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package Yote::Engine;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';

use IO::Handle;
use JSON;

use Yote::ObjManager;
use Yote::ObjProvider;
use Yote::IO::Mailer;
use Yote::Root;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.002';

# Starts up a connection to the database, then opens a socket for
# other processes to talk to this one.
sub start {
    my $cfg = shift;
    die "Missing config in Engine" unless ref $cfg eq 'HASH';

    print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$cfg,'starting engine']);

    # TODO : check database connection setup. Maybe check in yote_server or to make sure every arg is sufficient
    Yote::ObjProvider::init( $cfg );
    Yote::IO::Mailer::init( $cfg );

    my $root = Yote::Root::fetch_root();
    $root->_update_master_root( $cfg->{ root_account },
                                $cfg->{ root_password } );
    my $cron = $root->_cron;

    # TODO : stick additional classpaths in root obj
    #        and update the yote admin page to set those there
    my $socket = $cfg->{ internal_socket };

    # TODO : end condition for shutdown
    while( my $conn = $socket->accept ) {
        my $req = <$conn>;

        if( $req eq 'CRON' ) {
        else {
            # TODO : check if json escapes all newlines
            my( $command, $resp );
            eval {
                $command = from_json( $req );

                my $obj_id = $command->{ oi };
                my $app_id = $command->{ ai };

                my $app    = Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $app_id ) || $root;

                # TODO - move the translating of the data from base64 to the 
                #        server thread. Do as little work as possible here
                my $data = _translate_data( from_json( $command->{d} )->{d} );

                # A yote uesr can either be logged in, or be a 'guest' that is tokenized with
                # the token associated with that person's ip address
                my $login = $app->token_login( $command->{t}, undef, $command->{e} );

                # The guest token is for clients that do not have a logged in user.
                # The token is stored with the IP address of the client and both
                # are used to verify the token.
                my $guest_token =  $root->check_guest_token( $command->{e}{ REMOTE_ADDR }, $command->{gt} ) 
                    || $root->guest_token( $command->{e}{ REMOTE_ADDR } );
                $command->{e}{GUEST_TOKEN} = $guest_token;

                # Security check. This will trip if an object is requested by the client where the
                # client has not been given a reference to that object.
                unless( Yote::ObjManager::allows_access( $obj_id, $app, $login, $guest_token ) ) {
#                accesslog( "INVALID ACCCESS ATTEMPT for $obj_id from $command->{e}{ REMOTE_ADDR }" );
                    die "Access Error";
                # The object in question that will have the action method run on it.
                my $app_object = Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $obj_id ) || $app;
                my $action     = $command->{a};

                # set or adding to a list of the object may not be called directly on an object.
                die "Access Error" if $action =~ /^([gs]et|add_(once_)?to_|remove_(all_)?from)_/; 

                # If a user is logged in, that user will have an account associated with whatever
                # app this call is for. Find that.
                my $account;
                if( $login ) {
                    die "Access Error" if $login->get__is_disabled();
                    $account = $app->__get_account( $login );
                    die "Access Error" if $app->get_requires_validation() && ! $login->get__is_validated();
                    die "Access Error" if $account->get__is_disabled() || $login->get__is_disabled();
                    $account->set_login( $login ); # security measure to make sure login can't be overridden by a subclass of account
                    $login->add_once_to__accounts( $account );
                # This is where the magic method call is done and the response generated.
                my $ret = $app_object->$action( $data, $account, $command->{e} );
                # Prepare the response object. It has the following parts :
                #    r - the response itself
                #    d - updates for dirty data
                #    err - if there was an exception, this contains the exception message.
                $resp = { r =>  _obj_to_response( $ret, $login, $guest_token ) };

                # This block checks to see if there are objects that the client has
                # a reference to that were updated since the client last communicated
                # with the server.
                my $dirty_delta = Yote::ObjManager::fetch_dirty( $login, $guest_token );
                if( @$dirty_delta ) {
                    my $dirty_data = {};
                    for my $d_id ( @$dirty_delta ) {
                        my $dobj = Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $d_id );
                        if( ref( $dobj ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                            $dirty_data->{$d_id} = { map { $_ => Yote::ObjProvider::xform_in( $dobj->[$_] ) } (0..$#$dobj) };
                        } elsif( ref( $dobj ) eq 'HASH' ) {
                            $dirty_data->{$d_id} = { map { $_ => Yote::ObjProvider::xform_in( $dobj->{ $_ } ) } keys %$dobj };
                        } else { # Yote::Obj
                            $dirty_data->{$d_id} = { map { $_ => $dobj->{DATA}{$_} } grep { $_ !~ /^_/ } keys %{$dobj->{DATA}} };
                        for my $val (values %{ $dirty_data->{$d_id} } ) {
                            # this registers the objects that were introduced via data structure to the client
                            if( index( $val, 'v' ) != 0 ) {
                                Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $val, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
                    $resp->{d} = $dirty_data;
                } #if there was a dirty delta
            }; #eval
            if( $@ ) {
                my $err = $@;
                print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump(["ERRRR $@",$command]);
                $err =~ s/at \/\S+\.pm.*//s;
#            errlog( "ERROR : $@" );
#            iolog( "ERROR : $@" );
                $resp = { err => $err, r => '' };
            } #if error

            print $conn to_json( $resp );
        } #not cron
        close $conn;

