The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
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    <title>Yote Quickstart</title>
    <script src="/yote/js"></script>

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    <link href="/yote.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
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    <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Eric Wolf,">

      .overlesson { min-width: 900px; display:inline;}
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      .client_col { border:ridge 4px lightblue; padding: 5px; background-color: #EEE1ED; }



	make_menus( '#top_nav' );

	var lesson_template =
		title             : '',
		summary           : '',
		client            : '',
		server            : '',
		discussion        : '',
		server_discussion : '',
		client_discussion : ''

	var lessons = [
	    // ******************* HELLO WORLD *****************
		title   : 'Hello World',
		summary : 'Connect client to server and show how methods on the server are automatically on the client.',
		client  : '\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.hello() );\n\
 // outputs "Hello World"',
		server : '\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub hello {\n\
  return "Hello World";\n\
		discussion : 'This kata shows how perl app methods can be invoked from the client side.',
		server_discussion : 'All Apps inherit from Yote::AppRoot and have a singleton object associated with them. When the client requests an app using fetch_app, the Yote server loads the singleton, creating it if it is the first time its been loaded.',
		client_discussion : 'Once yote is initialized, an app singleton object is obtained by calling fetch_app. Public methods from the server object are automatically attached to the client object, and data from the server object is automatically transferred over.'

	    // ******************* HELLO OUTPUTS *****************
		title             : 'Server Outputs',
		summary           : 'Show how data from the server gets to the client.',
		client            : '\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.hello_scalar() );\n\
 // outputs "Hello"\n\
var yote_list = hello_app.hello_array();\n\
// note, length in this case is a function, not a property\n\
for( var i=0; i < yote_list.length(); i++ ) {\n\
   alert( yote_list.get( i ) );\n\
 // outputs "A" "B" and 33\n\
var yote_hash = hello_app.hello_hash();\n\
var hash_keys = yote_hash.keys();\n\
for( var i=0; i < hash_keys.length; i++ ) {\n\
  var hk = hash_keys[ i ];\n\
  alert( hk + \' --> \' + yote_hash.get( hk ) );\n\
 // outputs "Foo --> BAR" and "Baz --> BAF"\n\
alert( hello_app.hello_nothing() );\n\
 // outputs "undefined"\n\
		server            : '\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub hello_scalar {\n\
  return "Hello"\n\
sub hello_array {\n\
  return [ "A", "B", 33 ];\n\
sub hello_hash {\n\
  return { Foo => "BAR", \n\
           Baz => "BAF" }\n\
sub hello_nothing {}\n\
		discussion        : 'This kata shows how scalar, array and hash outputs are passed from the client to the server. It\'s very important to note that arrays and hashes returned are not javascript arrays and hashes, but are array and has like objects.',
		server_discussion : 'The server can pass back undef, scalars, arrays, hashes and yote objects.  Yote objects are not seen here. They will be covered in a later lesson',
		client_discussion : 'It\'s very important to note that hashes and arrays are returned to the client as javascript objects. The array analog has a length() <strong>method</strong> that <i>must</i> be used rather than a length <i>property</i>. Items are extracted from these javascript objects using <code>get( index or key )</code>.'

	    // ******************* HELLO INPUTS *****************
		title   : 'Server Inputs',
		summary : 'Show how data from the client gets to the server',
		client  : '\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.hello(\'Bob\') );\n\
 // outputs "Hello \'Bob\'"\n\
alert( hello_app.list_length( [ \'A\', \'B\', \'C\' ] ));\n\
 // outputs "The input list is 3 items long"\n\
alert( hello_app.hash_keycount( { foo : \'bar\',\n\
                                  baz : \'baf\' } ));\n\
 // outputs "The hash has 2 keys";',

		server : '\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub hello {\n\
  my( $self, $name ) = @_;\n\
  return "Hello \'$name\'";\n\
sub list_length {\n\
  my( $self, $list ) = @_;\n\
  return "The input list is " . scalar( @$list ). " items long";\n\
sub hash_keycount {\n\
  my( $self, $hash ) = @_;\n\
  return "The hash has " . scalar( keys %$hash ). " keys";\n\
		discussion : 'This kata shows how to pass inputs to perl app methods from the client side. Shown here is passing scalar, list, and hash input types. Not shown is passing yote objects as parameters.',
		server_discussion : 'The second element of the @_ input array is always a reference to any data passed in, or undef if none was.',
		client_discussion : ''

