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package HTTP::Server::Encrypt;
use 5.008008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak);
use HTTP::Server::Daemon qw(become_daemon server_perfork_dynamic peer_info get_msg send_msg);
use HTTP::Status qw(status_message);
use HTTP::Date qw(time2str);
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Sys::Sendfile qw(sendfile);
use Log::Lite qw(log logpath);
use Crypt::CBC;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Data::Dump qw(ddx);
use Sys::Hostname;
use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK $right_auth $username $script_base_dir $peer_port $peer_ip $script %data $body %header $file %_GET %_POST %_HEAD %res $send_bytes $static_expires_secs $blowfish $blowfish_key $blowfish_encrypt $blowfish_decrypt $_POST %ip_allow %ip_deny $log_dir $port $colonel_version);

require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(http_server_start);

our $VERSION = '0.12';

sub http_server_start
    my $ref_http_conf = shift;
    my %http_conf = %$ref_http_conf;
    our $port = $http_conf{'port'} || 80;
    my $protocol = $http_conf{'protocol'} || 'http';
    my $min_spare = $http_conf{'min_spare'} || 10;
    my $max_spare = $http_conf{'max_spare'} || 20;
    our $script_base_dir = $http_conf{'docroot'} || 'htdoc';
    our $static_expires_secs = $http_conf{'cache_expires_secs'} || 3600;
    our $username = $http_conf{'username'};
    my $passwd = $http_conf{'passwd'};
    my $blowfish_key = $http_conf{'blowfish_key'};
    our $blowfish_encrypt = $http_conf{'blowfish_encrypt'};
    our $blowfish_decrypt = $http_conf{'blowfish_decrypt'};
    our %ip_allow = %{$http_conf{'ip_allow'}} if $http_conf{'ip_allow'};
    our %ip_deny = %{$http_conf{'ip_deny'}} if $http_conf{'ip_deny'};
    our $log_dir = $http_conf{'log_dir'} if $http_conf{'log_dir'};
    $log_dir = '' if defined $log_dir and $log_dir eq 'no';
    logpath($log_dir) if defined $log_dir and $log_dir;
    our $colonel_version = 'Colonel/0.9';

    if ($blowfish_key)
        our $blowfish = Crypt::CBC->new( 
                            -key    => $blowfish_key ,
                            -cipher => 'Blowfish',

    if ($username or $passwd)
        our $right_auth = $username if $username;
        $right_auth.= ":";
        $right_auth.= $passwd if $passwd;
        $right_auth = encode_base64($right_auth);
        chomp $right_auth;

    my ($package, $invoker) = caller;
    chdir( dirname($invoker) );

    my $pidfile = become_daemon($invoker);
    $SIG{TERM} = sub { unlink $pidfile; kill HUP => $$; };

    if (lc($protocol) eq 'perl')
        server_perfork_dynamic(\&do_child_perl, $port, $min_spare, $max_spare);
        server_perfork_dynamic(\&do_child_http, $port, $min_spare, $max_spare);
    return $pidfile;

sub do_child_http
	no warnings 'uninitialized';
    my $sock = shift;
    local ($peer_port, $peer_ip) = peer_info($sock);
    if (%ip_allow) {return unless $ip_allow{$peer_ip};}
    if (%ip_deny)  {return if $ip_deny{$peer_ip};}
    my $status = 100;
    my $send_bytes;
    my $method;
    my $request_uri;
    my $protocol;
    my %header;
    local %ENV;
    $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'} = "Basic" if $username;
    $ENV{'HTTP'} = '';
    $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} = $peer_ip;
    $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} = $peer_ip;
    $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} = "";
    $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} = $username if $username;
    $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} = hostname;
    $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} = $port;
    $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} = $colonel_version;

    my $chunk = http_readline($sock);
    if (!$chunk or length($chunk) > 16*1024)
        $status = 414;
        goto HTTP_RESP;

    ($method, $request_uri, $protocol) = $chunk =~ m/^(\w+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(\S+))?\r?$/;
    if ($method !~ /^(?:GET|POST)$/ or $request_uri =~ /\.\./)
        $status = 405;
        goto HTTP_RESP;
    $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = $method;

    my ($script, $query_string ) = $request_uri =~ /([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))?/s;
    $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = $script;
    $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} = $script;
    $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = $query_string;
    $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $script;

    local %_GET;
        my @query = split /\&/, $query_string;
        foreach (@query)
            my ($k, $v) = $_ =~ /(.*)\=(.*)/;
            next unless defined $k and $k and defined $v and $v;
            if (!$_GET{$k})
                $_GET{$k} = $v;
            elsif (!ref($_GET{$k}))
                my $tmp_value = $_GET{$k};
                undef $_GET{$k};
                push @{$_GET{$k}} , $tmp_value;
                push @{$_GET{$k}} , $v;
            elsif (ref($_GET{$k}) eq 'ARRAY')
                push @{$_GET{$k}} , $v;
    local %_HEAD = http_get_header($sock);
    $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = $_HEAD{'Content-Length'};
    $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} = $_HEAD{'Content-Type'};

