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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use DBI::Const::GetInfoType;
use vars qw($table $mdriver $dbdriver $childPid $test_dsn $test_user $test_password);
$table= 't1';

$| = 1; # flush stdout asap to keep in sync with stderr

#   Driver names; EDIT THIS!
$mdriver = 'mysql';
$dbdriver = $mdriver; # $dbdriver is usually just the same as $mdriver.
                      # The exception is DBD::pNET where we have to
                      # to separate between local driver (pNET) and
                      # the remote driver ($dbdriver)

#   DSN being used; do not edit this, edit "$dbdriver.dbtest" instead

$::COL_KEY = 2;

my $file;
if (-f ($file = "t/$dbdriver.dbtest")  ||
    -f ($file = "$dbdriver.dbtest")    ||
    -f ($file = "../tests/$dbdriver.dbtest")  ||
    -f ($file = "tests/$dbdriver.dbtest")) {
    eval { require $file; };
    if ($@) {
	print STDERR "Cannot execute $file: $@.\n";
	print "1..0\n";
	exit 0;
    $::test_dsn      = $::test_dsn || $ENV{'DBI_DSN'} || 'DBI:mysql:database=test';
    $::test_user     = $::test_user|| $ENV{'DBI_USER'}  ||  '';
    $::test_password = $::test_password || $ENV{'DBI_PASS'}  ||  '';
if (-f ($file = "t/$mdriver.mtest")  ||
    -f ($file = "$mdriver.mtest")    ||
    -f ($file = "../tests/$mdriver.mtest")  ||
    -f ($file = "tests/$mdriver.mtest")) {
    eval { require $file; };
    if ($@) {
	print STDERR "Cannot execute $file: $@.\n";
	print "1..0\n";
	exit 0;

#   The Testing() function builds the frame of the test; it can be called
#   in many ways, see below.
#   Usually there's no need for you to modify this function.
#       Testing() (without arguments) indicates the beginning of the
#           main loop; it will return, if the main loop should be
#           entered (which will happen twice, once with $state = 1 and
#           once with $state = 0)
#       Testing('off') disables any further tests until the loop ends
#       Testing('group') indicates the begin of a group of tests; you
#           may use this, for example, if there's a certain test within
#           the group that should make all other tests fail.
#       Testing('disable') disables further tests within the group; must
#           not be called without a preceding Testing('group'); by default
#           tests are enabled
#       Testing('enabled') reenables tests after calling Testing('disable')
#       Testing('finish') terminates a group; any Testing('group') must
#           be paired with Testing('finish')
#   You may nest test groups.
    # Note the use of the pairing {} in order to get local, but static,
    # variables.
    my (@stateStack, $count, $off, $skip_all_reason, $skip_n_reason, @skip_n);
    $::numTests = 0;

    $count = 0;
    @skip_n = ();

    sub Testing(;$) {
	my ($command) = shift;
	if (!defined($command)) {
	    @stateStack = ();
	    $off = 0;
	    if ($count == 0) {
		$::state = 1;
	    } elsif ($count == 1) {
		if ($off) {
		    print "1..0\n";
		    exit 0;
		$::state = 0;
		print "1..$::numTests\n";
	    } else {
		return 0;
	    if ($off) {
		$::state = 1;
	    $::numTests = 0;
	} elsif ($command eq 'off') {
	    $off = 1;
	    $::state = 0;
	} elsif ($command eq 'group') {
	    push(@stateStack, $::state);
	} elsif ($command eq 'disable') {
	    $::state = 0;
	} elsif ($command eq 'enable') {
	    if ($off) {
		$::state = 0;
	    } else {
		my $s;
		$::state = 1;
		foreach $s (@stateStack) {
		    if (!$s) {
			$::state = 0;
	} elsif ($command eq 'finish') {
	    $::state = pop(@stateStack);
	} else {
	    die("Testing: Unknown argument\n");
	return 1;

