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# (c) Parse::Eyapp Copyright 2006-2008 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon, all rights reserved.
package Parse::Eyapp::Node;
use strict;
use Carp;
no warnings 'recursion';

use Parse::Eyapp::YATW;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Data::Dumper;


sub firstval(&@) {
  my $handler = shift;
  return (grep { $handler->($_) } @_)[0]

sub lastval(&@) {
  my $handler = shift;
  return (grep { $handler->($_) } @_)[-1]

# Usage      : 
# line: %name PROG
#        exp <%name EXP + ';'>
#                 { @{$lhs->{t}} = map { $_->{t}} ($lhs->child(0)->children()); }
# ;
# Returns    : The array of children of the node. When the tree is a
#              translation scheme the CODE references are also included
# Parameters : the node (method)
# See Also   : Children

sub children {
  my $self = CORE::shift;
  return () unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children');
  @{$self->{children}} = @_ if @_;

# Usage      :  line: %name PROG
#                        (exp) <%name EXP + ';'>
#                          { @{$lhs->{t}} = map { $_->{t}} ($_[1]->Children()); }
# Returns    : The true children of the node, excluding CODE CHILDREN
# Parameters : The Node object

sub Children {
  my $self = CORE::shift;
  return () unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children');

  @{$self->{children}} = @_ if @_;
  grep { !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'CODE') } @{$self->{children}}

# Returns    : Last non CODE child
# Parameters : the node object

sub Last_child {
  my $self = CORE::shift;

  return unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and @{$self->{children}};
  my $i = -1;
  $i-- while defined($self->{children}->[$i]) and UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{children}->[$i], 'CODE');
  return  $self->{children}->[$i];

sub last_child {
  my $self = CORE::shift;

  return unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and @{$self->{children}};

# Usage      :  $node->child($i)
#  my $transform = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
#     commutative_add: PLUS($x, ., $y, .)
#       => { my $t = $x; $_[0]->child(0, $y); $_[0]->child(2, $t)}
#  }
# Purpose    : Setter-getter to modify a specific child of a node
# Returns    : Child with index $i. Returns undef if the child does not exists
# Parameters : Method: the node and the index of the child. The new value is used 
#              as a setter.
# Throws     : Croaks if the index parameter is not provided
sub child {
  my ($self, $index, $value) = @_;
  #croak "$self is not a Parse::Eyapp::Node" unless $self->isa('Parse::Eyapp::Node');
  return undef unless  UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'child');
  croak "Index not provided" unless defined($index);
  $self->{children}[$index] = $value if defined($value);

sub descendant {
  my $self = shift;
  my $coord = shift;

  my @pos = split /\./, $coord;
  my $t = $self;
  my $x = shift(@pos); # discard the first empty dot
  for (@pos) {
      croak "Error computing descendant: $_ is not a number\n" 
    unless m{\d+} and $_ < $t->children;
    $t = $t->child($_);
  return $t;

# Usage      : $node->s(@transformationlist);
# Example    : The following example simplifies arithmetic expressions
# using method "s":
# > cat Timeszero.trg
# /* Operator "and" has higher priority than comma "," */
# whatever_times_zero: TIMES(@b, NUM($x) and { $x->{attr} == 0 }) => { $_[0] = $NUM }
# > treereg Timeszero
# > cat
#  !/usr/bin/perl -w
#  use strict;
#  use Rule6;
#  use Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp;
#  use Timeszero;
#  my $parser = new Rule6();
#  my $t = $parser->Run;
#  $t->s(@Timeszero::all);
# Returns    : Nothing
# Parameters : The object (is a method) and the list of transformations to apply.
#              The list may be a list of Parse::Eyapp:YATW objects and/or CODE
#              references
# Throws     : No exceptions
# Comments   : The set of transformations is repeatedly applied to the node
#              until there are no changes.
#              The function may hang if the set of transformations
#              matches forever.
# See Also   : The "s" method for Parse::Eyapp::YATW objects 
#              (i.e. transformation objects)

sub s {
  my @patterns = @_[1..$#_];

