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# Module implementing the semantic relatedness measure described 
# by Banerjee and Pedersen(2002)
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011,
# Bridget T McInnes, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
# bthomson at
# Siddharth Patwardhan, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
# sidd at
# Serguei Pakhomov, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
# pakh002 at
# Ted Pedersen, University of Minnesota, Duluth
# tpederse at
# Ying Liu, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
# liux0935 at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to 
# The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
# Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

package UMLS::Similarity::lesk;

use strict;
use warnings;

use UMLS::Similarity;
use Text::OverlapFinder;
use Lingua::Stem::En;
use UMLS::Similarity::ErrorHandler;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.07';

my $compoundfile = ""; 
my $debugfile  = ""; 
my $stoplist   = "";
my $stopregex  = "";
my $finder     = "";
my $dictfile   = "";
my $doubledef  = "";
my $defraw_option = 0;
my $stem	   = "";
my $stemmed_words = "";
my $score 		= 0;
my %dictionary = ();
my %ddef       = ();
my %complist = ();


sub new
    my $className = shift;

    return undef if(ref $className);

    my $interface = shift;
    my $params    = shift;

    $params = {} if(!defined $params);

    $stoplist     = $params->{'stoplist'};
    $debugfile    = $params->{'debugfile'};
    $dictfile     = $params->{'dictfile'};
    $doubledef    = $params->{'doubledef'};
    $stem	  = $params->{'stem'};	
    $compoundfile = $params->{'compoundfile'};	

    my $defraw     = $params->{'defraw'};

    my $self = {};
    # Bless the object.
    bless($self, $className);

    #  set the finder handler
    $finder = Text::OverlapFinder->new;
    # The backend interface object.
    $self->{'interface'} = $interface;

    #  check the configuration file if defined
    my $errorhandler = UMLS::Similarity::ErrorHandler->new("lesk",  $interface);
    if(!$errorhandler) {
	print STDERR "The UMLS::Similarity::ErrorHandler did not load properly\n";

    if(defined $defraw) { 
	$defraw_option = 1;

    if(defined $debugfile) { 
	if(-e $debugfile) {
	    print "Debug file $debugfile already exists! Overwrite (Y/N)? ";
	    my $reply = <STDIN>;
	    chomp $reply;
	    $reply = uc $reply;
	    exit 0 if ($reply ne "Y");
	open(DEBUG, ">$debugfile") 
	    || die "Could not open debug file: $debugfile\n";
	$debugfile = 1;

    #  Check for stoplist
    if(defined $stoplist) {

	open(STP, $stoplist) || die "Could not open stoplist: $stoplist\n";

	$stopregex  = "(";
	while(<STP>) {
		if ($_ ne ""){
	    	$stopregex .= "$_|";
	chop $stopregex; $stopregex .= ")";
	close STP;


 	# read in the doubledef for --doubledef option
    if (defined $doubledef) {
    open(DDEF, "<$doubledef")
        or die("Error: cannot open doubledef file ($doubledef).\n");

    while(<DDEF>) {
        if($_=~/^\s*$/) { next; }

        my @defs = split (":", $_);
        my $concept = $defs[0];
        $concept =~ s/^\s+//;
        $concept =~ s/\s+$//;
        my $definition = $defs[1];
        $ddef{$concept} = $definition;
    close DDEF;

    if(defined $dictfile) { 
	open(DICT, "$dictfile") 
	    || die("Error: cannot open dictionary file ($dictfile)\n");
	while(<DICT>) {
	    if($_=~/^\s*$/) { next; }
	    my @defs = split(":", $_);
	    my $concept = $defs[0];
		$concept =~ s/^\s+//;
		$concept =~ s/\s+$//;
	    my $definition = $defs[1];
		$dictionary{$concept} = $definition;
	close DICT;

	if(defined $compoundfile) {

    #replace the compound words in the definition
    open(LST, "$compoundfile") or die ("Error: cannot open file $compoundfile for input.\n");

