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## @file
# Implementation of Chart::Direction
# written by
# @author Chart Group at Geodetic Fundamental Station Wettzell (
# @date 2014-10-14
# @version 2.4.8

# @section Chart::Direction
# Implements a circular oriented chart like rotating vectors

## @class Chart::Direction
# @brief Direction class derived class for Chart to implement direction
# charts

package Chart::Direction;

use Chart::Base '2.4.8';
use GD;
use Carp;

use strict;
use POSIX;

@Chart::Direction::ISA     = qw(Chart::Base);
$Chart::Direction::VERSION = '2.4.8';

#  public methods go here  #

## @method int set(%opts)
# @param[in] %opts Hash of options to the Chart
# @return ok or croak
# @brief
# Set all options
# @details
#  main method for customizing the chart, lets users
#  specify values for different parameters\n
# dont check the number of points in the added datasets in a polarplot\n
# overwrite Base method
sub set
    my $self = shift;
    my %opts = @_;

    # basic error checking on the options, just warn 'em
    unless ( $#_ % 2 )
        carp "Whoops, some option to be set didn't have a value.\n", "You might want to look at that.\n";

    # set the options
    for ( keys %opts )
        $self->{$_} = $opts{$_};

        # if someone wants to change the grid_lines color, we should set all
        # the colors of the grid_lines
        if ( $_ =~ /^colors$/ )
            my %hash = %{ $opts{$_} };
            foreach my $key ( sort keys %hash )
                if ( $key =~ /^grid_lines$/ )
                    $self->{'colors'}{'y_grid_lines'}  = $hash{'grid_lines'};
                    $self->{'colors'}{'x_grid_lines'}  = $hash{'grid_lines'};
                    $self->{'colors'}{'y2_grid_lines'} = $hash{'grid_lines'};

    if ( $self->false( $self->{'polar'} ) && ( defined $self->{'croak'} ) )
        carp "New data set to be added has an incorrect number of points";

    # now return
    return 1;

## @method int add_dataset(@data)
# Add many datasets to the dataref
#  Graph API\n
# Overwrite Base method
# @param @data Dataset to add
sub add_dataset
    my $self = shift;
    my @data = @_;

    # error check the data (carp, don't croak)
    if ( $self->{'dataref'} && ( $#{ $self->{'dataref'}->[0] } != $#data ) )

        #  carp "New data set to be added has an incorrect number of points";
        $self->{'croak'} = 'true';

    # copy it into the dataref
    push @{ $self->{'dataref'} }, [@data];

    # now return
    return 1;

#  private methods go here  #

## @fn private int _find_y_scale()
# we use the find_y_scale methode to determine the labels of the circles
# and the amount of them
# @return status
# This function is an overwrite to the same function found in the base class
# Chart::Base
sub _find_y_scale
    my $self = shift;

    # Predeclare vars.
    my ( $d_min,        $d_max );              # Dataset min & max.
    my ( $p_min,        $p_max );              # Plot min & max.
    my ( $tickInterval, $tickCount, $skip );
    my @tickLabels;                            # List of labels for each tick.
    my $maxtickLabelLen = 0;                   # The length of the longest tick label.

    # Find the datatset minimum and maximum.
    ( $d_min, $d_max ) = $self->_find_y_range();

    # Force the inclusion of zero if the user has requested it.
    if ( $self->true( $self->{'include_zero'} ) )
        if ( ( $d_min * $d_max ) > 0 )         # If both are non zero and of the same sign.
            if ( $d_min > 0 )                  # If the whole scale is positive.
                $d_min = 0;
            else                               # The scale is entirely negative.
                $d_max = 0;

    # Allow the dataset range to be overidden by the user.
    # f_min/max are booleans which indicate that the min & max should not be modified.
    my $f_min = defined $self->{'min_val'};
    $d_min = $self->{'min_val'} if $f_min;

    my $f_max = defined $self->{'max_val'};
    $d_max = $self->{'max_val'} if $f_max;

    # Assert against the min is larger than the max.
    if ( $d_min > $d_max )
        croak "The the specified 'min_val' & 'max_val' values are reversed (min > max: $d_min>$d_max)";