  # Make them Parse::Eyapp:YATW objects if they are CODE references
  @patterns = map { ref($_) eq 'CODE'? 
                        PATTERN => $_,
                        #PATTERN_ARGS => [],
  my $changes; 
  do { 
    $changes = 0;
    foreach (@patterns) {
      $_->{CHANGES} = 0;
      $changes += $_->{CHANGES};
  } while ($changes);

# Usage      : ????
# Purpose    : bud = Bottom Up Decoration: Decorates the tree with flowers :-)
#              The purpose is to decorate the AST with attributes during
#              the context-dependent analysis, mainly type-checking.
# Returns    : ????
# Parameters : The transformations.
# Throws     : no exceptions
# Comments   : The tree is traversed bottom-up. The set of
#              transformations is applied to each node in the order
#              supplied by the user. As soon as one succeeds
#              no more transformations are applied.
# See Also   : n/a
# To Do      : Avoid closure. Save @patterns inside the object
  my @patterns;

  sub bud {
    @patterns = @_[1..$#_];

    @patterns = map { ref($_) eq 'CODE'? 
                          PATTERN => $_,
                          #PATTERN_ARGS => [],
    _bud($_[0], undef, undef);

  sub _bud {
    my $node = $_[0];
    my $index = $_[2];

      # Is an odd leaf. Not actually a Parse::Eyapp::Node. Decorate it and leave
      if (!ref($node) or !UNIVERSAL::can($node, "children"))  {
        for my $p (@patterns) {
          return if $p->pattern->(
            $_[0],  # Node being visited  
            $_[1],  # Father of this node
            $index, # Index of this node in @Father->children
            $p,  # The YATW pattern object   

      # Recursively decorate subtrees
      my $i = 0;
      for (@{$node->{children}}) {
        $_->_bud($_, $_[0], $i);

      # Decorate the node
      #Change YATW object to be the  first argument?
      for my $p (@patterns) {
        return if $p->pattern->($_[0], $_[1], $index, $p); 
} # closure for @patterns

# Usage      : 
# @t = Parse::Eyapp::Node->new( q{TIMES(NUM(TERMINAL), NUM(TERMINAL))}, 
#      sub { 
#        our ($TIMES, @NUM, @TERMINAL);
#        $TIMES->{type}       = "binary operation"; 
#        $NUM[0]->{type}      = "int"; 
#        $NUM[1]->{type}      = "float"; 
#        $TERMINAL[1]->{attr} = 3.5; 
#      },
#    );
# Purpose    : Multi-Constructor
# Returns    : Array of pointers to the objects created
#              in scalar context a pointer to the first node
# Parameters : The class plus the string description and attribute handler


my %cache;

  sub m_bless {

    my $key = join "",@_;
    my $class = shift;
    return $cache{$key} if exists $cache{$key};

    my $b = bless { children => \@_}, $class;
    $cache{$key} = $b;

    return $b;

sub _bless {
  my $class = shift;

  my $b = bless { children => \@_ }, $class;
  return $b;

sub hexpand {
  my $class = CORE::shift;

  my $handler = CORE::pop if ref($_[-1]) eq 'CODE';
  my $n = m_bless(@_);

  my $newnodeclass = CORE::shift;

  no strict 'refs';
  push @{$newnodeclass."::ISA"}, 'Parse::Eyapp::Node' unless $newnodeclass->isa('Parse::Eyapp::Node');

  if (defined($handler) and UNIVERSAL::isa($handler, "CODE")) {


sub hnew {
  my $blesser = \&m_bless;

  return _new($blesser, @_);

# Regexp for a full Perl identifier
sub _new {
  my $blesser = CORE::shift;
  my $class = CORE::shift;
  local $_ = CORE::shift; # string: tree description
  my $handler = CORE::shift if ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE';

  my %classes;
  my $b;
  #TODO: Shall I receive a prefix?

