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use File::Basename;
use lib File::Basename::dirname(__FILE__)."/../../../lib";
use lib File::Basename::dirname(__FILE__)."/../..";
use UR;

use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
plan tests => 43;

use File::Temp;


foreach my $class_name ( qw( URT::Office URT::Office2 URT::Employee
                             URT::Employee2 URT::Employee3 URT::Employee4 )) {
    my $class_meta = UR::Object::Type->get($class_name);
    ok($class_meta, "Loaded class meta for $class_name");

    my @ds_name_parts = $class_name =~ m/^(\w+)::(.*)/;
    my $expected_ds_name = join('::', shift(@ds_name_parts), 'DataSource', @ds_name_parts);
    is($class_meta->{'data_source_id'}, $expected_ds_name, "It has a data source named");

#    my $ds_meta = UR::DataSource->get($class_meta->data_source);
#    ok($ds_meta, 'Loaded data source meta object');

# Try reading from the multi-file data source
my $an_office = URT::Office2->get(office_id => 1);
ok($an_office, 'Got office with id 1');
is($an_office->address, '123 Main St', 'Address is correct');

foreach my $emp_class ( qw( URT::Employee URT::Employee2 URT::Employee3 URT::Employee4 )) {
    my $employee = $emp_class->get(division => 'Europe', department => 'RnD', office_address => '345 Fake St');
    ok($employee, "Loaded a $emp_class employee by address (delegated property)");
    is($employee->emp_id, 5, 'emp_id is correct');
    is($employee->name, 'John', 'name is correct');
    is($employee->division, 'Europe', 'division is correct');
    is($employee->department, 'RnD', 'department is correct');

my $employee;
$employee = eval { URT::Employee->get(); };
ok(!$employee, 'Correctly could not URT::Employee->get() with no params');
like($@, qr/Can't resolve data source: no division specified in rule/, "Error message mentions 'division' property");

my $error_message;
UR::DataSource::FileMux->error_messages_callback(sub { $DB::single=1; $error_message = $_[1]; });
$employee = eval { URT::Employee->get(division => 'NorthAmerica') };
ok(!$employee, 'Correctly could not URT::Employee->get() with only division');
like($@, qr/Can't resolve data source: no department specified in rule/, "Error message mentions 'department' property");
like($error_message, qr(Recursive entry.*URT::Employee), 'Error message did mention recursive call trapped');

my @employees = eval { URT::Employee->get(division => 'NorthAmerica', department => 'sales') };
ok(! scalar(@employees), 'URT::Employee->get() with non-existent department correctly returns no objects');
is($@, '', 'Correctly, no error message was generated');

@employees = eval { URT::Employee->get(division => 'NorthAmerica', department => 'finance') };
is(scalar(@employees), 3, 'Loaded 3 employees from NorthAmerica/finance');

eval {
        class_name => 'URT::MissingColumnOrder',
        id_by => [
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            address => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            is => 'UR::DataSource::File',
            file_list => \@office_data_files,
ok($@, "missing column_order throws an exception");

sub setup_files_and_classes {

    our $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir('inline_ds_XXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
    mkdir $tmp_dir;
    mkdir "${tmp_dir}/NorthAmerica";
    mkdir "${tmp_dir}/Europe";

    @office_data_files = ("${tmp_dir}/offices.csv", "${tmp_dir}/offices2.csv");
    #our @files_to_remove_later = ( @office_data_files );
    # Fill in the data
    foreach my $name ( @office_data_files ) {
        my $f = IO::File->new(">$name");
        $f->print("1, 123 Main St\n");
        $f->print("4, 345 Fake St\n");
        $f->print("5, 1 Office Complex Ct\n");
        $f->print("100, One Hundred\n");
        $f->print("123, 123 Main St\n");
        $f->print("350, The Penthouse\n");
    # Yer basic datasource
        class_name => 'URT::Office',
        id_by => [
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            address => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            # This one fills in all the required info
            is => 'UR::DataSource::File',
            file => $office_data_files[0],
            column_order => ['office_id', 'address'],
            sort_order => ['office_id'],
            skip_first_line => 0,
    # This one discovers columns and sort columns from the class data, and 
    # can read from a list of files
        class_name => 'URT::Office2',
        id_by => [
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            address => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            is => 'UR::DataSource::File',
            column_order => ['office_id', 'address'],
            file_list => \@office_data_files,   
    unshift @files_to_remove_later, &employee_file_resolver('NorthAmerica','finance');
    $f = IO::File->new(">$files_to_remove_later[0]");

    unshift @files_to_remove_later, &employee_file_resolver('Europe', 'RnD');
    $f = IO::File->new(">$files_to_remove_later[0]");
    # This one pivots between the two files create above with a function
        class_name => 'URT::Employee',
        id_by => [
            'emp_id' => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            name => { is => 'String' },
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
            office => { is => 'URT::Office', id_by => 'office_id' },
            office_address => { via => 'office', to => 'address' },
            division => { is => 'String' },
            department => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            is => 'UR::DataSource::FileMux',
            delimiter => "\t",
            column_order => [ 'emp_id', 'name', 'office_id' ],
            sort_order   => [ 'emp_id' ],
            constant_values => ['division','department'],
            required_for_get => ['division', 'department'],
            resolve_path_with => \&employee_file_resolver,

    # This one is the same as above, but uses alternate syntax with 'resolve_path_with'
        class_name => 'URT::Employee2',
        id_by => [
            'emp_id' => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            name => { is => 'String' },
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
            office => { is => 'URT::Office', id_by => 'office_id' },
            office_address => { via => 'office', to => 'address' },
            division => { is => 'String' },
            department => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            is => 'UR::DataSource::FileMux',
            delimiter => "\t",
            column_order => [ qw( emp_id name office_id ) ],
            sort_order   => [ 'emp_id' ],
            resolve_path_with => [\&employee_file_resolver, 'division', 'department'],

    # This one uses resolve_path_with with a base_path and list of properties
        class_name => 'URT::Employee3',
        id_by => [
            'emp_id' => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            name => { is => 'String' },
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
            office => { is => 'URT::Office', id_by => 'office_id' },
            office_address => { via => 'office', to => 'address' },
            division => { is => 'String' },
            department => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            is => 'UR::DataSource::FileMux',
            delimiter => "\t",
            column_order => [ qw( emp_id name office_id ) ],
            sort_order   => [ 'emp_id' ],
            base_path => $tmp_dir,
            resolve_path_with => ['division','department'],

    # This one uses resolve_path_with with an sprintf format
        class_name => 'URT::Employee4',
        id_by => [
            'emp_id' => { is => 'Integer' },
        has => [
            name => { is => 'String' },
            office_id => { is => 'Integer' },
            office => { is => 'URT::Office', id_by => 'office_id' },
            office_address => { via => 'office', to => 'address' },
            division => { is => 'String' },
            department => { is => 'String' },
        data_source => {
            is => 'UR::DataSource::FileMux',
            delimiter => "\t",
            column_order => [ qw( emp_id name office_id ) ],
            sort_order   => [ 'emp_id' ],
            resolve_path_with => ["${tmp_dir}/%s/%s", 'division','department'],

sub employee_file_resolver {
    my($division, $department) = @_;
    our $tmp_dir;