    # Calculate the width of the dataset. (posibly modified by the user)
    my $d_width = $d_max - $d_min;

    # If the width of the range is zero, forcibly widen it
    # (to avoid division by zero errors elsewhere in the code).
    if ( 0 == $d_width )
        $d_width = 2;

    # Descale the range by converting the dataset width into
    # a floating point exponent & mantisa pair.
    my ( $rangeExponent, $rangeMantisa ) = $self->_sepFP($d_width);
    my $rangeMuliplier = 10**$rangeExponent;

    # Find what tick
    # to use & how many ticks to plot,
    # round the plot min & max to suatable round numbers.
    ( $tickInterval, $tickCount, $p_min, $p_max ) = $self->_calcTickInterval(
        $d_min / $rangeMuliplier,
        $d_max / $rangeMuliplier,
        $f_min, $f_max,
        $self->{'min_circles'} + 1,
        $self->{'max_circles'} + 1

    # Restore the tickInterval etc to the correct scale
    $_ *= $rangeMuliplier foreach ( $tickInterval, $p_min, $p_max );

    #get the precision for the labels
    my $precision = $self->{'precision'};

    # Now sort out an array of tick labels.

    if ( $self->false( $self->{'polar'} ) )
        for ( my $labelNum = $p_min ; $labelNum <= $p_max ; $labelNum += $tickInterval )
            my $labelText;

            if ( defined $self->{f_y_tick} )

                # Is _default_f_tick function used?
                if ( $self->{f_y_tick} == \&Chart::Base::_default_f_tick )
                    $labelText = sprintf( "%." . $precision . "f", $labelNum );

                    # print \&_default_f_tick;
                    $labelText = $self->{f_y_tick}->($labelNum);
                $labelText = sprintf( "%." . $precision . "f", $labelNum );
            push @tickLabels, $labelText;
            $maxtickLabelLen = length $labelText if $maxtickLabelLen < length $labelText;

        # polar == true
        for ( my $labelNum = $p_max ; $labelNum >= $p_min ; $labelNum -= $tickInterval )
            my $labelText;

            if ( defined $self->{f_y_tick} )

                # Is _default_f_tick function used?
                if ( $self->{f_y_tick} == \&Chart::Base::_default_f_tick )
                    $labelText = sprintf( "%." . $precision . "f", $labelNum );

                    # print \&_default_f_tick;
                    $labelText = $self->{f_y_tick}->($labelNum);
                $labelText = sprintf( "%." . $precision . "f", $labelNum );
            push @tickLabels, $labelText;
            $maxtickLabelLen = length $labelText if $maxtickLabelLen < length $labelText;

    # Store the calculated data.
    $self->{'min_val'}               = $p_min,
      $self->{'max_val'}             = $p_max,
      $self->{'y_ticks'}             = $tickCount,
      $self->{'y_tick_labels'}       = \@tickLabels,
      $self->{'y_tick_label_length'} = $maxtickLabelLen;

    # and return.
    return 1;

## @fn private _calcTickInterval($dataset_min, $dataset_max, $flag_fixed_min, $flag_fixed_max, $minTicks, $maxTicks)
# @brief
# Calculates the ticks for direction in normalised units.
# @details
# Calculate the Interval between ticks in y direction
# and compare the number of ticks to
# the user given values min_y_ticks, max_y_ticks
# @param[in] dataset_min Minimal value in y direction
# @param[in] dataset_max Maximal value in y direction
# @param[in] flag_fixed_min Indicator whether the dataset_min value is fixed
# @param[in] flag_fixed_max Indicator whether the dataset_max value is fixed
# @param[in] minTicks Minimal number of ticks wanted
# @param[in] maxTicks Maximal number of ticks wanted
# @return $tickInterval, $tickCount, $pMin, $pMax

sub _calcTickInterval
    my $self = shift;
    my (
        $min,      $max,         # The dataset min & max.
        $minF,     $maxF,        # Indicates if those min/max are fixed.
        $minTicks, $maxTicks,    # The minimum & maximum number of ticks.
    ) = @_;

