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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::Simple;
use WWW::RobotRules;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Path;
use WWW::PkgFind;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.00';

# Config variables
our $opt_version      = 0;
our $opt_help         = 0;
our $opt_man          = 0;
our $opt_debug        = 1;
our $opt_destination  = ".";
our $opt_queue        = undef;
our $opt_agent_desc   = "";
our $opt_name         = '';
our $opt_url          = '';
our $opt_depth        = 3;
our $opt_wanted       = '';
our $opt_notwanted    = '';

# Commandline option processing

Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_ignore_case");
           "version|V",         # Prints the version and exits
           "help|h",            # Prints a brief help message
           "man",               # Prints a manual page (detailed help)
           "debug|D=i",         # Prints debug messages
           "destination|d=s",   # Location to store downloads to
           "name|n=s",          # package name
           "url|u=s",           # Url to parse
           "depth|p=i",         # Depth to follow links for packages 
           "wanted|w=s",        # Wanted file type
           "notwanted|W=s",     # Not wanted file types
	   "queue|q=s",         # Location to create a new download queue
	   "agent-desc=s",      # Comment for the user agent string
           ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitstatus => 0);

if ($opt_version) {
    print "$VERSION\n";
    exit 0;

pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitstatus => 0) if ($opt_man);
pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitstatus => 0) if ($opt_help);

die "Error:  No such destination directory '$opt_destination'\n"
    unless (-d $opt_destination);

if (defined $opt_queue) {
    die "Error:  No such queue directory '$opt_queue'\n"
        unless (-d $opt_queue);

my $hostname   = `hostname` || "nameless";  chomp $hostname;
my $user_agent = "package_retriever/$VERSION $hostname spider $opt_agent_desc";
my $rules      = WWW::RobotRules->new("$0/$VERSION");
my %robot_urls;

exit main();

sub main {
    my $Pkg;

    if ($opt_name and $opt_url) {
        # try to process anything from commandline first
        warn "Processing from commandline\n" if $opt_debug>2;
        $Pkg = new WWW::PkgFind($opt_name);

        $Pkg->depth           ( $opt_depth     );
        $Pkg->parent_url      ( $opt_url       );
        $Pkg->active_urls     ( $opt_url       );
        $Pkg->wanted_regex    ( $opt_wanted    );
        $Pkg->not_wanted_regex( $opt_notwanted );
        $Pkg->set_create_queue( $opt_queue     );
        $Pkg->set_debug       ( $opt_debug     );

        warn "Retrieving...\n" if $opt_debug>2;
        warn "Finished.\n" if $opt_debug>2;
        return 0;
    while (<>) {
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*PACKAGE:\s+(.+)$|i) {
            my $package_name = $1;
            if ($Pkg
                and defined $Pkg->package_name()
                and         $Pkg->parent_url()) {
                # Process the package we've loaded so far
                warn "# Retrieving packages...\n" if $opt_debug>1;
                warn "Finished.\n" if $opt_debug>2;

            # Start a new package
            $Pkg = new WWW::PkgFind($package_name);
            $Pkg->set_create_queue( $opt_queue     );
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*URL:\s+(.+)$|i) {
            my $url = $1;
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*DEPTH:\s*(\d+)|i) {
        # Load the wanted regex's
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*WANTED:\s*(.+)$|i) {
            warn "Found a WANTED regex...\n" if $opt_debug>2;
        # Load the not wanted regex's
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*NOTWANTED:\s*(.+)$|i) {
            warn "Found a NOTWANTED regex...\n" if $opt_debug>2;
        # Load the mirrors, if any
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*MIRRORS:\s*(.+)$|i) {
            warn "Found MIRRORS list...\n" if $opt_debug>2;
            my @mirrors = split /,/, $1;
        # Load the mirrors, if any
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*MIRROR_URL:\s*(.+)$|i) {
            warn "Found a MIRROR_URL...\n" if $opt_debug>2;
        # Load the rename regex's
        if ($_ =~ m|^\s*RENAME:\s*(.+)$|i) {

    # Load the last package if it isn't already
    if ($Pkg->parent_url() && ! $Pkg->processed()) {
    return 0;


=head1 NAME

B<pkgfind> - Spiders given URL(s) downloading wanted files


pkgfind -d /tmp/mydir -n hello -u -p 1 -w "hello-[\d\.]+\.tar\.gz"


package_retriever scans a web or ftp site for newly posted files and
downloads them to a local filesystem.  It then prints out the file names
of the files it downloads to stdout, suitable for passing to other tools
in a pipe.

