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package Yote;

use strict;
use warnings;
no  warnings 'uninitialized';

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.40';

=head1 NAME

Yote - Persistant Perl container objects in a directed graph of lazilly loaded nodes.


This is for anyone who wants to store arbitrary structured state data and doesn't have 
the time or inclination to write a schema or configure some framework. This can be used
orthagonally to any other storage system.

Yote only loads data as it needs too. It does not load all stored containers at once.
Data is stored in a data directory and is stored using the Data::RecordStore module. A Yote
container is a key/value store where the values can be strings, numbers, arrays, hashes
or other Yote containers.

The entry point for all Yote data stores is the root node. All objects in the store are
subject to recycling if they cannot trace a reference path back to this node. Recycling
is called manually.

There are lots of potential uses for Yote, and a few come to mind :

 * configuration data
 * data modeling
 * user preference data
 * user account data
 * game data
 * shopping carts
 * product information

 use Yote;

 my $store = Yote::open_store( '/path/to/data-directory' );

 my $root_node = $store->fetch_root;

 $root_node->add_to_myList( $store->newobj( { 
    someval  => 123.53,
    somehash => { A => 1 },
    someobj  => $store->newobj( { foo => "Bar" }, 
                'Optional-Yote-Subclass-Package' );
 } );

 # the root node now has a list 'myList' attached to it with the single 
 # value of a yote object that yote object has two fields, 
 # one of which is an other yote object.
 $root_node->add_to_myList( 42 );

 # New Yote container objects are created with $store->newobj. Note that
 # they must find a reference path to the root to be protected from
 # recycling. 
 my $newObj = $store->newobj;

 $root_node->set_field( "Value" );

 my $val = $root_node->get_value( "default" );
 # $val eq 'default'

 $val = $root_node->get_value( "Somethign Else" );
 # $val eq 'default' (old value not overridden by a new default value)

 my $otherval = $root_node->get( 'ot3rv@l', 'other default' );
 # $otherval eq 'other default'

 $root_node->set( 'ot3rv@l', 'newy valuye' );
 $otherval2 = $root_node->get( 'ot3rv@l', 'yet other default' );
 # $otherval2 eq 'newy valuye'

 $root_node->set_value( "Something Else" );

 my $val = $root_node->get_value( "default" );
 # $val eq 'Something Else'

 my $myList = $root_node->get_myList;

 for my $example (@$myList) {
    print ">$example\n";

 # Each object gets a unique ID which can be used to fetch that
 # object directly from the store.
 my $someid = $root_node->get_someobj->{ID};

 my $someref = $store->fetch( $someid );

 # Even hashes and array have unique yote IDS. These can be
 # determined by calling the _get_id method of the store.
 my $hash = $root_node->set_ahash( { zoo => "Zar" } );
 my $hash_id = $store->_get_id( $hash );
 my $other_ref_to_hash = $store->fetch( $hash_id );

 # Anything that cannot trace a reference path to the root
 # is eligable for being recycled. A recycled object's ID
 # will be reused for new objects.
 $myList->[0]->set_condition( "About to be recycled" );
 delete $myList->[0];




=head2 open_store( '/path/to/directory' )

Starts up a persistance engine and returns it.
sub open_store {
    my $path = pop;
    my $store = Yote::ObjStore->_new( { store => $path } );

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::ObjStore;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'numeric';
no warnings 'uninitialized';
no warnings 'recursion';

use WeakRef;
use Module::Loaded;

=head1 NAME

 Yote::ObjStore - manages Yote::Obj objects in a graph.


