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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Source: /home/keck/gen/RCS/xtb,v $
# $Revision: 4.23 $$Date: 2007/07/07 07:51:55 $
# Contents
#   1 standard    9 image              17 xhandler_clients   25 tkid
#   2 global      10 picture           18 xhandler_active    26 buttons
#   3 args        11 thandler          19 xhandler_stacking  27 picture
#   4 log         12 destroy_zombies   20 xhandler           28 main
#   5 xtops/1     13 xon/off           21 event masks        29 notes
#   6 dot file    14 xhandler_icon     22 name               30 pod
#   7 xtops/2     15 xhandler_command  23 tk
#   8 left/right  16 xhandler_adjust   24 screen

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#1# standard

use strict;
use warnings;

(my $cmd = $0) =~ s%.*/%%;

sub usage { print "Usage: $cmd -help\n"; }
sub quit { (@_) ? print STDERR "$cmd quitting: @_\n" : usage; exit 1 }

use X11::Tops; # uses X11::Protocol

use Carp;

use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

sub perldoc {
  my ($perldoc, $less);
  for (split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) {
    $perldoc = "$_/perldoc" if -x "$_/perldoc";
    last if $perldoc; next if $less;
    $less = "$_/less" if -x "$_/less";
  if ($perldoc) {
    $ENV{LESSCHARSET} = 'latin1';
    exec $perldoc, $0
  } elsif ($less) {
    exec $less, '+/^# Sorry.*', $0
  } else {
      "Sorry, there's no perldoc(1) or even less(1) in your \$PATH\n" .
      "The documentation can be found at the end of $0\n";
    exit 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#2# global

my $X;
my $root;

my $xtops;
my @xtops;
my %xtopsbyid;
my %xtopsbychar;

my $main;
my $name;
my $tkid;
my $active;
my %button;

my $screen;
my @screen_x;
my $screen_w;

my $timer;
my $xtb_on_top;

my $relief = 'raised'; # raised sunken flat ridge solid groove

my $nopicture = 0;
my $picture_commands;
my $picture;
my $screenheight;
my $width = 170;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#3# args

my @ORGV = @ARGV; # for restart
my @argv; # collect standard X arguments
my $logfile;

while (@ARGV) {
  $_ = shift;
  perldoc() if /^-+(man|help)/;
  push(@argv, $_, shift), next if /^-(geometry|display)/;
  $logfile = shift, next if /^-+l/;
  $nopicture = 1, next if /^-p/;
  $relief = shift, next if /^-+r/;
  $width = shift, next if /^-+w/;
  unshift @ARGV, $_;

@ARGV = @argv;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#4# log

use POSIX qw(strftime);

sub printlog {
  print strftime("%y%m%d %H%M%S\n", localtime(time));
  print @_;

sub printlog_attributes {
  print strftime("%y%m%d %H%M%S\n", localtime(time));
  print @_;
  my %attributes = X11::Top::attributes($tkid);
  print (Data::Dumper->Dump([\%attributes], ['attributes']));
  my $your_event_mask = $attributes{your_event_mask};
  my @your_event_mask = $X->unpack_event_mask($your_event_mask);
    Data::Dumper->Dump([\@your_event_mask], ['above_your_event_mask'])

if (defined $logfile) {
  local $_ = $logfile;
  quit("logfile name empty") if /^$/;
  quit("no such directory '$1'") if m-(.+)/- && !-d $1;
  $logfile = "./$_" unless $_;
  open LOG, ">>$logfile";
  open STDOUT, ">>&LOG";
  open STDERR, ">>&LOG";
  select LOG;
  $| = 1;
  print strftime("%y%m%d %H%M%S ", localtime(time)), '-' x 58, "\n";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#5# xtops/1

# avoid unix socket [+taskbar2] ...
  $ENV{DISPLAY} =~ /.:/ ? $ENV{DISPLAY} :
  $ENV{DISPLAY} =~ /^:/ ? 'localhost' . $ENV{DISPLAY} :

