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package Yote;

use strict;
use warnings;
no  warnings 'uninitialized';

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.2';

=head1 NAME

Yote - Persistant Perl container objects in a directed graph of lazilly loaded nodes.


This is for anyone who wants to store arbitrary structured state data and doesn't have 
the time or inclination to write a schema or configure some framework. This can be used
orthagonally to any other storage system.

 use Yote;

 my $store = Yote::open_store( '/path/to/data-directory' );

 my $root_node = $store->fetch_root;

 $root_node->add_to_myList( $store->newobj( { 
    someval  => 123.53,
    somehash => { A => 1 },
    someobj  => $store->newobj( { foo => "Bar" } );
 } );
 # the root node now has a list 'myList' attached to it with the single 
 # value of a yote object that yote object has two fields, 
 # one of which is an other yote object.
 $root_node->add_to_myList( 42 );

 $root_node->set_field( "Value" );

 my $val = $root_node->get_value( "default" );
 # $val eq 'default'

 $root_node->set_value( "Something Else" );

 my $val = $root_node->get_value( "default" );
 # $val eq 'Something Else'

 my $myList = $root_node->get_myList;

 for my $example (@$myList) {
    print ">$example\n";

 my $someid = $root_node->get_someobj->{ID};

 my $someref = $store->fetch( $someid );

 $myList->[0]->set_condition( "About to be recycled" );
 delete $myList->[0];




=head2 open_store( '/path/to/directory' )

Starts up a persistance engine and returns it.
sub open_store {
    my $path = pop;
    my $store = Yote::ObjStore->_new( { store => $path } );

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::ObjStore;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'numeric';
no warnings 'uninitialized';
no warnings 'recursion';

use WeakRef;

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.2';

=head1 NAME

 Yote::ObjStore - manages Yote::Obj objects in a graph.


The Yote::ObjStore does the following things :

 * fetches the root object
 * creates new objects
 * fetches existing objects by id
 * saves all new or changed objects
 * finds objects that cannot connect to the root node and recycles them


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

=head2 fetch_root
 Returns the root node of the graph. All things that can be 
trace a reference path back to the root node are considered active
and are not recycled when the recyler run.

sub fetch_root {
    my $self = shift;
    die "fetch_root must be called on Yote store object" unless ref( $self );
    my $root = $self->fetch( $self->_first_id );
    unless( $root ) {
        $root = $self->_newroot;
        $root->{ID} = $self->_first_id;
        $self->_stow( $root );
} #fetch_root

=head2 newobj( { ... data .... }, optionalClass )

 Creates a container object initialized with the 
 incoming hash ref data. The class of the object must be either
 Yote::Obj or a subclass of it. Yote::Obj is the default.

 Once created, the object will be saved in the data store when 
 $store->stow_all has been called.  If the object is not attached 
 to the root or an object that can be reached by the root, it will be 
 recycled when Yote::Obj::recycle_objects is called.

sub newobj {
    my( $self, $data, $class ) = @_;
    $class ||= 'Yote::Obj';
    $class->_new( $self, $data );

sub _newroot { 
    my $self = shift;
    Yote::Obj->_new( $self, {}, $self->_first_id );

=head2 fetch( $id )

 Returns the object with the given id.

sub fetch {
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;
    return undef unless $id;
    # Return the object if we have a reference to its dirty state.
    my $ref = $self->{_DIRTY}{$id} || $self->{_WEAK_REFS}{$id};
    if( defined $ref ) {
        return $ref;
    my $obj_arry = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_fetch( $id );

