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package Yote::Util::CMS;

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.02';

use base 'Yote::Obj';

use Time::Piece;

sub _init {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->set_is_template( 1 ); # is a CMS template if on by default.
    $self->set__date_nodes( [] );
    $self->set__path_nodes( {} );
    $self->set__traits( {} );
    $self->set__trait_order( [qw/ test lang region /] );

    # to set the root node. Nodes created beyond this one will have their 
    #root set to this root
    $self->set__root( $self );

sub _is__root {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->_is( $self->get__root() );

# Return the content for a node. If the node has the template flag, then <<path>> will be replaced with CMS content.
sub content {
    my( $self, $data, $acct, $env, $seen ) = @_;
    $seen ||= {};
    my $working_node = $self->fetch_content_node( $data, $acct );
    return '' if $seen->{ $working_node->{ID} }; # no recursive templating
    $seen->{ $working_node->{ID} } = 1;
    my $content = $working_node->get_content();
    return $content unless $working_node->get_is_template();
    my $start_idx = index( $content, "<<" );
    while( $start_idx != -1 ) {
	my $e_idx = index( $content, ">>" );
	return $content if $e_idx == -1; #unclosed <<, so just return out
	my $path = substr( $content, 2 + $start_idx, $e_idx - ( 2 + $start_idx ) );
	my $val = $working_node->get__root()->content( {
	    path   => $path,
	    lang   => $data->{lang},
	    starts => $data->{starts},
	    ends   => $data->{ends},
	    region => $data->{region},
						      }, $acct, $env, $seen );
	$content = substr( $content, 0, $start_idx ) . $val  . substr( $content, $e_idx + 2 );
	$start_idx = index( $content, "<<" );	
    return $content;
} #content

sub fetch_specific_content_node {
    my( $self, $data, $acct ) = @_;

    my $path   = $data->{path};
    my $starts = $data->{starts};
    my $lang   = $data->{lang};
    my $region = $data->{region};

    if( $path ) {
	my $working_node = $self->get__path_nodes( {} )->{ $path };
	return unless $working_node;
	return $working_node->fetch_specific_content_node( { starts => $starts,
							     lang   => $lang,
							     region => $region,
							   } );
    if( $starts ) {
	my( $date_node ) = sort { $a->get_start_time() gt $b->get_start_time() } grep { $_->get_start_time() le $starts } @{ $self->get__date_nodes() };
	return unless $date_node;
	return $date_node->fetch_specific_content_node( { lang   => $lang,
							  region => $region, } );

    if( $lang ) {
	my( $lang_node ) = $self->get__lang_nodes( {} )->{ $lang };
	return unless $lang_node;
	return $lang_node->fetch_specific_content_node( { region => $region, } );

    if( $region ) {
	my( $region_node ) = $self->get__region_nodes( {} )->{ $region };
	return unless $region_node;
	return $region_node;
    return $self;
} #fetch_specific_content_node

sub fetch_content_node {
    my( $self, $data, $acct ) = @_;

    # returns the content node specified by the data and returns it. 
    my $working_node = $self->get__path_nodes( {} )->{ $data->{path} } || $self;
    # check if there is anything date specific
    my $now = $data->{starts} || localtime->strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M");
    my( $date_node ) = sort { $a->get_start_time() gt $b->get_start_time() } 
                       grep { $_->get_start_time() le $now && ( ( ! $_->get_end_time() ) || $_->get_end_time() gt $now ) } @{$working_node->get__date_nodes()};
    if( $date_node ) {
	my $res = $date_node->fetch_content_node( $data, $acct );
	return $res if $res;
    for my $trait ( @{ $self->get__root()->get__trait_order() } ) {
	if( $data->{ $trait } ) {
	    my $trait_node = $working_node->get__traits()->{ $trait }{ $data->{ $trait } };
	    if( $trait_node ) {
		my $res = $trait_node->fetch_content_node( $data, $acct );
		return $res if $res;

    return $working_node;

