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# name:      Mo::Inline
# abstract:  Inline Mo and Features into your package
# author:    Ingy döt Net <>
# license:   perl
# copyright: 2011
# see:
# - Mo

package Mo::Inline;
use Mo;

our $VERSION=0.38;

use IO::All;

my $matcher = qr/((?m:^#\s*use Mo(\s.*)?;.*\n))(?:#.*\n)*(?:.{400,}\n)?/;

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my @files;
    if (not @_ and -d 'lib') {
        print "Searching the 'lib' directory for a Mo to inline:\n";
        @_ = 'lib';
    if (not @_ or @_ == 1 and $_[0] =~ /^(?:-\?|-h|--help)$/) {
        print usage();
        return 0;
    for my $name (@_) {
        die "No file or directory called '$name'"
            unless -e $name;
        die "'$name' is not a Perl module"
            if -f $name and $name !~ /\.pm$/;
        if (-f $name) {
            push @files, $name;
        elsif (-d $name) {
            push @_, grep /\.pm$/, map { "$_" } io($name)->All_Files;

    die "No .pm files specified"
        unless @files;

    for my $file (@files) {
        my $text = io($file)->all;
        if ($text !~ $matcher) {
            print "Ignoring $file - No Mo to Inline!\n";
        $self->inline($file, 1);

sub inline {
    my ($self, $file, $noisy) = @_;
    my $text = io($file)->all;
    $text =~ s/$matcher/"$1" . &inliner($2)/eg;
    print "Mo Inlined $file\n"
        if $noisy;

sub inliner {
    my $mo = shift;
    require Mo;
    my @features = grep {$_ ne 'qw'} ($mo =~ /(\w+)/g);
    for (@features) {
        eval "require Mo::$_; 1" or die $@;
    my $inline = '';
    $inline .= $_ for map {
        my $module = $_;
        $module .= '.pm';
        my @lines = io($INC{$module})->chomp->getlines;
    } ('Mo', map { s!::!/!g; "Mo/$_" } @features);
    return <<"...";
#   The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
#   Mo::Inline version $VERSION
$inline\@f=qw[@features];use strict;use warnings;

sub usage {
Usage: mo-linline <perl module files or directories>




In your Mo module:

    # This is effectively your own private Mo(ose) setup
    package MyModule::Mo;
    # use Mo qw'build builder default import';

From the command line:

    > mo-inline lib/MyModule/


    > mo-inline lib/

or (if you are really lazy):

    > mo-inline

Then from another module:

    package MyModule::Foo;
    use MyModule::Mo;       # gets build, builder and default automatically


Mo is so small that you can easily inline it, along with any feature modules.
Mo provides a script called C<mo-inline> that will do it for you.

All you need to do is comment out the line that uses Mo, and run C<mo-inline>
on the file. C<mo-inline> will find such comments and do the inlining for you.
It will also replace any old inlined Mo with the latest version.

What Mo could you possibly want?


By using the L<Mo::import> feature, all uses of your Mo class will turn on all
the features you specified. You can override it if you want, but that will be
the default.


For real world examples of Mo inlined using C<mo-inline>, see L<YAML::Mo>,
L<Pegex::Mo> and L<TestML::Mo>.