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# This file is part of MooX-Options
# This software is copyright (c) 2013 by celogeek <>.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
package MooX::Options::Descriptive::Usage;

# ABSTRACT: Usage class

## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity)

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '4.023';    # VERSION
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
use Locale::TextDomain 'MooX-Options';

my %format_doc = (
    's'  => __("String"),
    's@' => __("[Strings]"),
    'i'  => __("Int"),
    'i@' => __("[Ints]"),
    'o'  => __("Ext. Int"),
    'o@' => __("[Ext. Ints]"),
    'f'  => __("Real"),
    'f@' => __("[Reals]"),

sub _format_long_doc {
    my $format          = shift;
    my %format_long_doc = (
        's'  => __("String"),
        's@' => __("Array of Strings"),
        'i'  => __("Integer"),
        'i@' => __("Array of Integers"),
        'o'  => __("Extended Integer"),
        'o@' => __("Array of extended integers"),
        'f'  => __("Real number"),
        'f@' => __("Array of real numbers"),
    return $format_long_doc{$format};

sub new {
    my ( $class, $args ) = @_;

    my %self;
    @self{qw/options leader_text/} = @$args{qw/options leader_text/};

    return bless \%self => $class;

sub leader_text { return shift->{leader_text} }

sub sub_commands_text {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $sub_commands = [];
    if (defined $self->{target}
        && defined(
            my $sub_commands_options = $self->{target}->_options_sub_commands
        $sub_commands = $sub_commands_options;
    return if !@$sub_commands;
    return "", __("SUB COMMANDS AVAILABLE: ") . join( ', ', @$sub_commands ),

sub text {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %options_data
        = defined $self->{target} ? $self->{target}->_options_data : ();
    my %options_config
        = defined $self->{target}
        ? $self->{target}->_options_config
        : ( spacer => " " );
    my $getopt_options = $self->{options};

    my $lf = _get_line_fold();

    my @to_fold;
    my $max_spec_length = 0;
    for my $opt (@$getopt_options) {
        if ( $opt->{desc} eq 'spacer' ) {
            push @to_fold, '';
            push @to_fold,
                $options_config{spacer} x ( $lf->config('ColMax') - 4 );
        my ( $short, $format ) = $opt->{spec} =~ /(?:\|(\w))?(?:=(.*?))?$/x;
        my $format_doc_str;
        $format_doc_str = $format_doc{$format} if defined $format;
        $format_doc_str = 'JSON'
            if defined $options_data{ $opt->{name} }{json};

        my $spec
            = ( defined $short ? "-" . $short . " " : "" ) . "-"
            . ( length( $opt->{name} ) > 1 ? "-" : "" )
            . $opt->{name}
            . ( defined $format_doc_str ? "=" . $format_doc_str : "" );

        $max_spec_length = length($spec) if $max_spec_length < length($spec);

        push @to_fold, $spec, $opt->{desc};

    my @message;
    while (@to_fold) {
        my $spec = shift @to_fold;
        my $desc = shift @to_fold;
        if ( length($spec) ) {
            push @message,
                "    ",
                " " x ( 6 + $max_spec_length ),
                    "%-" . ( $max_spec_length + 1 ) . "s %s",
                    $spec, $desc
        else {
            push @message, $desc, "\n";

    return join( "\n",
        $self->leader_text, "", join( "", @message ),
        $self->sub_commands_text );

# set the column size of your terminal into the wrapper
sub _get_line_fold {
    my $columns = $ENV{TEST_FORCE_COLUMN_SIZE}
        || eval {
        require Term::Size::Any;
        [ Term::Size::Any::chars() ]->[0];
        } || 80;

    require Text::LineFold;
    return Text::LineFold->new( ColMax => $columns - 4 );

sub option_help {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %options_data
        = defined $self->{target} ? $self->{target}->_options_data : ();
    my %options_config
        = defined $self->{target}
        ? $self->{target}->_options_config
        : ( spacer => " " );
    my $getopt_options = $self->{options};
    my @message;
    my $lf = _get_line_fold();
    for my $opt (@$getopt_options) {
        if ( $opt->{desc} eq 'spacer' ) {
            push @message,
                $options_config{spacer} x ( $lf->config('ColMax') - 4 );
            push @message, "";
        my ( $short, $format ) = $opt->{spec} =~ /(?:\|(\w))?(?:=(.*?))?$/x;
        my $format_doc_str;
        $format_doc_str = $format_doc{$format} if defined $format;
        $format_doc_str = 'JSON'
            if defined $options_data{ $opt->{name} }{json};
        push @message,
              ( defined $short ? "-" . $short . " " : "" ) . "-"
            . ( length( $opt->{name} ) > 1 ? "-" : "" )
            . $opt->{name} . ":"
            . ( defined $format_doc_str ? " " . $format_doc_str : "" );

        my $opt_data = $options_data{ $opt->{name} };
        $opt_data = {} if !defined $opt_data;
        push @message,
            "    ",
            "        ",
            defined $opt_data->{long_doc}
            ? $opt_data->{long_doc}
            : $opt->{desc}