    if( $obj_arry ) {
        my( $id, $class, $data ) = @$obj_arry;
        if( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            my( @arry );
            tie @arry, 'Yote::Array', $self, $id, @$data;
            my $tied = tied @arry; $tied->[3] = \@arry;
            $self->_store_weak( $id, \@arry );
            return \@arry;
        elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
            my( %hash );
            tie %hash, 'Yote::Hash', $self, $id, map { $_ => $data->{$_} } keys %$data;
            my $tied = tied %hash; $tied->[3] = \%hash;
            $self->_store_weak( $id, \%hash );
            return \%hash;
        else {
            my $obj;
            eval {
                my $path = $class;
                $path =~ s!::!/!g;
                $INC{"${path}.pm"} || eval("require $class");
                $obj = $class->_instantiate( $id, $self );
            die $@ if $@;
            $obj->{DATA} = $data;
            $obj->{ID} = $id;
            $self->_store_weak( $id, \$obj );
            return $obj;
    return undef;
} #fetch

=head2 run_recycler

Does a mark and sweep and recycles all objects that
do not currently have an active reference or can 
trace a reference path back to the root object.

sub run_recycler {
    my $self = shift;
} #run_recycler

=head2 stow_all

 Saves all newly created or dirty objects.

sub stow_all {
    my $self = $_[0];
    my @odata;
    for my $obj (values %{$self->{_DIRTY}} ) {
        my $cls;
        my $ref = ref( $obj );
        if( $ref eq 'ARRAY' || $ref eq 'Yote::Array' ) {
            $cls = 'ARRAY';
        } elsif( $ref eq 'HASH' || $ref eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
            $cls = 'HASH';
        } else {
            $cls = $ref;
        push( @odata, [ $self->_get_id( $obj ), $cls, $self->_raw_data( $obj ) ] );
    $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow_all( \@odata );
    $self->{_DIRTY} = {};
} #stow_all

# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------
sub _new { #Yote::ObjStore
    my( $pkg, $args ) = @_;
    my $self = bless {
        _DIRTY     => {},
        _WEAK_REFS => {},
        args       => $args,
    }, $pkg;
    $self->{_DATASTORE} = Yote::YoteDB->open( $self, $args );
} #_new

sub _init {
    my $self = shift;

# Markes given object as dirty.
sub _dirty {
    # ( $self, $ref, $id
    $_[0]->{_DIRTY}->{$_[2]} = $_[1];
} #_dirty

# Returns the first ID that is associated with the root Root object
sub _first_id {
} #_first_id

sub _get_id {
    shift->__get_id( shift );

sub __get_id {
    my( $self, $ref ) = @_;
    my $class = ref( $ref );
    if( $class eq 'Yote::Array') {
        return $ref->[0];
    elsif( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        my $tied = tied @$ref;
        if( $tied ) {
            $tied->[0] ||= $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( "ARRAY" );
            $self->_store_weak( $tied->[0], \$ref );
            return $tied->[0];
        my( @data ) = @$ref;
        my $id = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( $class );
        tie @$ref, 'Yote::Array', $self, $id;
        $tied = tied @$ref; $tied->[3] = $ref;
        push( @$ref, @data );
        $self->_dirty( $ref, $id );
        $self->_store_weak( $id, \$ref );
        return $id;
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
        my $wref = $ref;
        return $ref->[0];
    elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
        my $tied = tied %$ref;
        if( $tied ) {
            $tied->[0] ||= $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( "HASH" );
            $self->_store_weak( $tied->[0], \$ref );
            return $tied->[0];
        my $id = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( $class );

        my( %vals ) = %$ref;
        tie %$ref, 'Yote::Hash', $self, $id;
        $tied = tied %$ref; $tied->[3] = $ref;
        for my $key (keys %vals) {
            $ref->{$key} = $vals{$key};
        $self->_dirty( $ref, $id );
        $self->_store_weak( $id, \$ref );
        return $id;
    else {
        return $ref->{ID} if $ref->{ID};
        if( $class eq 'Yote::Root' ) {
            $ref->{ID} = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_first_id( $class );
        } else {
            $ref->{ID} ||= $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( $class );
        $self->_store_weak( $ref->{ID}, \$ref );

        return $ref->{ID};