    # Verify the supplied 'min_y_ticks' & 'max_y_ticks' are sensible.
    if ( $minTicks < 2 )
        carp "Chart::Direction : Incorrect value for 'min_circles', too small.\n";
        $minTicks = 2;

    if ( $maxTicks < 5 * $minTicks )
        carp "Chart::Direction : Incorrect value for 'max_circles', too small.\n";
        $maxTicks = 5 * $minTicks;

    my $width = $max - $min;
    my @divisorList;

    for ( my $baseMul = 1 ; ; $baseMul *= 10 )
      TRY: foreach my $tryMul ( 1, 2, 5 )

            # Calc a fresh, smaller tick interval.
            my $divisor = $baseMul * $tryMul;

            # Count the number of ticks.
            my ( $tickCount, $pMin, $pMax ) = $self->_countTicks( $min, $max, 1 / $divisor );

            # Look a the number of ticks.
            if ( $maxTicks < $tickCount )

                # If it is too high, Backtrack.
                $divisor = pop @divisorList;

                # just for security:
                if ( !defined($divisor) || $divisor == 0 ) { $divisor = 1; }
                ( $tickCount, $pMin, $pMax ) = $self->_countTicks( $min, $max, 1 / $divisor );
                carp "Chart::Direction : Caution: Tick limit of $maxTicks exceeded. Backing of to an interval of "
                  . 1 / $divisor
                  . " which plots $tickCount ticks\n";

                return ( 1 / $divisor, $tickCount, $pMin, $pMax );
            elsif ( $minTicks > $tickCount )

                # If it is too low, try again.
                next TRY;

                # Store the divisor for possible later backtracking.
                push @divisorList, $divisor;

                # if the min or max is fixed, check they will fit in the interval.
                next TRY if ( $minF && ( int( $min * $divisor ) != ( $min * $divisor ) ) );
                next TRY if ( $maxF && ( int( $max * $divisor ) != ( $max * $divisor ) ) );

                # If everything passes the tests, return.
                return ( 1 / $divisor, $tickCount, $pMin, $pMax );
    die "can't happen!";

## @fn private int _draw_y_ticks()
# draw the circles and the axes
# Overwrites _draw_y_ticks() of Base class
# @return status
sub _draw_y_ticks
    my $self       = shift;
    my $data       = $self->{'dataref'};
    my $misccolor  = $self->_color_role_to_index('misc');
    my $textcolor  = $self->_color_role_to_index('text');
    my $background = $self->_color_role_to_index('background');
    my @labels     = @{ $self->{'y_tick_labels'} };
    my ( $width,     $height, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter );
    my ( $pi,        $font,   $fontW,   $fontH,   $labelX, $labelY, $label_offset );
    my ( $dia_delta, $dia,    $x,       $y,       @label_degrees, $arc, $angle_interval );

    # set up initial constant values
    $pi               = 3.14159265358979323846,
      $font           = $self->{'legend_font'},
      $fontW          = $self->{'legend_font'}->width,
      $fontH          = $self->{'legend_font'}->height,
      $angle_interval = $self->{'angle_interval'};

    if ( $self->true( $self->{'grey_background'} ) )
        $background = $self->_color_role_to_index('grey_background');

    # init the imagemap data field if they wanted it
    if ( $self->true( $self->{'imagemap'} ) )
        $self->{'imagemap_data'} = [];

    # find width and height
    $width  = $self->{'curr_x_max'} - $self->{'curr_x_min'};
    $height = $self->{'curr_y_max'} - $self->{'curr_y_min'};

    # find center point, from which the pie will be drawn around
    $centerX = int( $width / 2 + $self->{'curr_x_min'} );
    $centerY = int( $height / 2 + $self->{'curr_y_min'} );

    # always draw a circle, which means the diameter will be the smaller
    # of the width and height. let enough space for the labels.

