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   The following are templates that interoperate with the Yote App Server.

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="yote_checkbox">
       creates a checkbox to toggle a field in a yote object. 

       arguments :
             yote obj
             field for yote object
             label for checkbox
       if( ctx.args.length > 1 ) { 
           var obj = ctx.parse( ctx.args[ 0 ] )
           ctx.vars.object = obj;
           var fld = ctx.args[ 1 ];
           var lbl = ctx.args[ 2 ] || '';
           ctx.field = fld;
           return '<label for="<?? return ctx.controls.checkbox.substring(1);??>">' + 
               '<$$$ checkbox <input type="checkbox" ' + ( 1*obj.get( fld ) > 0 ? ' checked ' : '' ) + '>$$$>' + 
               lbl + '<label>';
       } else {
           console.log( "error in template 'checkbox' : not enough arguments." );
           return '';
       return '';
        $( ctx.controls.checkbox ).click( function() {
            ctx.vars.object.set( ctx.vars.field, $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ? 1 : 0 );
        } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="Logged_in">
   Logged in as <$ _acct_.handle $><BR>
   <$$$ logout <a href="#">Log Out</a> $$$>
     $( ctx.controls.logout ).click( function() {
     } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="Login">
   <$$$ messages <span><$ _app_.login_message "Please Log In" $></span> $$$><BR>
   <$$$ handle <input placeholder="handle" type="text"> $$$>
   <$$$ password <input placeholder="password" type="password"> $$$>
   <$$$ login <button type="BUTTON">Log In</button> $$$>
   <$$$ forgot <a href="#">Forgot Account</a> $$$>
   <$$$ create <a href="#">Create Account</a> $$$>
           button :  ctx.controls.login,
           texts  :  [ ctx.controls.handle, ctx.controls.password ],
           action : function() {
               $.yote.login( $( ctx.controls.handle ).val(),
                             $( ctx.controls.password ).val(),
                             function(msg) {
                                 if( ctx.scratch.requires_admin && ! $.yote.has_root_permissions() ) {
                                     $( ctx.controls.messages ).empty().append( "Error : root login required" );
                                     $.yote.need_reinit = true;
                             function(err) {
                                 $( ctx.controls.messages ).empty().append( err );
                             } );
           } );
         $( ctx.controls.forgot ).click( function() {
             ctx.scratch.forgot_login = true;
         } );
         $( ctx.controls.create ).click( function() {
             ctx.scratch.create_login = true;
         } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="edit_hash_with_select_scalars">
    <# edit takes an object and a field to edit and builds a way to edit this. Uses hash method rather than
       editing object directly. #>
         if( ctx.args.length == 4 ) {
             var list = ctx.parse( ctx.args[ 0 ] );
             ctx.vars.object = ctx.parse( ctx.args[ 1 ] );
             ctx.vars.hash = ctx.args[ 2 ];
             ctx.vars.field = ctx.parse( ctx.args[ 3 ] );
             var curval = ctx.vars.object.hash_fetch( { name : ctx.vars.hash, key : ctx.vars.field } );
             // TODO - escap the value there
             return '<$$$ sel <select> $$$>' +,idx) { return '<option ' + ( curval == it ? ' selected ' : '' ) + ' value="' + it + '">' + it + '</option>' } ).join('') + '</select>';
         } else {
             console.log( "error in template 'edit_hash_with_select_scalars' : wrong number of arguments." );
             return '';
         return '';
       $( ctx.controls.sel ).change( function() {
           ctx.vars.object.hash( { name : ctx.vars.hash, key : ctx.vars.field, value : $( ctx.controls.sel ).val() } );
       } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="CreateLogin">
     creates a box for logging in, creating an account or requesting a password reset.
     no arguments.
   <$$$ messages <span></span> $$$><BR>
   <$$$ handle   <input placeholder="handle"   type="text"> $$$>
   <$$$ email    <input placeholder="email"    type="text"> $$$>
   <$$$ password <input placeholder="password" type="password"> $$$>
   <$$$ create   <button type="button">Create Accout</button> $$$>
   <$$$ cancel   <a href="#">[X]</a> $$$>
    $( ctx.controls.cancel ).click( function() {
        ctx.scratch.create_login = false;
    } );
    $.yote.util.button_actions( { 
        button :  ctx.controls.create,
        texts  :  [ ctx.controls.handle,, ctx.controls.password ],
        action : function() {
            ctx._app_.create_login( { h : $( ctx.controls.handle ).val(),
                                      e : $( ).val(),
                                      p : $( ctx.controls.password ).val() },
                                    function(msg) {
					                    ctx.scratch.create_login = false;
					                    $.yote.login( $( ctx.controls.handle ).val(),
							                          $( ctx.controls.password ).val(),
							                          function(msg) {
							                              if( ctx.scratch.requires_admin && ! $.yote.has_root_permissions() ) {
								                              $( ctx.controls.messages ).empty().append( "Error : root login required" );
								                              $.yote.need_reinit = true;
							                          function(err) {
							                              $( ctx.controls.messages ).empty().append( err );
							                          } );
                                    function(err) {
                                        $( ctx.controls.messages ).empty().append( err );
        } } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="Logged_out">
    <??? return '<$$' + ( ctx.scratch.forgot_login ? 'RecoverPassword' : ctx.scratch.create_login ? 'CreateLogin' : 'Login' ) + '$$>'; 