} #_get_id

sub _stow {
    my( $self, $obj ) = @_;

    my $class = ref( $obj );
    return unless $class;
    my $id = $self->_get_id( $obj );
    die unless $id;

    my $data = $self->_raw_data( $obj );
    if( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id,'ARRAY', $data );
        $self->_clean( $id );
    elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
        $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id,'HASH',$data );
        $self->_clean( $id );
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Array' ) {
        if( $self->_is_dirty( $id ) ) {
            $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id,'ARRAY',$data );
            $self->_clean( $id );
        for my $child (@$data) {
            if( $child =~ /^[0-9]/ && $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} ) {
                $self->_stow( $child, $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} );
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
        if( $self->_is_dirty( $id ) ) {
            $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id, 'HASH', $data );
        $self->_clean( $id );
        for my $child (values %$data) {
            if( $child =~ /^[0-9]/ && $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} ) {
                $self->_stow( $child, $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} );
    else {
        if( $self->_is_dirty( $id ) ) {
            $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id, $class, $data );
            $self->_clean( $id );
        for my $val (values %$data) {
            if( $val =~ /^[0-9]/ && $self->{_DIRTY}->{$val} ) {
                $self->_stow( $val, $self->{_DIRTY}->{$val} );
} #_stow

sub _xform_in {
    my( $self, $val ) = @_;
    if( ref( $val ) ) {
        return $self->_get_id( $val );
    return "v$val";

sub _xform_out {
    my( $self, $val ) = @_;
    return undef unless defined( $val );
    if( index($val,'v') == 0 ) {
        return substr( $val, 1 );
    return $self->fetch( $val );

sub _clean {
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;
    delete $self->{_DIRTY}{$id};
} #_clean

sub _is_dirty {
    my( $self, $obj ) = @_;
    my $id = ref($obj) ? _get_id($obj) : $obj;
    my $ans = $self->{_DIRTY}{$id};
} #_is_dirty

# Returns data structure representing object. References are integers. Values start with 'v'.
sub _raw_data {
    my( $self, $obj ) = @_;
    my $class = ref( $obj );
    return unless $class;
    my $id = $self->_get_id( $obj );
    die unless $id;
    if( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        my $tied = tied @$obj;
        if( $tied ) {
            return $tied->[1];
        } else {
    elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
        my $tied = tied %$obj;
        if( $tied ) {
            return $tied->[1];
        } else {
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Array' ) {
        return $obj->[1];
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
        return $obj->[1];
    else {
        return $obj->{DATA};
} #_raw_data

sub _store_weak {
    my( $self, $id, $ref ) = @_;
    die unless $ref;
    $self->{_WEAK_REFS}{$id} = $ref;
    weaken( $self->{_WEAK_REFS}{$id} );
} #_store_weak

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

=head1 NAME

 Yote::Obj - Generic container object for graph.


A Yote::Obj is a container class that as a specific idiom for getters
and setters. This idiom is set up to avoid confusion and collision
with any method names.

 # sets the 'foo' field to the given value.
 $obj->set_foo( { value => $store->newobj } );

 # returns the value for bar, and if none, sets it to 'default'
 my $bar = $obj->get_bar( "default" );

 $obj->add_to_somelist( "Freddish" );
 my $list = $obj->get_somelist;
 $list->[ 0 ] == "Freddish";

 $obj->remove_from_somelist( "Freddish" );

package Yote::Obj;

use strict;
use warnings;
no  warnings 'uninitialized';

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.2';

# The string version of the yote object is simply its id. This allows
# objet ids to easily be stored as hash keys.
use overload
    '""' => sub { shift->{ID} }, # for hash keys
    eq   => sub { ref($_[1]) && $_[1]->{ID} == $_[0]->{ID} },
    ne   => sub { ! ref($_[1]) || $_[1]->{ID} != $_[0]->{ID} },
    '=='   => sub { ref($_[1]) && $_[1]->{ID} == $_[0]->{ID} },
    '!='   => sub { ! ref($_[1]) || $_[1]->{ID} != $_[0]->{ID} },
    fallback => 1;

