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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# version 0.01
# (Last updated $Id:,v 1.16 2013/04/16 23:29:40 btmcinnes Exp $)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Include external packages
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp;
use File::Spec;
use UMLS::Similarity;
use POSIX ':sys_wait_h';  # for waitpid() and friends; used by reaper()
use POSIX qw(setsid);     # to daemonize

my $doc_base = '/var/www/umls_similarity';

# Get the command-line options
our($opt_port, $opt_logfile, $opt_maxchild, $opt_version, $opt_help);
&GetOptions("port=i", "logfile=s", "maxchild=i", "version",  "help");

# Check for version
  print " version 0.01\n";
  print "UMLS::Similarity version ".($UMLS::Similarity::VERSION)."\n";
  print "Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Ted Pedersen, Bridget McInnes\n";

# Check for help
  print "Usage: [--port PORTNUMBER] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--maxchild NUM] \n";

  print "                            | --help\n";
  print "                            | --version\n";

  print "\nStarts the similarity server, which listens for requests on a predefined\n";
  print "port. It presents a network interface to the UMLS::Similarity modules.\n\n";
  print "Options:\n";

  print "--port        Specify the port PORTNUMBER for the server to listen on.\n";
  print "--logfile     The output LOGFILE where any error or warning messages\n";
  print "              should be written out.\n";
  print "--maxchild    Specify the maximum number NUM of the processes that should\n";
  print "              be forked to handle the requests.\n";
  print "--help        Display this help message and quit.\n";
  print "--version     Display the version information and quit.\n";

# Local variables
my $localport = 31135;
my $error_log = undef;
my $maxchild = 4; # max number of child processes at one time
sub reaper;

# Set the log file, if specified
$error_log = $1 if(defined($opt_logfile) and $opt_logfile ne "" and $opt_logfile =~ /^(.*)$/);
print STDERR "Error log = ".($error_log?$error_log:"<none>")."\n";

# Set the port
$localport = $opt_port if(defined($opt_port));
print STDERR "Local port = $localport\n";

# Set the maxchild
$maxchild = $opt_maxchild if(defined($opt_maxchild));
print STDERR "Maxchild = $maxchild\n";

# Create the temporary lock file
my $lockfh = File::Temp->new();
my $lock_file = $lockfh->filename();
die "Error: Unable to create temporary lock file.\n" if(!$lockfh);
print $lockfh $$;
close $lockfh or die "Error: Cannot close lock file: $! \n";
print STDERR "Loading modules... ";

# prototypes:
sub getAllForms ($ $);
sub getAllDefForms ($ $);
sub getlock ();
sub releaselock ();
sub timestamp ($);

use sigtrap handler => \&bailout, 'normal-signals';
use IO::Socket::INET;

use UMLS::Interface;
use UMLS::Similarity::path;
use UMLS::Similarity::lch;
use UMLS::Similarity::wup;
use UMLS::Similarity::res;
use UMLS::Similarity::lin;
use UMLS::Similarity::jcn;
use UMLS::Similarity::cdist;
use UMLS::Similarity::nam;
use UMLS::Similarity::zhong;
use UMLS::Similarity::vector;
use UMLS::Similarity::lesk;
use UMLS::Similarity::random;

# reset (untaint) the PATH
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';
print STDERR "done.\n";
print STDERR "Starting server... going into background.\n";

# Daemonize
open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $! \n";
open STDOUT, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $! \n";

# The is the socket we listen to
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
  LocalPort => $localport,
  Listen => SOMAXCONN,
  Reuse => 1,
) or die "Could not bind to network port: $! \n";
print STDERR "Closing output to terminal.\n";

  print STDERR "All future messages will be routed to the log file.\n";
  if(!open(STDERR, '>>', $error_log))
    print "Error: Could open error log.\n";
    die "Error: Could not re-open STDERR.\n";
  chmod 0664, $error_log;
  print STDERR "No more messages will be printed (even if the server dies).\n";
  open STDERR, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $! \n";

chdir '/' or die(&timestamp("Can't chdir to /: $! \n"));
defined(my $pid = fork) or die(&timestamp("Can't fork: $! \n"));
exit if $pid;
setsid or die(&timestamp("Can't start a new session: $! \n"));
umask 0;

my %option_hash = ();

our $interface;
our $path;
our $lch;
our $wup;
our $res;
our $lin;
our $jcn;
our $nam;
our $zhong;
our $cdist;
our $vector;
our $lesk;
our $random;

my @measures = ();

&setInterface("MSH", "PAR/CHD", "path");

# this variable is incremented after every fork, and is
# updated by reaper() when a child process dies
my $num_children = 0;
# automatically reap child processes
# handle death of child process
$SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper;
my $interrupted = 0;

while((my $client = $socket->accept) or $interrupted)
  $interrupted = 0;
  next unless $client; # a SIGCHLD was raised