  my (@stack, @index, @results, %results, @place, $open);
  #skip white spaces
  while ($_) {
    # If is a leaf is followed by parenthesis or comma or an ID
     {$1()$2} # ... then add an empty pair of parenthesis
      and do { 

    # If is a leaf is followed by an ID
     {$1()$2} # ... then add an empty pair of parenthesis
      and do { 

    # If is a leaf at the end
     {$1()} # ... then add an empty pair of parenthesis
      and do { 
        $classes{$1} = 1;

    # Is an identifier
      and do { 
        $classes{$1} = 1;
        CORE::push @stack, $1; 

    # Open parenthesis: mark the position for when parenthesis closes
      and do { 
        my $pos = scalar(@stack);
        CORE::push @index, $pos; 
        $place[$pos] = $open++;

        # Warning! I don't know what I am doing

    # Skip commas
    s{\A,}{} and next; 

    # Closing parenthesis: time to build a node
    s{\A[)]}{} and do { 
        croak "Syntax error! Closing parenthesis has no left partner!" unless @index;
        my $begin = pop @index; # check if empty!
        my @children = splice(@stack, $begin);
        my $class = pop @stack;
        croak "Syntax error! Any couple of parenthesis must be preceded by an identifier"
          unless (defined($class) and $class =~ m{^[a-zA-Z_][\w:]*$});

        $b = $blesser->($class, @children);

        CORE::push @stack, $b;
        $results[$place[$begin]] = $b;
        CORE::push @{$results{$class}}, $b;

    last unless $_;

    #skip white spaces
    croak "Error building Parse::Eyapp::Node tree at '$_'." unless s{\A\s+}{};
  } # while
  croak "Syntax error! Open parenthesis has no right partner!" if @index;
    no strict 'refs';
    for (keys(%classes)) {
      push @{$_."::ISA"}, 'Parse::Eyapp::Node' unless $_->isa('Parse::Eyapp::Node');
  if (defined($handler) and UNIVERSAL::isa($handler, "CODE")) {
  return wantarray? @results : $b;

sub new {
  my $blesser = \&_bless;

  _new($blesser, @_);

## Used by _subtree_list
#sub compute_hierarchy {
#  my @results = @{shift()};
#  # Compute the hierarchy
#  my $b;
#  my @r = @results;
#  while (@results) {
#    $b = pop @results;
#    my $d = $b->{depth};
#    my $f = lastval { $_->{depth} < $d} @results;
#    $b->{father} = $f;
#    $b->{children} = [];
#    unshift @{$f->{children}}, $b;
#  }
#  $_->{father} = undef for @results;
#  bless $_, "Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match" for @r;
#  return  @r;

# Matches

sub m {
  my $self = shift;
  my @patterns = @_ or croak "Expected a pattern!";
  croak "Error in method m of Parse::Eyapp::Node. Expected Parse::Eyapp:YATW patterns"
    unless $a = first { !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, "Parse::Eyapp:YATW") } @_;

  # array context: return all matches
  local $a = 0;
  my %index = map { ("$_", $a++) } @patterns;
  my @stack = (
       node => $self, 
       depth => 0,  
       dewey => "", 
       patterns =>[] 
  my @results;
  do {
    my $mn = CORE::shift(@stack);
    my %n = %$mn;

    # See what patterns do match the current $node
    for my $pattern (@patterns) {
      push @{$mn->{patterns}}, $index{$pattern} if $pattern->{PATTERN}($n{node});
    my $dewey = $n{dewey};
    if (@{$mn->{patterns}}) {
      $mn->{family} = \@patterns;