    if( -d "$script_base_dir$script" )
        if (substr($script, -1) ne '/')
            $status = 301;
            $header{'Location'} = "http://" . $_HEAD{'Host'} . "$script/$query_string";
            goto HTTP_RESP;

        if (-e "$script_base_dir$script/index.html")
            $script .= '/' if substr($script,-1) ne '/';
            $script .= 'index.html';
        elsif (-e "$script_base_dir$script/index.htm")
            $script .= '/' if substr($script,-1) ne '/';
            $script .= 'index.htm';
        elsif (-e "$script_base_dir$script/")
            $script .= '/' if substr($script,-1) ne '/';
            $script .= '';
    my $script_file = "$script_base_dir$script";

    if ($right_auth)
        my ($client_auth) = $_HEAD{'Authorization'} =~ /Basic\s*([\w\+\=]+)/ if $_HEAD{'Authorization'};
        unless (defined $client_auth and $client_auth eq $right_auth)
            $status = 401;
            goto HTTP_RESP;

    local %_POST;
    local $_POST;
    if ($method eq 'POST')
        use bytes;
        my $post_data = '';
        if(defined $_HEAD{'Content-Length'})
            read($sock, $post_data, $_HEAD{'Content-Length'});
            my $i = 0;
            while( substr($post_data, -2) ne "\015\012" )
                read($sock, my $buf, 1);
                $post_data .= $buf;
                if ($i > 4096)
                    $status = 411;
                    goto HTTP_RESP;
        last unless $post_data;

        $post_data = $blowfish->decrypt($post_data) if $blowfish_decrypt;
        $_POST = $post_data;
        my @post_query = split /\&/, $post_data;
        foreach (@post_query)
            my ($k_post, $v_post) = $_ =~ /(.*)\=(.*)/;
            next unless defined $k_post and $k_post and defined $v_post and $v_post;
            if (!$_POST{$k_post})
                $_POST{$k_post} = $v_post;
            elsif (!ref($_POST{$k_post}))
                my $tmp_value = $_POST{$k_post};
                undef $_POST{$k_post};
                push @{$_POST{$k_post}} , $tmp_value;
                push @{$_POST{$k_post}} , $v_post;
            elsif (ref($_POST{$k_post}) eq 'ARRAY')
                push @{$_POST{$k_post}} , $v_post;

    my $boolen_sendfile;
    my $body = '';
    if (-e $script_file and -r $script_file and -s $script_file)
            $status = 200;
            if ( substr( $script_file, -3) eq '.pl' )
                no warnings;
                close STDOUT;
                open STDOUT,">",\$body or die "couldn`t open memory file: $!";
                unless (my $return = do $script_file)
                    die "couldn`t parse $script_file: $@" if $@;
                    die "couldn`t do $script_file: $!"    unless defined $return ;
                    die "couldn`t run $script_file"       unless $return;
                open my $fh,"<",$script_file or die "couldn`t open file";
                binmode $fh;

				my($ct,$ce) = guess_media_type($script_file);
                if(!$blowfish_encrypt and $^O eq 'linux')
					syswrite $sock, "HTTP/1.0 $status " . status_message($status) . "\015\012";
					syswrite $sock, "Content-Type: $ct\015\012" if $ct;
					syswrite $sock, "Content-Encoding: $ce\015\012" if $ce;
					syswrite $sock, "Cache-Control: max-age=$static_expires_secs\015\012";
					syswrite $sock, "\015\012";
                    $send_bytes = sendfile($sock, $fh);
                    $boolen_sendfile = 1;
                    goto HTTP_RESP;
                    $body = do {local $/; <$fh>};
					$header{'Content-Type'} = $ct if $ct;
					$header{'Content-Encoding'} = $ce if $ce;
                close $fh;

                $body = $blowfish->encrypt($body);
                $header{'Content-Type'} = "application/octet-stream";
            $status = 500;
            $body = $@;
            goto HTTP_RESP;
        $status = 404;
        goto HTTP_RESP;

