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package Log::AutoDump;

use 5.006;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use IO::File;

use constant FATAL => 0;
use constant ERROR => 1;
use constant WARN  => 2;
use constant INFO  => 3;
use constant DEBUG => 4;
use constant TRACE => 5;

my %LEVELS = ( 0 => 'FATAL', 1 => 'ERROR', 2 => 'WARN', 3 => 'INFO', 4 => 'DEBUG', 5 => 'TRACE' );

use constant DEFAULT_LEVEL => 5;
use constant DEFAULT_SORT_KEYS => 1;
use constant DEFAULT_QUOTE_KEYS => 0;

use constant DEFAULT_BASE_DIR => '/tmp';
use constant MAX_FRAME => 10;

=head1 NAME

Log::AutoDump - Log with automatic dumping of references and objects.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.08


our $VERSION = '0.08';



Logging as usual, but with automatic dumping of references and objects.

 use Log::AutoDump;

 my $log = Log::AutoDump->new;
 $log->msg( 4, "Logging at level 4 (debug)", $ref, $hashref );

 $log->warn( "Logging at warn level (2)", \@somelist, "Did you see that list?!" )


When logging in development, it is common to dump a reference or object.

When working with logging systems that employ the idea of "log-levels", you can quickly end up with expensive code.

For example...

 $log->warn( "Some object:", Dumper( $obj ), "Did you like that?" );

If the B<level> for the C<$log> object is set lower than B<warn>, the above log statement will never make it to any log file, or database.

Unfortunately, you have still C<Dumped> an entire data-structure, just in case.

We take the dumping process out of your hands.

The above statement becomes...

 $log->warn( "Some object:", $obj, "Did you like that?" );

Which is easier to read/write for a start, but will also B<dump> the C<obj> by default.

Using L<Data::Dumper> unless specified.

You can control the C<$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth> by setting the C<dump_depth> attribute at construction time, and/or change it later.

 my $log = Log::AutoDump->new( dump_depth => 3 );
 $log->dump_depth( 1 );

This is useful when dealing with some references or objects that may contain things like L<DateTime> objects, which are themselves huge.  


=head1 METHODS

=head2 Class Methods

=head3 new

Creates a new logger object.

 my $log = Log::AutoDump->new( level              => 3,
                               dumps              => 1,
                               dump_depth         => 2,
                               sort_keys          => 1,
                               quote_keys         => 0,
                               filename_datestamp => 1,


sub new
	my ( $class, %args ) = @_;

	if ( 1 )   # possibly use db backend later
		my $path = $ENV{LOG_AUTODUMP_BASE_DIR} || $args{ base_dir } || DEFAULT_BASE_DIR;

		$path .= '/' unless $path =~ m!/$!;

		my $filename = delete $args{filename} || $0;
		$filename =~ s/^\.//;
		$filename =~ s/[\s\/]/-/g;

		$filename =~ s/^-//;

		if ( $args{ filename_datestamp } || $args{ datestamp_filename } )  # datestamp_filename can be removed after May 2012
			my ( undef, undef, undef, $day, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef ) = localtime( time );

			$mon =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
			$day =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
			my $datestamp = ( $year + 1900 ) . $mon . $day;
			$filename = $datestamp . '-' . $filename;
		$args{filename} = $path . $filename;
	my $self = {  level      => exists $args{ level } ? $args{ level } : DEFAULT_LEVEL,
	              dumps      => exists $args{ dumps } ? $args{ dumps } : 1,
	              dump_depth => $args{ dump_depth } || 0,
	              sort_keys  => exists $args{ sort_keys }  ? $args{ sort_keys }  : DEFAULT_SORT_KEYS,
	              quote_keys => exists $args{ quote_keys } ? $args{ quote_keys } : DEFAULT_QUOTE_KEYS,
	              filename   => $args{ filename },
	             _fh         => undef,

	$self->{ _fh } = IO::File->new( ">> " . $self->{filename} );
	$self->{ _fh }->autoflush( 1 );

	bless( $self, $class );
	return $self;

=head2 Instance Methods

=head3 level

Changes the log level for the current instance.

 $log->level( 3 );


sub level
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ level } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ level };

=head3 dumps

Controls whether references and objects are dumped or not.

 $log->dumps( 1 );


sub dumps
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ dumps } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ dumps };

=head3 dump_depth

Sets C<$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth>.

 $log->dump_depth( 3 );


sub dump_depth
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ dump_depth } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ dump_depth };

=head3 sort_keys

Sets C<$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys>.

 $log->sort_keys( 0 );


sub sort_keys
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ sort_keys } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ sort_keys };

=head3 quote_keys

Sets C<$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys>.

 $log->quote_keys( 0 );


sub quote_keys
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ quote_keys } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ quote_keys };

=head3 filename

Set the filename.

 $log->filename( 'foo.log' );


sub filename
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ filename } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ filename };

sub _fh
	my ( $self, $arg ) = @_;
	$self->{ _fh } = $arg if defined $arg;
	return $self->{ _fh };

=head3 msg

 $log->msg(2, "Hello");

This method expects a log level as the first argument, followed by a list of log messages/references/objects.

This is the core method called by the following (preferred) methods, using the below mapping...