      # Is at this time that I have to compute the father
      my $f = lastval { $dewey =~ m{^$_->{dewey}}} @results;
      $mn->{father} = $f;
      # ... and children
      push @{$f->{children}}, $mn if defined($f);
      CORE::push @results, $mn;
    my $childdepth = $n{depth}+1;
    my $k = -1;
    CORE::unshift @stack, 
                node => $_, 
                depth => $childdepth, 
                dewey => "$dewey.$k", 
                patterns => [] 
            } $n{node}->children();
  } while (@stack);

  wantarray? @results : $results[0];

#sub _subtree_scalar {
#  # scalar context: return iterator
#  my $self = CORE::shift;
#  my @patterns = @_ or croak "Expected a pattern!";
#  # %index gives the index of $p in @patterns
#  local $a = 0;
#  my %index = map { ("$_", $a++) } @patterns;
#  my @stack = ();
#  my $mn = { node => $self, depth => 0, patterns =>[] };
#  my @results = ();
#  return sub {
#     do {
#       # See if current $node matches some patterns
#       my $d = $mn->{depth};
#       my $childdepth = $d+1;
#       # See what patterns do match the current $node
#       for my $pattern (@patterns) {
#         push @{$mn->{patterns}}, $index{$pattern} if $pattern->{PATTERN}($mn->{node});
#       } 
#       if (@{$mn->{patterns}}) { # matched
#         CORE::push @results, $mn;
#         # Compute the hierarchy
#         my $f = lastval { $_->{depth} < $d} @results;
#         $mn->{father} = $f;
#         $mn->{children} = [];
#         $mn->{family} = \@patterns;
#         unshift @{$f->{children}}, $mn if defined($f);
#         bless $mn, "Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match";
#         # push children in the stack
#         CORE::unshift @stack, 
#                   map { { node => $_, depth => $childdepth, patterns => [] } } 
#                                                       $mn->{node}->children();
#         $mn = CORE::shift(@stack);
#         return $results[-1];
#       }
#       # didn't match: push children in the stack
#       CORE::unshift @stack, 
#                  map { { node => $_, depth => $childdepth, patterns => [] } } 
#                                                      $mn->{node}->children();
#       $mn = CORE::shift(@stack);
#     } while ($mn); # May be the stack is empty now, but if $mn then there is a node to process
#     # reset iterator
#     my @stack = ();
#     my $mn = { node => $self, depth => 0, patterns =>[] };
#     return undef;
#   };

# Factorize this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#sub m {
#  goto &_subtree_list if (wantarray()); 
#  goto &_subtree_scalar;

# Usage      :   $BLOCK->delete($ASSIGN)
#                $BLOCK->delete(2)
# Purpose    : deletes the specified child of the node
# Returns    : The deleted child
# Parameters : The object plus the index or pointer to the child to be deleted
# Throws     : If the object can't do children or has no children
# See Also   : n/a

sub delete {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # The tree object
  my $child = CORE::shift; # index or pointer

  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::delete error, node:\n"
        .Parse::Eyapp::Node::str($self)."\ndoes not have children" 
    unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and ($self->children()>0);
  if (ref($child)) {
    my $i = 0;
    for ($self->children()) {
      last if $_ == $child;
    if ($i == $self->children()) {
      warn "Parse::Eyapp::Node::delete warning: node:\n".Parse::Eyapp::Node::str($self)
           ."\ndoes not have a child like:\n"
           ."\nThe node was not deleted!\n";
      return $child;
    splice(@{$self->{children}}, $i, 1);
    return $child;
  my $numchildren = $self->children();
  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::delete error: expected an index between 0 and ".
        ($numchildren-1).". Got $child" unless ($child =~ /\d+/ and $child < $numchildren);
  splice(@{$self->{children}}, $child, 1);
  return $child;

# Usage      : $BLOCK->shift
# Purpose    : deletes the first child of the node
# Returns    : The deleted child
# Parameters : The object 
# Throws     : If the object can't do children 
# See Also   : n/a

sub shift {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # The tree object

