 1 is a ref to the file data and offset 2 is the file seek pos
        for (my $i = 1; $i < @$offset_cache; $i+=3) {
            next unless (defined($offset_cache->[$i]) && defined($offset_cache->[$i+1]));

            $next_candidate_row = $offset_cache->[$i];
            my $matched = 0;
            for (my $c = 0; $c <= $last_sort_column_in_rule; $c++) {
                my $comparison = $comparison_for_column[$c]->();

                next SEARCH_CACHE if $comparison > 0;
                if ($comparison < 0) {
                    $matched = 1;
                    last COMPARE_VALUES;
            # If we made it this far, then the file data in this slot is earlier in the file
            # than the data we're looking for.  So, if the seek pos data is later than what
            # we've found yet, use it instead
            if ($matched and $offset_cache->[$i+1] > $file_pos) {
                $file_pos = $offset_cache->[$i+1];

    if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
        $monitor_start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
        $monitor_printed_first_fetch = 0;
        my @filters_list;
        for (my $i = 0; $i < @rule_columns_in_order; $i++) {
            my $column = $rule_columns_in_order[$i];
            my $column_name = $csv_column_order_names->[$column];
            my $is_sorted = $i <= $last_sort_column_in_rule ? ' (sorted)' : '';
            my $operator = $operators_for_properties->{$column_name} || '=';
            my $rule_value = $values_for_properties->{$column_name};
            if (ref $rule_value eq 'ARRAY') {
                $rule_value = '[' . join(',', @$rule_value) . ']';
            my $filter_string = $column_name . " $operator $rule_value" . $is_sorted;
            push @filters_list, $filter_string;
        my $filter_list = join("\n\t", @filters_list);
        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("\nFILE: %s\nFILTERS %s\n\n", $self->server, $filter_list);

    $self->{'_last_read_fingerprint'} ||= '';

    my $record_separator = $self->record_separator;
    my $cache_slot = $self->_allocate_offset_cache_slot();
    my $cache_insert_counter = 100;  # a "breadcrumb" will be left in the offset cache after this many lines are read

    my $lines_read = 0;
    my $printed_first_match = 0;
    my $lines_matched = 0;

    my $fh;  # File handle we'll be reading from
    my $read_fingerprint;   # The stringified version of $iterator (to avoid circular references), filled in below
    my $iterator = sub {

        unless (ref($fh)) {
            $fh = $self->get_default_handle();
            # Lock the file for reading...  For more fine-grained locking we could move this to
            # after READ_LINE_FROM_FILE: but that would slow down read operations a bit.  If
            # there ends up being a problem with lock contention, go ahead and move it before $line = <$fh>;

        if ($monitor_start_time && ! $monitor_printed_first_fetch) {
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: FIRST FETCH TIME: %.4f s\n", Time::HiRes::time() - $monitor_start_time);
            $monitor_printed_first_fetch = 1;

        if ($self->{'_last_read_fingerprint'} ne $read_fingerprint) {
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: Resetting file position to $file_pos\n") if $ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'};
            # The last read was from a different request, reset the position
            if ($file_pos == 0) {
                my $skip = $self->skip_first_line;
                while ($skip-- > 0) {
            $file_pos = $fh->tell();

            $self->{'_last_read_fingerprint'} = $read_fingerprint;

        local $/;   # Make sure some wise guy hasn't changed this out from under us
        $/ = $record_separator;

        my $line;
        until($line) {
            # Hack for OSX 10.5.
            # At EOF, the getline below will return undef.  Most builds of Perl
            # will also set $! to 0 at EOF so you can distinguish between the cases
            # of EOF (which may have actually happened a while ago because of buffering)
            # and an actual read error.  OSX 10.5's Perl does not, and so $!
            # retains whatever value it had after the last failed syscall, likely 
            # a stat() while looking for a Perl module.  This should have no effect
            # other platforms where you can't trust $! at arbitrary points in time
            # anyway
            $! = 0;
            $line = <$fh>;

            unless (defined $line) {
                if ($!) {
                    redo READ_LINE_FROM_FILE if ($! == EAGAIN or $! == EINTR);
                    my $pathname = $self->server();
                    Carp::confess("getline() failed for DataSource $self pathname $pathname boolexpr $rule: $!");