## @todo calculate the width of the labels

    if ( $width < $height )
        $diameter = $width - 110;
        $diameter = $height - 80;

    #the difference between the diameter of two following circles;
    $dia_delta = ceil( $diameter / ( $self->{'y_ticks'} - 1 ) );

    #store the calculated data
    $self->{'centerX'}  = $centerX;
    $self->{'centerY'}  = $centerY;
    $self->{'diameter'} = $diameter;

    #draw the axes and its labels
    # set up an array of labels for the axes
    if ( $angle_interval == 0 )
        @label_degrees = ();
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 5 && $angle_interval > 0 )
        @label_degrees = qw(180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115
          110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 355 350
          345 340 335 330 325 320 315 310 305 300 295 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255
          250 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 185);
        $angle_interval = 5;
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 10 && $angle_interval > 5 )
        @label_degrees = qw(180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40
          30 20 10 0 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190);
        $angle_interval = 10;
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 15 && $angle_interval > 10 )
        @label_degrees = qw(180 165 150 135 120 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 0 345 330 315 300
          285 270 255 240 225 210 195);
        $angle_interval = 15;
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 20 && $angle_interval > 15 )
        @label_degrees = qw(180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 340 320 300 280 260 240
          220 200);
        $angle_interval = 20;
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 30 && $angle_interval > 20 )
        @label_degrees  = qw(180 150 120 90 60 30 0 330 300 270 240 210);
        $angle_interval = 30;
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 45 && $angle_interval > 30 )
        @label_degrees  = qw(180 135 90 45 0 315 270 225);
        $angle_interval = 45;
    elsif ( $angle_interval <= 90 && $angle_interval > 45 )
        @label_degrees  = qw(180 90 0 270);
        $angle_interval = 90;
        carp "The angle_interval must be between 0 and 90!\nCorrected value: 30";
        @label_degrees  = qw(180 150 120 90 60 30 0 330 300 270 240 210);
        $angle_interval = 30;
    $arc = 0;

    foreach (@label_degrees)

        #calculated the coordinates of the end point of the line
        $x = sin($arc) * ( $diameter / 2 + 10 ) + $centerX;
        $y = cos($arc) * ( $diameter / 2 + 10 ) + $centerY;

        #some ugly correcture
        if ( $_ == '270' ) { $y++; }

        #draw the line
        $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $centerX, $centerY, $x, $y, $misccolor );

        #calculate the string point
        $x = sin($arc) * ( $diameter / 2 + 30 ) + $centerX - 8;
        $y = cos($arc) * ( $diameter / 2 + 28 ) + $centerY - 6;

        #draw the labels
        $self->{'gd_obj'}->string( $font, $x, $y, $_ . '°', $textcolor );
        $arc += ( ($angle_interval) / 360 ) * 2 * $pi;

    #draw the circles
    $dia = 0;
    foreach (@labels)
        $self->{'gd_obj'}->arc( $centerX, $centerY, $dia, $dia, 0, 360, $misccolor );
        $dia += $dia_delta;

        $centerX - length( $labels[0] ) / 2 * $fontW - 2,
        $centerY + 2,
        $centerX + 2 + $diameter / 2,
        $centerY + $fontH + 2, $background

    #draw the labels of the circles
    $dia = 0;
    foreach (@labels)
        $self->{'gd_obj'}->string( $font, $centerX + $dia / 2 - length($_) / 2 * $fontW, $centerY + 2, $_, $textcolor );
        $dia += $dia_delta;

    return 1;

## @fn private int _draw_x_ticks()
# We don't need x ticks, it's all done in _draw_y_ticks
# @return status
# Overwrites the corresponding function in Base
sub _draw_x_ticks
    my $self = shift;

    return 1;