    # read the compound txt and put them in the hash array. 
    while (my $line = <LST>)
        my $lower_case = lc($line);
        my @string = split('_', $lower_case);
        my $head = shift(@string);

        my $rest = join (' ', @string);
        push (@{$complist{$head}}, $rest);
    close LST;

    # sort the compound txt 
    foreach my $h (sort (keys (%complist)) )
        my @sort_list = sort(@{$complist{$h}});
        for my $i (0..$#sort_list)
            $complist{$h}[$i] = $sort_list[$i];


    return $self;

sub getRelatedness
    my $self = shift;
    return undef if(!defined $self || !ref $self);
    my $concept1 = shift;
    my $concept2 = shift;
    if(defined $debugfile) { 
	print DEBUG "$concept1<>$concept2\n";

    #  set up the interface
    my $interface = $self->{'interface'};

    my $def1 = ""; 
    my $def2 = ""; 
    if(!defined $dictfile) { 
	if($concept1 =~ /C[0-9]+/) 
		my $defs1 = $interface->getExtendedDefinition($concept1);
		if(defined $debugfile) { 
		print DEBUG "DEFINITIONS FOR CONCEPT 1: $concept1 \n"; 
		my $i = 1;
		foreach my $def (@{$defs1}) {
		if(defined $debugfile) { 
		print DEBUG "$i. $def\n"; 
		$def=~/(C[0-9]+) ([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9\.]+) \s*\:\s*(.*?)$/;
		$def1 .= $5 . " " . "definitionstop" . " "; 

		#if the definition is empty, return -1;
		if($def1 eq "")
			return -1;
	if($concept2 =~ /C[0-9]+/) 
		my $defs2 = $interface->getExtendedDefinition($concept2);
		if(defined $debugfile) { 
		print DEBUG "DEFINITIONS FOR CONCEPT 2: $concept2 \n"; 
		my $i = 1;
		foreach my $def (@{$defs2}) {
		if(defined $debugfile) { 
		print DEBUG "$i. $def\n"; 
		$def=~/(C[0-9]+) ([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9\.]+) \s*\:\s*(.*?)$/;
		$def2 .= $5 . " " . "definitionstop" . " "; 

		#if the definition is empty, return -1;
		if($def2 eq "")
			return -1;
	} # end of WITHOUT --dictfile option 

    if(defined $dictfile){
	my $defs1; 
	my $defs2; 
	my $term1;
	my $term2;
	my $term1_def = "";
	my $term2_def = "";

	my @dictfile_term1;
	my @dictfile_term2;

	if($concept1 =~ /^(C[0-9]+)(\#)(.*?)$/) 
		my $cui1 = $1; 
		$term1 = $3;

		$defs1 = $interface->getExtendedDefinition($cui1);
		$term1_def = $dictionary{$term1} if (defined $dictionary{$term1});

		# check the cui's associated term's def in dictfile
		#@dictfile_term1 = $interface->getTermList($cui1);		
		#foreach my $t (@dictfile_term1)
			#if(defined ($dictionary{$t}))
				#my $term1_def = $dictionary{$t};
				#$def1 .= "$term1_def" . " ";

		if (defined $dictionary{$concept1}) {
		$term1_def = $dictionary{$concept1}; 
		if (defined $debugfile) {
		print DEBUG "$concept1: not defined\n"; }
		return -1; }

	if($concept2 =~ /^(C[0-9]+)(\#)(.*?)$/)
		my $cui2 = $1; 
		$term2 = $3;

		$defs2 = $interface->getExtendedDefinition($cui2);
		$term2_def = $dictionary{$term2} if (defined $dictionary{$term2});

		# check the cui's associated term's def in dictfile
		#@dictfile_term2 = $interface->getTermList($cui2);		
		#foreach my $t (@dictfile_term2)
			#if(defined ($dictionary{$t}))
				#my $term2_def = $dictionary{$t};
				#$def2 .= "$term2_def" . " ";

		if (defined $dictionary{$concept2}) {
		$term2_def = $dictionary{$concept2}; 
		if (defined $debugfile) {
		print DEBUG "$concept2: not defined\n"; }
		return -1; }

