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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Yote Unit Tests</title>

 .fail { color:red }
 .pass { color:green }
 body { background-color:wheat }

<script src="/yote/js/jquery-2.1.0.js"></script>
<script src="/yote/js/jquery.base64.min.js"></script>
<script src="/yote/js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
<script src="/yote/js/json2.js"></script>
<script src="/yote/js/yote.js"></script>
<script src="/yote/js/yote.util.js"></script>

    var tests = 0;
var failed = 0;
var calls_made = 0;
var total_js_time = 0, start_js_time;
var t2;
$.yote.old_message = $.yote.message;
$.yote.message = function( params ) {

    total_js_time += ( - start_js_time);

    var ret =  $.yote.old_message( params );

    // excludes io from js performance
    start_js_time =;

    return ret;

function fail( test ) {
    return function(d) {
        $('#tests').append( "<span class=fail>FAILED : </span>" + test + '<BR>' );
function pass( test ) {
    return function(d) {
        $('#tests').append( "<span class=pass>PASSED : </span>" + test + '<BR>' );
function is( result, expected, msg ) {
    if( result === expected ) {
 	    pass( msg )();
    else {
 	    fail( msg + "( expected '" + expected + "' and got '" + result +"')" )();
function ok( result, msg ) {
    if( result === true ) {
 	    pass( msg )();
    else {
 	    fail( msg )();
function wrap_up() {
    $( '#results' ).append( "<BR>Calls made " + calls_made + "<BR>" );
    if( failed > 0 ) {
        $('#results').append( "Failed " + failed + " tests out of " + tests );
    } else {
        $('#results').append( "Passed all " + tests + " tests" );
    $.yote.fetch_root().remove_login( { l:$.yote.login_obj, p: 'ut' },
 				                      pass( "remove login" ), fail( "remove login" ) );
    $('#tests').append( "<br>tests completed in " + Math.round( - t2)/1000 + " seconds" );

    $('#tests').append( "<br>javascript time : " + Math.round(total_js_time) + " ms" );
} //wrap_up
var step_count = 0;
function step( msg ) {
    console.log( "step " + step_count + ':' + msg  );
    /* check
     *    account creation   ^
     *    removing account   ^
     *    login              ^
     *    app fetching       ^
     *    object methods     ^
     *    returned scalar    ^
     *    array
     *    hash
     *    object
    function do_tests() {
        // init yote
        $.yote.debug = false;

 	    try {
            //fetch app that doesn't require login and get scalar
            step('get app testappnologin');
            var nologin_app = $.yote.fetch_app( 'Yote::Test::TestAppNoLogin' );
            step('scalar called on testappnologin');
            var scalar = nologin_app.scalar( {}, pass("returned login scalar" ), fail("no login scalar returned") );
            is( scalar, "BEEP", "value of login scalar" );

            //fetch app that requires login and get scalar
            step('get app testappneedslogin');

            var login_app = $.yote.fetch_app( 'Yote::Test::TestAppNeedsLogin' );
            step('scalar called on testappneedslogin');
            var scalar = login_app.scalar( {},
                                           fail("required login returned scalar without login"),
 	                                       pass("required login returned nothingwithout login") );

            step('create account');
            // account creation.
            $.yote.fetch_root().create_login( { h: 'unit_test_account0', p: 'ut',e: '' },
 					                          pass("create first account"), pass("create first account already existed") );

            $.yote.fetch_root().create_login( { h: 'unit_test_account', p: 'ut', e: ''},
 					                          pass("create first account"), fail("create account") );

            step('create account with same handle');
            $.yote.fetch_root().create_login( { h: 'unit_test_account', p: 'ut', e: '' },
 					                          fail("created account with same handle"), pass("refused to create account with same handle") );