# add a get()/set() here?

# -----------------------
#     Public Methods
# -----------------------
# Defines get_foo, set_foo, add_to_list, remove_from_list
    my( $s, $arg ) = @_;
    my $func = our $AUTOLOAD;

    if( $func =~/:add_to_(.*)/ ) {
        my( $fld ) = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            push( @$arry, @vals );
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    } #add_to
    elsif( $func =~/:add_once_to_(.*)/ ) {
        my( $fld ) = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            for my $val ( @vals ) {
                unless( grep { $val eq $_ } @$arry ) {
                    push @$arry, $val;
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    } #add_once_to
    elsif( $func =~ /:remove_from_(.*)/ ) { #removes the first instance of the target thing from the list
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            for my $val (@vals ) {
                for my $i (0..$#$arry) {
                    if( $arry->[$i] eq $val ) {
                        splice @$arry, $i, 1;
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    elsif( $func =~ /:remove_all_from_(.*)/ ) { #removes the first instance of the target thing from the list
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            for my $val (@vals) {
                my $count = grep { $_ eq $val } @$arry;
                while( $count ) {
                    for my $i (0..$#$arry) {
                        if( $arry->[$i] eq $val ) {
                            splice @$arry, $i, 1;
                            last unless $count;
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    elsif ( $func =~ /:set_(.*)/ ) {
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, $val ) = @_;
            my $inval = $self->{STORE}->_xform_in( $val );
            $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} ) if $self->{DATA}{$fld} ne $inval;
            $self->{DATA}{$fld} = $inval;

            return $self->{STORE}->_xform_out( $self->{DATA}{$fld} );
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    elsif( $func =~ /:get_(.*)/ ) {
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, $init_val ) = @_;
            if( ! defined( $self->{DATA}{$fld} ) && defined($init_val) ) {
                if( ref( $init_val ) ) {
                    $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $init_val, $self->{STORE}->_get_id( $init_val ) );
                $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} );
                $self->{DATA}{$fld} = $self->{STORE}->_xform_in( $init_val );
            return $self->{STORE}->_xform_out( $self->{DATA}{$fld} );
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    else {
        die "Unknown Yote::Obj function '$func'";


# -----------------------
#     Overridable Methods
# -----------------------

# Called the very first time this object is created. It is not called
# when object is loaded from storage.
sub _init {}

# Called each time the object is loaded from the data store.
sub _load {}

# -----------------------
#     Private Methods
# -----------------------

sub _new { #new Yote::Obj
    my( $pkg, $obj_store, $data, $_id ) = @_;

    my $class = ref($pkg) || $pkg;
    my $obj = bless {
        DATA     => {},
        STORE    => $obj_store,
    }, $class;
    $obj->{ID} = $_id || $obj_store->_get_id( $obj );
    $obj->_init(); #called the first time the object is created.
    $obj_store->_dirty( $obj, $obj->{ID} );

    if( ref( $data ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        for my $key ( sort keys %$data ) {
            $obj->{DATA}{$key} = $obj_store->_xform_in( $data->{ $key } );
        $obj_store->_dirty( $obj, $obj->{ID} );
    } elsif( $data ) {
        die "Yote::Obj::new must be called with hash or undef. Was called with '". ref( $data ) . "'";
    return $obj;
} #_new

# Called by the object provider; returns a Yote::Obj the object
# provider will stuff data into. Takes the class and id as arguments.
sub _instantiate {
    bless { ID => $_[1], DATA => {}, STORE => $_[2] }, $_[0];
} #_instantiate

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::Array;

# This module is used transparently by Yote to link arrays into its graph structure. This is not meant to  #
# be called explicitly or modified.									   #

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';
use Tie::Array;

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.2';

    my( $class, $obj_store, $id, @list ) = @_;
    my $storage = [];