$xtops = X11::Tops->new;
$X = $xtops->X;
$root = $X->root;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#6# dot file

quit("no ~/.$cmd") unless -f "$ENV{HOME}/.$cmd";
my $config = do "$ENV{HOME}/.$cmd";

$xtops->{char} = $config->{char};

{ my $order = $config->{order}; # arrayref, element = char
  my %order;
  for (0 .. $#$order) {
    $order{$order->[$_]} = $_ unless defined $order{$order->[$_]}
  $xtops->{order} = \%order;

$picture_commands = $config->{picture};

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#7# xtops/2

# want current instance names so can add suffix to xtb

$xtops->update; # returns array of deleted Top, empty in this case
@xtops = @{$xtops->sorted};
%xtopsbyid = %{$xtops->byid};
%xtopsbychar = %{$xtops->bychar};

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#8# left/right

# @screen_x = distances from xterm right edges to screen right edge
# $r1 & $r2 are distances from xtb right edge to screen right edge

sub left {
  my $geometry = $main->geometry;
  my ($w1, $h1, $x1, $y1) =
    $geometry =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)([+-]+\d+)([+-]+\d+)/;
  my $r1 = $x1 =~ /^-/ ? -$x1 : $screen_w - $x1 - $w1;
  my $r2;
  for my $i (0 .. $#screen_x) {
    $r2 = $screen_x[$i], last if $r1 < $screen_x[$i];
  $r2 = $screen_x[0] unless defined $r2;
  my $y2 = 0 + $y1; # stop walking

sub right {
  left for 1 .. $#screen_x;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#9# image

sub image {
  my ($picture_command, $size) = @_;
  { no warnings;
    open OLDOUT, '>&', STDOUT;
    open STDOUT, ">/tmp/$name-cmd";
    system @$picture_command, "-$size", "/tmp/$name";
    open STDOUT, '>&', OLDOUT;
  chop(my ($fullsize, $format) = `cat /tmp/$name-cmd`);
  unlink "/tmp/$name-cmd";
  unless ($format) {
    print STDERR
      "$cmd warning: wrong return from\n",
      "  '",
      join("' '", @$picture_command, "-$size", "/tmp/$name"),
  my $return;
  eval qq{
    \$return = \$main->Photo(
      -file => "/tmp/$name", -format => \$format
  unless ($return) {
    print STDERR "$cmd warning: Tk::Photo failure for $fullsize\n";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#10# picture

sub picture {
  my $i = shift;
  $i %= @$picture_commands;
  my $image = image(
    $picture->width . 'x' . $picture->height
  return unless $image;
  $picture->configure(-image => $image);

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#11# thandler

my $delay = 60_000;

sub thandler { $main->raise; }

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#12# destroy_zombies

# +taskbar9

sub destroy_zombies {
  my %xtop_button_ids;
  for my $xtop (@xtops) {
    next unless my $button = $xtop->{button};
    my $id = $button->id;
    $xtop_button_ids{$id}  = 1
  for my $widget ($main->children) {
    next unless $widget->class eq 'Button';
    my $id = $widget->id;
    next if $xtop_button_ids{$id};
    $logfile && printlog(
      "destroying zombie with text '", $widget->cget(-text), "'\n"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#13# xon/off

sub xon {
    readable => \&xhandler

sub xoff {
    readable => ''

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#14# xhandler_icon

sub xhandler_icon {
  my $xtop = shift;
  my $text = $xtop->icon;
  my $char = $xtop->{char};
  $text = $text =~ /^$char / ? $text : "$char $text";
  my $button = $xtop->{button};
  if ($button) {
    $logfile &&
      printlog("\$button->configure(-text => '$text')\n");
    $button->configure(-text => $text);
  } else {
    print "no button for $xtop->{instance}\n";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#15# xhandler_command