## @fn private _draw_data
# finally get around to plotting the data for direction charts
sub _draw_data
    my $self       = shift;
    my $data       = $self->{'dataref'};
    my $misccolor  = $self->_color_role_to_index('misc');
    my $textcolor  = $self->_color_role_to_index('text');
    my $background = $self->_color_role_to_index('background');
    my ( $width, $height, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter );
    my ( $mod, $map, $i, $j, $brush, $color, $x, $y, $winkel, $first_x, $first_y );
    my ( $arrow_x, $arrow_y, $m );
    $color = 1;

    my $pi     = 3.14159265358979323846;
    my $len    = 10;
    my $alpha  = 1;
    my $last_x = undef;
    my $last_y = undef;
    my $diff;
    my $n = 0;

    if ( $self->true( $self->{'pairs'} ) )
        my $a = $self->{'num_datasets'} / 2;
        my $b = ceil($a);
        my $c = $b - $a;

        if ( $c == 0 )
            croak "Wrong number of datasets for 'pairs'";

    # init the imagemap data field if they wanted it
    if ( $self->true( $self->{'imagemap'} ) )
        $self->{'imagemap_data'} = [];

    # find width and height
    $width  = $self->{'curr_x_max'} - $self->{'curr_x_min'};
    $height = $self->{'curr_y_max'} - $self->{'curr_y_min'};

    # get the base values

    if ( $self->false( $self->{'polar'} ) )
        $mod = $self->{'min_val'};
        $mod = $self->{'max_val'};
    $centerX  = $self->{'centerX'};
    $centerY  = $self->{'centerY'};
    $diameter = $self->{'diameter'};
    $diff     = $self->{'max_val'} - $self->{'min_val'};
    $diff     = 1 if $diff < 1;
    $map      = $diameter / 2 / $diff;

    $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'point' );

    # draw every line for this dataset

    if ( $self->false( $self->{'pairs'} ) )
        for $j ( 1 .. $self->{'num_datasets'} )
            $color = $self->_color_role_to_index( 'dataset' . ( $j - 1 ) );

            for $i ( 0 .. $self->{'num_datapoints'} - 1 )

                # don't try to draw anything if there's no data
                if (   defined( $data->[$j][$i] )
                    && $data->[$j][$i] <= $self->{'max_val'}
                    && $data->[$j][$i] >= $self->{'min_val'} )
                {    #calculate the point
                    $winkel = ( 180 - ( $data->[0][$i] % 360 ) ) / 360 * 2 * $pi;

                    if ( $self->false( $self->{'polar'} ) )
                        $x = ceil( $centerX + sin($winkel) * ( $data->[$j][$i] - $mod ) * $map );
                        $y = ceil( $centerY + cos($winkel) * ( $data->[$j][$i] - $mod ) * $map );
                        $x = ceil( $centerX + sin($winkel) * ( $mod - $data->[$j][$i] ) * $map );
                        $y = ceil( $centerY + cos($winkel) * ( $mod - $data->[$j][$i] ) * $map );

                    # set the x and y values back
                    if ( $i == 0 )
                        $first_x = $x;
                        $first_y = $y;
                        $last_x  = $x;
                        $last_y  = $y;

                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'point'} ) )
                        $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'point' );

                        #draw the point
                        $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x + 1, $y, $x, $y, gdBrushed );
                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'line'} ) )
                        $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'line' );

                        #draw the line
                        if ( defined $last_x )
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $last_x, $last_y, gdBrushed );

                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'arrow'} ) )
                        $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'line' );

                        #draw the arrow
                        if ( $data->[$j][$i] > $self->{'min_val'} )
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $centerX, $centerY, gdBrushed );

                            $arrow_x = $x - cos( $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $arrow_y = $y + sin( $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $arrow_x, $arrow_y, gdBrushed );

                            $arrow_x = $x + sin( $pi / 2 - $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $arrow_y = $y - cos( $pi / 2 - $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $arrow_x, $arrow_y, gdBrushed );


                    $last_x = $x;
                    $last_y = $y;

                    # store the imagemap data if they asked for it
                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'imagemap'} ) )
                        $self->{'imagemap_data'}->[$j][$i] = [ $x, $y ];
                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'imagemap'} ) )
                        $self->{'imagemap_data'}->[$j][$i] = [ undef(), undef() ];
            }    # end for

            # draw the last line to the first point
            if ( $self->true( $self->{'line'} ) )
                $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $first_x, $first_y, gdBrushed );