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="RecoverPassword">
   <$$$ messages <span></span> $$$><BR>
   <$$$ email <input placeholder="email" type="text"> $$$>
   <$$$ recover <button type="button">Recover Password</button> $$$>
   <$$$ cancel <a href="#">[X]</a> $$$>
     $( ctx.controls.cancel ).click( function() {
         ctx.scratch.forgot_login = false;
     } );
     $.yote.util.button_actions( { 
         button :  ctx.controls.recover,
         texts  :  [ ],
         action : function() {
             var app = $.yote.fetch_default_app();
             app.recover_password( $( ).val(),
                                   function(msg) {
                                       ctx.scratch.forgot_login = false;
                                   function(err) {
                                       $( ctx.controls.messages ).empty().append( err );
         } } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="edit">
    <# edit a field on a yote object.
       arguments :
           yote object
           field in yote object
       if( ctx.args.length > 1 ) { 
           ctx.vars.object = ctx.parse( ctx.args[ 0 ] );
           ctx.vars.field = ctx.args[ 1 ];
           return '<$$$ input_div <div class="input_div"> $$$>' + 
                     '<$$$ noedit_span <span class="edit_allowed"> $$$></span>' +
                     '<$$$ edit_span <span class="edit_allowed" style="display:none">$$$>' + 
                        '<$$$ editarea <textarea>$$$></textarea>' + 
                        '<br>' + 
                        '<$$$ cancel_button <button class="cancel" type="button">cancel</button>$$$>' + 
                        '<$$$ go_button <button class="go" type="button">go</button>$$$>' +
                      '</span>' + 
       console.log( "error in template 'edit' : not enough arguments." );
       return '';
        if( ctx.vars.object ) {
            $( ctx.controls.editarea ).text( ctx.vars.object.get( ctx.vars.field ) );
            $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).text( ctx.vars.object.get( ctx.vars.field ) );
        $( ctx.controls.input_div ).mouseleave( function() { 
            $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).removeClass( 'editing' );
        } ).mouseenter( function() { 
            $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).addClass( 'editing' );
        } );

        if( $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).width() > 100 ) {
            $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).width( 100 );
        $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).click( function() { 
            $( this ).hide();
            $( ctx.controls.edit_span ).show();
        } );