The Yote::ObjStore does the following things :

 * fetches the root object
 * creates new objects
 * fetches existing objects by id
 * saves all new or changed objects
 * finds objects that cannot connect to the root node and recycles them


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

=head2 fetch_root
 Returns the root node of the graph. All things that can be 
trace a reference path back to the root node are considered active
and are not recycled when the recyler run.

sub fetch_root {
    my $self = shift;
    die "fetch_root must be called on Yote store object" unless ref( $self );
    my $root = $self->fetch( $self->_first_id );
    unless( $root ) {
        $root = $self->_newroot;
        $root->{ID} = $self->_first_id;
        $self->_stow( $root );
} #fetch_root

=head2 newobj( { ... data .... }, optionalClass )

 Creates a container object initialized with the 
 incoming hash ref data. The class of the object must be either
 Yote::Obj or a subclass of it. Yote::Obj is the default.

 Once created, the object will be saved in the data store when 
 $store->stow_all has been called.  If the object is not attached 
 to the root or an object that can be reached by the root, it will be 
 recycled when Yote::Obj::recycle_objects is called.

sub newobj {
    my( $self, $data, $class ) = @_;
    $class ||= 'Yote::Obj';
    $class->_new( $self, $data );

sub _newroot { 
    my $self = shift;
    Yote::Obj->_new( $self, {}, $self->_first_id );

=head2 fetch( $id )

 Returns the object with the given id.

sub fetch {
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;
    return undef unless $id;
    # Return the object if we have a reference to its dirty state.
    my $ref = $self->{_DIRTY}{$id} || $self->{_WEAK_REFS}{$id};
    if( defined $ref ) {
        return $ref;
    my $obj_arry = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_fetch( $id );

    if( $obj_arry ) {
        my( $id, $class, $data ) = @$obj_arry;
        if( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            my( @arry );
            tie @arry, 'Yote::Array', $self, $id, @$data;
            my $tied = tied @arry; $tied->[3] = \@arry;
            $self->_store_weak( $id, \@arry );
            return \@arry;
        elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
            my( %hash );
            tie %hash, 'Yote::Hash', $self, $id, map { $_ => $data->{$_} } keys %$data;
            my $tied = tied %hash; $tied->[3] = \%hash;
            $self->_store_weak( $id, \%hash );
            return \%hash;
        else {
            my $obj;
            eval {
                my $path = $class;
                unless( $INC{ $class } ) {
                    eval("use $class");
                $obj = $class->_instantiate( $id, $self );
            die $@ if $@;
            $obj->{DATA} = $data;
            $obj->{ID} = $id;
            $self->_store_weak( $id, \$obj );
            return $obj;
    return undef;
} #fetch

=head2 run_recycler

Does a mark and sweep and recycles all objects that
do not currently have an active reference or can 
trace a reference path back to the root object.

sub run_recycler {
    my $self = shift;
} #run_recycler

=head2 stow_all

 Saves all newly created or dirty objects.

sub stow_all {
    my $self = $_[0];
    my @odata;
    for my $obj (values %{$self->{_DIRTY}} ) {
        my $cls;
        my $ref = ref( $obj );
        if( $ref eq 'ARRAY' || $ref eq 'Yote::Array' ) {
            $cls = 'ARRAY';
        } elsif( $ref eq 'HASH' || $ref eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
            $cls = 'HASH';
        } else {
            $cls = $ref;
        push( @odata, [ $self->_get_id( $obj ), $cls, $self->_raw_data( $obj ) ] );
    $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow_all( \@odata );
    $self->{_DIRTY} = {};
} #stow_all

# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------
sub _new { #Yote::ObjStore
    my( $pkg, $args ) = @_;
    my $self = bless {
        _DIRTY     => {},
        _WEAK_REFS => {},
        args       => $args,
    }, $pkg;
    $self->{_DATASTORE} = Yote::YoteDB->open( $self, $args );
} #_new

sub _init {
    my $self = shift;
    for my $pkg ( qw( Yote::Obj Yote::Array Yote::Hash ) ) {
        $INC{ $pkg } or eval("use $pkg");