	#  if debug setting is on print out definition one information
	if(defined $debugfile) { print DEBUG "DEFINITIONS FOR CONCEPT 1: $concept1 \n"; }

	#  set up the definition string - note the format is:
	#  CUI REL CUI SAB : <definition>
	my $i = 1;
	foreach my $def (@{$defs1}) {
	    if(defined $debugfile) { 
		print DEBUG "$i. $def\n"; 
	    $def=~/(C[0-9]+) ([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9\.]+) \s*\:\s*(.*?)$/;
	    $def1 .= $5 . " " . "definitionstop" . " "; 
	if(defined $term1_def)
		if(defined $debugfile)	
			print DEBUG "$i. $term1_def\n";
	    $def1 .= $term1_def; 

	#if the definition is empty, return -1;
	if($def1 eq "")
		return -1;

	#  if debug setting is on print out definition two information
	if(defined $debugfile) { print DEBUG "DEFINITIONS FOR CONCEPT 2: $concept2 \n"; }
	#  set up the definition string - note the format is:
	#  CUI REL CUI SAB : <definition>
	my $j = 1;    
	foreach my $def (@{$defs2}) {
	    if(defined $debugfile) { 
		print DEBUG "$j. $def\n"; 
	    $def=~/(C[0-9]+) ([A-Za-z]+) ([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([A-Za-z0-9\.]+) \s*\:\s*(.*?)$/;
	    $def2 .= $5 . " " . "definitionstop" . " "; 
	if(defined $term2_def)
		if(defined $debugfile)	
			print DEBUG "$j. $term2_def\n";
	    $def2 .= $term2_def; 

	#if the definition is empty, return -1;
	if($def2 eq "")
		return -1;

    } # end of WITH --dictfile option

    if (defined $doubledef)
        my @def1_array = split(/\s/, $def1);
        my @def2_array = split(/\s/, $def2);

        my %unique = (); # for every word, only check its definition once
        foreach my $w (@def1_array)
            if ((defined $ddef{$w}) and ($unique{$w}==1))
                my $def = $ddef{$w};
                if (defined $debugfile)
                    print DEBUG "ddef1 $w: $def\n";
                $def1 .= "$def" . " ";

        %unique = ();
        foreach my $w (@def2_array)
            if ((defined $ddef{$w}) and ($unique{$w}==1))
                my $def = $ddef{$w};
                if (defined $debugfile)
                    print DEBUG "ddef2 $w: $def\n";
                $def2 .= "$def" . " ";

		if (defined $debugfile)
			print DEBUG "after --doubledef processing\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 1: $def1\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 2: $def2\n";
    } #end of defined --doubledef option

    #  if the --defraw option is not set clean up the defintions
    if($defraw_option == 0) 
		$def1 = lc($def1); $def2 = lc($def2);

		# remove punctuation doesn't contain '<' and '>'	
		if (defined $debugfile)
			print DEBUG "after --defraw processing\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 1: $def1\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 2: $def2\n";

	if(defined $compoundfile)
        $def1 = findCompoundWord($def1, \%complist);
        $def2 = findCompoundWord($def2, \%complist);
		if (defined $debugfile)
			print DEBUG "after --compoundfile processing\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 1: $def1\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 2: $def2\n";

	# remove stop words
	if (defined $stoplist)
		my @d1 = split(/\s/, $def1);
		my @d2 = split(/\s/, $def2);
		my $new_def1 = "";
		my $new_def2 = "";
		foreach my $check (@d1)
			if(!($check =~ /$stopregex/))
				$new_def1 .= "$check ";		
		foreach my $check (@d2)
			if(!($check =~ /$stopregex/))
				$new_def2 .= "$check ";		

