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#!/usr/bin/perl -w 

use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use SVG::Metadata;

# Cmdline options
our $opt_version      = 0;
our $opt_help         = 0;
our $opt_man          = 0;
our $opt_debug        = 1;
our $opt_author       = '';
our $opt_owner        = '';
our $opt_license      = '';
our $opt_title        = 'Clipart by <AUTHOR> - <FILEBASE>';
our $opt_delete       = 0;

Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_ignore_case");
           "version|V",      # Prints the version and exits
           "help|h",         # Prints a brief help message
           "man",            # Prints extended help
	   "debug|D=i",      # Prints debug messages
           ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitstatus => 0);

if ($opt_version) {
    print "$SVG::Metadata::VERSION\n";
    exit 0;

pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitstatus => 0) if ($opt_man);
pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitstatus => 0) if ($opt_help);
pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitstatus => 0) if (@ARGV<1);

my $Annote_meta;

sub main {
    $opt_author ||= 'Bryce Harrington';
    $opt_owner  ||= $opt_author;

    $Annote_meta = new SVG::Metadata();

    print $Annote_meta->to_rdf();

    return 1;

sub process_file {
    my $file = shift;
    my $svgmeta = shift || die "No svgmeta object passed to process_file\n";

    warn "Processing file '$file'\n" if $opt_debug>0;

    my ($fn,$dir,$ext)  = fileparse($file, '\..*?');

    if ($svgmeta->title() =~ /</) {
	my $title     = $svgmeta->title();
	my $author    = $svgmeta->author();
	my $owner     = $svgmeta->owner();
	my $localtime = localtime();
	my $gmtime    = gmtime();
	$title =~ s/<FILENAME>/$file/g;
	$title =~ s/<FILEBASE>/$fn/g;
	$title =~ s/<FILEEXT>/$ext/g;
	$title =~ s/<DIR>/$dir/g;
	$title =~ s/<AUTHOR>/$author/g;
	$title =~ s/<OWNER>/$owner/g;
	$title =~ s/<LOCALTIME>/$localtime/g;
	$title =~ s/<GMTIME>/$gmtime/g;

    my $tmpfile = $fn . ".tmp";

    if (!open(OLDSVGFILE, "<$file")) {
	warn "Could not open '$file' for reading:  $!\n";
	return 0;
    if (!open(NEWSVGFILE, ">$tmpfile")) {
	warn "Could not open '$file' for writing:  $!\n";
	return 0;

    my $seen_rdf = 0;
    while (<OLDSVGFILE>) {
	if (m|</svg>| && ! $seen_rdf) {
	    print NEWSVGFILE $svgmeta->to_rdf();
	} elsif (m|</rdf:RDF>|i or m|</rdf>|i) {
	    $seen_rdf = 1;
	print NEWSVGFILE $_;

    close(OLDSVGFILE) or warn "Could not close '$file': $!\n";
    close(NEWSVGFILE) or warn "Could not close '$file': $!\n";
    if (! rename($file, "$file.orig")) {
	warn "Could not rename $file to $file.orig: $!\n";
	return 0;
    if (! rename($tmpfile, $file)) {
	warn "Could not rename $tmpfile to $file: $!\n";
	return 0;

    # TODO:  Validate the file
    my $newsvgmeta = new SVG::Metadata;

    return 1;

sub remove_rdf {
    my $file = shift;

    warn "Removing metadata from '$file'\n" if $opt_debug>0;

    my ($fn,$dir,$ext)  = fileparse($file, '\..*?');
    my $tmpfile = $fn . ".tmp";

    if (!open(OLDSVGFILE, "<$file")) {
	warn "Could not open '$file' for reading:  $!\n";
	return 0;
    if (!open(NEWSVGFILE, ">$tmpfile")) {
	warn "Could not open '$file' for writing:  $!\n";
	return 0;

    # Undef newline as line separator so the read is the whole file
    undef $/;
    while (<OLDSVGFILE>) {
	$_ =~ s|<metadata.*?</metadata>||gs;
	$_ =~ s|<rdf:RDF.*?</rdf:RDF>||gs;
	$_ =~ s|<rdf.*?</rdf>||gs;
	print NEWSVGFILE $_;

    close(OLDSVGFILE) or warn "Could not close '$file': $!\n";
    close(NEWSVGFILE) or warn "Could not close '$file': $!\n";
    if (! rename($file, "$file.orig")) {
	warn "Could not rename $file to $file.orig: $!\n";
	return 0;
    if (! rename($tmpfile, $file)) {
	warn "Could not rename $tmpfile to $file: $!\n";
	return 0;

    return 1;

exit main();


