package UR::Namespace;

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;

require UR;
our $VERSION = "0.43"; # UR $VERSION;

    class_name => 'UR::Namespace',
    is => ['UR::Singleton'],
    is_abstract => 1,
    has => [
        domain => { 
            is => 'Text',
            is_optional => 1,
            len => undef,
            doc => "DNS domain name associated with the namespace in question",
        allow_sloppy_primitives => { 
            is => 'Boolean', 
            default_value => 1,
            doc => 'when true, unrecognized data types will function as UR::Value::SloppyPrimitive' 
        method_resolution_order => {
            is => 'Text',
            value => ($^V lt v5.9.5 ? 'dfs' : 'c3'),
            valid_values => ($^V lt v5.9.5 ? ['dfs'] : ['dfs', 'c3']),
            doc => 'Method Resolution Order to use for this namespace. C3 is only supported in Perl >= 5.9.5.',
    doc => 'The class for a singleton module representing a UR namespace.',

sub get_member_class {
    my $self = shift;
    return UR::Object::Type->get(@_);

# FIXME  These should change to using the namespace metadata DB when
# that's in place, rather than trolling through the directory tree
sub get_material_classes {
    my $self = shift->_singleton_object;
    my @classes;
    if (my $cached = $self->{material_classes}) {
        @classes = map { UR::Object::Type->get($_) } @$cached;
    else {
        my @names;
        for my $class_name ($self->_get_class_names_under_namespace()) {
            my $class = eval { UR::Object::Type->get($class_name) };
            next unless $class;
            push @classes, $class;
            push @names, $class_name;
        $self->{material_classes} = \@names;
    return @classes;

# Subclasses can override this method to tell the dynamic module loader 
# whether it should go ahead and load the given module name or not.
# The default behavior is to go ahead and try for them all
sub should_dynamically_load_class {
    # my($self,$class_name) = @_;
    return 1;

sub get_material_class_names
    return map {$_->class_name} $_[0]->get_material_classes();

# Returns data source objects for all the data sources of the namespace
sub get_data_sources
    my $class = shift;
    if ($class eq 'UR' or (ref($class) and $class->id eq 'UR')) {
        return 'UR::DataSource::Meta';  # UR only has 1 "real" data source, the other stuff in that dir are base classes

    } else {
        my %found;
        my $namespace_name = $class->class;

        foreach my $inc ( @main::INC ) {
            my $path = join('/', $inc,$namespace_name,'DataSource');
            if (-d $path) {
                foreach ( glob($path . '/*.pm') ) { 
                    my($module_name) = m/DataSource\/([^\/]+)\.pm$/;
                    my $ds_class_name = $namespace_name . '::DataSource::' . $module_name;
                    $found{$ds_class_name} = 1;
        my @data_sources = map { $_->get() } keys(%found);
        return @data_sources;

sub get_base_contexts
    return shift->_get_class_names_under_namespace("Context");

sub get_vocabulary
    my $class = shift->_singleton_class_name;
    return $class . "::Vocabulary";

sub get_base_directory_name
    my $class = shift->_singleton_class_name;
    my $dir = $class->__meta__->module_path;
    $dir =~ s/\.pm$//;
    return $dir;

sub get_deleted_module_directory_name
    my $self = shift;
    my $meta = $self->__meta__;
    my $path = $meta->module_path;
    $path =~ s/.pm$//g;
    $path .= "/.deleted";
    return $path;

# FIXME This is misnamed...
# It really returns all the package names under the specified directory
# (assumming the packages defined in the found files are named like the
# pathname of the file), not just those that implement classes
sub _get_class_names_under_namespace
    my $class = shift->_singleton_class_name;
    my $subdir = shift;

    Carp::confess if ref($class);

    my $dir = $class->get_base_directory_name;

    my $namespace_dir;
    if (defined($subdir) and length($subdir)) {
        $namespace_dir = join("/",$dir, $subdir);
    else {
        $namespace_dir = $dir;

    my $namespace = $class;
    my %class_names;

    my $preprocess = sub {
        if ($File::Find::dir =~ m/\/t$/) {
            return ();
        } elsif (-e ($File::Find::dir . "/UR_IGNORE")) {
            return ();
        } else {
            return @_;

    my $wanted = sub {
        return if -d $File::Find::name;                   # not interested in directories
        return if $File::Find::name =~ /\/\.deleted\//;   # .deleted directories are created by ur update classes
        return if -e $File::Find::name . '/UR_IGNORE';    # ignore a whole directory?
        return unless $File::Find::name =~ m/\.pm$/;      # must be a perl module
        return unless $File::Find::name =~ m/.*($namespace\/.*)\.pm/;

        my $try_class = $1;
        return if $try_class =~ m([^\w/]);  # Skip names that make for illegal package names.  Must be word chars or a /
        $try_class =~ s/\//::/g;
        $class_names{$try_class} = 1 if $try_class;

    my @dirs_to_search = @INC;
    my $path_to_check = $namespace;
    $path_to_check .= "/$subdir" if $subdir;

    @dirs_to_search = map($_ . '/' . $path_to_check, @dirs_to_search); # only look in places with namespace_name as a subdir
    unshift(@dirs_to_search, $namespace_dir) if (-d $namespace_dir);

    @dirs_to_search = grep { $_ =~ m/\/$path_to_check/ and -d $_ }
    return unless @dirs_to_search;
    find({ wanted => $wanted, preprocess => $preprocess }, @dirs_to_search);
    return sort keys %class_names;



=head1 NAME 

UR::Namespace - Manage collections of packages and classes


In a file called

  use UR;
      class_name => 'MyApp',
      is => 'UR::Namespace',

Other programs, as well as modules in the MyApp subdirectory can now put

  use MyApp;

in their code, and they will have access to all the classes and data under
the MyApp tree.  


A UR namespace is the top-level object that represents your data's class
structure in the most general way.  After use-ing a namespace module, the
program gets access to the module autoloader, which will automatically use
modules on your behalf if you attempt to interact with their packages in
a UR-y way, such as calling get().

Most programs will not interact with the Namespace, except to C<use> its

=head1 Methods

=over 4

=item get_material_classes

  my @class_metas = $namespace->get_material_classes();

Return a list of L<UR::Object::Type> class metadata object that exist in
the given Namespace.  Note that this uses File::Find to find C<*.pm> files
under the Namespace directory and calls C<UR::Object::Type-E<gt>get($name)>
for each package name to get the autoloader to use the package.  It's likely
to be pretty slow.

=item get_material_class_names

  my @class_names = $namespace->get_material_class_names()

Return just the names of the classes produced by C<get_material_classes>.

=item get_data_sources

  my @data_sources = $namespace->get_data_sources()

Return the data source objects it finds defined under the DataSource
subdirectory of the namespace.

=item get_base_directory_name

  my $path = $namespace->get_base_directory_name()

Returns the directory path where the Namespace module was loaded from.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<UR::Object::Type>, L<UR::DataSource>, L<UR::Context>