                # at EOF.  Close up shop and return
                $fh = undef;

                if ($monitor_start_time) {
                    UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: at EOF\nFILE: $lines_read lines read for this request.  $lines_matched matches\nFILE: TOTAL EXECUTE-FETCH TIME: %.4f s\n", Time::HiRes::time() - $monitor_start_time);


            my $last_read_size = length($line);
            chomp $line;
            # FIXME - to support record-oriented files, we need some replacement for this...
            $next_candidate_row = [ split($split_regex, $line, $csv_column_count) ];
            $#{$a} = $csv_column_count-1;

            $file_pos = $fh->tell();
            my $file_pos_before_read = $file_pos - $last_read_size;

            # Every so many lines read, leave a breadcrumb about what we've seen
            unless ($lines_read % $cache_insert_counter) {
                $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+1] = $next_candidate_row;
                $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+2] = $file_pos_before_read;

                # get a new slot
                $cache_slot = $self->_allocate_offset_cache_slot();
                $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+1] = $next_candidate_row;
                $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+2] = $file_pos_before_read;

                $cache_insert_counter <<= 2;  # Double the insert counter

            for (my $i = 0; $i < @rule_columns_in_order; $i++) {
                my $comparison = $comparison_for_column[$i]->();

                if ($comparison > 0 and $i <= $last_sort_column_in_rule) {
                    # We've gone past the last thing that could possibly match

                    if ($monitor_start_time) {
                        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: $lines_read lines read for this request.  $lines_matched matches\nFILE: TOTAL EXECUTE-FETCH TIME: %.4f s\n", Time::HiRes::time() - $monitor_start_time);


                    # Save the info from the last row we read
                    $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+1] = $next_candidate_row;
                    $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+2] = $file_pos_before_read;
                } elsif ($comparison) {
                    # comparison didn't match, read another line from the file
                    redo READ_LINE_FROM_FILE;

                # That comparison worked... stay in the for() loop for other comparisons
            # All the comparisons return '0', meaning they passed

            # Now see if the offset cache file data is different than the row we just read
            foreach my $column ( @sort_order_column_indexes) {
                no warnings 'uninitialized';
                if ($offset_cache->[$cache_slot+1]->[$column] ne $next_candidate_row->[$column]) {
                    # They're different.  Update the offset cache data
                    $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+1] = $next_candidate_row;
                    $offset_cache->[$cache_slot+2] = $file_pos_before_read;
                    last COMPARE_TO_CACHE;

            if (! $printed_first_match and $monitor_start_time) {
                UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: First match after reading $lines_read lines\n");

            return $next_candidate_row;
    }; # end sub $iterator
    $read_fingerprint = $iterator . '';

    Sub::Name::subname('UR::DataSource::File::__datasource_iterator(closure)__', $iterator);

    my $count = $self->_open_query_count() || 0;
    bless $iterator, 'UR::DataSource::File::Tracker';
    $iterator_data_source{$iterator} = $self;
    $iterator_cache_slot_refs{$iterator} = \$cache_slot;
    return $iterator;

sub UR::DataSource::File::Tracker::DESTROY {
    my $iterator = shift;
    my $ds = delete $iterator_data_source{$iterator};
    return unless $ds;   # The data source may have gone out of scope first during global destruction

    my $cache_slot_ref = delete $iterator_cache_slot_refs{$iterator};
    if (defined($cache_slot_ref) and defined($$cache_slot_ref)) {
        # Mark this slot unused
#print STDERR "Freeing cache slot $cache_slot\n";
        #$ds->_offset_cache->[$$cache_slot_ref] = 0;

    my $count = $ds->_open_query_count();

    return unless ($ds->quick_disconnect);
    if ($count == 0) {
	# All open queries have supposedly been fulfilled.  Close the
	# file handle and undef it so get_default_handle() will re-open if necessary
        my $fh = $ds->{'_fh'};

        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: CLOSING fileno ".fileno($fh)."\n") if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'});
	$ds->{'_fh'} = undef;

# Names of creation params that we should force to be listrefs
our %creation_param_is_list = map { $_ => 1 } qw( column_order file_list sort_order constant_values );
sub create_from_inline_class_data {
    my($class, $class_data, $ds_data) = @_;

    # User didn't specify columns in the file.  Assumme every property is a column, and in the same order
    unless (exists $ds_data->{'column_order'}) {
        Carp::croak "data_source has no column_order specified";

