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use 5.006001;
use strict;

use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use String::MkPasswd qw(mkpasswd);
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);

# Defaults.
use constant LENGTH		=> 9;
use constant MINNUM		=> 2;
use constant MINLOWER	=> 2;
use constant MINUPPER	=> 2;
use constant MINSPECIAL	=> 1;
use constant DISTRIBUTE	=> "";
use constant NOAMBIGUOUS	=> 0;
#use constant VERBOSE	=> "";
#use constant PASSWD		=> "/bin/passwd";

# Configuration.
my $length		= LENGTH;
my $minnum		= MINNUM;
my $minlower	= MINLOWER;
my $minupper	= MINUPPER;
my $minspecial	= MINSPECIAL;
my $distribute	= DISTRIBUTE;
my $noambiguous	= NOAMBIGUOUS;
#my $verbose	= VERBOSE;
#my $passwd		= PASSWD;
my $help		= "";

my $getopt = GetOptions(
	"length|l=i"	=> \$length,
	"digits|d=i"	=> \$minnum,
	"lower|c=i"		=> \$minlower,
	"upper|C=i"		=> \$minupper,
	"special|s=i"	=> \$minspecial,
	"distribute|2"	=> \$distribute,
	"noambiguous|n"	=> \$noambiguous,
	#"verbose|v"		=> \$verbose,
	#"passwd|p"		=> \$passwd,
	"help|h"		=> \$help,

	# Getopt::Long doesn't support combining '--no' with options that take
	# arguments, so this is just my way of faking it.
	"nodigits|no-digits"	=> sub { $minnum = 0 },
	"nolower|no-lower"		=> sub { $minlower = 0 },
	"noupper|no-upper"		=> sub { $minupper = 0 },
	"nospecial|no-special"	=> sub { $minspecial = 0 },
	"noambiguous|no-ambiguous|no-lookalike|nolookalike" => sub { $noambiguous = 1 },

if ( $help ) {
	exit 0;

if ( !$getopt ) {
	exit 1;

my $pass = mkpasswd(
	-length		=> $length,
	-minnum		=> $minnum,
	-minlower	=> $minlower,
	-minupper	=> $minupper,
	-minspecial	=> $minspecial,
	-distribute	=> $distribute,
	-noambiguous	=> $noambiguous,

if ( !$pass ) {
	$Text::Wrap::columns = 72;
	print STDERR wrap("", "",
		"Impossible to generate $length-character password with $minnum "
		. "numbers, $minlower lowercase letters, $minupper uppercase letters "
		. "and $minspecial special characters.\n"
	exit 1;

print "$pass\n";
exit 0;

sub usage {
	print <<EOF;
Usage: @{[ basename $0 ]} [-options]
    -l # | --length=#   length of password (default = @{[ LENGTH ]})
    -d # | --digits=#   min # of digits (default = @{[ MINNUM ]})
    -c # | --lower=#    min # of lowercase chars (default = @{[ MINLOWER ]})
    -C # | --upper=#    min # of uppercase chars (default = @{[ MINUPPER ]})
    -s # | --special=#  min # of special chars (default = @{[ MINSPECIAL ]})
    -2 | --distribute   alternate hands
    -n | --noambiguous  don't include chars that might be mistaken for others
	--nodigits          alias for --digits=0
	--nolower           alias for --lower=0
	--noupper           alias for --upper=0
	--nospecial         alias for --special=0
	--nolookalike       alias for --noambiguous


=head1 NAME - example to generate new password with String::MkPasswd

=head1 SYNOPSIS [-options]



This program generates a random password, allowing for some tuning of
character distribution.  The password is sent to standard output.

=head2 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -l # | --length=#

The total length of the password.  The default is 9.

=item -d # | --digits=#

The minimum number of digits that will appear in the final password.
The default is 2.

=item -c # | --lower=#

The minimum number of lower-case characters that will appear in the
final password.  The default is 2.

=item -C # | --upper=#

The minimum number of upper-case characters that will appear in the
final password.  The default is 2.

=item -s # | --special=#

The minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters that will appear in
the final password.  The default is 1.

=item -2 | --distribute

If specified, password characters will be distributed between the left-
and right-hand sides of the keyboard.  This makes it more difficult for
an onlooker to see the password as it is typed.

=item --nodigits | --no-digits

Alias for --digits=0.

=item --nolower | --no-lower

Alias for --lower=0.

=item --noupper | --no-upper

Alias for --upper=0.

=item --nospecial | --no-special

Alias for --special=0.


=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item *

While not really a bug, the .pl extension has been added to avoid
conflict with the program of the same name distributed with Expect.


=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item *

For completeness, add user password setting functionality as found in
Expect's L<mkpasswd(1)> example.


=head1 SEE ALSO



Don Libes of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, who
wrote the Expect example, L<mkpasswd(1)>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Grau E<lt>cgrau@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by Chris Grau

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.1 or, at
your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