  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::shift error, node:\n"
       .Parse::Eyapp::Node->str($self)."\ndoes not have children" 
    unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children');

  return CORE::shift(@{$self->{children}});

sub unshift {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # The tree object
  my $node = CORE::shift; # node to insert

  CORE::unshift @{$self->{children}}, $node;

sub push {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # The tree object
  #my $node = CORE::shift; # node to insert

  #CORE::push @{$self->{children}}, $node;
  CORE::push @{$self->{children}}, @_;

sub insert_before {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # The tree object
  my $child = CORE::shift; # index or pointer
  my $node = CORE::shift; # node to insert

  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::insert_before error, node:\n"
        .Parse::Eyapp::Node::str($self)."\ndoes not have children" 
    unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and ($self->children()>0);

  if (ref($child)) {
    my $i = 0;
    for ($self->children()) {
      last if $_ == $child;
    if ($i == $self->children()) {
      warn "Parse::Eyapp::Node::insert_before warning: node:\n"
           ."\ndoes not have a child like:\n"
           .Parse::Eyapp::Node::str($child)."\nThe node was not inserted!\n";
      return $child;
    splice(@{$self->{children}}, $i, 0, $node);
    return $node;
  my $numchildren = $self->children();
  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::insert_before error: expected an index between 0 and ".
        ($numchildren-1).". Got $child" unless ($child =~ /\d+/ and $child < $numchildren);
  splice(@{$self->{children}}, $child, 0, $node);
  return $child;

sub insert_after {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # The tree object
  my $child = CORE::shift; # index or pointer
  my $node = CORE::shift; # node to insert

  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::insert_after error, node:\n"
        .Parse::Eyapp::Node::str($self)."\ndoes not have children" 
    unless UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'children') and ($self->children()>0);

  if (ref($child)) {
    my $i = 0;
    for ($self->children()) {
      last if $_ == $child;
    if ($i == $self->children()) {
      warn "Parse::Eyapp::Node::insert_after warning: node:\n"
           "\ndoes not have a child like:\n"
           .Parse::Eyapp::Node::str($child)."\nThe node was not inserted!\n";
      return $child;
    splice(@{$self->{children}}, $i+1, 0, $node);
    return $node;
  my $numchildren = $self->children();
  croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::insert_after error: expected an index between 0 and ".
        ($numchildren-1).". Got $child" unless ($child =~ /\d+/ and $child < $numchildren);
  splice(@{$self->{children}}, $child+1, 0, $node);
  return $child;

{ # $match closure

  my $match;

  sub clean_tree {
    $match = pop;
    croak "clean tree: a node and code reference expected" unless (ref($match) eq 'CODE') and (@_ > 0);

  sub _clean_tree {
    my @children;
    for ($_[0]->children()) {
      next if (!defined($_) or $match->($_));
      CORE::push @children, $_;
    $_[0]->{children} = \@children; # Bad code
} # $match closure

# Usage      : $t->str 
# Returns    : Returns a string describing the Parse::Eyapp::Node as a term
#              i.e., s.t. like: 'PROGRAM(FUNCTION(RETURN(TERMINAL,VAR(TERMINAL))))'
our @PREFIXES = qw(Parse::Eyapp::Node::);
our $INDENT = 0; # -1 new 0 = compact, 1 = indent, 2 = indent and include Types in closing parenthesis
our $STRSEP = ',';
our $DELIMITER = '[';
our $FOOTNOTE_HEADER = "\n---------------------------\n";
our $FOOTNOTE_SEP = ")\n";
our $FOOTNOTE_LEFT = '^{';
our $FOOTNOTE_RIGHT = '}';
our $LINESEP = 4;
our $CLASS_HANDLER = sub { type($_[0]) }; # What to print to identify the node

my %match_del = (
  '[' => ']',
  '{' => '}',
  '(' => ')',
  '<' => '>'

my $pair;
my $footnotes = '';
my $footnote_label;

sub str {

  my @terms;