    $ds_data->{'server'} ||= $ds_data->{'path'} || $ds_data->{'file'};

    my %ds_creation_params;
    foreach my $param ( qw( delimiter record_separator column_order skip_first_line server file_list sort_order constant_values ) ) {
        if (exists $ds_data->{$param}) {
            if ($creation_param_is_list{$param} and ref($ds_data->{$param}) ne 'ARRAY') {
                $ds_creation_params{$param} = \( $ds_data->{$param} );
            } else {
                $ds_creation_params{$param} = $ds_data->{$param};
    my($namespace, $class_name) = ($class_data->{'class_name'} =~ m/^(\w+?)::(.*)/);
    my $ds_id = "${namespace}::DataSource::${class_name}";
    my $ds_type = delete $ds_data->{'is'};
    my $ds = $ds_type->create( %ds_creation_params, id => $ds_id );
    return $ds;

# The string used to join fields of a row together
# Since the 'delimiter' property is interpreted as a regex in the reading
# code, we'll try to be smart about making a real string from that.
# subclasses can override this to provide a different implementation
sub join_pattern {
    my $self = shift;

    my $join_pattern = $self->delimiter;

    # make some common substitutions...
    if ($join_pattern eq '\s*,\s*') {
        # The default...
        return ', ';

    $join_pattern =~ s/\\s*//g;  # Turn 0-or-more whitespaces to nothing
    $join_pattern =~ s/\\t/\t/;  # tab
    $join_pattern =~ s/\\s/ /;   # whitespace
    return $join_pattern;

sub _sync_database {
    my $self = shift;
    my %params = @_;

    unless (ref($self)) {
        if ($self->isa("UR::Singleton")) {
            $self = $self->_singleton_object;
        else {
            die "Called as a class-method on a non-singleton datasource!";

    my $read_fh = $self->get_default_handle();
    unless ($read_fh) {
        Carp::croak($self->class . ": Can't _sync_database(): Can't open file " . $self->server . " for reading: $!");

    my $original_data_file = $self->server;
    my $original_data_dir  = File::Basename::dirname($original_data_file);
    my $use_quick_rename;
    unless (-d $original_data_dir){
    if (-w $original_data_dir) {
        $use_quick_rename = 1;  # We can write to the data dir
    } elsif (! -w $original_data_file) {
        $self->error_message("Neither the directory nor the file for $original_data_file are writable - cannot sync_database");

    my $split_regex = $self->_regex();
    my $join_pattern = $self->join_pattern;
    my $record_separator = $self->record_separator;
    local $/;   # Make sure some wise guy hasn't changed this out from under us
    $/ = $record_separator;

    my $csv_column_order_names = $self->column_order;
    my $csv_column_count = scalar(@$csv_column_order_names);
    my %column_name_to_index_map;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$csv_column_order_names; $i++) {
        $column_name_to_index_map{$csv_column_order_names->[$i]} = $i;

    my $changed_objects = delete $params{changed_objects};

    # We're going to assumme all the passed-in objects are of the same class *gulp*
    my $class_name = $changed_objects->[0]->class;
    my $class_meta = UR::Object::Type->get(class_name => $class_name);
    my %column_name_to_property_meta = map { $_->column_name => $_ }
                                       grep { $_->column_name }
    my @property_names_in_column_order;
    foreach my $column_name ( @$csv_column_order_names ) {
        my $prop_meta = $column_name_to_property_meta{$column_name};
        unless ($prop_meta) {
            die "Data source " . $self->class . " id " . $self->id . 
                " could not resolve a $class_name property for the data source's column named $column_name";

        push @property_names_in_column_order, $prop_meta->property_name;

    my $insert = [];
    my $update = {};
    my $delete = {};
    foreach my $obj ( @$changed_objects ) {
        if ($obj->isa('UR::Object::Ghost')) {
            # This should be removed from the file
            my $original = $obj->{'db_committed'};
            my $line = join($join_pattern, @{$original}{@property_names_in_column_order}) . $record_separator;
            $delete->{$line} = $obj;