# Markes given object as dirty.
sub _dirty {
    # ( $self, $ref, $id
    $_[0]->{_DIRTY}->{$_[2]} = $_[1];
} #_dirty

# Returns the first ID that is associated with the root Root object
sub _first_id {
} #_first_id

sub _get_id {
    shift->__get_id( shift );

sub __get_id {
    my( $self, $ref ) = @_;
    my $class = ref( $ref );
    die "__get_id requires reference. got '$ref'" unless $class;
    if( $class eq 'Yote::Array') {
        return $ref->[0];
    elsif( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        my $tied = tied @$ref;
        if( $tied ) {
            $tied->[0] ||= $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( "ARRAY" );
            $self->_store_weak( $tied->[0], \$ref );
            return $tied->[0];
        my( @data ) = @$ref;
        my $id = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( $class );
        tie @$ref, 'Yote::Array', $self, $id;
        $tied = tied @$ref; $tied->[3] = $ref;
        push( @$ref, @data );
        $self->_dirty( $ref, $id );
        $self->_store_weak( $id, \$ref );
        return $id;
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
        my $wref = $ref;
        return $ref->[0];
    elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
        my $tied = tied %$ref;
        if( $tied ) {
            $tied->[0] ||= $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( "HASH" );
            $self->_store_weak( $tied->[0], \$ref );
            return $tied->[0];
        my $id = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( $class );

        my( %vals ) = %$ref;
        tie %$ref, 'Yote::Hash', $self, $id;
        $tied = tied %$ref; $tied->[3] = $ref;
        for my $key (keys %vals) {
            $ref->{$key} = $vals{$key};
        $self->_dirty( $ref, $id );
        $self->_store_weak( $id, \$ref );
        return $id;
    else {
        return $ref->{ID} if $ref->{ID};
        if( $class eq 'Yote::Root' ) {
            $ref->{ID} = $self->{_DATASTORE}->_first_id( $class );
        } else {
            $ref->{ID} ||= $self->{_DATASTORE}->_get_id( $class );
        $self->_store_weak( $ref->{ID}, \$ref );

        return $ref->{ID};

} #_get_id

sub _stow {
    my( $self, $obj ) = @_;

    my $class = ref( $obj );
    return unless $class;
    my $id = $self->_get_id( $obj );
    die unless $id;

    my $data = $self->_raw_data( $obj );
    if( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id,'ARRAY', $data );
        $self->_clean( $id );
    elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
        $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id,'HASH',$data );
        $self->_clean( $id );
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Array' ) {
        if( $self->_is_dirty( $id ) ) {
            $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id,'ARRAY',$data );
            $self->_clean( $id );
        for my $child (@$data) {
            if( $child =~ /^[0-9]/ && $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} ) {
                $self->_stow( $child, $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} );
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
        if( $self->_is_dirty( $id ) ) {
            $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id, 'HASH', $data );
        $self->_clean( $id );
        for my $child (values %$data) {
            if( $child =~ /^[0-9]/ && $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} ) {
                $self->_stow( $child, $self->{_DIRTY}->{$child} );
    else {
        if( $self->_is_dirty( $id ) ) {
            $self->{_DATASTORE}->_stow( $id, $class, $data );
            $self->_clean( $id );
        for my $val (values %$data) {
            if( $val =~ /^[0-9]/ && $self->{_DIRTY}->{$val} ) {
                $self->_stow( $val, $self->{_DIRTY}->{$val} );
} #_stow

sub _xform_in {
    my( $self, $val ) = @_;
    if( ref( $val ) ) {
        return $self->_get_id( $val );
    return defined $val ? "v$val" : undef;

sub _xform_out {
    my( $self, $val ) = @_;
    return undef unless defined( $val );
    if( index($val,'v') == 0 ) {
        return substr( $val, 1 );
    return $self->fetch( $val );

sub _clean {
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;
    delete $self->{_DIRTY}{$id};
} #_clean

sub _is_dirty {
    my( $self, $obj ) = @_;
    my $id = ref($obj) ? _get_id($obj) : $obj;
    my $ans = $self->{_DIRTY}{$id};
} #_is_dirty

sub _purge {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{_DIRTY} = {};
    $self->{_WEAK_REFS} = {};