  # Consume arg only if called as a class method Parse::Eyap::Node->str($node1, $node2, ...)
  CORE::shift unless ref($_[0]);

  for (@_) {
    $footnote_label = 0;
    $footnotes = '';
    # Set delimiters for semantic values
    if (defined($DELIMITER) and exists($match_del{$DELIMITER})) {
      $pair = $match_del{$DELIMITER};
    else {
      $DELIMITER = $pair = '';
    CORE::push @terms,  _str($_).$footnotes;
  return wantarray? @terms : $terms[0];

sub _str {
  my $self = CORE::shift;          # root of the subtree
  my $indent = (CORE::shift or 0); # current depth in spaces " "

  my @children = Parse::Eyapp::Node::children($self);
  my @t;

  my $res;
  my $fn = $footnote_label;
  if ($INDENT >= 0 && UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'footnote')) {
    $res = $self->footnote; 
    $footnotes .= $FOOTNOTE_HEADER.$footnote_label++.$FOOTNOTE_SEP.$res if $res;

  # recursively visit nodes
  for (@children) {
    CORE::push @t, Parse::Eyapp::Node::_str($_, $indent+2) if defined($_);
  local $" = $STRSEP;
  my $class = $CLASS_HANDLER->($self);
  $class =~ s/^$_// for @PREFIXES; 
  my $information;
  $information = $self->info if ($INDENT >= 0 && UNIVERSAL::can($self, 'info'));
  $class .= $DELIMITER.$information.$pair if defined($information);
  if ($INDENT >= 0 &&  $res) {

  if ($INDENT > 0) {
    my $w = " "x$indent;
    $class = "\n$w$class";
    $class .= "(@t\n$w)" if @children;
    $class .= " # ".$CLASS_HANDLER->($self) if ($INDENT > 1) and ($class =~ tr/\n/\n/>$LINESEP);
  else {
    $class .= "(@t)" if @children;
  return $class;

sub _dot {
  my ($root, $number) = @_;

  my $type = $root->type();

  my $information;
  $information = $root->info if ($INDENT >= 0 && $root->can('info'));
  my $class = $CLASS_HANDLER->($root);
  $class = qq{$class<font color="red">$DELIMITER$information$pair</font>} if defined($information);

  my $dot = qq{  $number [label = <$class>];\n};

  my $k = 0;
  my @dots = map { $k++; $_->_dot("$number$k") }  $root->children;

  for($k = 1; $k <= $root->children; $k++) {;
    $dot .= qq{  $number -> $number$k;\n};

  return $dot.join('',@dots);

sub dot {
  my $dot = $_[0]->_dot('0');
  return << "EOGRAPH";
digraph G {


sub fdot {
  my ($self, $file) = @_;

  if ($file) {
    $file .= '.dot' unless $file =~ /\.dot$/;
  else {
    $file = $self->type().".dot";
  open my $f, "> $file";
  print $f $self->dot();

  my @dotFormats = qw{bmp canon cgimage cmap cmapx cmapx_np eps exr fig gd gd2 gif gv imap imap_np ismap jp2 jpe jpeg jpg pct pdf pict plain plain-ext png ps ps2 psd sgi svg svgz tga tif tiff tk vml vmlz vrml wbmp x11 xdot xlib};

  for my $format (@dotFormats) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{'Parse::Eyapp::Node::'.$format} = sub { 
       my ($self, $file) = @_;
       $file = $self->type() unless defined($file);
       $file =~ s/\.(dot|$format)$//;
       my $dotfile = "$";
       my $pngfile = "$file.$format";
       my $err = qx{dot -T$format $dotfile -o $pngfile 2>&1};
       return ($err, $?);

sub translation_scheme {
  my $self = CORE::shift; # root of the subtree
  my @children = $self->children();
  for (@children) {
    if (ref($_) eq 'CODE') {
      $_->($self, $self->Children);
    elsif (defined($_)) {

sub type {
 my $type = ref($_[0]);

 if ($type) {
   if (defined($_[1])) {
     $type = $_[1];
     bless $_[0], $type;
   return $type 
 return 'Parse::Eyapp::Node::STRING';