  # check to see if it's okay to handle this request
  if($num_children >= $maxchild)
    print $client "busy\015\012";
    undef $client;
    next ACCEPT;
  my $childpid;

  # fork; let the child handle the actual request
  if($childpid = fork)

    # This is the parent

    # go wait for next request
    undef $client;
    next ACCEPT;

  # This is the child process
  defined $childpid or die(&timestamp("Could not fork: $! \n"));

  # here we're the child, so we actually handle the request
  my @requests;
  while(my $request = <$client>)
    last if $request eq "\015\012";
    push @requests, $request;
  foreach my $i (0..$#requests)
    my $request = $requests[$i];
    my $rnum = $i + 1;
    my $type = 'UNDEFINED';
    if($request =~ m/^(\w)\b/)
      $type = $1;
      $type = 'UNDEFINED';

    print STDERR "TYPE: $type\n";
    if($type eq 't') { 
	my (undef, $cui) = split/\|/, $request;
	my $preferred = "";
	if($cui=~/C0000000/) { 
	    $preferred = "UMLS_ROOT";
	else {
	    print STDERR "CUI: $cui\n";
	    $preferred = $interface->getAllPreferredTerm($cui); 
        $preferred=~s/\s+/ /g;

	print $client "t $cui $preferred\015\012";

    elsif($type eq 'v')
        # get version information
        my $u_version = $interface->version();
	my $i_version = $UMLS::Interface::VERSION;
	my $s_version = $UMLS::Similarity::VERSION;
        print $client "v UMLS $u_version\015\012";
        print $client "v UMLS::Interface $i_version\015\012";
        print $client "v UMLS::Similarity $s_version\015\012";
      print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);
    elsif($type eq 'r')
	my (undef, $word1, $word2, $button, $measure, $sab, $rel)= split /\|/, $request;

	print STDERR "$word1 $word2 $button $measure $sab $rel\n";

	&setInterface($sab, $rel, $measure);

	unless(defined $word1 and defined $word2)
	    print $client "! Error: undefined input words\015\012";
	    sleep 2;
	    goto EXIT_CHILD;
	my $module;
	if($measure =~ /^(?:path|lch|wup|res|lin|jcn|nam|zhong|cdist|lesk|vector|random)$/){
	    no strict 'refs';
	    $module = $$measure;
	    unless(defined $module) {
		print $client "! Error: Couldn't get reference to measure\015\012";
		sleep 2;
		goto EXIT_CHILD;
	    print $client "! Error: no such measure $measure\015\012";
	    sleep 2;
	    goto EXIT_CHILD;
	my @wps1 = ();
	my @wps2 = ();

	if($button eq "Compute Similarity") { 
	    @wps1 = getAllForms($word1, $interface);
	    @wps2 = getAllForms($word2, $interface);
	else { 
	    @wps1 = getAllDefForms($word1, $interface);
	    @wps2 = getAllDefForms($word2, $interface);

	unless(scalar @wps1) {
	    print $client "! $word1 was not found in $sab\015\012";
	    goto EXIT_CHILD;
	unless(scalar @wps2) {
	    print $client "! $word2 was not found in $sab\015\012";
	    goto EXIT_CHILD;
	foreach my $wps1 (@wps1)
	    foreach my $wps2 (@wps2)
		    my $score = $module->getRelatedness($wps1, $wps2);
		    print $client "r $measure $wps1 $wps2 $score\015\012";
		print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);
    elsif($type eq 'g') { 

	my (undef, $button, $word) = split/\|/, $request;

	print STDERR "HERE ($button) g ($word)\n";	
	my @cuis = ();
	if($word =~/[Cc][0-9]+/) { 
	    push @cuis, uc($word);
	else {
	    if($button eq "Compute Similarity") { 
		@cuis = getAllForms($word, $interface);
	    else { 
		@cuis = getAllDefForms($word, $interface);
	    print STDERR "CUIS: @cuis\n";
	foreach my $cui (@cuis) { 
	    my $defs = $interface->getCuiDef($cui, 1);
	    my $string = "";
	    foreach my $def (@{$defs}) { 
		my @array = split/\s+/, $def;
		my $sab = shift @array;
		$string .= "$sab : @array|";
	    print $client "g $cui $string\015\012";
	    print STDERR "g $cui $string\n";
    elsif($type eq 'p') { 
	my (undef, $word1, $word2) = split/\|/, $request;
	my @cuis1 = ();
	if($word1 =~/[Cc][0-9]+/) { 
	    push @cuis1, uc($word1);
	else {
	    @cuis1 = getAllForms($word1, $interface);

	my @cuis2 = ();
	if($word2 =~/[Cc][0-9]+/) { 
	    push @cuis2, uc($word2);
	else {
	    @cuis2 = getAllForms($word2, $interface);

	my $string = "";
	foreach my $cui1 (@cuis1) { 
	    my $t1 = $interface->getAllPreferredTerm($cui1);
	    foreach my $cui2 (@cuis2) {
		my $t2 = $interface->getAllPreferredTerm($cui2);
		my $paths = $interface->findShortestPath($cui1, $cui2);
		print STDERR "HERE: $cui1 $t1 $cui2 $t2\n";
		foreach my $path (@{$paths}) { 
		    my @array = split/\s+/, $path;
		    $string .= "$cui1 ($t1)|$cui2 ($t2)|";
		    foreach my $i (0..$#array) {
			my $concept = $array[$i];
			my $t = $interface->getAllPreferredTerm($concept); 
			$string.= "$concept ($t) => "; 
		    chop $string; chop $string; chop $string; chop $string;
		    $string .= "|"
	chop $string;
	print $client "p $string\015\012";
	print STDERR "p $string\n";
	print $client "! Bad request type `$type'\015\012";
  # Terminate ALL messages with CRLF (\015\012).  Do NOT use
  # \r\n (the meaning of \r and \n varies on different platforms).
  print $client "\015\012";
  # don't let the child accept:

sub setInterface {
    my $sab     = shift;
    my $rel     = shift;
    my $measure = shift;

    %option_hash = ();

    my @rels = split/\//, $rel;
    my $rstring = join ", ", @rels;
    print STDERR "In setInterface($sab, $rel, $measure)\n";

    ## create config file
    my $fh = File::Temp->new();
    my $cfg = $fh->filename();
    die "Error: Unable to create temporary config file.\n" if(!$fh);

    if($measure=~/lesk|vector/) { 
	print $fh "SABDEF :: include $sab\n";
	print $fh "RELDEF :: include $rstring\n";
    else {
	print $fh "SAB :: include $sab\n";
	print $fh "REL :: include $rstring\n";
    close $fh or die "Error: Unable to close config file.\n";

    print STDERR "FILENAME: $cfg\n";

    #  set the information content default files
    my %ic_options = ();
    my $relname = join ".", @rels;
    my $sabname = lc($sab);
    $relname = lc($relname);
    my $icfilename = "icprop.$sabname.$relname";
    $ic_options{"icpropagation"} = "$doc_base/icpropagation/$icfilename";
    #  set the vector default files
    my %vector_options = ();
    $vector_options{"vectormatrix"} = "$doc_base/vectorfiles/mtx.remove75.uremove1k";
    $vector_options{"vectorindex"}  = "$doc_base/vectorfiles/idx.remove75.uremove1k";
    $option_hash{"config"} = $cfg;
    #$option_hash{"debug"} = 1;
    $option_hash{"forcerun"} = 1;

    $interface = UMLS::Interface->new(\%option_hash);

    if($measure=~/path|lch|wup|res|lin|jcn|nam|zhong|cdist|random/) { 
	print STDERR "Setting measures\n";
	$path   = UMLS::Similarity::path->new($interface);
	$lch    = UMLS::Similarity::lch->new($interface);
	$wup    = UMLS::Similarity::wup->new($interface);
	$res    = UMLS::Similarity::res->new($interface, \%ic_options);
	$lin    = UMLS::Similarity::lin->new($interface, \%ic_options);
	$jcn    = UMLS::Similarity::jcn->new($interface, \%ic_options);
	$nam    = UMLS::Similarity::nam->new($interface);
	$zhong  = UMLS::Similarity::zhong->new($interface);
	$cdist  = UMLS::Similarity::cdist->new($interface);
	$random = UMLS::Similarity::random->new($interface);
    if($measure=~/lesk|vector/) { 
	$lesk   = UMLS::Similarity::lesk->new($interface);
	$vector = UMLS::Similarity::vector->new($interface, \%vector_options);

    @measures = ($path, $wup, $lch, $res, $lin, $jcn, $nam, $zhong, $cdist, $lesk, $vector, $random);

sub getCuis {
    my $word = shift;

    my $forms = undef;

    # check if the string is a CUI just use it
    if($word =~ m/C[0-9]+/) { push @{$forms}, $word; }
    # otherwise find the CUIs
    else {
	my @temp = $interface->getConceptList($word);
	eval{$forms = $interface->getConceptList($word);};
	print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);
	return () unless scalar @{$forms};	 
    #  return the forms
    return @{$forms};

sub getAllForms ($ $)
    my $word = shift;
    my $umls = shift;
    print STDERR "In getAllForms ($word)\n";

    my $forms = undef;

    # check if the string is a CUI just use it
    if($word =~ m/[cC][0-9]+/) { $word = uc($word); push @{$forms}, $word; }
    # otherwise find the CUIs
    else {
	eval{$forms = $umls->getConceptList($word);};
	print STDERR "Forms ($word) : @{$forms}\n";
	print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);
	return () unless scalar @{$forms};	 
    #  return the forms
    print STDERR "Returning Forms ($word) : @{$forms}\n";
    return @{$forms};

sub getAllDefForms ($ $)
    my $word = shift;
    my $umls = shift;
    print STDERR "In getDefAllForms ($word)\n";

    my $forms = undef;
    # check if the string is a CUI just use it
    if($word =~ m/[cC][0-9]+/) { $word = uc($word); push @{$forms}, $word; }
    # otherwise find the CUIs
    else {
	eval{$forms = $umls->getDefConceptList($word);};
	print STDERR "Forms ($word) : @{$forms}\n";
	print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);
	return () unless scalar @{$forms};	 
    #  return the forms
    print STDERR "Returning Forms ($word) : @{$forms}\n";
    return @{$forms};

# A signal handler, good for most normal signals (esp. INT).  Mostly we just
# want to close the socket we're listening to and delete the lock file.
sub bailout
  my $sig = shift;
  $sig = defined $sig ? $sig : "?UNKNOWN?";
  $socket->close if defined $socket;
  print(STDERR &timestamp("Bailing out (SIG$sig).\n"));
  releaselock if($lockfh);
  exit 1;
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;

# gets a lock on $lockfh.  The return value is that of flock.
sub getlock ()
  open($lockfh, '>>', $lock_file) or die(&timestamp("Cannot open lock file $lock_file: $! \n"));
  eval{flock $lockfh, LOCK_EX;};
  print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);

# releases a lock on $lockfh.  The return value is that of flock.
sub releaselock ()
    flock $lockfh, LOCK_UN;
    close $lockfh;
  print(STDERR &timestamp("$@\n")) if($@);

# attach a time stamp
sub timestamp ($)
  my $instring = shift;
  return $instring if(!defined($instring));
  my @monthNames = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
  my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear) = localtime();
  my $year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
  return "["."$dayOfMonth/$monthNames[$month]/$year:$hour:$minute:$second"."] $instring";

# sub to reap child processes (so they don't become zombies)
# also updates the num_children variable
# Sub was loosely inspired by an example at
sub reaper
  my $moribund;
  if(my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0)
    $num_children-- if WIFEXITED($?);
  $interrupted = 1;
  $SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper; # cursed be SysV


=head1 NAME - [Web] The backend UMLS::Similarity server for the Web Interface


Usage: [--port PORTNUMBER] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--maxchild NUM] 
                            | --help
                            | --version


This script implements the backend of the web interface for UMLS::Similarity.

This script listens to a port waiting for a request form similarity.cgi or
wps.cgi.  The client script sends a message to this script as series of
queries (see QUERY FORMAT).  After all the queries, the client sends a
message containing only CRLF (carriage-return line-feed, or \015\012).

The server (this script) responds with the results (see MESSAGE FORMAT)
terminated by a message containing only CRLF.

=head2 Example:

 g car#n#1CRLF

 Sever responds:
 g car#n#1 4-wheeled motor vehicle; usually propelled by an internal
 combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"CRLF

=head1 OPTIONS

    Specify the port PORTNUMBER for the server to listen on.

    The output LOGFILE where any error or warning messages should be
    written out.

    Specify the maximum number NUM of the processes that should be forked
    to handle the requests.

    Display the help message and quit.

    Display the version information and quit.


<CRLF> means carriage-return line-feed "\r\n" on Unix, "\n\r" on Macs,
\015\012 everywhere and anywhere (i.e., don't use \n or \r, use \015\012).

The queries consist of messages in the following formats:

 s <word1> <word2><CRLF> - server will return all senses of word1 and

 g <word><CRLF> - server will return the gloss for each synset to which
 word belongs

 r <wps1> <wps2> <measure> <etc...><CRLF> - server will return the
 relatedness of wps1 and wps2 using measure.

 v <CRLF> - get version information


The messages sent from this server will be in the following formats:

 ! <msg><CRLF> - indicates an error or warning

 g <wps> <gloss><CRLF> - the gloss of wps

 r <wps1> <wps2> <score><CRFL> - the relatedness score of wps1 and wps2

 t <msg><CRLF> - the trace output for the previous relatedness score

 s <wps1> <wps2> ... <wpsN><CRLF> - a synset

 v <package> <version number><CRLF> - the version of 'package' being used

=head1 BUGS

Report to UMLS::Similarity mailing list :

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHORS

 Ted Pedersen, University of Minnesota, Duluth
 tpederse at

 Bridget T McInnes
 bthomson at

 Jason Michelizzi


Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Ted Pedersen, Jason Michelizzi and 
Bridget T McInnes

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to: 

    The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
    59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
    Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