# Returns data structure representing object. References are integers. Values start with 'v'.
sub _raw_data {
    my( $self, $obj ) = @_;
    my $class = ref( $obj );
    return unless $class;
    my $id = $self->_get_id( $obj );
    die unless $id;
    if( $class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        my $tied = tied @$obj;
        if( $tied ) {
            return $tied->[1];
        } else {
    elsif( $class eq 'HASH' ) {
        my $tied = tied %$obj;
        if( $tied ) {
            return $tied->[1];
        } else {
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Array' ) {
        return $obj->[1];
    elsif( $class eq 'Yote::Hash' ) {
        return $obj->[1];
    else {
        return $obj->{DATA};
} #_raw_data

sub _store_weak {
    my( $self, $id, $ref ) = @_;
    die unless $ref;
    $self->{_WEAK_REFS}{$id} = $ref;
    weaken( $self->{_WEAK_REFS}{$id} );
} #_store_weak

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

=head1 NAME

 Yote::Obj - Generic container object for graph.


A Yote::Obj is a container class that as a specific idiom for getters
and setters. This idiom is set up to avoid confusion and collision
with any method names.

 # sets the 'foo' field to the given value.
 $obj->set_foo( { value => $store->newobj } );

 # returns the value for bar, and if none, sets it to 'default'
 my $bar = $obj->get_bar( "default" );

 $obj->add_to_somelist( "Freddish" );
 my $list = $obj->get_somelist;
 $list->[ 0 ] == "Freddish";

 $obj->remove_from_somelist( "Freddish" );

package Yote::Obj;

use strict;
use warnings;
no  warnings 'uninitialized';

# The string version of the yote object is simply its id. This allows
# objet ids to easily be stored as hash keys.
use overload
    '""' => sub { shift->{ID} }, # for hash keys
    eq   => sub { ref($_[1]) && $_[1]->{ID} == $_[0]->{ID} },
    ne   => sub { ! ref($_[1]) || $_[1]->{ID} != $_[0]->{ID} },
    '=='   => sub { ref($_[1]) && $_[1]->{ID} == $_[0]->{ID} },
    '!='   => sub { ! ref($_[1]) || $_[1]->{ID} != $_[0]->{ID} },
    fallback => 1;

=head2 absorb( hashref )

    pulls the hash data into this object.

sub absorb {
    my( $self, $data ) = @_;
    my $obj_store = $self->{STORE};
    for my $key ( sort keys %$data ) {
        my $item = $data->{ $key };
        $self->{DATA}{$key} = $obj_store->_xform_in( $item );
    $obj_store->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} );

} #absorb

=head2 set( $field, $value )

    Assigns the given value to the field in this object and returns the 
    assigned value.

sub set {
    my( $self, $fld, $val ) = @_;

    my $inval = $self->{STORE}->_xform_in( $val );
    if( $self->{DATA}{$fld} ne $inval ) {
        $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} );

    $self->{DATA}{$fld} = $inval;
    return $self->{STORE}->_xform_out( $self->{DATA}{$fld} );
} #set

=head2 get( $field, $default-value )

    Returns the value assigned to the field, assinging the default
    value to it if the value is currently not defined.

sub get {
    my( $self, $fld, $default ) = @_;
    my $cur = $self->{DATA}{$fld};
    if( ! defined( $cur ) && defined( $default ) ) {
        if( ref( $default ) ) {
            # this must be done to make sure the reference is saved for cases where the reference has not yet made it to the store of things to save
            $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $default->{STORE}->_get_id( $default ) );
        $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} );
        $self->{DATA}{$fld} = $self->{STORE}->_xform_in( $default );
    return $self->{STORE}->_xform_out( $self->{DATA}{$fld} );
} #get