{ # Tree "fuzzy" equality

# Usage      : $t1->equal($t2, n => sub { return $_[0] == $_[1] })
# Purpose    : Checks the equality between two AST
# Returns    : 1 if equal, 0 if not 'equal'
# Parameters : Two Parse::Eyapp:Node nodes and a hash of comparison handlers.
#              The keys of the hash are the attributes of the nodes. The value is
#              a comparator function. The comparator for key $k receives the attribute
#              for the nodes being visited and rmust return true if they are considered similar
# Throws     : exceptions if the parameters aren't Parse::Eyapp::Nodes

  my %handler;

  # True if the two trees look similar
  sub equal {
    croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::equal error. Expected two syntax trees \n" unless (@_ > 1);

    %handler = splice(@_, 2);
    my $key = '';
    defined($key=firstval {!UNIVERSAL::isa($handler{$_},'CODE') } keys %handler) 
      croak "Parse::Eyapp::Node::equal error. Expected a CODE ref for attribute $key\n";
    goto &_equal;

  sub _equal {
    my $tree1 = CORE::shift;
    my $tree2 = CORE::shift;

    # Same type
    return 0 unless ref($tree1) eq ref($tree2);

    # Check attributes via handlers
    for (keys %handler) {
      # Check for existence
      return 0 if (exists($tree1->{$_}) && !exists($tree2->{$_}));
      return 0 if (exists($tree2->{$_}) && !exists($tree1->{$_}));

      # Check for definition
      return 0 if (defined($tree1->{$_}) && !defined($tree2->{$_}));
      return 0 if (defined($tree2->{$_}) && !defined($tree1->{$_}));

      # Check for equality
      return 0 unless $handler{$_}->($tree1->{$_}, $tree2->{$_});

    # Same number of children
    my @children1 = @{$tree1->{children}};
    my @children2 = @{$tree2->{children}};
    return 0 unless @children1 == @children2;

    # Children must be similar
    for (@children1) {
      my $ch2 = CORE::shift @children2;
      return 0 unless _equal($_, $ch2);
    return 1;


package Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match;
our @ISA = qw(Parse::Eyapp::Node);

# A Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match object is a reference
# to a tree of Parse::Eyapp::Nodes that has been used
# in a tree matching regexp. You can think of them
# as the equivalent of $1 $2, ... in treeregexeps

# The depth of the Parse::Eyapp::Node being referenced

sub new {
  my $class = shift;

  my $matchnode = { @_ };
  $matchnode->{children} = [];
  bless $matchnode, $class;

sub depth {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{depth};

# The coordinates of the Parse::Eyapp::Node being referenced
sub coord {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{dewey};

# The Parse::Eyapp::Node being referenced
sub node {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{node};

# The Parse::Eyapp::Node:Match that references
# the nearest ancestor of $self->{node} that matched
sub father {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{father};
# The patterns that matched with $self->{node}
# Indexes
sub patterns {
  my $self = shift;

  @{$self->{patterns}} = @_ if @_;
  return @{$self->{patterns}};
# The original list of patterns that produced this match
sub family {
  my $self = shift;

  @{$self->{family}} = @_ if @_;
  return @{$self->{family}};
# The names of the patterns that matched
sub names {
  my $self = shift;

  my @indexes = $self->patterns;
  my @family = $self->family;

  return map { $_->{NAME} or "Unknown" } @family[@indexes];
sub info {
  my $self = shift;

  my $node = $self->node;
  my @names = $self->names;
  my $nodeinfo;
  if (UNIVERSAL::can($node, 'info')) {
    $nodeinfo = ":".$node->info;
  else {
    $nodeinfo = "";
  return "[".ref($self->node).":".$self->depth.":@names$nodeinfo]"