        $( ctx.controls.cancel_button ).click( function() {
            $( ctx.controls.edit_span ).hide();
            $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).show();
        } );
        $( ctx.controls.go_button ).click( function() {
            ctx.vars.object.set( ctx.vars.field, $( ctx.controls.editarea ).val() );
        } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="show_or_edit_html">
      if the person logged in has root permissions, show an edit field for the html value 
      if the person does not have root permissions, render the html 

      arguments : 
           yote object
           field for yote object
       return $.yote.has_root_permissions() ?
	             '<$$ edit_html ' + ctx.args.join( ' ' ) + ' $$>' 
                 '<$ ' + ctx.args.join('|') + '$>'; 

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="show_or_edit">
      if the person logged in has root permissions, show an edit field for the value 
      if the person does not have root permissions, render the text ( html tags are written literally ) 

      arguments : 
           yote object
           field for yote object
     return $.yote.has_root_permissions() ? 
         '<$$ edit ' + ctx.args.join( ' ' ) + ' $$>' 
         '<$ ' + ctx.args.join('|') + '$>'; 

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="edit_html">
    <# edit an object field that should be rendered as html
       arguments :
                 yote object
                 field in the yote object
      if( ctx.args.length > 1 ) { 
          var fld = ctx.args[ 1 ];
	  var obj =  ctx.parse( ctx.args[ 0 ] );
          ctx.vars.object = obj;
          var fld = ctx.args[ 1 ];
	  ctx.vars.escaped = obj.get( fld );
          ctx.vars.field = fld;
          return '<$$$ input_div <div class="input_div"> $$$>' + 
                    '<$$$ noedit_span <span class="edit_allowed"> $$$>' + 
                       '<$ object.' + fld + ' $>' + 
                    '</span>' + 
                    '<$$$ edit_span <span class="edit_allowed" style="display:none">$$$>' + 
                       '<$$$ editarea <textarea>$$$></textarea>' + 
                       '<br>' + 
                       '<$$$ cancel_button <button class="cancel" type="button">cancel</button>$$$>' + 
                       '<$$$ go_button <button class="go" type="button">go</button>$$$>' +
                    '</span>' +
      console.log( "error in template 'edit' : not enough arguments." );
      return '';
      $( ctx.controls.editarea ).text( ctx.vars.escaped );
      $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).html( ctx.vars.escaped );

      $( ctx.controls.input_div ).mouseleave( function() { 
          $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).removeClass( 'editing' );
      } ).mouseenter( function() { 
          $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).addClass( 'editing' );
      } );

      if( $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).width() > 100 ) {
          $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).width( 100 );

      $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).click( function() { 
          $( this ).hide();
          $( ctx.controls.edit_span ).show();
      } );

      $( ctx.controls.cancel_button ).click( function() {
          $( ctx.controls.edit_span ).hide();
          $( ctx.controls.noedit_span ).show();
      } );

      $( ctx.controls.go_button ).click( function() {
          ctx.vars.object.set( ctx.vars.field, $( ctx.controls.editarea ).val() );
      } );

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="YoteHeader">
  <DIV class="header" id="header_div">
    <A href="/index.html" style="display:block">
      <img height="70px" width="151px" src="<$ _app_.logo /yotelogo.png $>">
    <UL id="top_nav" class="nav"></UL>
    <div id="login_div" class="login">
      <?? return $.yote.is_logged_in() ? '<$$ Logged_in $$>' :' <$$ Logged_out $$>'; ??>

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="YoteHeaderAdmin">
    <??? ctx.scratch.requires_admin = true; return ''; ???>
    <div class="header" id="header_div">
     <a href="/index.html" style="display:block">
      <img height="70px" width="151px" src="<$ _app_.logo /yotelogo.png $>">
     <ul id="top_nav" class="nav"></ul>
     <div id="login_div" class="login">
       <?? return $.yote.has_root_permissions() ? '<$$ Logged_in $$>' :' <$$ Logged_out $$>'; ??>

<script type="text/template" class="yote_template_definition" template_name="SearchList">
 <# TODO : finish me #>
 <$$$ search_val <input type="TEXT" placeholder="Search"> $$$>
 <$$$ search_btn <button type="BUTTON">Search</button> $$$>
 <#? init_search_list ?#>