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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use_ok 'Cache::Ref::FIFO';

    my $c = Cache::Ref::FIFO->new( size => 3 );

    isa_ok( $c, "Cache::Ref" );

    $c->set( foo => "blah" );
    is( $c->get("foo"), "blah", "foo in cache" );

    $c->set( bar => "lala" );
    is( $c->get("foo"), "blah", "foo still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("bar"), "lala", "bar in cache" );

    $c->set( baz => "blob" );
    is( $c->get("foo"), "blah", "foo still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("bar"), "lala", "bar still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("baz"), "blob", "baz in cache" );

    $c->set( zot => "quxx" );
    is( $c->get("foo"), undef, "foo no longer in cache" );
    is( $c->get("bar"), "lala", "bar still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("baz"), "blob", "baz still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("zot"), "quxx", "zot in cache" );

    $c->set( baz => "jsd" );
    $c->set( quxx => "dancing" );
    is( $c->get("foo"), undef, "foo no longer in cache" );
    is( $c->get("bar"), undef, "bar no longer in cache" );
    is( $c->get("baz"), "jsd", "baz still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("zot"), "quxx", "zot still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("quxx"), "dancing", "quxx in cache" );


    is( $c->get("foo"), undef, "foo no longer in cache" );
    is( $c->get("bar"), undef, "bar no longer in cache" );
    is( $c->get("baz"), "jsd", "baz still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("zot"), "quxx", "zot still in cache" );
    is( $c->get("quxx"), undef, "quxx removed from cache" );

    is_deeply( [ $c->get(qw(baz zot nothere)) ], [ qw(jsd quxx), undef ], "mget" );

    is( $c->_index_size, 2, "two elements in cache" );

    $c->set( $_ => $_ ) for 1 .. 3;
    is( $c->get($_), $_, "get $_" ) for 1 .. 3;

    is( $c->_index_size, 3, "refilled" );


    is( $c->_index_size, 1, "expired" );


    is( $c->_index_size, 0, "no elements in cache" );

    my $c = Cache::Ref::FIFO->new( size => 5 );

    my ( $hit, $miss ) = ( 0, 0 );

    for ( 1 .. 2000 ) {
        my $key = 1 + int rand 8;

        if ( $c->get($key) ) {
        } else {
            $c->set($key => $key);

    cmp_ok( $hit, '>=', $miss, "more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma ($hit >= $miss)" );

    ( $hit, $miss ) = ( 0, 0 );

    for ( 1 .. 100 ) {
        foreach my $key ( 1 .. 10 ) {
            if ( $c->get($key) ) {
            } else {
                $c->set($key => $key);

    cmp_ok( $hit, '<=', $c->size * 3, "no significant hits during linear scans ($hit)" );


# ex: set sw=4 et: