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package Config::Maker::Type;

use utf8;
use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use Config::Maker;
use Config::Maker::Path;

require Config::Maker::Option;
our @CARP_NOT = qw(Config::Maker::Option);

use overload
    'cmp' => \&Config::Maker::truecmp,
    '<=>' => \&Config::Maker::truecmp,
    '""' => 'name',
    fallback => 1;

our $root;
our $meta;
our $repository;
our %checks;

# Get top-level context ('/' special type):
sub root {

# Get special meta content ('//' special type)
sub meta {

# Get repository context ('*' special type). The repository is a special type
# where types for reuse are stored:
sub repository {

# Get a type from a context. Context is just a type currently being
# built:
sub get {
    my ($ctx, $name) = @_;
    croak "No type $name in $ctx" unless $ctx->{children}{$name};
    return $ctx->{children}{$name};

# Build an Option using given arguments:
sub instantiate {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    ref $args eq 'HASH' or confess "Not a hash reference!";
    Config::Maker::Option->new(-type => $self, %$args);

# Get arguments for syntactic rule for arguments.
sub body {
    my ($self) = @_;

# Get the name of the option type.
sub name {
    my ($self) = @_;

# Build a new type...
sub _ref(\%$;$) {
    my ($hash, $key, $default) = @_;
    if(exists $hash->{$key}) {
	my $rv = $hash->{$key};
	delete $hash->{$key};
	return $rv;
    } elsif(@_ == 3) {
	return $default;
    } else {
	croak "Mandatory argument $key not specified";

sub _type {
    my ($type) = @_;
    confess "_type($type)" unless $type;
    return $type if UNIVERSAL::isa($type, __PACKAGE__);
    return __PACKAGE__->repository->get($type);

sub _path {
    return Config::Maker::Path->make(@_);

sub _check {
    my ($check, $path) = @_;
    croak "No check $check" unless $checks{$check};
    $check = $checks{$check};
    $path = _path($path);
    return sub {
	$check->($_[0], $path);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
    my %type = (
	name => _ref(%args, 'name'),
	format => _ref(%args, 'format'),
	children => {},
	checks => [],
	actions => _ref(%args, 'actions', []),
    my $self = bless \%type, $class;

    # Children...
    $self->add(@{_ref %args, 'children', []});

    # Aditional checks...
    $self->addchecks(@{_ref %args, 'checks', []});

    $self->addto(@{_ref %args, 'contexts', [any => '*']});

    croak "Unknown arguments: " . join(', ', keys %args)
	if %args;
    return $self;

sub add {
    my $self = shift;
    my @children = @_;
    while(my ($spec, $type) = splice(@children, 0, 2)) {
	$type = _type($type);
	next if $self->{children}->{$type} eq $type;
	croak "Different type named $type already added to $self"
	    if exists $self->{children}->{$type};
	$self->{children}->{$type->name} = $type;
	push @{$self->{checks}}, _check($spec, "$type");

sub addto {
    my $self = shift;
    my @contexts = @_;
    while(my ($spec, $ctx) = splice(@contexts, 0, 2)) {
	_type($ctx)->add($spec, $self);

sub addchecks {
    my $self = shift;
    my @checks = @_;
    while(my ($spec, $path) = splice(@checks, 0, 2)) {
	push @{$self->{checks}}, _check($spec, $path);

# Initialize:

# format not used for the magic items, but is mandatory...
$repository = __PACKAGE__->new(
    name => '*',
    format => [],
    contexts => [], # self-reference otherwise...

$repository->add(any => $repository);
# Phew, and now _type should work...

$root = __PACKAGE__->new(
    name => '/',
    format => [],
); # Default context (in repository only) should work here...

# And last but not least the meta type...
$meta = __PACKAGE__->new(
    name => '//',
    format => [],
); # Default context (in repository only) should work here too...

# Checking functions:

sub _findtimes {
    confess "$_[1] can't ->find" unless UNIVERSAL::can($_[1], 'find');
    my $r = $_[1]->find($_[0]);
    croak "Too few $_[1] in " . $_[0]->id if @$r < $_[2];
    return 1 if @_ == 3;
    croak "Too many $_[1] in " . $_[0]->id if @$r > $_[3];
    return 1;

BEGIN { # Constants must be done early enough...
    %checks = (
	none => sub { _findtimes(@_, 0,0); },
	opt =>  sub { _findtimes(@_,0,1); },
	one =>  sub { _findtimes(@_,1,1); },
	mand => sub { _findtimes(@_,1); },
	any => sub { 1; },



=head1 NAME

Config::Maker::Type - describe directive type


  use Config::Maker

  my $type = Config::Maker::Type->new(
    name => $name,
    format => [$typespec => @valuespec],
    children => \@children,
    contexts => \@parents,
    checks => [$check => $path, ...],
    actions => \@actions


Config::Maker::Type describe available types of options (and metaconfig
options). Each type has 5 parameters. These are:

=over 4

=item name

The name of the directive. This is the keyword used in config to specify option
of this type.

=item format

This is a listref, that is passed to the C<body> production in
L<Config::Maker::Grammar>. The first element is either C<simple>,
C<named_group> or C<anon_group>, to mean option without block, option with
value and block and option with only a block respectively. For the first two,
rest of the list is passed to the C<value> production of the grammar.

=item children

This is a list of types, that should be recognized in the body of this type.
Parser won't recognize other types when parsing body of this type.

=item checks

This is a list of keyword-path pairs, that specify how many of different
subtypes can appear in an option of this type. The keys may be C<none>, C<opt>,
C<one>, C<mand> or C<any>, which mean the following path must have no, at most
one, exactly one, at least one and any number of matches respectively. An error
is reported when those conditions are not met.

=item actions

This is a list of perl closures, that shall be invoked when option of this type
is parsed. It can do whatever it wants.


The constructor takes these five named arguments and one extra, C<contexts>.
The new element is added to those types as a child.

In addition to constructor, there are three methods, C<add>, C<addto> and
C<addchecks>. These allow to add children, parents and checks to an already
constructed type.

For description how types are constructed from the schema in metaconfig see

=head2 Special types

There are two special types, C</> and C<*>, accessible through class methods
C<root> and C<repository>.

The C</> special type represents the top-level of a config or metaconfig file.
On top-level, only option types added to this special type are recognized.

The C<*> special type is a repository of types. It is used in schema to store
types for reuse.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jan Hudec <>


Copyright 2004 Jan Hudec. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

configit(1), perl(1), Config::Maker(3pm).

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