        }    # end for $j

    if ( $self->true( $self->{'pairs'} ) )
        for ( $j = 1 ; $j <= $self->{'num_datasets'} ; $j += 2 )
            if ( $j == 1 )
                $color = $self->_color_role_to_index( 'dataset' . ( $j - 1 ) );
                $color = $self->_color_role_to_index( 'dataset' . ( $j / 2 - 0.5 ) );

#####	$color = $self->_color_role_to_index('dataset'.(1));  #####################

            for $i ( 0 .. $self->{'num_datapoints'} - 1 )

                # don't try to draw anything if there's no data
                if (   defined( $data->[$j][$i] )
                    && $data->[$j][$i] <= $self->{'max_val'}
                    && $data->[$j][$i] >= $self->{'min_val'} )

                    # calculate the point
                    $winkel = ( 180 - ( $data->[$n][$i] % 360 ) ) / 360 * 2 * $pi;

                    if ( $self->false( $self->{'polar'} ) )
                        $x = ceil( $centerX + sin($winkel) * ( $data->[$j][$i] - $mod ) * $map );
                        $y = ceil( $centerY + cos($winkel) * ( $data->[$j][$i] - $mod ) * $map );
                        $x = ceil( $centerX + sin($winkel) * ( $mod - $data->[$j][$i] ) * $map );
                        $y = ceil( $centerY + cos($winkel) * ( $mod - $data->[$j][$i] ) * $map );

                    # set the x and y values back
                    if ( $i == 0 )
                        $first_x = $x;
                        $first_y = $y;
                        $last_x  = $x;
                        $last_y  = $y;

                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'point'} ) )
                        $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'point' );

                        #draw the point
                        $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x + 1, $y, $x, $y, gdBrushed );
                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'line'} ) )
                        $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'line' );

                        #draw the line
                        if ( defined $last_x )
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $last_x, $last_y, gdBrushed );
                        else { }

                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'arrow'} ) )
                        $brush = $self->_prepare_brush( $color, 'line' );

                        #draw the arrow
                        if ( $data->[$j][$i] > $self->{'min_val'} )
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $centerX, $centerY, gdBrushed );

                            $arrow_x = $x - cos( $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $arrow_y = $y + sin( $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $arrow_x, $arrow_y, gdBrushed );

                            $arrow_x = $x + sin( $pi / 2 - $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $arrow_y = $y - cos( $pi / 2 - $winkel - $alpha ) * $len;
                            $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $arrow_x, $arrow_y, gdBrushed );

                    $last_x = $x;
                    $last_y = $y;

                    # store the imagemap data if they asked for it
                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'imagemap'} ) )
                        $self->{'imagemap_data'}->[$j][$i] = [ $x, $y ];
                }    # end if ( defined ...
                    if ( $self->true( $self->{'imagemap'} ) )
                        $self->{'imagemap_data'}->[$j][$i] = [ undef(), undef() ];
            }    #end for $i

            # draw the last line to the first point
            if ( $self->true( $self->{'line'} ) )
                $self->{'gd_obj'}->line( $x, $y, $first_x, $first_y, gdBrushed );
            $n += 2;
        }    # end for $j
    }    # end if pairs

    # now outline it
      ->rectangle( $self->{'curr_x_min'}, $self->{'curr_y_min'}, $self->{'curr_x_max'}, $self->{'curr_y_max'}, $misccolor );


## @fn private int _prepare_brush($color,$type)
#  set the gdBrush object to trick GD into drawing fat lines
# @param[in] color Color to be used
# @param[in] type  Type of line
# @return status
sub _prepare_brush
    my $self  = shift;
    my $color = shift;
    my $type  = shift;
    my ( $radius, @rgb, $brush, $white, $newcolor );

    @rgb = $self->{'gd_obj'}->rgb($color);

    # get the appropriate brush size
    if ( $type eq 'line' )
        $radius = $self->{'brush_size'} / 2;
    elsif ( $type eq 'point' )
        $radius = $self->{'pt_size'} / 2;

    # create the new image
    $brush = GD::Image->new( $radius * 2, $radius * 2 );

    # get the colors, make the background transparent
    $white = $brush->colorAllocate( 255, 255, 255 );
    $newcolor = $brush->colorAllocate(@rgb);