		$def1 = $new_def1;
		$def2 = $new_def2;
		if (defined $debugfile)
			print DEBUG "after --stoplist processing\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 1: $def1\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 2: $def2\n";

	if (defined $stem)
		my @def1_words = split(/\s/, $def1);
		my @def2_words = split(/\s/, $def2);
		my $stemmed_words1 = Lingua::Stem::En::stem({ -words => \@def1_words, -locale => 'en'});	
		my $stemmed_words2 = Lingua::Stem::En::stem({ -words => \@def2_words, -locale => 'en'});	

		$def1 = join(" ", @{$stemmed_words1});
		$def2 = join(" ", @{$stemmed_words2});

		if (defined $debugfile)
			print DEBUG "after --stem processing\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 1: $def1\n";
			print DEBUG "concept 2: $def2\n";
   	#  find the overlap
	my $overlaps = "";
	my $len1 = 0;
	my $len2 = 0;
   	($overlaps, $len1, $len2) = $finder->getOverlaps($def1, $def2);

    #  calculate lesk on the overlaps which doesn't cross defs 
	if (defined $debugfile)
		print DEBUG "Overlap string and their value\n";
    my $score = 0;
    foreach my $overlap (keys %{$overlaps}) 
		#my $length = length ($overlap);
		#print "overlap: $length\n";
		my $length = 0;
		my $num = 0;
		my $value = 0;

		if ($overlap =~ /definitionstop/)
	   		my @array = split/\s+/, $overlap;
			my $array_length = $#array + 1;
			my $i = 0;
			my $overlap_string = "";
			foreach my $s (@array)
				if ($s !~ /definitionstop/) # count the length of the overlap 
					$overlap_string .= "$s ";
				if (($s =~ /definitionstop/) and ($length<$array_length) and ($length > 0)) # definitionstop in the middle of the overlap
					$num = $overlaps->{$overlap};
					$value = $num * ($length**2);
					$score += $value;
					$length = 0;
					if (defined $debugfile)
						print DEBUG "$overlap_string $value\n";
					$overlap_string = "";
				if (($s =~ /definitionstop/) and ($length==0)) # definitionstop at the beginning of the overlap
				if (($s !~ /definitionstop/) and ($i==$array_length)) # reach the end of the overlap  
					$overlap_string .= "$s ";
					$num = $overlaps->{$overlap};
					$value = $num * ($length**2);
					$score += $value;
					$length = 0;
					if (defined $debugfile)
						print DEBUG "$overlap_string $value\n";
					$overlap_string = "";
	   		my @array = split/\s+/, $overlap;
			$length = $#array + 1;
			$num = $overlaps->{$overlap};
			$value = $num * ($length**2);
			$score += $value;

			if (defined $debugfile)
				print DEBUG "$overlap $value\n";


    return $score;

sub findCompoundWord
	my $def = shift;
    my $ref_complist = shift;
    my $new_def = "";

    my @words = split(' ', $def);
    my $size_line = @words;
    for (my $i=0; $i<$size_line; $i++)
        my $w = $words[$i];
        my $flag_print_w = 0;
        my $flag_comp = 0;
        if(defined $ref_complist->{$w})
            # get the compound list start with word $w
            my @comps = @{$ref_complist->{$w}};
            foreach my $c (@comps)
                #compare the rest of the compound word
                my @string = split(' ', $c);
                my $count = 1;
                foreach my $s (@string)
                    if (($i+$count)<$size_line)
                        if ($s eq $words[$i+$count])
                            $flag_comp = 1;
                            $flag_comp = 0;
                } # test one compound word start by $w
                # connect the compound word
                if ($flag_comp==1)
                    unshift(@string, "$w");

                    my $comp = join('_', @string);
                    $new_def .= "$comp ";
					if (defined $debugfile)
                        print DEBUG "compounds: $comp\n";
                    my $skip = @string-1;
                    $i = $i + $skip;
            } # test all the compound word start by $w

            # print out the $w if it doesn't match any compound words
            if (($flag_print_w==0) and ($flag_comp==0))
                $new_def .= "$w ";
                $flag_print_w = 1;