            $.yote.fetch_root().create_login( { h: 'nunit_test_account', p: 'ut', e: ''},
 					                          fail("created account with same email"), pass("refused to create account with same email") );

            step('login with wrong password');
 	        $.yote.login( 'unit_test_account','uz',
 			              fail( "able to log in with wrong password" ),
 			              pass( "unable to log in with wrong password" ) );
            step('login with correct password');
            $.yote.login( 'unit_test_account', 'ut',
 			              pass( "able to log in" ),
 			              fail( "unable to log in" ) );

            step('login has token');
 	        ok( $.yote.token != '', 'login has token', 'token missing from login' );
 	        ok( $.cookie('yoken') != '', 'cookie was set', 'cookie was not set' );


 	        var token_login = $.yote.fetch_root().token_login( $.yote.token );
 	        ok( typeof token_login === 'object', 'has a login with token', 'cannot login with token' );

	        login_app = $.yote.fetch_app( 'Yote::Test::TestAppNeedsLogin' );

            //app that requires login should allow scalar now
            step('scalar called on testappneedslogin to succeed');
            var scalar = login_app.scalar( {}, pass("required login returned scalar with login"), fail("required login returned scalar with login") );
            ok( typeof scalar !== 'object' && scalar === 'ZEEP', "no login scalar");
            // have a Yote object returned
            step('yote_obj get called on testappneedslogin to succeed');

            var obj = login_app.get_yote_obj();
            if( typeof obj !== 'object' ) {
 		        fail( "yote_obj not returned" )();
 	        is( login_app.list().length(), 3, " list properly returned " );

            // try passing in a javascript proxy object as a data parameter
            var o1 = login_app.make_obj( {Text:'foo'}, pass( "created object 1" ), fail( "create object 1" ) );
            var o2 = login_app.make_obj( {Text:'bar'}, pass( "created object 2" ), fail( "create object 2" ) );
            login_app.give_obj( o1, pass( "gave object 1" ), fail( "gave object 1" ) );
            is( o1.get_Text(), 'foo', 'correct object 1 text directly a' );
            is( o2.get_Text(), 'bar', 'correct object 2 text directly a' );
            login_app.give_obj( o2, pass( "gave object 2" ), fail( "gave object 2" ) );
            is( login_app.obj_text(), 'bar', 'correct object 1 text' ); //should have dirty sent back

            var o3 = login_app.get_obj(); //<--- STILL FAIL
            is( o3.get_Text(), 'bar', 'correct object 1 text directly' );

            login_app.give_obj( o1, pass( "gave object 2" ), fail( "gave object 2" ) );
            is( login_app.obj_text(), 'foo', 'correct object 2 text' );
            o3 = login_app.get_obj();
            is( o3.get_Text(), 'foo', 'correct object 2 text directly' );

            o3._stage( 'Text', 'baz' );
            is( o3.get_Text(), 'baz', 'correct object 2 text directly' );
            is( o3.get_Text(), 'foo', 'correct object 2 text directly' );

            o3._stage( 'Text', 'baz' );
            is( o3.get_Text(), 'baz', 'correct object 2 text directly' );

            is( o3.get_Text(), 'baz', 'correct object 2 text directly' );

 	        //Text is writable, zap doesn't exist and so it not, and bext is not writeable
 	        is( login_app.get_Text(), 'inity', "TANL initied text" );
 	        is( login_app.get_zap(), 'zappy', "TANL initied zap" );
 	        ok( typeof o3[ 'set_Text' ] !== undefined, "text is there" );
 	        ok( typeof o3[ 'set_bext' ] !== undefined, "bext is there" );
 	        is( o3[ 'set_zap' ], undefined, "zap is not there" );

 	        is( login_app.get_Text(), 'baf', "TANL changed text" );
 	        is( login_app.get_zap(), 'zappy', "TANL unchnaged zap" );

            is( o3.get_Text(), 'baz', 'correct object 2 text directly did not change' );
            is( o3.get_bext(), 'Something else', 'correct object 2 text directly' );
            is( o3.get('zip'), undefined, 'correct object 2 text directly' );

            pass( "no login returns yote obj" )();
            step('name get called on testappneedslogin to succeed');
            var initval = obj.get_name();
            is( initval, 'INITY', "yote object inited on server side" );