# -----------------------
#     Public Methods
# -----------------------
# Defines get_foo, set_foo, add_to_list, remove_from_list
    my( $s, $arg ) = @_;
    my $func = our $AUTOLOAD;

    if( $func =~/:add_to_(.*)/ ) {
        my( $fld ) = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            push( @$arry, @vals );
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    } #add_to
    elsif( $func =~/:add_once_to_(.*)/ ) {
        my( $fld ) = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            for my $val ( @vals ) {
                unless( grep { $val eq $_ } @$arry ) {
                    push @$arry, $val;
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    } #add_once_to
    elsif( $func =~ /:remove_from_(.*)/ ) { #removes the first instance of the target thing from the list
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            for my $val (@vals ) {
                for my $i (0..$#$arry) {
                    if( $arry->[$i] eq $val ) {
                        splice @$arry, $i, 1;
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    elsif( $func =~ /:remove_all_from_(.*)/ ) { #removes the first instance of the target thing from the list
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
            my $get = "get_$fld";
            my $arry = $self->$get([]); # init array if need be
            for my $val (@vals) {
                my $count = grep { $_ eq $val } @$arry;
                while( $count ) {
                    for my $i (0..$#$arry) {
                        if( $arry->[$i] eq $val ) {
                            splice @$arry, $i, 1;
                            last unless $count;
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    elsif ( $func =~ /:set_(.*)/ ) {
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, $val ) = @_;
            my $inval = $self->{STORE}->_xform_in( $val );
            $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} ) if $self->{DATA}{$fld} ne $inval;
            $self->{DATA}{$fld} = $inval;

            return $self->{STORE}->_xform_out( $self->{DATA}{$fld} );
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    elsif( $func =~ /:get_(.*)/ ) {
        my $fld = $1;
        no strict 'refs';
        *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
            my( $self, $init_val ) = @_;
            if( ! defined( $self->{DATA}{$fld} ) && defined($init_val) ) {
                if( ref( $init_val ) ) {
                    # this must be done to make sure the reference is saved for cases where the reference has not yet made it to the store of things to save
                    $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $init_val, $self->{STORE}->_get_id( $init_val ) );
                $self->{STORE}->_dirty( $self, $self->{ID} );
                $self->{DATA}{$fld} = $self->{STORE}->_xform_in( $init_val );
            return $self->{STORE}->_xform_out( $self->{DATA}{$fld} );
        use strict 'refs';
        goto &$AUTOLOAD;
    else {
        die "Unknown Yote::Obj function '$func'";


# -----------------------
#     Overridable Methods
# -----------------------

=head2 _init
    This is called the first time an object is created. It is not 
    called when the object is loaded from storage. This can be used
    to set up defaults. This is meant to be overridden.

sub _init {}

=head2 _init
    This is called each time the object is loaded from the data store.
    This is meant to be overridden.

sub _load {}

# -----------------------
#     Private Methods
# -----------------------

sub _new { #new Yote::Obj
    my( $pkg, $obj_store, $data, $_id ) = @_;

    my $class = ref($pkg) || $pkg;
    my $obj = bless {
        DATA     => {},
        STORE    => $obj_store,
    }, $class;
    $obj->{ID} = $_id || $obj_store->_get_id( $obj );
    $obj->_init(); #called the first time the object is created.
    $obj_store->_dirty( $obj, $obj->{ID} );

    if( ref( $data ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        $obj->absorb( $data );
    } elsif( $data ) {
        die "Yote::Obj::new must be called with hash or undef. Was called with '". ref( $data ) . "'";
    return $obj;
} #_new

sub _store {
    return shift->{STORE};

# Called by the object provider; returns a Yote::Obj the object
# provider will stuff data into. Takes the class and id as arguments.
sub _instantiate {
    bless { ID => $_[1], DATA => {}, STORE => $_[2] }, $_[0];
} #_instantiate

sub DESTROY {}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::Array;

# This module is used transparently by Yote to link arrays into its graph structure. This is not meant to  #
# be called explicitly or modified.									   #

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';
use Tie::Array;

    my( $class, $obj_store, $id, @list ) = @_;
    my $storage = [];