    # once the array is tied, an additional data field will be added
    # so obj will be [ $id, $storage, $obj_store, $data ]
    my $obj = bless [$id,$storage,$obj_store], $class;
    for my $item (@list) {
        push( @$storage, $item );
    return $obj;

sub FETCH {
    my( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out ( $self->[1][$idx] );

    my $self = shift;
    return scalar(@{$self->[1]});

sub STORE {
    my( $self, $idx, $val ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    $self->[1][$idx] = $self->[2]->_xform_in( $val );
sub STORESIZE {}  #stub for array

sub EXISTS {
    my( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    return defined( $self->[1][$idx] );
sub DELETE {
    my( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    delete $self->[1][$idx];

sub CLEAR {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    @{$self->[1]} = ();
sub PUSH {
    my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    push( @{$self->[1]}, map { $self->[2]->_xform_in($_) } @vals );
sub POP {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out( pop @{$self->[1]} );
sub SHIFT {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    my $val = splice @{$self->[1]}, 0, 1;
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out( $val );
    my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    unshift @{$self->[1]}, map {$self->[2]->_xform_in($_)} @vals;
sub SPLICE {
    my( $self, $offset, $length, @vals ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    return map { $self->[2]->_xform_out($_) } splice @{$self->[1]}, $offset, $length, map {$self->[2]->_xform_in($_)} @vals;
sub EXTEND {}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::Hash;

# This module is used transparently by Yote to link hashes into its graph structure. This is not meant to  #
# be called explicitly or modified.									   #

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';

use Tie::Hash;

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.2';

    my( $class, $obj_store, $id, %hash ) = @_;
    my $storage = {};
    my $obj = bless [ $id, $storage,$obj_store ], $class;
    for my $key (keys %hash) {
        $storage->{$key} = $hash{$key};
    return $obj;

sub STORE {
    my( $self, $key, $val ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    $self->[1]{$key} = $self->[2]->_xform_in( $val );

    my $self = shift;
    my $a = scalar keys %{$self->[1]};
    my( $k, $val ) = each %{$self->[1]};
    return wantarray ? ( $k => $val ) : $k;
sub NEXTKEY  { 
    my $self = shift;
    my( $k, $val ) = each %{$self->[1]};
    return wantarray ? ( $k => $val ) : $k;

sub FETCH {
    my( $self, $key ) = @_;
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out( $self->[1]{$key} );

sub EXISTS {
    my( $self, $key ) = @_;
    return defined( $self->[1]{$key} );
sub DELETE {
    my( $self, $key ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    return delete $self->[1]{$key};
sub CLEAR {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    %{$self->[1]} = ();

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::YoteDB;

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';

use DB::DataStore;

use WeakRef;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use JSON;

use Devel::Refcount 'refcount';

use constant {
  DATA => 2,

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.2';

# This the main index and stores in which table and position
# in that table that this object lives.
sub open {
  my( $pkg, $obj_store, $args ) = @_;
  my $class = ref( $pkg ) || $pkg;

  my $self = bless {
      args       => $args,
      OBJ_STORE  => $obj_store,
      DATA_STORE => DB::DataStore->open( $args->{ store } ),
  }, $class;
  $self->{DATA_STORE}->ensure_entry_count( 1 );
} #open

# Return a list reference containing [ id, class, data ] that
# corresponds to the $id argument. This is used by Yote::ObjStore
# to build the yote object.
sub _fetch {
  my( $self, $id ) = @_;
  my $data = $self->{DATA_STORE}->fetch( $id );
  return undef unless $data;

  my $pos = index( $data, ' ' ); #there is a always a space after the class.
  die "Malformed record '$data'" if $pos == -1;
  my $class = substr $data, 0, $pos;
  my $val   = substr $data, $pos + 1;
  my $ret = [$id,$class,$val];
  $ret->[DATA] = from_json( $ret->[DATA] );
} #_fetch