    return join( "\n",
        $self->leader_text, join( "\n    ", "", @message ),
        $self->sub_commands_text );

sub option_pod {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my %options_data
        = defined $self->{target} ? $self->{target}->_options_data : ();
    my %options_config
        = defined $self->{target}
        ? $self->{target}->_options_config
        : ( spacer => " " );

    my $prog_name = $self->{prog_name};
    $prog_name = Getopt::Long::Descriptive::prog_name if !defined $prog_name;

    my $sub_commands = [];
    if (defined $self->{target}
        && defined(
            my $sub_commands_options
                = $self->{target}->_options_sub_commands()
        $sub_commands = $sub_commands_options;

    my @man = ( "=encoding UTF-8", "=head1 NAME", $prog_name, );

    if ( defined( my $description = $options_config{description} ) ) {
        push @man, "=head1 DESCRIPTION", $description;

    push @man,
        "=head1 SYNOPSIS",
        $prog_name . " [-h] [" . __("long options ...") . "]"

    if ( defined( my $synopsis = $options_config{synopsis} ) ) {
        push @man, $synopsis;

    push @man, ( "=head1 OPTIONS", "=over" );

    my $spacer_escape = "E<" . ord( $options_config{spacer} ) . ">";
    for my $opt ( @{ $self->{options} } ) {
        if ( $opt->{desc} eq 'spacer' ) {
            push @man, "=back";
            push @man, $spacer_escape x 40;
            push @man, "=over";
        my ( $short, $format ) = $opt->{spec} =~ /(?:\|(\w))?(?:=(.*?))?$/x;
        my $format_doc_str;
        $format_doc_str = _format_long_doc($format) if defined $format;
        $format_doc_str = 'JSON'
            if defined $options_data{ $opt->{name} }{json};

        my $opt_long_name
            = "-" . ( length( $opt->{name} ) > 1 ? "-" : "" ) . $opt->{name};
        my $opt_name
            = ( defined $short ? "-" . $short . " " : "" )
            . $opt_long_name . ":"
            . ( defined $format_doc_str ? " " . $format_doc_str : "" );

        push @man, "=item B<" . $opt_name . ">";

        my $opt_data = $options_data{ $opt->{name} };
        $opt_data = {} if !defined $opt_data;
        push @man,
            defined $opt_data->{long_doc}
            ? $opt_data->{long_doc}
            : $opt->{desc};
    push @man, "=back";

    if (@$sub_commands) {
        push @man, "=head1 AVAILABLE SUB COMMANDS";
        push @man, "=over";
        for my $sub_command (@$sub_commands) {
            push @man,
                "=item B<" . $sub_command . "> :",
                $prog_name . " "
                    . $sub_command
                    . " [-h] ["
                    . __("long options ...") . "]"
        push @man, "=back";

    if ( defined( my $authors = $options_config{authors} ) ) {
        if ( !ref $authors && length($authors) ) {
            $authors = [$authors];
        if (@$authors) {
            push @man, ( "=head1 AUTHORS", "=over" );
            push @man, map { "=item B<" . $_ . ">" } @$authors;
            push @man, "=back";

    return join( "\n\n", @man );

sub option_short_usage {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %options_data
        = defined $self->{target} ? $self->{target}->_options_data : ();
    my $getopt_options = $self->{options};

    my $prog_name = $self->{prog_name};
    $prog_name = Getopt::Long::Descriptive::prog_name if !defined $prog_name;

    my @message;
    for my $opt (@$getopt_options) {
        if ( $opt->{desc} eq 'spacer' ) {
            push @message, '';
        my ($format) = $opt->{spec} =~ /(?:\|\w)?(?:=(.*?))?$/x;
        my $format_doc_str;
        $format_doc_str = $format_doc{$format} if defined $format;
        $format_doc_str = 'JSON'
            if defined $options_data{ $opt->{name} }{json};
        push @message,
            . ( length( $opt->{name} ) > 1 ? "-" : "" )
            . $opt->{name}
            . ( defined $format_doc_str ? "=" . $format_doc_str : "" );
        join( " ", $prog_name, map { $_ eq '' ? " | " : "[ $_ ]" } @message );

sub warn { return CORE::warn shift->text }

sub die {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->{should_die} = 1;

use overload (
    q{""} => "text",
    '&{}' => sub {
            sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self ? $self->text : $self->warn; };




=head1 NAME

MooX::Options::Descriptive::Usage - Usage class

=head1 VERSION

version 4.023


Usage class to display the error message.

This class use the full size of your terminal

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

The object is create with L<MooX::Options::Descriptive>.

Valid option is :


=item leader_text

Text that appear on top of your message

=item options

The options spec of your message


=head2 leader_text

Return the leader_text.

=head2 sub_commands_text

Return the list of sub commands if available.

=head2 text

Return a compact help message.

=head2 option_help

Return the help message for your options

=head2 option_pod

Return the usage message in pod format

=head2 option_short_usage

All options message without help

=head2 warn

Warn your options help message

=head2 die

Croak your options help message

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

celogeek <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by celogeek <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