=head1 NAME

svg_annotate - Adds RDF metadata to an SVG file.  This script scans
files and directories for SVG files and if they lack embedded RDF
metadata, inserts it.


svg_annotate [OPTIONS] [file1[, file2]] [subdir1[, subdir2...]]

 -V, --version     Displays version info for the script
 -h, --help        This help screen
 -D, --debug=N     Reports debugging info (1=sparse, 3=tons)
 -a, --author=s    Name of the author to use in the RDF
 -o, --owner=s     Name of the owner to use in the RDF
 -l, --license=s   License URL to use in the RDF
 -t, --title=s     Title string to use in the RDF
     --delete      Removes the RDF section(s) from the SVG file(s)


This script uses SVG::Metadata to annotate RDF metadata to one or more
SVG files.  It checks to be sure the file does not already contain an
RDF section (in which case it skips the file), and if not, places an RDF
section at the end of the file, just before the closing </svg> tag.

The purpose of this script is to enable artists with large collections
of images to quickly and easily annotate entire trees of files with
metadata.  The main aim of this is to assist the artists of the Open 
Clip Art Library (


Annotate all the items in or under the current directory, with da Vinci
as the artist.  By default, license is Public Domain, and for
'my_file.svg', title is set to "Leonardo da Vinci - my_file":

  svg_annotate -a 'Leonardo da Vinci' .

Add RDF with specified author, license, and title for the SVG files in
the current directory:

  svg_annotate *.svg \
     -a 'Leonardo da Vinci' \
     -l '' \
     -t 'Mona Lisa (<FILENAME>)'

svg_annotate allows several fill-ins to be used in the title field:

    <FILENAME>  - the full filename of the file
    <FILEBASE>  - the basename of the filename (the part before the extension)
    <FILEEXT>   - the extension of the filename (usually always svg)
    <DIR>       - the directory path to the file
    <AUTHOR>    - the name of the author of the file
    <OWNER>     - the name of the owner of the file
    <LOCALTIME> - the current date and time
    <GMTIME>    - the current date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format

It is also possible to delete the RDF from one or more files, using the
C<--delete> flag.  For instance:

  svg_annotate --delete  *.svg

This will work recursively into any directories specified on the
commandline, working on any *.svg files it finds in the indicated
directory tree.  E.g.:

  svg_annotate --delete  my_svg_files/

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-V>, B<--version>

Displays the version information about the script.

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Prints a brief help message with option summary.

=item B<-D> I<N>, B<--debug>=I<N>

Prints debug messages.  This expects a numerical argument corresponding
to the debug message verbosity.

=item B<-a> I<author>, B<--author>=I<author>

Specifies the name of the author to use for the RDF.  Remember to use quotes if
you wish to specify a multi-word name.  E.g., --author="Bryce W. Harrington".

=item B<-a> I<owner>, B<--owner>=I<owner>

The owner for the file.  Typically the same as the author.

=item B<-a> I<license>, B<--license>=I<license>

The license URL to use for the file.  See the Creative Common's site for
typical licenses.  By default it uses the Public Domain license, 

=item B<-a> I<title>, B<--title>=I<title>

The title to use for all the indicated files.  Note that several fill-in
parameters are included, for a little dynamism (see DESCRIPTION, above).

=item B<--delete>

Causes svg_annotate to operate in RDF-deletion mode.  Instead of adding
RDF, the script will instead parse the SVG file and remove any metadata
sections, as distinguished by the tags <rdf>, <rdf:RDF>, or <metadata>.







Text Processing::Filters

=head1 BUGS

For licenses other than Public Domain, it screws up the Rights section.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<SVG::Metadata>, L<inkscape>, L<XML::Twig>

=head1 AUTHOR

Bryce Harrington E<lt>bryce@bryceharrington.orgE<gt>



Copyright (C) 2004 Bryce Harrington.
All Rights Reserved.

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