    # draw the circle
    $brush->arc( $radius - 1, $radius - 1, $radius, $radius, 0, 360, $newcolor );

    # fill it if we're using lines
    $brush->fill( $radius - 1, $radius - 1, $newcolor );

    # set the new image as the main object's brush
    return $brush;

## @fn private int _draw_legend()
# let them know what all the pretty colors mean
# @return status
# Overwrite corresponding function of Base
sub _draw_legend
    my $self = shift;
    my $length;

    # check to see if legend type is none..
    if ( $self->{'legend'} =~ /^none$/ )
        return 1;

    # check to see if they have as many labels as datasets,
    # warn them if not
    if (   ( $#{ $self->{'legend_labels'} } >= 0 )
        && ( ( scalar( @{ $self->{'legend_labels'} } ) ) != $self->{'num_datasets'} ) )
        carp "The number of legend labels and datasets doesn\'t match";

    # init a field to store the length of the longest legend label
    unless ( $self->{'max_legend_label'} )
        $self->{'max_legend_label'} = 0;

    # fill in the legend labels, find the longest one

    if ( $self->false( $self->{'pairs'} ) )
        for ( 1 .. $self->{'num_datasets'} )
            unless ( $self->{'legend_labels'}[ $_ - 1 ] )
                $self->{'legend_labels'}[ $_ - 1 ] = "Dataset $_";
            $length = length( $self->{'legend_labels'}[ $_ - 1 ] );
            if ( $length > $self->{'max_legend_label'} )
                $self->{'max_legend_label'} = $length;
        }    #end for

    if ( $self->true( $self->{'pairs'} ) )

        for ( 1 .. ceil( $self->{'num_datasets'} / 2 ) )
            unless ( $self->{'legend_labels'}[ $_ - 1 ] )
                $self->{'legend_labels'}[ $_ - 1 ] = "Dataset $_";
            $length = length( $self->{'legend_labels'}[ $_ - 1 ] );
            if ( $length > $self->{'max_legend_label'} )
                $self->{'max_legend_label'} = $length;

    # different legend types
    if ( $self->{'legend'} eq 'bottom' )
    elsif ( $self->{'legend'} eq 'right' )
    elsif ( $self->{'legend'} eq 'left' )
    elsif ( $self->{'legend'} eq 'top' )
        carp "I can't put a legend there (at " . $self->{'legend'} . ")\n";

    # and return
    return 1;

## @fn private array _find_y_range()
# Find minimum and maximum value of y data sets.
# @return ( min, max, flag_all_integers )
# Overwrites corresponding Base function
sub _find_y_range
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = $self->{'dataref'};

    my $max     = undef;
    my $min     = undef;
    my $k       = 1;
    my $dataset = 1;
    my $datum;

    if ( $self->false( $self->{'pairs'} ) )
        for $dataset ( @$data[ 1 .. $#$data ] )

            # print "dataset @$dataset\n";
            for $datum (@$dataset)
                if ( defined $datum )

                    #  Prettier, but probably slower:
                    #         $max = $datum unless defined $max && $max >= $datum;
                    #         $min = $datum unless defined $min && $min <= $datum;
                    if ( defined $max )
                        if    ( $datum > $max ) { $max = $datum; }
                        elsif ( $datum < $min ) { $min = $datum; }
                        $min = $max = $datum;
                }    #endif defined
            }    # end for

    if ( $self->true( $self->{'pairs'} ) )

        # only every second dataset must be checked
        for $dataset ( @$data[$k] )
            for $datum (@$dataset)
                if ( defined $datum )

                    #  Prettier, but probably slower:
                    #         $max = $datum unless defined $max && $max >= $datum;
                    #         $min = $datum unless defined $min && $min <= $datum;
                    if ( defined $max )
                        if    ( $datum > $max ) { $max = $datum; }
                        elsif ( $datum < $min ) { $min = $datum; }
                        $min = $max = $datum;
            $k += 2;

    ( $min, $max );

## be a good module and return 1