	    // ******************* HELLO VARIABLES **************
		title             : 'Variables',
		summary           : 'Show how variables set on the server side are immediately visible to the client side',
		client            : '\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
hello_app.push( "a" );\n\
hello_app.push( { "HASH" : "VALUE" } );\n\
hello_app.push( [ "LIST", "WITH", "STUFF" ] );\n\
// note that get is a function since get_my_array returns an object rather than a real array.\n\
alert( hello_app.get_my_array().get( 0 ) );\n\
 // outputs "a"\n\
alert( hello_app.get_my_array().get( 1 ).get( "HASH" ) );\n\
 // outputs "VALUE"\n\
alert( hello_app.get_my_array().get( 2 ).get( 1 ) );\n\
 // outputs "WITH"\n\
hello_app.hash( [ "key", "value" ] );\n\
var hash = hello_app.get_somehash();\n\
var hkeys = hash.keys();\n\
for( var i=0; i < hkeys.length; i++ ) {\n\
  alert( hkeys[ i ] + " --> " + hash.get( hkeys[ i ] ) );\n\
 // outputs "key --> value"\n\
hello_app.call_set( "SomeValueHere" );\n\
alert( hello_app.get_foo() );\n\
 // outputs "SomeValueHere"\n\
		server            : '\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub push {\n\
  my( $self, $val ) = @_;\n\
  $self->add_to_myarray( $val );\n\
  return $self->get_my_array();\n\
sub hash {\n\
   my( $self, $key_val_pair ) = @_;\n\
   $self->get_somehash( {} )->{ $key_val_pair->[ 0 ] } = $key_val_pair->[ 1 ];\n\
sub call_set {\n\
   my( $self, $val ) = @_;\n\
   $self->set_foo( $val );\n\
		discussion        : 'There are several types of automatic accessors on the server side : ' +
		    '<UL><LI><STRONG>set_</STRONG><I>foo</I><STRONG>(</STRONG><I> value </I><STRONG>)</STRONG> : sets the value of <I>foo</I></LI>' +
		    '<LI><STRONG>add_to_</STRONG><I>bar</I><STRONG>(</STRONG><I> list of values </I><STRONG>)</STRONG> : Ads the values to list <I>bar</I></LI>' +
		    '<LI><STRONG>add_once_to_</STRONG><I>bar</I><STRONG>(</STRONG><I> list of values </I><STRONG>)</STRONG> : Ads the values to list <I>bar</I>, ensuring values in the list are not duplicated</LI>' +
		    '<LI><STRONG>remove_from_</STRONG><I>bar</I><STRONG>(</STRONG><I> list of values </I><STRONG>)</STRONG> : Removes the first occurance of the items pased in from list <I>bar</I></LI>' +
		    '<LI><STRONG>remove_all_from_</STRONG><I>bar</I><STRONG>(</STRONG><I> list of values </I><STRONG>)</STRONG> : Removes the all occurances of the items pased in from list <I>bar</I></LI>' +
		server_discussion : 'The setting methods set the variables on their targets immediately. The Yote server takes care of their persistance so no explitic save is needed to be called.',
		client_discussion : 'As soon as the variables are set on the server side, they are visible on the client side. When a new variable is attached to a server side oject, the client will be automatically updated with its value the next time the client contacts the server.'

	    // ******************* HELLO OBJECTS **************
		title             : 'Objects',
		summary           : 'Show how yote objects are created on the server side.',
		client            : '\n\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.get_objects().get( 1 ) );\n\
  // outputs "barney"\n\
		server            : 'package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub store_object {\n\
  my( $self, $data ) = @_;\n\
  my $obj = new Yote::Obj( { name => $data } );\n\
  $self->add_to_objects( $obj );\n\
		discussion        : 'Yote objects are all instances of Yote::Obj and will persist as long as they are referenced by an app object. Arbitrary properties and yote object references may be attached to any yote object.',
		server_discussion : '',
		client_discussion : ''

	    // ******************* HELLO INIT *****************
		title             : 'Init',
		summary           : 'Show how objects can be automatically intiated on the server side.',
		client            : '\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.get_my_hash().get( \'store\' )\n\
       .get( \'AnObject\' ).get_flavor() );\n\
 // outputs "blueberry"',
		server            : '\
package Fruitcase;\n\
use base \'Yote::Obj\';\n\
sub _init {\n\
  my $self = shift;\n\
  $self->set_flavor( "blueberry" );\n\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
# _init is called when the object is first created.\n\
#    note that methods that begin with underscores \n\
#    are not accessable from the client.\n\
sub _init {\n\
   my $self = shift;\n\
   $self->set_my_hash( {\n\
        foo    => "BAR",\n\
        llamas => [ "Like", "To", \n\
        "Play", "With", "Twigs" ],\n\
        store  => { AnObject => new Fruitcase(),\n\
                    ANumber  => 22,\n\
   } );\n\
		discussion        : '',
		server_discussion : 'Init is called only first time a Yote object is instantiated. Note that both the Fruitcase object and the Hello app both have an _init method defined.',
		client_discussion : 'Init on the client makes the initial handshake between client and server.'