        # Save the state of the database completely.

    } # endless loop


} #start

# Converts scalar, yote object, hash or array to data for returning.
sub _obj_to_response {
    my( $to_convert, $login, $guest_token ) = @_;
    my $ref = ref($to_convert);
    my $use_id;
    if( $ref ) {
        my( $m, $d );
        if( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            my $tied = tied @$to_convert;
            if( $tied ) {
                $d = $tied->[1];
                $use_id = Yote::ObjProvider::get_id( $to_convert );
                for my $entry (@$d) {
                    next unless $entry;
                    if( index( $entry, 'v' ) != 0 ) {
                        Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $entry, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
            } else {
                $d = _transform_data_no_id( $to_convert, $login, $guest_token );
        elsif( $ref eq 'HASH' ) {
            my $tied = tied %$to_convert;
            if( $tied ) {
                $d = $tied->[1];
                $use_id = Yote::ObjProvider::get_id( $to_convert );
                for my $entry (values %$d) {
                    next unless $entry;
                    if( index( $entry, 'v' ) != 0 ) {
                        Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $entry, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
            } else {
                $d = _transform_data_no_id( $to_convert, $login, $guest_token );
        else {
            $use_id = Yote::ObjProvider::get_id( $to_convert );
            $d = { map { $_ => $to_convert->{DATA}{$_} } grep { $_ && $_ !~ /^_/ } keys %{$to_convert->{DATA}}};
            for my $vl (values %$d) {
                if( index( $vl, 'v' ) != 0 ) {
                    Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $vl, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
            $m = Yote::ObjProvider::package_methods( $ref );

        Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $use_id, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token ) if $use_id;
        return $m ? { c => $ref, id => $use_id, d => $d, 'm' => $m } : { c => $ref, id => $use_id, d => $d };
    } # if a reference
    return "v$to_convert";
} #_obj_to_response

# Translates from vValue and reference_id to values and references
sub _translate_data {
    my( $val ) = @_;

    if( ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' ) { #from javacript object, or hash. no fields starting with underscores accepted
        return { map {  $_ => _translate_data( $val->{$_} ) } grep { index( $_, '_' ) != 0 } keys %$val };
    elsif( ref( $val ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { #from javacript object, or hash. no fields starting with underscores accepted
        return [ map {  _translate_data( $_ ) } @$val ];
    return unless $val;
    if( index($val,'v') == 0 ) {
        return substr( $val, 1 );
    elsif( index($val,'u') == 0 ) {  #file upload contains an encoded hash
        my $filestruct   = from_json( substr( $val, 1 ) );
        my $filehelper = new Yote::FileHelper();
        $filehelper->set_content_type( $filestruct->{content_type} );
        $filehelper->__accept( $filestruct->{filename} );

        return $filehelper;
    else {
        return Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $val );
} #_translate_data

# Transforms data structure but does not assign ids to non tied references.
sub _transform_data_no_id {
    my( $item, $login, $guest_token ) = @_;
    if( ref( $item ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        my $tied = tied @$item;
        if( $tied ) {
            my $id =  Yote::ObjProvider::get_id( $item ); 
            Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $id, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
            return $id;
        return [map { _obj_to_response( $_, $login, $guest_token ) } @$item];
    elsif( ref( $item ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        my $tied = tied %$item;
        if( $tied ) {
            my $id =  Yote::ObjProvider::get_id( $item ); 
            Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $id, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
            return $id;
        return { map { $_ => _obj_to_response( $item->{$_}, $login, $guest_token ) } keys %$item };
    elsif( ref( $item ) ) {
        my $id = Yote::ObjProvider::get_id( $item ); 
        Yote::ObjManager::register_object( $id, $login ? $login->{ID} : $guest_token );
        return $id;
    else {
        return "v$item"; #scalar case
} #_transform_data_no_id



=head1 NAME



The Engine is  a loop that runs all the yote commands in a single process. It listens on a tcpip port for requests and executes those requests in order.


=over 4

=item start( $config_hashref )

Starts up the engine and opens a socket to listen on.


=head1 AUTHOR

Eric Wolf


Copyright (C) 2014 Eric Wolf

This module is free software; it can be used under the same terms as perl