        } elsif ($obj->{'db_committed'}) {
            # This object is changed since it was read in the file
            my $original = $obj->{'db_committed'};
            my $original_line = join($join_pattern, @{$original}{@property_names_in_column_order}) . $record_separator;
            my $changed_line = join($join_pattern, @{$obj}{@property_names_in_column_order}) . $record_separator;
            $update->{$original_line} = $changed_line;
        } else {
            # This object is new and should be added to the file
            push @$insert, [ @{$obj}{@property_names_in_column_order} ];

    my $sort_order_names = $self->sort_order;
    foreach my $sort_column_name ( @$sort_order_names ) {
        unless (exists $column_name_to_index_map{$sort_column_name}) {
            Carp::croak("Column name '$sort_column_name' appears in the sort_order list, but not in the column_order list for data source ".$self->id);
    my $file_is_sorted = scalar(@$sort_order_names);
    my %column_sorts_numerically = map { $_->column_name => $_->is_numeric }
                                   values %column_name_to_property_meta;
    my $row_sort_sub = sub ($$) {
                           my $comparison;

                           foreach my $column_name ( @$sort_order_names ) {
                               my $i = $column_name_to_index_map{$column_name};
                               if ($column_sorts_numerically{$column_name}) {
                                   $comparison = $_[0]->[$i] <=> $_[1]->[$i];
                               } else {
                                   $comparison = $_[0]->[$i] cmp $_[1]->[$i];
                               return $comparison if $comparison != 0;
                           return 0;
    if ($sort_order_names && $file_is_sorted && scalar(@$insert)) {
        # the inserted things should be sorted the same way as the file
        my @sorted = sort $row_sort_sub @$insert;
        $insert = \@sorted;

    my $write_fh;
    my $temp_file_name;
    if ($use_quick_rename) {
        $temp_file_name = sprintf("%s/.%d.%d" , $original_data_dir, time(), $$);
        $write_fh = IO::File->new($temp_file_name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
    } else {
        $write_fh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1);
        $temp_file_name = $write_fh->filename if ($write_fh);
    unless ($write_fh) {
        Carp::croak "Can't create temporary file for writing: $!";

    my $monitor_start_time;
    if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
        $monitor_start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
        my $time = time();
        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("\nFILE: SYNC_DATABASE AT %d [%s].  Started transaction for %s to temp file %s\n",
                                $time, scalar(localtime($time)), $original_data_file, $temp_file_name);


    unless (flock($read_fh,LOCK_SH)) {
        unless ($! == EOPNOTSUPP ) {
            Carp::croak($self->class(). ": Can't get exclusive lock for file ".$self->server.": $!");

    # write headers to the new file
    for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->skip_first_line; $i++) {
        my $line = <$read_fh>;

    my $line;
    while(1) {
        unless ($line) {
            $line = <$read_fh>;
            last unless defined $line;

        if ($file_is_sorted && scalar(@$insert)) {
            # there are sorted things waiting to insert
            my $chomped = $line;
            chomp $chomped;
            my $row = [ split($split_regex, $chomped, $csv_column_count) ];
            my $comparison = $row_sort_sub->($row, $insert->[0]);
            if ($comparison > 0) {
                # write the object's data
                no warnings 'uninitialized';   # Some of the object's data may be undef
                my $new_row = shift @$insert;
                my $new_line = join($join_pattern, @$new_row) . $record_separator;

                if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
                    UR::DBI->sql_fh->print("INSERT >>$new_line<<\n");

                # Don't undef the last line read, meaning it could still be written to the output...
                next READ_A_LINE;

        if (my $obj = delete $delete->{$line}) {
            if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
                UR::DBI->sql_fh->print("DELETE >>$line<<\n");
            $line = undef;
        } elsif (my $changed = delete $update->{$line}) {
            if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
                UR::DBI->sql_fh->print("UPDATE replace >>$line<< with >>$changed<<\n");
            $line = undef;
         } else {
            # This line from the file was unchanged in the app
            $line = undef;

    if (keys %$delete) {
        $self->warning_message("There were ",scalar(keys %$delete)," deleted $class_name objects that did not match data in the file");
    if (keys %$update) {
        $self->warning_message("There were ",scalar(keys %$update)," updated $class_name objects that did not match data in the file");