} #fetch_content_node

sub attach_content {
    # specifically for textual content
    my( $self, $data, $acct ) = @_;

    my $path     = $data->{path};
    my $starts   = $data->{starts};
    my $ends     = $data->{ends};
    my $traits   = $data->{traits} || [];
    my $content  = $data->{content};
    my $mime_type = $data->{mime_type};

    if( $path ) {
	my $path_node = $self->get__path_nodes()->{ $path };
	unless( $path_node ) {
	    $path_node = new Yote::Util::CMS();
	    $path_node->set__root( $self->get__root() );
	    $self->get__path_nodes()->{ $path } = $path_node;
	return $path_node->attach_content( { starts => $starts,
					     ends   => $ends,
					     traits => $traits,
					     content => $content,
					     mime_type => $mime_type,
					   } );
    } # has path

    # put these in in order of importance
    if( $starts ) {
	my $date_nodes = $self->get__date_nodes();
	my( $date_node ) = grep { $_->get_start_time() eq $starts } @$date_nodes;
	unless( $date_node ) {
	    $date_node = new Yote::Util::CMS();
	    $date_node->set__root( $self->get__root() );
	    $date_node->set_start_time( $starts );
	    $date_node->set_end_time( $ends ) if $ends;
	    unshift @$date_nodes, $date_node;
	return $date_node->attach_content( { traits  => $traits,
					     content => $content,
					     mime_type => $mime_type,
					   } );
    } #has starts

    if( @$traits ) {
	my $root = $self->get__root();
	my $r_traits = $root->get__trait_order();
	# make sure these are in a normal search order
	my( $trait, $value, @traits ) = @$traits;
	my $trait_node = $self->get__traits()->{ $trait }{ $value };
	unless( $trait_node ) {
	    $trait_node = new Yote::Util::CMS();
	    $trait_node->set__root( $self->get__root() );
	    $self->get__traits()->{ $trait }{ $value } = $trait_node;
	return $trait_node->attach_content( { traits   => \@traits,
					      content  => $content,
					      mime_type => $mime_type, } );

    $self->set_mime_type( $mime_type );
    if( ref( $content ) ) {
	$self->set_content( $content->Url() );
    } else {
	$self->set_content( $content );
    return $self;
} #attach_content



The CMS has a number of resources specified by string.
A String can look up a CMS node.

The node may have subnodes which are accessed by rules, such as language and a date to start showing.

Incoming data may be :
  * language
  * region
  * any other fields known to this

There is a master node with the following set up

   - content node [ with content type ( can be html, string, image or other media ), etc ]
   - start time (optional only if not in a sub date node) in the format YYYY-MM-DD:H-M
   - end time (optional)
   - _path_nodes { hash of strings to subnodes } 
   - _dates [ list of date/subnode pairs ]
   - _languages { hash of langauge to subnodes }
   - _regions { hash of region to subnodes }

The rule are checked starting with the main CMS node like so :

Input data : { node     : 'some_node',
               language : 'english',
               region   : 'north america',
The master node looks up some_node to get a working node.
  If it cannot find it, it uses itself as the working node.
  If it finds it, it uses what it finds as the working node.

The working node now checks for the presense of date subnodes.
If it finds one, it looks through these ( they are sorted in descending date order )
to find the most recent date that the current date is after its start
If it finds none, it stays on this node, otherwise it sets the current working node to the node specified by that date

 language to see if it has any language specific versions of itself

Uploading something to the CMS is as follows :

  content    - some content object
  path       - an identifying string
  languages  - [ list of languages allowed for this update. None to include all ]
  start      - datetime string this should start on. if this is present. in the format YYYY-MM-DD:H-M
  end        - datetime string this should end on. if this is present
  region     - [ list of regions this should be good for ]
Given that upload, the CMS finds a place for it.

=head1 NAME

Yote::Util::CMS - a simple CMS


This is a simple CMS with regionalization and scheduling.


=over 4

=item attach_content()

=item content()

=item fetch_content_node()

=item fetch_specific_content_node()

Returns the content


=head2 TODO

Use the regional or language settings passed through in the environment.

=head1 AUTHOR

Eric Wolf


Copyright (C) 2011 Eric Wolf

This module is free software; it can be used under the same terms as perl
