
Packrat parsers cannot recognize some unambiguous grammars, such as the following 
Example taken from Bryan Ford (2002): 
I<Functional Pearl: Packrat Parsing: Simple, Powerful, Lazy, Linear Time>

    S : x' S 'x' | 'x'

In fact, neither LL(k) nor LR(k) parsing algorithms are capable of recognizing this example.

This grammar is a more complex variant of  the former. 

Compile this grammar with:

        eyapp -C nopackrat2.eyp

Run the program with s.t. like:

        ./nopackrat2.pm -t -m 1 -i -c '2*3; 4+2; a+1; 2; a;'

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 2 

=item * File C<nopackrat.eyp>

=item *  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar,
         entry 'Parsing expression grammar' in the Wikipedia

=item * Bryan Ford (2002). Functional Pearl: Packrat Parsing: Simple, Powerful, Lazy, Linear Time

=item * "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion". PEPM '08.
        January 2008. http://www.vpri.org/pdf/tr2007002_packrat.pdf. Retrieved



my $count = 0;


%right  '='
%left   '-' '+'
%left   '*' '/'
%left   NEG


%lexer {

  /\G([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)/gc   and return('NUM',$1);
  /\G([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/gc and return('VAR',$1);
  /\G(.)/gc                     and return($1,$1);

%conflict isInTheMiddle {
  # nested parsing of the remain of the input ...
  my $r = substr($_, pos($_));

  my $nrsc = ($r =~ tr/;//); # count the number of remaining ';'
  # just for debugging ...
  print "count = $count r = '$r' nrsc = $nrsc\n";

  if ($count == $nrsc+1) { $self->YYSetReduce([ 'NUM', 'VAR', '(', '-' ], 'MIDexp' ) }
  else { $self->YYSetShift([ 'NUM', 'VAR', '(', '-' ]) }



    %name exp_s_exp
    exp ';'              %PREC isInTheMiddle
        s exp ';' 
  | %name MIDexp
    exp ';'              %PREC isInTheMiddle

exp:      %name NUM   
	| %name VAR  
	| %name ASSIGN        
          VAR '=' exp 
	| %name PLUS 
          exp '+' exp 
	| %name MINUS       
          exp '-' exp 
	| %name TIMES   
          exp '*' exp 
	| %name DIV     
          exp '/' exp 
	| %name UMINUS
          '-' exp %prec NEG 
        |   '(' exp ')'  { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
