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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Yote Template Tests</title>

 .fail { color:red }
 .pass { color:green }
 body { background-color:wheat }
 .hide { display:none }

<script src="/yote/JS"></script>

var tests = 0;
var failed = 0;
var calls_made = 0;
$.yote.old_message = $.yote.message;
$.yote.message = function( params ) {
    return $.yote.old_message( params );

function fail( test ) {
    return function(d) {
        $('#tests').append( "<span class=fail>FAILED : </span>" + test + '<BR>' );
function pass( test ) {
    return function(d) {
        $('#tests').append( "<span class=pass>PASSED : </span>" + test + '<BR>' );
function msg( txt ) {
    $('#tests').append( txt + '<BR>' );
function is( result, expected, msg ) {
    if( result === expected ) {
 	pass( msg )();
    else {
 	fail( msg + "( expected '" + expected + "' and got '" + result +"')" )();
function ok( result, msg ) {
    if( result === true ) {
 	pass( msg )();
    else {
 	fail( msg )();
function wrap_up() {
    $( '#results' ).append( "<BR>Calls made " + calls_made + "<BR>" );
    if( failed > 0 ) {
        $('#results').append( "Failed " + failed + " tests out of " + tests );
    } else {
        $('#results').append( "Passed all " + tests + " tests" );
    var d = new Date();
    var t2 = d.getTime();
    var d2 = new Date();
    $('#tests').append( "<br>tests completed in " + Math.round(d2.getTime() - t2) + " ms" );
} //wrap_up
var step_count = 0;
function step( msg ) {
    console.log( "step " + step_count + ':' + msg  );
       Test the following template parts

	        <# comments go here #>

	        <??? function( ctx ) ...
		    - test ability to set values in the context
		    - test ability to return other filled in templates

	        <$$$ controlname html
	        <?? function( ctx ) ....
	        <$$ template 
	        <$$ List template list max_rows $$>
	        <$$ Hash template list max_rows $$>
	        <$ var $>
	        <$ _index_ $>
	        <$ _hashkey_ $>
	        <? function( ctx ) ... ( after render )

    $.yote.templates.import_templates( '/templates/yote_templates.html' );
    $.yote.templates.import_templates( '/templates/default_templates.html' );

    function do_tests() {
        // init yote
        $.yote.templates.debug = false;

 	    try {
	        var app = $.yote.fetch_default_app();
	        var sandbox = app.get_sandbox();
	        sandbox.set( 'name', 'sandy' );

	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'Comments' ).trim(), 'This template has comments', '$.yote.templates.fill_template works' );
	        is( $( '#comments' ).html().trim(), 'This template has comments', 'automatic filling of template variables' );
	        is( $( '#comments' ).html().trim(), 'This template has comments', '<# comment template #>' );
	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'TripleQuest' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'A very simple test This template has comments Number 4 WAZ ZBorgs around', '< ??? function ??\?> effect on building templates, effect on using ??? to create variables and effect of setting values directly in the context' );
	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'SimpleTemplate' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'A very simple test This template has comments', '<$$ templatename $$>' );
	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'VarTest' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 
		        'Give me arguments alpha beta zappa wack Tootx and wack',
		        '<$$ templatename args $$>, <??? function ???>' );
	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'PaginationTest' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'ARRAY 0 : A 1 : C 2 : B Apple : butter Daikon : radish Lemon : yellow YARRA', 'tests <??? function(ctx) { that puts a list in context } ???>, <$$ List template @list maxrows $$>, <$ _index_ $> <$ _hashkey_ $> and <$ _ $> ' );
	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'PaginationTest', undefined, [ '1' ] ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'ARRAY 4 : E Pea : green Spinach : wild YARRA',  'tests list and hash paginate advances' );

	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'ArrayHashTest' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'LISTYHASHY 0 : A 1 : C 2 : B 3 : D 4 : E 5 : N Crate : BARREL Nose : RED Poke : MON BEETS',  'tests list and hash non-paginated' );

