package HTML::FormFu::Element::SimpleTable;
$HTML::FormFu::Element::SimpleTable::VERSION = '2.01';
use Moose;
use MooseX::Attribute::FormFuChained;
extends 'HTML::FormFu::Element::Block';

use HTML::FormFu::Util qw( append_xml_attribute );
use Scalar::Util qw( reftype );
use Carp qw( croak );

has odd_class  => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['FormFuChained'] );
has even_class => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['FormFuChained'] );

after BUILD => sub {
    my $self = shift;



sub headers {
    my ( $self, $headers ) = @_;

    croak "headers must be passed as an array-ref"
        if reftype($headers) ne 'ARRAY';

    # save any elements already added
    my @original_rows = @{ $self->_elements };
    $self->_elements( [] );

    my $header_row = $self->element('Block');

    for my $text (@$headers) {
        my $th = $header_row->element('Block');

    if (@original_rows) {
        push @{ $self->_elements }, @original_rows;

    return $self;

sub rows {
    my ( $self, $rows ) = @_;

    croak "too many arguments" if @_ > 2;

    croak "rows must be passed as an array-ref"
        if reftype($rows) ne 'ARRAY';

    for my $cells (@$rows) {
        croak "each row must be an array-ref"
            if reftype($cells) ne 'ARRAY';

        my $row = $self->element('Block');

        for my $cell (@$cells) {
            my $td = $row->element('Block');

    return $self;

sub render_data {
    return shift->render_data_non_recursive(@_);

sub render_data_non_recursive {    # though it is really recursive
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    my $odd  = $self->odd_class;
    my $even = $self->even_class;
    my $i    = 1;

    for my $row ( @{ $self->get_elements } ) {
        my $first_cell = $row->get_element;

        if ( $i == 1 && $first_cell->tag eq 'th' ) {

            # skip the header row

        if ( $i % 2 ) {
            if ( defined $odd ) {
                $row->attributes( { class => $odd } );
        else {
            if ( defined $even ) {
                $row->attributes( { class => $even } );

    my $render = $self->SUPER::render_data_non_recursive( {
            elements => [ map { $_->render_data } @{ $self->_elements } ],
            $args ? %$args : (),
        } );

    append_xml_attribute( $render->{attributes}, 'class', lc $self->type );

    return $render;




=head1 NAME

HTML::FormFu::Element::SimpleTable - simple table element


The following is yaml markup for a table consisting of a header row 
containing 2 C<th> cells, and a further 2 rows, each containing 2 C<td> 

    type: SimpleTable
      - One
      - Two
        - type: Input
          name: one_a
        - type: Input
          name: two_a
        - type: Input
          name: one_b
        - type: Input
          name: two_b


Sometimes you just really need to use a table to display some fields in a 
grid format.

As its name suggests, this is a compromise between power and simplicity. 
If you want more control of the markup, you'll probably just have to revert 
to using nested L<block's|HTML::FormFu::Element::_Block>, setting the tags 
to table, tr, td, etc. and adding the cell contents as elements.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 headers

Input Value: \@headers

L</headers> accepts an arrayref of strings. Each string is xml-escaped and 
inserted into a new header cell.

=head2 rows

Input Value: \@rows

L</rows> accepts an array-ref, each item representing a new row. Each row 
should be comprised of an array-ref, each item representing a table cell.

Each cell item should be appropriate for passing to L<HTML::FormFu/element>; 
so either a single element's definition, or an array-ref of element 

=head2 odd_class

Input Value: $string

The supplied string will be used as the class-name for each odd-numbered row 
(not counting any header row).

=head2 even_class

Input Value: $string

The supplied string will be used as the class-name for each even-numbered row 
(not counting any header row).

=head1 SEE ALSO

Is a sub-class of, and inherits methods from 


=head1 AUTHOR

Carl Franks, C<>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
