The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!perl -T

# $Id: 2a6e098397d10f75bbd2a9c94b90cf2482ddaad4 $

use Test::More;

use Log::Fine;
use Log::Fine::Handle::Console;
use Log::Fine::Levels::Syslog;

# set message
my $msg =
    "Stop by this disaster town, we put our eyes to the sun and say 'Hello!'";

# add a handle.  Note we use the default formatter.
my $handle = Log::Fine::Handle::Console->new();


        # see if we have Test::Output installed
        eval "use Test::Output 0.10";

        if ($@) {
                plan skip_all =>
"Test::Output 0.10 or above required for testing Console output";
        } else {
                plan tests => 17;

        isa_ok($handle, "Log::Fine::Handle::Console");
        can_ok($handle, "name");

        ok($handle->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);

        # get a logger
        my $log = Log::Fine->logger("handleconsole0");

        isa_ok($log, "Log::Fine");
        can_ok($log, "name");

        ok($log->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);

        # do some validation
        isa_ok($handle,              "Log::Fine::Handle");
        isa_ok($handle->{formatter}, "Log::Fine::Formatter::Basic");
        can_ok($handle, "name");
        can_ok($handle, "msgWrite");

        ok($handle->name() =~ /\w\d+$/);

        # these should be set to their default values
        ok($handle->{mask} == $handle->levelMap()->bitmaskAll());

        # Console-specific attributes
        stdout_like(\&writer, qr/$msg/, 'Test STDOUT');

        # test STDOUT
        $handle->{use_stderr} = 1;

        stderr_like(\&writer, qr/$msg/, 'Test STDERR');


sub writer
        $handle->msgWrite(INFO, $msg);