	    // ******************* HELLO ACCOUNT *****************
		title             : 'Hello Account',
		summary           : 'Show how an account is created and sent to to the server as the third argument in a call.',
		client            : '\
       "" );\n\
       "isEncryptedOnServer" );\n\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.hello(&quot;Hi there&quot;) );\n\
 // outputs "Hi there Programmer"',
		server            : '\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub hello {\n\
    my( $self, $value, $account ) = @_;\n\
    return $value . &quot;, " . $account->get_handle();\n\
		discussion        : 'An account is just a bundle of data associated with a user and an app. The same user will have an account for each different app on the system.',
		server_discussion : 'The account object is always passed as the third parameter to any yote method if a user is logged in. If no user is logged in, the third parameter will be undefined.',
		client_discussion : 'Methods for logging in and creating accounts are provided as part of the $.yote package object.'

	    // ******************* HELLO ENVIRONMENT *****************
		title             : 'Environment Variables',
		summary           : 'Show that environment variables are passed as the third argument to any yote call.',
		client            : '\
       "" );\n\
       "isEncryptedOnServer" );\n\
var hello_app = $.yote.fetch_app(\'Hello\');\n\
alert( hello_app.hello(\'Hi there\') );\n\
 // outputs "Hi there Programmer from"\n\
 //    ( or whichever ip address )',
		server            : '\
package Hello;\n\
use base \'Yote::AppRoot\';\n\
sub hello {\n\
my( $self, $value, $account, $env ) = @_;\n\
my $from_ip =       $env-&gt;{ REMOTE_ADDR };\n\
    return $value . &quot;, " . $account->get_handle() . "from $from_ip";\n\
		discussion        : 'Environment variables are automatically detected and provided to the server.',
		server_discussion : '',
		client_discussion : 'The environment hash reference is always passed as the forth parameter to any yote method.'

	var buf = '';
	for( var i=0; i < lessons.length; i++ ) {
	    var lesson = lessons[ i ];
	    buf += '<LI id="li_' + i + '"><A HREF="#" id="lesson_' + i + '"> ' +
		lesson[ 'title' ] + '</LI>';

	$( '#navcol' ).empty().append( buf );
	for( var i=0; i < lessons.length; i++ ) {
	    $( '#lesson_' + i ).click( (function(ii) {
		return function() {
		    show_lesson( ii );
	    } )( i ) );

	function show_lesson( lesson_idx ) {
	    var lesson = lessons[ lesson_idx ];
	    $( '#navcol a' ).removeClass( 'active' );
	    $( '#li_' + lesson_idx + ' a' ).addClass( 'active' );
	    if( ! lesson ) {
	    var buf = '<DIV class="page-header"><h3>' +
		lesson[ 'title' ] + '</h3>' + lesson[ 'summary' ] + '</DIV>' +
		'<table class="lesson">' +
		'<tr><th>Server Side</th><th>Client Side</th></tr>' +
		'<tr id="lrow"><td><div class="server_col"><pre><code>' + lesson[ 'server' ] + '</code></pre></div></td>' +
		'<td><div class="client_col"><pre><code>' + lesson[ 'client' ] + '</code></pre></div></td>' +
	    if( lesson[ 'server_discussion' ] ) {
		buf += '<p><h4>Server Notes</h4>' + lesson[ 'server_discussion' ] + '</p>';
	    if( lesson[ 'client_discussion' ] ) {
		buf += '<p><h4>Client Notes</h4>' + lesson[ 'client_discussion' ] + '</p>';
	    if( lesson[ 'discussion' ] ) {
		buf += '<p><h4>Discussion</h4>' + lesson[ 'discussion' ] + '</p>';
	    buf += '<div style="padding:0 300px 0 300px;display:inline">';
	    if( lesson_idx > 0 ) {
		// can move backwards
		buf += '<a id="back" href="#">Previous</a>';
	    if( lesson_idx < (lessons.length-1) ) {
		// can move forwards
		buf += '<a id="ahead" href="#" style="float:right">Next</a>';
	    buf += '</div>';

	    $( '#lesson' ).empty().append( buf );
	    $( '#lesson pre' ).height( $( '#lrow' ).height() );

	    $( '#back' ).click( (function(newidx) {
		return function() { show_lesson( newidx ); }
	    } )( lesson_idx - 1 ) );

	    $( '#ahead' ).click( (function(newidx) {
		return function() { show_lesson( newidx ); }
	    } )( lesson_idx + 1 ) );

	} //show_lesson

	show_lesson( 0 );
	attach_login( {
	    attachpoint         : '#logged_in_status',
	    message_attachpoint : '#msg_div' 
	} );


    <DIV class="header">
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      <DIV class="login logged_in" id="logged_in_status"></DIV>
      <DIV id="msg_div"></DIV>
      <p>These excersizes are designed to show one concept at a time in order to learn the ins and outs of programming Yote. For the server side examples, the package is expected to be in the classpath used by Yote. For the client side examples, the appropriate javascript files are expected to be included. <BR>

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