#   Read a single test result
    sub Test ($;$$) {
	my($result, $error, $diag) = @_;
	return Skip($skip_all_reason) if (defined($skip_all_reason));
	if (scalar(@skip_n)) {
	    my $skipped = 0;
	    my $t = $::numTests + 1;
	    foreach my $n (@skip_n) {
		return Skip($skip_n_reason) if ($n == $t);
	if ($count == 2) {
	    if (defined($diag)) {
	        printf("$diag%s", (($diag =~ /\n$/) ? "" : "\n"));
	    if ($::state || $result) {
		print "ok $::numTests\n";
		return 1;
	    } else {
		my ($pack, $file, $line) = caller();
		printf("not ok $::numTests%s at line $line\n",
			(defined($error) ? " $error" : ""));
		return 0;
	return 1;

#   Skip some test
    sub Skip ($) {
	my $reason = shift;
	if ($count == 2) {
	    if ($reason) {
		print "ok $::numTests # Skip $reason\n";
	    } else {
		print "ok $::numTests # Skip\n";
	return 1;
    sub SkipAll($) {
	$skip_all_reason = shift;
    sub SkipN($@) {
	$skip_n_reason = shift;
	@skip_n = @_;

#   Print a DBI error message
# TODO - This is on the chopping block
sub DbiError ($$) {
    my ($rc, $err) = @_;
    $rc ||= 0;
    $err ||= '';
    print "Test $::numTests: DBI error $rc, $err\n";

#   These functions generates a list of possible DSN's aka
#   databases and returns a possible table name for a new
#   table being created.
    my(@tables, $testtable, $listed);

    $testtable = "testaa";
    $listed = 0;

    sub FindNewTable($) {
	my($dbh) = @_;

	if (UNIVERSAL::isa($dbh, "Mysql")) {
	    $dbh = $dbh->{'dbh'};

	if (!$listed) {
	    @tables = grep {s/(?:^.*\.)|`//g} $dbh->tables();
	    $listed = 1;

	# A small loop to find a free test table we can use to mangle stuff in
	# and out of. This starts at testaa and loops until testaz, then testba
	# - testbz and so on until testzz.
	my $foundtesttable = 1;
	my $table;
	while ($foundtesttable) {
	    $foundtesttable = 0;
	    foreach $table (@tables) {
		if ($table eq $testtable) {
		    $foundtesttable = 1;
	$table = $testtable;

sub connection_id {
    my $dbh = shift;
    return 0 unless $dbh;

    # Paul DuBois says the following is more reliable than
    # $dbh->{'mysql_thread_id'};
    my @row = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()");

    return $row[0];

# nice function I saw in DBD::Pg test code
sub byte_string {
    my $ret = join( "|" ,unpack( "C*" ,$_[0] ) );
    return $ret;

sub SQL_VARCHAR { 12 };
sub SQL_INTEGER { 4 };

sub ErrMsg (@) { print (@_); }
sub ErrMsgF (@) { printf (@_); }

=item CheckRoutinePerms()

Check if the current user of the DBH has permissions to create/drop procedures

    if (!CheckRoutinePerms($dbh)) {
        plan skip_all =>
            "Your test user does not have ALTER_ROUTINE privileges.";


sub CheckRoutinePerms {
    my $dbh = shift @_;

    # check for necessary privs
    local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
    eval { $dbh->do('DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS testproc') };
    return if $@ =~ qr/alter routine command denied to user/;

    return 1;

=item MinimumVersion()

Check to see if the database where the test run against is
of a certain minimum version

    if (!MinimumVersion($dbh, '5.0')) {
        plan skip_all =>
            "You must have MySQL version 5.0 and greater for this test to run";


sub MinimumVersion {
    my $dbh = shift @_;
    my $version = shift @_;

    my ($major, $minor) = split (/\./, $version);

    if ( $dbh->get_info($GetInfoType{SQL_DBMS_VER}) =~ /(^\d+)\.(\d+)\./ ) {

        # major version higher than requested
        return 1 if $1 > $major;

        # major version too low
        return if $1 < $major;

        # check minor version
        return 1 if $2 >= $minor;