    # once the array is tied, an additional data field will be added
    # so obj will be [ $id, $storage, $obj_store ]
    my $obj = bless [$id,$storage,$obj_store], $class;
    for my $item (@list) {
        push( @$storage, $item );
    return $obj;

sub FETCH {
    my( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out ( $self->[1][$idx] );

    my $self = shift;
    return scalar(@{$self->[1]});

sub STORE {
    my( $self, $idx, $val ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    $self->[1][$idx] = $self->[2]->_xform_in( $val );
sub STORESIZE {}  #stub for array

sub EXISTS {
    my( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    return defined( $self->[1][$idx] );
sub DELETE {
    my( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    delete $self->[1][$idx];

sub CLEAR {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    @{$self->[1]} = ();
sub PUSH {
    my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    push( @{$self->[1]}, map { $self->[2]->_xform_in($_) } @vals );
sub POP {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out( pop @{$self->[1]} );
sub SHIFT {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    my $val = splice @{$self->[1]}, 0, 1;
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out( $val );
    my( $self, @vals ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    unshift @{$self->[1]}, map {$self->[2]->_xform_in($_)} @vals;
sub SPLICE {
    my( $self, $offset, $length, @vals ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    return map { $self->[2]->_xform_out($_) } splice @{$self->[1]}, $offset, $length, map {$self->[2]->_xform_in($_)} @vals;
sub EXTEND {}

sub DESTROY {}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::Hash;

# This module is used transparently by Yote to link hashes into its graph structure. This is not meant to  #
# be called explicitly or modified.									   #

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';

use Tie::Hash;

    my( $class, $obj_store, $id, %hash ) = @_;
    my $storage = {};
    # after $obj_store is a list reference of
    #                 id, data, store
    my $obj = bless [ $id, $storage,$obj_store ], $class;
    for my $key (keys %hash) {
        $storage->{$key} = $hash{$key};
    return $obj;

sub STORE {
    my( $self, $key, $val ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    $self->[1]{$key} = $self->[2]->_xform_in( $val );

    my $self = shift;
    my $a = scalar keys %{$self->[1]};
    my( $k, $val ) = each %{$self->[1]};
    return wantarray ? ( $k => $val ) : $k;
sub NEXTKEY  { 
    my $self = shift;
    my( $k, $val ) = each %{$self->[1]};
    return wantarray ? ( $k => $val ) : $k;

sub FETCH {
    my( $self, $key ) = @_;
    return $self->[2]->_xform_out( $self->[1]{$key} );

sub EXISTS {
    my( $self, $key ) = @_;
    return defined( $self->[1]{$key} );
sub DELETE {
    my( $self, $key ) = @_;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    return delete $self->[1]{$key};
sub CLEAR {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->[2]->_dirty( $self->[3], $self->[0] );
    %{$self->[1]} = ();

sub DESTROY {}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Yote::YoteDB;

use strict;
use warnings;

no warnings 'uninitialized';

use Data::RecordStore;

use WeakRef;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use JSON;

use Devel::Refcount 'refcount';

use constant {
  DATA => 2,

# This the main index and stores in which table and position
# in that table that this object lives.
sub open {
  my( $pkg, $obj_store, $args ) = @_;
  my $class = ref( $pkg ) || $pkg;

  my $self = bless {
      args       => $args,
      OBJ_STORE  => $obj_store,
      DATA_STORE => Data::RecordStore->open( $args->{ store } ),
  }, $class;
  $self->{DATA_STORE}->ensure_entry_count( 1 );
} #open

# Return a list reference containing [ id, class, data ] that
# corresponds to the $id argument. This is used by Yote::ObjStore
# to build the yote object.
sub _fetch {
  my( $self, $id ) = @_;
  my $data = $self->{DATA_STORE}->fetch( $id );
  return undef unless $data;

  my $pos = index( $data, ' ' ); #there is a always a space after the class.
  die "Malformed record '$data'" if $pos == -1;
  my $class = substr $data, 0, $pos;
  my $val   = substr $data, $pos + 1;
  my $ret = [$id,$class,$val];
  $ret->[DATA] = from_json( $ret->[DATA] );
} #_fetch