Specify the conditions to package_retriever's stdin, in this form:

 PACKAGE:     hotplug_cpu
 DEPTH:       2
 WANTED:      patch-2\.6.*gz
 NOTWANTED:   patch-2\.6\.[89].*gz
 NOTWANTED:   patch-.*test\d*\.gz
 MIRRORS:     ufpr,jaist,superb-east,surfnet,mesh

The parameters allowed are as follows:

PACKAGE - A tag name.  A subdirectory will be created by this name and
the files placed into it.  This also indicates the start of a new
package definition, if you wish to define multiple packages in your

URL - The website or ftp site to scan.

DEPTH - The number of subdirectories to descend during the search.  If
not specified, a depth of 5 is assumed.

WANTED - A Perl Regular Expression indicating filenames that should be
accepted.  Multiple WANTED expressions can be used; the file must match
at least ONE of these.

NOTWANTED - A Perl Regular Expression indicating filenames to ignore.
Multiple NOTWANTED expressions can be used; the file must not match
ANY of these.

MIRRORS - Causes MIRROR_URL, or URL if MIRROR_URL is not defined, to be
modified to include a randomly selected mirror by substituting the
strings "MIRROR" and "FILENAME".  For example, to download a package
from SourceForge, set URL to
"", then construct
your MIRROR_URL like
"", and set
MIRRORS to "switch,kent,mesh,surfnet" or whatever; pkgfind will select
one of those four mirrors randomly and plug it into the URL.

MIRROR_URL - If this and MIRRORS is defined, will cause WWW::PkgFind to
download packages from a url constructed by taking MIRROR_URL and
substituting a randomly selected item from MIRRORS for the string

RENAME - Allows specifying a regular expression to do a rename on the
package after it is downloaded.

The motivation for this script is to poll places where developers post
patches to software we're testing.  The patches are then placed in a
directory where other tools can pick them up and invoke regression
tests on them, as appropriate.

This script was heavily derived from Judith Lebzelter's SourceSync
module in the OSDL Patch Lifecycle Manager (PLM).  Aside from 
breaking it out into a stand-alone tool, the other major change is
the use of a plain text input file rather than a SQL database.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-V>, B<--version>

Prints the version and exits.

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Prints a brief help message with option summary.

=item B<--man>

Prints a manual page (detailed help).  Same as `perdoc tgen`

=item B<-D> I<N>, B<--debug>=I<N>

Prints debug messages.  This expects a numerical argument corresponding
to the debug message verbosity.

=item B<-d> I<path>, B<--destination>=I<path>

The directory path to store the downloads.  The current directory is
assumed by default.  Subdirectories will be created for the packages
specified in the input file.

=item B<--agent-desc>=I<descriptive-comment>

Allows specification of a user agent comment.  The user agent appears
in the logs of the site that package_retriever accesses as something

  package_retriever/1.00 I<hostname> spider I<descriptive-comment>

The descriptive comment is used to communicate the purpose of pulling
packages from the site.  For example, you may wish to provide a URL to
the location where the results from testing the package are posted, or
a page showing contact information about you.

=item B<-n> <packagename>, B<--n>=<packagename>

The name of the package.

=item B<-u> <url>, B<--url>=<url>

The url to parse for packages.

=item B<-p> <depth>, B<--depth>=<depth>

The depth to parse for packages.

=item B<-w> <wanted>, B<--wanted>=<wanted>

The file type you want saved.

=item B<-W> <notwanted>, B<--notwanted>=<notwanted>

The file types you do not want saved.



This script requires the following perl modules: 



=head1 BUGS

None known.

=head1 AUTHOR

Bryce Harrington E<lt>bryce@osdl.orgE<gt>



Copyright (C) 2005 Bryce Harrington, OSDL.
Copyright (C) 2005 Jon Phillips.
All Rights Reserved.

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


Revision: $Revision: 1.4 $