	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'SandBox' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'sandy sandy sandy', '<$ $>' );
	        is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( 'Vars' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'My name is unknown', 'default value for get' );

	        is( $( '#after_render' ).text().trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), 'TEST', 'after render function' );

            //	    is( $.yote.templates.fill_template( '' ).trim().replace( /[\n\s]+/g, ' '), '', '' );
 	    catch( err ) {
 	        fail( err )();

    } //do_tests
} ); //ready



    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="SelTest">
       <??? ctx.vars.myHash = { '1' : "Number One", '2' : "Lets Go" }; ???>
       <$$ BuildSelectFromHash myHash% mySelect 2 $$>
            $( ctx.controls.mySelect ).click( function() { alert( 'clicked ' + $( ctx.controls.mySelect ).val() ) } );

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="AfterRender">
      <$$$ ar_div <div></div>$$$>
      <? function( ctx ) { $( ctx.controls.ar_div ).append( "TEST" ) } ?>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="Vars">
      My name is <$ name unknown $>
    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="SandBox">
       <??? function( ctx ) { 
  = $.yote.fetch_default_app();
           ctx.vars.sandbox = $.yote.fetch_default_app().get_sandbox();
       } ???>
       <$ app|sandbox|name $>
       <$ _app_|sandbox|name $>
       <$ sandbox|name $>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="ArrayRow">
      <$ _index_ $> : <$ _ $> 

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="HashRow">
      <$ _hashkey_ $> : <$ _ $> 

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="ArrayHashTest">
               ctx.vars.array = [ "A", "C", "B", "D", "E", "N" ];
               ctx.vars.hash = {  Poke : "MON", Crate : "BARREL", Nose : "RED" };
       <$$ List ArrayRow array@ $$>
       <$$ Hash HashRow hash% $$>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="PaginationTest">
               ctx.vars.array = [ "A", "C", "B", "D", "E" ];
               ctx.vars.hash = {  Apple : 'butter', Spinach : 'wild', Daikon : 'radish', Lemon : 'yellow', Pea : 'green'};
               ctx.vars.array_pag = ctx.parse( "array@@" );
               ctx.vars.hash_pag = ctx.parse( "hash%%" );
               if( ctx.args && ctx.args.length == 1 ) {
                   ctx.vars.array_pag._start = 4;
                   ctx.vars.hash_pag._start  = 3;
       <# putting the size in the array_pag because
          the array_pag might be needed for paginations
          control html #>
       <$$ ListPaginate ArrayRow array@@ 3 $$>
       <$$ HashPaginate HashRow hash%% 3 $$>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="VarTestPartTwo">
      <??? function( ctx ) { ctx.vars.e = 'x'; return ''; } ???>
      <?? return ctx.args.join(" ").toLowerCase() + ' ' + ctx.vars.x + ' ' + ctx.vars.y + ctx.vars.e; ??>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="VarTest">
      <??? function( ctx ) { 
          ctx.vars.x = "wack";
          ctx.vars.y = "Toot";
      } ???>
      Give me arguments <$$ VarTestPartTwo 'Alpha' 'Beta' 'Zappa' $$> and <$ x $>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="TripleQuest">
      <???  = 1 + 3; 
         return '<?? ctx.vars.fool = "Borgs around"; = "WAZ Z"; return ""; ??>' +
          '<$$ SimpleTemplate $$>'; 
      <?? return "Number " + + ' ' + + ctx.vars.fool; ??>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="SimpleTemplate">
    A very simple test <$$ Comments $$>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="Comments">
       This template<# doesn't #> has comments <# I'd say #>

    <script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="Ed">
       Edit field <$$ edit _app_|sandbox 'wistle' $$> UM


  <h1>Yote Template Tests</h1>
  <div  id="comments" class="yote_template hide" template="Comments"></div>
  <div  id="after_render" class="yote_template hide" template="AfterRender"></div>

  <div  id="eddy" class="yote_template" template="Ed"></div>
  <div id="tests"></div>
  <div id="results"></div>

  <div  id="after_render" class="yote_template" template="SelTest"></div>