# The first object in a yote data store can trace a reference to
# all active objects.
sub _first_id {
  return 1;
} #_first_id

# Create a new object id and return it. 
sub _get_id {
  my $self = shift;
} #_get_id

# used for debugging and testing
sub _max_id {

# used for debugging and testing
sub _get_recycled_ids {

sub _recycle_objects {
  my $self = shift;

  my $mark_to_keep_store = Data::RecordStore::FixedStore->open( "I", $self->{args}{store} . '/RECYCLE' );
  $mark_to_keep_store->ensure_entry_count( $self->{DATA_STORE}->entry_count );
  # the already deleted cannot be re-recycled
  my $ri = $self->{DATA_STORE}->_get_recycled_ids;
  for ( @$ri ) {
    $mark_to_keep_store->put_record( $_, [ 1 ] );

  my $trace_to_root = sub {
      my( $keep_id, $mark_to_keep_store ) = @_;
      my( @queue ) = ( $keep_id );

      $mark_to_keep_store->put_record( $keep_id, [ 1 ] );

      # get the object ids referenced by this keeper object
      while( @queue ) {
          $keep_id = shift @queue;

          my $item = $self->_fetch( $keep_id );
          my( @additions );
          if ( ref( $item->[DATA] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
              ( @additions ) = grep { /^[^v]/ } @{$item->[DATA]};
          } else {
              ( @additions ) = grep { /^[^v]/ } values %{$item->[DATA]};

          for my $keeper ( @additions ) {
              next if $mark_to_keep_store->get_record( $keeper )->[0];
              $mark_to_keep_store->put_record( $keeper, [ 1 ] );
              push @queue, $keeper;
      } #while there is a queue

  &$trace_to_root( $self->_first_id, $mark_to_keep_store );

  # If there are any entries in the weak references, do not recycle these.
  # This ignores the possibility of circular references, but that uncommon case
  # is not worth the complexity.
  for my $referenced_id ( keys %{ $self->{OBJ_STORE}{_WEAK_REFS} } ) {
      # make sure that these are actually referenced. They may be 
      # in DIRTY, and, if they are Yote::Array or Yote::Hash, they
      # have an extra reference due to the tie.

      my $obj = $self->{OBJ_STORE}->fetch( $referenced_id );
      my $min_ref_count = 1;
      if( $self->{OBJ_STORE}->_is_dirty( $referenced_id ) ) {
      $min_ref_count++ if ref($obj) =~ /^(ARRAY|HASH)$/;

      if( refcount($obj) > $min_ref_count ) {
          &$trace_to_root( $referenced_id, $mark_to_keep_store );

  # the purge begins here
  my $cands = $self->{DATA_STORE}->entry_count;
  my $count = 0;
  for my $cand ( 1..$cands) { #iterate each id in the entire object store
    my( $keep ) = $mark_to_keep_store->get_record( $cand )->[0];

    die "Tried to recycle root entry" if $cand == 1 && ! $keep;
    if ( ! $keep ) {
        $self->{DATA_STORE}->recycle( $cand );
        delete $self->{OBJ_STORE}{_WEAK_REFS}{$cand};

  # remove temporary recycle datastore
  return $count;
} #_recycle_objects

# Saves the object data for object $id to the data store.
sub _stow {
  my( $self, $id, $class, $data ) = @_;
  my $save_data = "$class " . to_json($data);
  $self->{DATA_STORE}->stow( $save_data, $id );
} #_stow

# Takes a list of object data references and stows them all in the datastore.
# returns how many are stowed.
sub _stow_all {
  my( $self, $objs ) = @_;
  my $count = 0;
  for my $o ( @$objs ) {
    $count += $self->_stow( @$o );
  return $count;
} #_stow_all



=head1 AUTHOR
       Eric Wolf


       Copyright (c) 2016 Eric Wolf. All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 VERSION
       Version 1.40  (May 11, 2016))