sub xhandler_command {
  my $xtop = shift;
  local $_ = $xtop->command;
  $logfile && printlog("$_\n");
  if (/^exi/) {
  } elsif (/^res/) {
    exec $0, @ORGV;
  } elsif (/^dum/) {
    $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = sub {
      my @grep_v = sort grep !/^replies$/, keys %{$_[0]};
    print Dumper $xtops;
    $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
  } elsif (/^DUM/) {
    print Dumper $xtops;
  } elsif (/^pic\D*(\d*)$/) {
    picture($1 || 0) if $picture;
  } elsif (/^aut\D*(\d+)/) {
    $delay = $1 * 1000;
  } elsif (/^lef/) {
  } elsif (/^rig/) {
  } elsif (/^rai|^low/) {
    my ($nofocus, $char);
    my $key = 'char';
    for my $a (split) {
      $key = 'instance', next if $a =~ /^-i/;
      $nofocus = 1, next if $a =~ /^-n/;
      $char = $a;
    my $xtop2 = $xtopsbychar{$char};
    if ($xtop2) {
      if (/^rai/) {
        $nofocus ? $xtop2->raise : $xtop2->raise_and_focus;
      } elsif (/^low/) {

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#16# xhandler_adjust

sub xhandler_adjust {
  my %event = @_;
  if ($event{state} eq 'Unobscured') {
    $timer->cancel if $timer;
  } else {
    $timer = $main->after(60_000, \&thandler)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#17# xhandler_clients

sub xhandler_clients {
  my @deleted = $xtops->update;
  @xtops = @{$xtops->sorted};
  %xtopsbyid = %{$xtops->byid};
  %xtopsbychar = %{$xtops->bychar};
  $logfile && !@xtops && printlog("empty update\n");
  if (@deleted) {
    print(+@deleted .  " toplevels deleted at once\n")
      if @deleted > 1;
    while (my $xtop = shift @deleted) {
      if (@xtops || @deleted > -1) { # ie always true
        $xtop->{button}->destroy if $xtop->{button};
      } else { # doesn't handle all cases
        $xtop->{button}->configure(-text => 'aaaargh!')
	  if $xtop->{button};
  my $prev;
  for my $xtop (@xtops) {
    unless ($xtop->{button}) {
      $xtop->monitor_property_and_visibility_change, next
        if $xtop->{instance} eq $cmd && $name eq $cmd;
      my $text = $xtop->icon;
      my $char = $xtop->{char};
      my $c = quotemeta $char;
      $text = $text =~ /^$c / ? $text : "$char $text";
      my $button = $main->Button(-text => $text, %button);
      if ($xtop == $xtops[0]) {
	if ($picture) {
            -fill => 'x',
            -before => $picture,
	} else {
            -fill => 'x',
      } else {
          -fill => 'x',
            ? (-after => $prev)
            : (-before => $xtops[0]{button}),
      $xtop->{button} = $button;
    $prev = $xtop->{button};

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#18# xhandler_active

sub xhandler_active {
  my $id = $xtops->active;
  $_->{button}->configure(-state => 'normal')
    if $active && ($_ = $xtopsbyid{$active}) && $_->{button};
  if ($id) {
    $active = $id;
    $_->{button}->configure(-state => 'active')
      if ($_ = $xtopsbyid{$active}) && $_->{button};
  } else {
    print "no active window\n";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#19# xhandler_stacking

sub xhandler_stacking {
  my @stacking = $xtops->stacking;
  return unless @stacking;
  $logfile &&
      join("\n  ", "stacking (\$tkid=$tkid):", @stacking), "\n"
  if ($stacking[-1] == $tkid) {
    $timer->cancel if $timer && !$xtb_on_top;
    $xtb_on_top = 1;
  } else {
    $timer = $main->after($delay, \&thandler) if $xtb_on_top;
    $xtb_on_top = 0;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#20# xhandler

sub xhandler {
  my %event;
  while (my %event = $X->dequeue_event) {
    my $xtop = $xtopsbyid{$event{window}};
    my $atom = $X->atom_name($event{atom}) if $event{atom};
    $logfile && printlog(Data::Dumper->Dump([\%event], ['event']));
    $logfile && $atom && printlog("atom above = $atom\n");
    if ($xtop) {
      if ($event{name} eq 'PropertyNotify') {
        if ($atom eq 'WM_ICON_NAME') {
        } elsif ($atom eq '_XCHAR_COMMAND') {
      } elsif ($event{name} eq 'VisibilityNotify') {
        if ($event{window} == $tkid) {
    } elsif ($event{window} == $root) {
      if ($event{name} eq 'PropertyNotify') {
        if ($atom =~ /^_[A-Z]+_CLIENT_LIST$/) {
        } elsif ($atom eq '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW') {
        } elsif ($atom eq '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING') {