            // have yote array returned
            step('array called on testappneedslogin to succeed');
            var arry = login_app.array();
            is( arry.length(), 4, 'length of array returned' );
            is( arry.get(0), 'A', 'element 0 correct' );

 	        // test sorting functions
 	        step( 'testing sorting function' );
 	        var tosortarry = arry.get( 3 );
 	        is( tosortarry.length(), 6, 'length of sorting array' );
 	        is( tosortarry.get(0), 'b', 'first el' );
 	        is( tosortarry.get(5), 'c', 'last el' );
 	        var sortedarry = tosortarry.sort();
 	        is( sortedarry.length, 6, 'sorted array length' );
 	        is( sortedarry[0], 'a', 'first el sorted array' );
 	        is( sortedarry[5], 'f', 'last el sorted array' );
 	        sortedarry = tosortarry.sort(function( a,b ) { if( a > b ) { return -1; } if( a < b ) { return 1; } return 0 ; });
 	        is( sortedarry[5], 'a', 'last el rev sorted array' );
 	        is( sortedarry[0], 'f', 'first el rev sorted array' );

            //check if el 2 is object
            var inobj = arry.get(2);

            step('name get called on testappneedslogin to succeed');
            is( inobj.get_name(), 'INITY', "yote object inited on server side" );

            // have yote hash returned
            step('get hash in array');
            var h = arry.get(1);
            step('get size of hash');
            is( h.length(), 1, 'hash has correct numbers' );
            step('get inner array of hash');
            var inarry = h.get('inner');
            step('inner array correct length');
            is( inarry.length(), 2, 'inner array has correct length' );
            step('first element in inner array');
            is( inarry.get(0), 'Juan', '1st el inner array' );
            step('second element hash in inner array');
            var inh = inarry.get(1);
            step('2nd hash length');
            is( inh.length(), 2, 'inner hash length' );
            step('2nd hash peanut value');
            is( inh.get('peanut'), 'Butter', 'first value inner hash' );
            step('2nd hash ego object with id');
            is( inh.get('ego').id, $.yote.objs[inh.get('ego').id].id, 'object stored in root object cache' );
            step('2nd hash ego object with name');
            is( inh.get('ego').get_name(), 'INITY', 'object stored in inner hash' );

            //test javascript object caching and multi loading of objects.
            is( $.yote._cache_size(), 0, "cache now empty" );
            var login_app = $.yote.fetch_app( 'Yote::Test::TestAppNeedsLogin' );
            is( $.yote._cache_size(), 2, "cache with loginapp and root in loginapp" );

 	        var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app( 'Yote::Test::Hello' );
 	        is( hello_app.get_my_hash().get( 'store' ).get( 'AnObject' ).get_flavor(), 'blueberry', "chained objects passed correctly" );

 	        // testing pagination
 	        //timing tests
 	        var needs = 4;

 	        function meets() {
 		        if( needs == 0 ) {

            total_js_time += ( - start_js_time);

 	        login_app.long_time( '', function( pass_resp ) { pass( "Passed long time test" )(); meets() }, function( fail_resp ) { fail( "Failed long time test" )(); meets();  }, true );
 	        login_app.short_time( '', function( pass_resp ) { pass( "Passed short time test" )(); meets() }, function( fail_resp ) { fail( "Failed short time test" )(); meets(); }, true );
 	        login_app.short_time( '', function( pass_resp ) { pass( "Passed second short time test" )(); meets() }, function( fail_resp ) { fail( "Failed second short time test" )(); meets(); }, true );
 	        login_app.short_time( '', function( pass_resp ) { pass( "Passed third short time test" )(); meets() }, function( fail_resp ) { fail( "Failed third short time test" )(); meets(); }, true );

 	    catch( err ) {
 	        fail( err )();
    } //do_tests
    start_js_time =;
    t2 =;


} ); //ready

  <h1>Yote Unit Tests</h1>
  <div id="tests"></div>
  <div id="results"></div>