    # finish out by writing the rest of the new data
    foreach my $new_row ( @$insert ) {
        no warnings 'uninitialized';   # Some of the object's data may be undef
        my $new_line = join($join_pattern, @$new_row) . $record_separator;
        if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->print("INSERT >>$new_line<<\n");
    if ($use_quick_rename) {
        if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->print("FILE: COMMIT rename $temp_file_name over $original_data_file\n");

        unless(rename($temp_file_name, $original_data_file)) {
            $self->error_message("Can't rename the temp file over the original file: $!");
    } else {
        # We have to copy the data from the temp file to the original file

        if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
            UR::DBI->sql_fh->print("FILE: COMMIT write over $original_data_file in place\n");
        my $new_write_fh = IO::File->new($original_data_file, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC);
        unless ($new_write_fh) {
            $self->error_message("Can't open $original_data_file for writing: $!");

        my $temp_file_fh = IO::File->new($temp_file_name);
        unless ($temp_file_fh) {
            $self->error_message("Can't open $temp_file_name for reading: $!");
        while(<$temp_file_fh>) {

    # Because of the rename/copy process during syncing, the previously opened filehandle may
    # not be valid anymore.  get_default_handle will reopen the file next time it's needed
    $self->{_fh} = undef; 

    if ($ENV{'UR_DBI_MONITOR_SQL'}) {
        UR::DBI->sql_fh->printf("FILE: TOTAL COMMIT TIME: %.4f s\n", Time::HiRes::time() - $monitor_start_time);

    flock($read_fh, LOCK_UN);

    # FIXME - this is ugly... With RDBMS-type data sources, they will call $dbh->commit() which
    # gets to UR::DBI->commit(), which calls _set_object_saved_committed for them.  Since we're
    # not using DBI we have to do this 2-part thing ourselves.  In the future, we might break
    # out things so the saving to the temp file goes in _sync_database(), and moving the temp
    # file over the original goes in commit()
    unless ($self->_set_specified_objects_saved_uncommitted($changed_objects)) {
        Carp::croak("Error setting objects to a saved state after sync_database.  Exiting.");

    return 1;


sub initializer_should_create_column_name_for_class_properties {



=head1 NAME

UR::DataSource::File - Parent class for file-based data sources


This module is deprecated.  Use UR::DataSource::Filesystem instead.

  package MyNamespace::DataSource::MyFile;
  class MyNamespace::DataSource::MyFile {
      is => ['UR::DataSource::File', 'UR::Singleton'],
  sub server { '/path/to/file' }
  sub delimiter { "\t" }
  sub column_order { ['thing_id', 'thing_name', 'thing_color' ] }
  sub sort_order { ['thing_id'] }

  package main;
  class MyNamespace::Thing {
      id_by => 'thing_id',
      has => [ 'thing_id', 'thing_name', 'thing_color' ],
      data_source => 'MyNamespace::DataSource::MyFile',
  my @objs = MyNamespace::Thing->get(thing_name => 'Bob');


Classes which wish to retrieve their data from a regular file can use a UR::DataSource::File-based
data source.  The modules implementing these data sources live under the DataSource subdirectory
of the application's Namespace, by convention.  Besides defining a class for your data source
inheriting from UR::DataSource::File, it should have the following methods, either as properties
or functions in the package.

=head2 Configuration

These methods determine the configuration for your data source.

=over 4

=item server()

server() should return a string representing the pathname of the file where the data is stored.

=item file_list()

The file_list() method should return a listref of pathnames to one or more identical files
where data is stored.   Use file_list() instead of server() when you want to load-balance several NFS
servers, for example.

You must have either server() or file_list() in your module, but not both.  The existence of server()
takes precedence over file_list().

=item delimiter()

delimiter() should return a string representing how the fields in each record are split into
columns.  This string is interpreted as a regex internally.  The default delimiter is "\s*,\s*"
meaning that the file is separated by commas.

=item record_separator()

record_separator() should return a string that gets stored in $/ before getline() is called on the
file's filehandle.  The default record_separator() is "\n" meaning that the file's records are 
separated by newlines.

=item skip_first_line()

skip_first_line() should return a boolean value.  If true, the first line of the file is ignored, for
example if the first line defines the columns in the file.

=item column_order()

column_order() should return a listref of column names in the file.  column_order is required; there
is no default.

=item sort_order()

If the data file is sorted in some way, sort_order() should return a listref of column names (which must
exist in column_order()) by which the file is sorted.  This gives the system a hint about how the file
is structured, and is able to make shortcuts when reading the file to speed up data access.  The default
is to assumme the file is not sorted.




=head1 SEE ALSO

UR, UR::DataSource