        } # end of defined compound word start by $w

        if(!defined $ref_complist->{$w})
            $new_def .= "$w ";
    } # end of one definition

    return $new_def;



=head1 NAME

UMLS::Similarity::lesk - Perl module for computing semantic relatedness
of concepts in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) using the 
method described by Banerjee and Pedersen (2002). 


  title={An Adapted Lesk Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation using WordNet}, 
  author={Banerjee and Pedersen},
  journal={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Text Processiong 
		   and Computational Linguistics},  
  address={Mexico City}


  use UMLS::Interface;
  use UMLS::Similarity::lesk;

  my $umls = UMLS::Interface->new(); 
  die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if(!$umls);

  my $lesk = UMLS::Similarity::lesk->new($umls);
  die "Unable to create measure object.\n" if(!$lesk);

  my $cui1 = "C0018563";
  my $cui2 = "C0037303";

  $ts1 = $umls->getTermList($cui1);
  my $term1 = pop @{$ts1};

  $ts2 = $umls->getTermList($cui2);
  my $term2 = pop @{$ts2};

  my $value = $lesk->getRelatedness($cui1, $cui2);

  print "The similarity between $cui1 ($term1) and $cui2 ($term2) is $value\n";


This module computes the semantic relatedness of two concepts in 
the UMLS according to a method described by Banerjee and Pedersen(2002). 
The relatedness measure proposed by Banerjee and Pedersen is and
adaptation of Lesk's dictionary-based word sense disambiguation algorithm.  

--defraw option 

This is a flag for the lesk measure. The definitions 
used are 'cleaned'. If the --defraw flag is set they will not be cleaned, 
and it will leave the definitions in their "raw" form. 
If the --defraw and --stem option use together, the --stem option
will cancel the request for "raw" defintion which is set by 

--dictfile option 

This is a dictionary file for the vector measure. It 
contains the 'definitions' of a concept which would be used in the 
relatedness computation. When this option is set, for the input 
pair, first find the CUIs or terms definition in 
the dictfile. If the --config option is set, will
find the definition in dictfile and in UMLS. And then, the relatedness 
is computed by the combinition of UMLS and dictfile defintions. 

If the --dictfile option is not set, the definiton will only come from the UMLS 
defintion by the --config option. 

The input pair could be the following formats.

    1. cui1/term1 cui2/term2 
       without --dictfile option and without --config option, 
       use the UMLS definition of the default config file. 

    2. cui1/term1 cui2/term2  --dictfile ./sample/dictfile
       --dictfile option is set and without --config option, 
       definitions only come from dictfile. 

    3. cui1/term1 cui2/term2  --config ./sample/leskmeasure.config
       without --dictfile option, --config option is set, 
       definitions only come from UMLS by the config file. 

    4. cui1/term1 cui2/term2  --dictfile ./sample/dictfile --config ./sample/leskmeasure.config
       --dictfile option is set, --config option is set, 
       definitions come from dictfile and UMLS. If the associated term 
       for each CUI is defined in the dictfile, the associated terms' 
       definition are also included.  

Terms in the dictionary file use the delimiter : to seperate the terms and
their definition. It allows multi terms in one concept. Please see the sample 
file at /sample/dictfile

--doubledef option 

This a dictionary file for the vector measure. It contains the
'definitons' of a concept which could be used in the relatedness computation.
When this option is defined, for each word in the definition, it uses the word's
definition in the doubledef file. 

    For example, the original defintion for 'cat' is,
    cat: a feline pet

    And then, the word vector for feline and pet in the doubledef file is:
    feline: small to medium-sized cats, cougar cheetah
    pet: cat dog bird fish

    The final definition for cat is to combine the original definition for cat, and
    then add the definition for feline(only add once) and pet.

    cat: a feline pet small to medium-sized cats cougar cheetah cat dog bird fish

Terms in the dictionary file use the delimiter : to seperate the terms and
their definition. It has the same format with the dictfile. Please see the 
sample file at /sample/dictfile. We extract the definition from
the WordNet by glossFinder. For the extraced file, we further parse
each senses of the same word and obtain a complete definition of the

--compoundfile options 

This is a compound word list for the vector measure. It defines
the compound words which are treated as one word in the definitions. This
must be used with the vector or lesk method. 