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#21# event masks

# $tkid elsewhere

$_->monitor_property_change for @xtops;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#22# name

# instance name of xtb
# this finds other xtb instances

$name = $cmd;

{ my $n;
  for my $xtop (@xtops) {
    my $instance = $xtop->instance;
    next unless my ($m) = $instance =~ /^$cmd(\d*)/;
    $m ||= 0;
    $n ||= 0;
    $n = $m if $m > $n;
  $name .= $n + 1 if defined $n;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#23# tk

use Tk;

# Tk/ selects the module
if ($picture_commands) {
  require Tk::Photo;
  require Tk::JPEG;
  require Tk::PNG;

$main = new Tk::MainWindow( # qualified for $screens->current($main)
  -class => uc($cmd),
  -name => $name,
  -width => $width,

$main->scaling(1); # +taskbar7

# %button global
if ($picture_commands && !$nopicture) {
  my $screenheight = $main->screenheight;
  $main->configure(-height => $screenheight);
  %button = (-anchor => 'w', -relief => $relief);
} else {
  my $tmpbutton = $main->Button;
  my $font = $tmpbutton->cget(-font);
  $font = $main->fontActual($font);
  my $w = $tmpbutton->fontMeasure($font, 'A');
  my $charwidth = int($width / $w);
  %button = (-anchor => 'w', -relief => $relief, -width => $charwidth);


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#24# screen

require X11::Screens;

{ my $screens = X11::Screens->new;
  $screen = $screens->current($main);
  quit("no screen found") unless $screen;

@screen_x = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$screen->x()};
$screen_w = $main->screenwidth; # or $screen->width

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#25# tkid

{ $tkid = my $wrapper = $main->wrapper;
  if (ref $wrapper) {
    for (@$wrapper) { $tkid = $_, last if $_ > 0 }

# X11::Top::monitor_property_and_visibility_change($tkid);
# $logfile && printlog_attributes;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#26# buttons

for my $xtop (@xtops) {
  next if $xtop->{instance} eq $cmd && $name eq $cmd;
  my $text = $xtop->icon;
  my $char = $xtop->{char};
  $text = $text =~ /^$char / ? $text : "$char $text";
  my $button = $main->Button(-text => $text, %button);
  $button->pack(-fill => 'x');
  $xtop->{button} = $button;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#27# picture

if ($picture_commands && !$nopicture) {
  $picture = $main->Label(-width => $width);

  $picture->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'y');

} else {

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#28# main

$X->{event_handler} = 'queue';




# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#29# notes

# 1.6
#   some Tk
# 1.10
#   gui looks about right
#   changes detected, but gui unaffected
# 1.11
#   changes show in gui
# 1.14
#   receives root window property changes
# 1.16
#   unfinished new window handling
#   dropped Xchars, made .xls
#   copied .xchars sub into .xls 'char' sub
# 1.17
#   sorting with .xls 'order' array
# 1.19
#   compare() of $oldtops & $newtops
#   moved reading .xls to
#   doesn't quite work
# 1.20
#   much simpler
#   new toplevels don't appear ... get empty updates
# 1.21
#   checks for root _WIN_CLIENT_LIST
#   new xterm causes 2 entries, A & B
# 1.22
#   various fixes
#   new xterm still shows no iconname, dunno why
#   deletes still not handled
# 1.23
#   new xterm shows iconname & changes to it
# 1.24
#   deletes handled
# 1.27
#   active window shown
# 1.29
#   -name => 'xls1'
#   moved subs before action
# 1.30
#   _XLS1_COMMAND & gen/xlc
# 1.31
#   experimenting with expose events
# 1.32
#   experimenting with visibility events
# 1.33
#   visibility events fixed
# 1.34
#   raises after timeout
# 1.35
#   no button for 'xls' if name is 'xls'
# 1.37
#   xup redone using message to xls [+taskbar4]
# 1.38
#   lowers as well as raises
# 1.39
#   raise & lower by instance as well as char
# 1.40
#   1st picture (filename & size hardwired)
# 1.43
#   picture from irand
#   fiddly code to decide what module to load
# 1.44
#   load all probably needed modules
#   sub image
# 1.45
#   size calculated
# 1.51
#   sub picture
#   xlc picture works
#   handles 'picture' message from xlc (renamed from xlcs)
# 1.56
#   got rid of extra frames with $main->packPropagate(0)
# 1.57
#   -relief -width -nopicture
#   lots of usage
# 1.58
#   xlc picture 2
#   handle sh magic characters in $picture_command
# 1.59
#   handle Tk::Photo failures [+taskbar4]
# 1.69
#   command 'config' ... works for picture_commands ... nothing else
#     tried
# 1.73
#   autoraise using stacking order
# 1.79
#   left & right [+taskbar5]
# 2.1
#   +taskbar7
# 3.1
#   +taskbar7
#   doesn't work yet
# 4.6
#   renamed rom xls to xtb [+taskbar8]

# $Revision: 4.23 $

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#30# pod

# Sorry, there's no perldoc in your $PATH, so here's the raw pod

=head1 NAME

xtb - xchar taskbar and char allocator


 xtb [-geometry ...] [-r relief] [-w width] [-p] [-l logfile]


Displays a vertical taskbar.  That is, a tall thin window containing a
list of X clients.

It requires that the window manager support some of the standard
extended window manager hints (fvwm does, twm doesn't).  Specifically,
it requires:


It also uses the always supported hints:


Access to all these is through the module X11::Tops.

Each client's slot in the taskbar shows the client's 'character'
followed by its icon name.  The characters are assigned to clients via a
perl function in the cfgfile $HOME/.xtb.  The perl function argument is
the client's instance name.

The character is fixed for the life of the client, but for best results
the icon name contains information about the current state of the client
(eg current directory, current mail folder, file or URL being viewed).

It normally sets its own instance name to 'xtb'.  If it finds that a
client with this name already exists, then it adds a number.  If there's
no other such instance, then it chooses xtb1.  If there are instances of
the form 'xtbN' then it chooses 'xtbM' where M is one more than the
largest N.

It normally doesn't show itself in the list, but does if its own name is
not xtb.

If .xtb contains a picture specification, then unless -p is given, the
list is padded to the screen height by an image determined by a Unix
command specified in the picture specification.

The possible relief values are, the 1st being the default:

        raised sunken flat ridge solid groove

The default width is 170.

=head1 XTC

The taskbar can be controlled from the command line with xtc(1), whose
main function is to send commands to the taskbar via the _XCHAR_COMMAND
property on the taskbar window.

Commands currently known are:



    raise [-n] char
    lower char

    picture [index]

    autoraise [delay]


They are sent by for example:

    xtc restart
    xtc raise -n c

The first word (restart etc) can be abbreviated to 3 letters.


=item restart

    xtb restarts itself with the same arguments (so -geometry and -l).
    Use this after you edit the configfile.

=item exit

    xtb exits, ceases, quits

=item left, right

    If the ~/.xscreens entry for the current screen has an 'x' key, it
    should list a sequence of numbers.  These are treated by xtb as
    distances from the right side of the screen.  On these commands, xtb
    aligns its right side to the next 'x' value, moving left or right
    Normally the 'x' values are distances from the right side of client
    geometries (elsewhere in ~/.xscreens) to the right edge of the
    screen.  The reason for this is that the right side of text-based
    clients is often less used than the left side, so is a less annoying
    place for the taskbar.

    Possibly these functions should be generalized and moved into xmv(1)
    (which moves any window, not just the taskbar, but so far does not
    allow relative moves).