# The first object in a yote data store can trace a reference to
# all active objects.
sub _first_id {
  return 1;
} #_first_id

# Create a new object id and return it. 
sub _get_id {
  my $self = shift;
} #_get_id

# used for debugging and testing
sub _max_id {

# used for debugging and testing
sub _get_recycled_ids {

sub _recycle_objects {
  my $self = shift;

  my $mark_to_keep_store = DB::DataStore::FixedStore->open( "I", $self->{args}{store} . '/RECYCLE' );
  $mark_to_keep_store->ensure_entry_count( $self->{DATA_STORE}->entry_count );
  # the already deleted cannot be re-recycled
  my $ri = $self->{DATA_STORE}->_get_recycled_ids;
  for ( @$ri ) {
    $mark_to_keep_store->put_record( $_, [ 1 ] );

  my $trace_to_root = sub {
      my( $keep_id, $mark_to_keep_store ) = @_;
      my( @queue ) = ( $keep_id );

      $mark_to_keep_store->put_record( $keep_id, [ 1 ] );

      # get the object ids referenced by this keeper object
      while( @queue ) {
          $keep_id = shift @queue;

          my $item = $self->_fetch( $keep_id );
          my( @additions );
          if ( ref( $item->[DATA] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
              ( @additions ) = grep { /^[^v]/ } @{$item->[DATA]};
          } else {
              ( @additions ) = grep { /^[^v]/ } values %{$item->[DATA]};

          for my $keeper ( @additions ) {
              next if $mark_to_keep_store->get_record( $keeper )->[0];
              $mark_to_keep_store->put_record( $keeper, [ 1 ] );
              push @queue, $keeper;
      } #while there is a queue

  &$trace_to_root( $self->_first_id, $mark_to_keep_store );

  # If there are any entries in the weak references, do not recycle these.
  # This ignores the possibility of circular references, but that uncommon case
  # is not worth the complexity.
  for my $referenced_id ( keys %{ $self->{OBJ_STORE}{_WEAK_REFS} } ) {
      # make sure that these are actually referenced. They may be 
      # in DIRTY, and, if they are Yote::Array or Yote::Hash, they
      # have an extra reference due to the tie.

      my $obj = $self->{OBJ_STORE}->fetch( $referenced_id );
      my $min_ref_count = 1;
      if( $self->{OBJ_STORE}->_is_dirty( $referenced_id ) ) {
      $min_ref_count++ if ref($obj) =~ /^(ARRAY|HASH)$/;

      if( refcount($obj) > $min_ref_count ) {
          &$trace_to_root( $referenced_id, $mark_to_keep_store );

  # the purge begins here
  my $cands = $self->{DATA_STORE}->entry_count;
  my $count = 0;
  for my $cand ( 1..$cands) { #iterate each id in the entire object store
    my( $keep ) = $mark_to_keep_store->get_record( $cand )->[0];

    die "Tried to recycle root entry" if $cand == 1 && ! $keep;
    if ( ! $keep ) {
        $self->{DATA_STORE}->recycle( $cand );
        delete $self->{OBJ_STORE}{_WEAK_REFS}{$cand};

  # remove temporary recycle datastore
  return $count;
} #_recycle_objects

# Saves the object data for object $id to the data store.
sub _stow {
  my( $self, $id, $class, $data ) = @_;
  my $save_data = "$class " . to_json($data);
  $self->{DATA_STORE}->stow( $save_data, $id );
} #_stow

# Takes a list of object data references and stows them all in the datastore.
# returns how many are stowed.
sub _stow_all {
  my( $self, $objs ) = @_;
  my $count = 0;
  for my $o ( @$objs ) {
    $count += $self->_stow( @$o );
  return $count;
} #_stow_all



=head1 AUTHOR
       Eric Wolf


       Copyright (c) 2015 Eric Wolf. All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 VERSION
       Version 1.2  (November 2, 2015))