    For example, the definition for iraq and france are:

    iraq : saddam hussein
    france : jacques chirac

    In the --compoundfile file, "saddam hussein" and "jacques chirac" are compounds:


    So, the compound words in the definition could be detected:

    iraq : saddam_hussein
    france : jacques_chirac

The lesk method searches the overlap of iraq and france definitions and get 
the lesk relatedness scores.

--config option 

This is configure file for the lesk or vector measure. It defines 
the relationship, source and rela relationship. When compute the relatedness
of a pair, find the corresponding relationshps and 
source by the config file. 

--stoplist option 

This is a word list file for the lesk measure. The words
in the file should be removed from the definition. In the stop list file, 
each word is in the regular expression format. A stop word sample file 
is under the samples folder which is called stoplist-nsp.regex.

--stem option 

This is a flag for the lesk measure. If we the --stem flag
is set, the words of the definition are stemmed by the the Porter Stemming

=head1 USAGE

The semantic relatedness modules in this distribution are built as classes
that expose the following methods:


To create an object of the lesk measure, we would have the following
lines of code in the perl program. 

   use UMLS::Similarity::lesk;
   $measure = UMLS::Similarity::lesk->new($interface);

The reference of the initialized object is stored in the scalar
variable '$measure'. '$interface' contains an interface object that
should have been created earlier in the program (UMLS-Interface). 

If the 'new' method is unable to create the object, '$measure' would 
be undefined. 

To find the semantic relatedness of the concept 'blood' (C0005767) and
the concept 'cell' (C0007634) using the measure, we would write
the following piece of code:

   $relatedness = $measure->getRelatedness('C0005767', 'C0007634');


The UMLS-Interface package takes a configuration file to determine 
which sources and relations to use when obtaining the extended 
definitions. We call the definition used by the measure, the extended 
definition because this may include definitions from related concepts. 

The format of the configuration file is as follows:

SABDEF :: <include|exclude> <source1, source2, ... sourceN>

RELDEF :: <include|exclude> <relation1, relation2, ... relationN>

The possible relations that can be included in RELDEF are:
  1. all of the possible relations in MRREL such as PAR, CHD, ...
  2. CUI which refers the concepts definition
  3. ST which refers to the concepts semantic types definition
  4. TERM which refers to the concepts associated terms

For example, if we wanted to use the definitions from MSH vocabulary 
and we only wanted the definition of the CUI and the definitions of the 
CUIs SIB relation, the configuration file would be:

SABDEF :: include MSH
RELDEF :: include CUI, SIB

Note: RELDEF takes any of MRREL relations and two special 'relations':

      1. CUI which refers to the CUIs definition

      2. TERM which refers to the terms associated with the CUI

If you go to the configuration file directory, there will 
be example configuration files for the different runs that 
you have performed.

For more information about the configuration options please 
see the README.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), UMLS::Interface

perl(1), UMLS::Similarity(3)


  If you have any trouble installing and using UMLS-Similarity, 
  please contact us via the users mailing list :

  You can join this group by going to:

  You may also contact us directly if you prefer :

      Bridget T. McInnes: bthomson at 

      Ted Pedersen : tpederse at

=head1 AUTHORS

  Bridget T McInnes <bthomson at>
  Siddharth Patwardhan <sidd at>
  Serguei Pakhomov <pakh0002 at>
  Ted Pedersen <tpederse at>
  Ying Liu <liux0395 at>


Copyright 2004-2011 by Bridget T McInnes, Siddharth Patwardhan, 
Serguei Pakhomov, Ying Liu and Ted Pedersen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