=item raise, lower

     These raise or lower the window with the specified character.  The
     former also gives it the keyboard focus, unless -n is specified.

     They are redundant really, xup(1) & xdn(1) doing the same.

=item picture

    Refreshes the picture if any (see above).  This is useful if the
    picture fetching machinery is nondeterministic or has changed.

=item autoraise

    The taskbar automatically raises itself some time after being even
    partly obscured.  The default time is 60 seconds, but can be changed
    by this command.

=item DUMP, dump

    For debugging.  Causes the taskbar to dump its internal state to
    stdout, or to the logfile if xtb was started with -l.  DUMP is far
    more verbose than dump.


=head1 CFGFILE

This is $HOME/.xtb.  It is a perl fragment returning a hash reference.

Currently allowed keys & the type their allowed values are:

          char     function
          order    reference to an array of characters
          picture  reference to an array of arrays

The 'char' function maps instance names to sequences of characters.
The former is the usual X instance name (eg 'xterm' and 'firefox-bin').
A sequence is allowed because there may be several clients with the same
instance name.  Things are nicer if these clashes are avoided, such as
by using 'xterm -name xterm/c' and mapping xterm/c to 'c'.

The 'order' array specifies the order in which clients are shown.

Each element of the picture array specifies a Unix command followed by
its arguments.  The command is called by xtb with the specified
arguments supplemented by the size of the space available to the picture
& the name of the file in which the command should place the image.  The
size is specified by xtb in the form '-170x400', & the name as /tmp/xtb
(or /tmp/xtb1 or such).  The command should return the image type on
stdout.  This can be any of the types handled by perl-tk, currently:



The argument is an instance name.

A simple example is:

    char => sub {
        local $_ = shift;
        m-/(.)$-             ?  $1            :
        /gecko|firefox-bin/  ?  'f'           :
        /acroread/i          ?  'a'           :
        /xtb/                ?  '.'           :
        /./                  ?  ['A' .. 'Z']  :

A more realistic example involves a bit more Perl:

    my @reserved;
    push @reserved, qw(x r s o h);
    push @reserved, qw(a c e f g j k t y z , . - =);
    my %reserved;
    $reserved{$_} = 1 for @reserved;
    my @spare;
    for ('a' .. 'z') { push(@spare, $_) unless $reserved{$_}; }

    char => sub {
      local $_ = shift;
      m-/(.)$-             ?  $1             :
      /acroread/i          ?  ['a', @spare]  :
      /xchat/              ?  ['c', @spare]  :
      /ethereal/           ?  ['e', @spare]  :
      /gecko|firefox-bin/  ?  ['f', @spare]  :
      /gv/i                ?  ['g', @spare]  :
      /sjphone/i           ?  ['j', @spare]  :
      /kaffeine/           ?  ['k', @spare]  :
      /TeXmacs/            ?  ['t', @spare]  :
      /skype/i             ?  ['y', @spare]  :
      /SWT/                ?  ['z', @spare]  : # azureus
      /xtb./               ?  [',', ';' ]    :
      /xtb/                ?  '.'            :
      /^$/                 ?  ['-', '=']     :
      /./                  ?  ['A' .. 'Z']   :



    order => [
      qw(0 . , ; f g t p ), 'a' .. 'e', 1 .. 9, 'x' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z'


    picture => [
      [qw(irand -m-^apod/- -y 4d -a)],
      [qw(irand -m-^apod/(galaxy|nebula)- -a)],
      [qw(irand -M-^apod/- -a)],

=head1 SEE ALSO

xchar(1), xtc(1), xup(1), xdn(1), screens(1), xterms(1)

mk.xtb(1), mk.xscreens(1), mk.xchar(1)

X11::Tops(3), X11::Screens(3), X11::XTerms(3)

=head1 AUTHOR

Brian Keck E<lt>bwkeck@gmail.comE<gt>

=head1 VERSION

 $Source: /home/keck/gen/RCS/xtb,v $
 $Revision: 4.23 $
 $Date: 2007/07/07 07:51:55 $
 xchar 0.2