 TRACE => 5
 DEBUG => 4
 INFO  => 3
 WARN  => 2
 ERROR => 1
 FATAL => 0


sub msg
	my ( $self, $level, @things ) = @_;

	local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = $self->dump_depth;
	local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = $self->sort_keys;

	local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = $self->quote_keys;
	if ( $level !~ /^\d+$/ )
		# bad log level, so push the 'level' to the 'things'
		$self->msg( FATAL, "LOG LEVEL MISSING (on the next line)" );
		unshift( @things, $level );
		$level = FATAL;
	return $self if $level > $self->level;

	my $line       = 0;
	my $subroutine = '';

	my $frame = 0;

	while ( $frame < MAX_FRAME )
		my (undef, undef, $temp_line, $temp_subroutine) = caller( $frame++ );

		$line = $temp_line unless $line;

		last unless $temp_subroutine;
		next if $temp_subroutine eq '(eval)';

		next if $temp_subroutine =~ /^Log::AutoDump::/;

		$subroutine = $temp_subroutine;

		$subroutine =~ s/::__ANON__$//;

		$subroutine =~ s/^ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::Registry::(.*)$/$1/;
	# prefix the line #
	my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef ) = localtime( time );

	$mon =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
	$day =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
	$hour =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
	$min =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
	$sec =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
	my $datetime = ( $year + 1900 ) . '/' . $mon . '/' . $day . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $min . ':' . $sec;
	my $prefix = join( ' ', $datetime, $$, $LEVELS{ $level }, $subroutine, '(' . $line . ')' ) . ' - ';

	my $msg = '';

	foreach my $thing ( @things )
		if ( my $label = ref $thing )
#			if ( $label eq 'CGI' )   # don't dump the whole CGI object
#			{
#				$msg .= "CGI Params...\n";
#				my $max_param_length = 0;
#				foreach my $param ( $thing->param )
#				{
#					$max_param_length = length($param) if length($param) > $max_param_length;
#				}
#				foreach my $param ( sort { $a cmp $b } grep { $_ !~ /\n/ } $thing->param )
#				{
#					$msg .= "\t" . sprintf("%-*s", $max_param_length, $param) . " = " . $thing->param($param) . "\n";
#				} 
#				$msg .= "CGI URL Params...\n";
#				$max_param_length = 0;
#				foreach my $param ( $thing->url_param )
#				{
#					$max_param_length = length($param) if length($param) > $max_param_length;
#				}
#				foreach my $param ( sort { $a cmp $b } grep { $_ !~ /\n/ } $thing->url_param )
#				{
#					$msg .= "\t" . sprintf("%-*s", $max_param_length, $param) . " = " . ( $thing->url_param($param) || '' ) . "\n";
#				} 
#				$msg .= "CGI Cookies...\n";
#				my $max_cookie_length = 0;
#				foreach my $cookie ( $thing->cookie )
#				{
#					$max_cookie_length = length($cookie) if length($cookie) > $max_cookie_length;
#				}
#				foreach my $cookie ( sort { $a cmp $b } $thing->cookie )
#				{
#					$msg .= "\t" . sprintf("%-*s", $max_cookie_length, $cookie ) . " = " . ( $thing->cookie($cookie) || '' ) . "\n";
#				} 
#			}	
#			else
#			{
				if ( $self->dumps || $level == 0 )
					$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 9 if $level == 0;

					$msg .= Dumper $thing;

					$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = $self->dump_depth;
					$msg .= $prefix . "NOT DUMPING [ " . $label . " ]";
#			}
			if ( defined $thing ) 
				$msg .= $prefix . $thing;
				$msg .= $prefix . '<< UNDEFINED LOG STATEMENT >>';
		$msg .= "\n" if $msg !~ /\n$/;

	# we have to make a local copy of the fh for some reason  :-/

	my $fh = $self->_fh;

	print $fh $msg;

	return $self;

=head4 trace

 $log->trace( "Trace some info" );

A C<trace> statement is generally used for extremely low level logging, calling methods, getting into methods, etc.


sub trace
	my $self = shift;
	$self->msg( TRACE, @_ ) if $self->is_trace;
	return $self;

sub is_trace
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 if $self->level >= TRACE;
	return 0;

=head4 debug

 $log->debug( "Debug some info" );


sub debug
	my $self = shift;
	$self->msg( DEBUG, @_ ) if $self->is_debug;
	return $self;

sub is_debug
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 if $self->level >= DEBUG;
	return 0;

=head4 info

 $log->info( "Info about something" );


sub info
	my $self = shift;
	$self->msg( INFO, @_ ) if $self->is_info;
	return $self;

sub is_info
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 if $self->level >= INFO;
	return 0;

=head4 warn

 $log->warn( "Something not quite right here" );


sub warn
	my $self = shift;
	$self->msg( WARN, @_ ) if $self->is_warn;
	return $self;

sub is_warn
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 if $self->level >= WARN;
	return 0;

=head4 error

 $log->error( "Something went wrong" );


sub error
	my $self = shift;
	$self->msg( ERROR, @_ ) if $self->is_error;
	return $self;

sub is_error
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 if $self->level >= ERROR;
	return 0;

=head4 fatal

 $log->fatal( "Looks like we died" );


sub fatal
	my $self = shift;
	$self->msg( FATAL, @_ ) if $self->is_fatal;
	return $self;

sub is_fatal
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 if $self->level >= FATAL;
	return 0;

=head1 TODO

simple scripts (the caller stack)

extend to use variations of Data::Dumper

=head1 AUTHOR

Rob Brown, C<< <rob at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-log-autodump at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you will
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Log::AutoDump

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2012 Rob Brown.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of Log::AutoDump