    HTTP_RESP: $send_bytes = http_response($sock, $status, $body, %header) unless $boolen_sendfile;
    log('http_access', $peer_ip, $status, $method, $request_uri, $send_bytes, status_message($status), $@) if $log_dir;
    return $send_bytes;

sub http_get_header
    my $sock = shift;
    my @header;
    while ( my $line = http_readline($sock) ) 
        last if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ );
        my ($k, $v) = $line =~ /^([\w\-]+)\s*:\s*(.*)/;
        $v =~ s/[\015\012]//g;
        push @header, $k => $v;
    return @header;

sub http_readline
    my $sock = shift;
    my $line;
    while ( read( $sock, my $buf, 1 ) ) 
        last if $buf eq "\012";
        $line .= $buf;
    return $line;

sub http_response
    my $sock = shift;
    my $status = shift || 200;
    my $body = shift;
    my %header = @_;

    my $status_msg = status_message($status);
    if (!$body and $status != 200 and $status != 301 and $status != 302 )
        $body = "<title>$status $status_msg</title><h1>Colonel ERROR: $status $status_msg</h1><br/>";
    $header{'Date'} = time2str(time) unless defined $header{'Date'};
    $header{'Server'} = $colonel_version unless defined $header{'Server'};
    $header{'Content-Type'} = 'text/html' unless defined $header{'Content-Type'} ;
    use bytes;
    $header{'Content-Length'} = length($body) if defined $body and $body and !defined $header{'Content-Length'} ;
    $header{'WWW-Authenticate'} = 'Basic realm="Colonel Authentication System"' if $status == 401 ;

    my $head = "HTTP/1.0 $status $status_msg\015\012";
    foreach (keys %header)
        $head .= "$_: " . $header{$_} . "\015\012";

    my $output = $head . "\015\012";
    $output .= $body if defined $body and $body;
    print $sock $output;
    return length($output);


=head1 NAME

HTTP::Server::Encrypt - HTTP server can encrypt BODY section


  use HTTP::Server::Encrypt qw(http_server_start);

  my %http_conf;
  $http_conf{'port'} = 80;
  $http_conf{'docroot'} = "/var/www/htdoc/";
  $http_conf{'blowfish_key'} = "somekey";
  $http_conf{'blowfish_encrypt'} = 'yes';
  $http_conf{'blowfish_decrypt'} = 'yes';


A pure Perl WebServer with features below.

=over 4

=item *

Be able to encrypt response BODY section and decrypt resquest BODY section with BlowFish CBC.

=item *

HTTP Basic Authentication support.

=item *

Prefork processes module.

=item *

Use I<sendfile> for station file requests.

=item *

Route dynamic requests to file.

=item *

Built-in IP filter.

=item *

CGI support.



Usage of I<HTTP::Server::Encrypt> is very simple.

=head2 http_server_start(%params)

To set up a new HTTP Server, just call the I<http_server_start> method.
It will run as a daemon.

I<http_server_start> accepts the following named parameters in I<%params>:

=over 4

=item * port

Default 80.

=item * protocol

Value I<http> for protocol HTTP.
Value I<pon> for protocol PON.

=item * min_spare

How many child will be forked when the server start.

=item * max_spare

Maximum number of processes can be forked.

=item * docroot

Set the root directory.
For example:
Request I<GET /> will be responsed by 
I</var/www/html/> if you this set to I</var/www/html/>.

=item * cache_expires_secs

Set the HTTP "Cache-Control: max-age" value for static requesets.

=item * username

Set the HTTP Basic Authentication username.

=item * passwd

Set the HTTP Basic Authentication password. 
If username and password are not be set, HTTP Basic Authentication disabled.

=item * blowfish_key

Set the BODY encrpyt key. if not set, BODY encrypt disabled.

=item * blowfish_encrypt

Enable encrypt the response BODY.

=item * blowfish_decrypt

Enable encrypt the request BODY.

=item * ip_allow

Allow ip list.

=item * ip_deny

Deny ip list.

=item * log_dir

Set access log directory. 
Disable log if set to I<no>.



Only PERL script support.

Just scripts in I<docroot>.

For example:

If you I<docroot> set to I</var/www/html/>.

Request I<GET /> will be responsed by I</var/www/html/>.

There is some vars can be used in the script.

=over 4

=item * I<$peer_ip>

The IP address from which the user is viewing the current page.

=item * I<$peer_port>

The TCP port from which the user is viewing the current page.

=item * I<%_GET>

HTTP GET variables.

An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the URL parameters.

=item * I<%_POST>

HTTP POST variables.

An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method.

=item * I<$_POST>

Raw POST data.

=item * I<%_HEAD>

HTTP request headers.

=item * I<%_ENV>

Execution environment information.

An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the environment method.

Default 80.

Above can be used direct.



If you write scripts in Python or C or something not PERL,

You may want use L<CGI> standard, then you can write
	use HTTP::Server::Encrypt::CGI;

Instead of 

	use HTTP::Server::Encrypt;

Then you just put you CGI applications in I<docroot>.

More information in L<HTTP::Server::Encrypt::CGI>.

=head1 TIPS

If your want do things after I<http_server_start> method, you may want this:

    my $parent = fork();
        exit 1;

    my $pidfile = __FILE__ . ".pid";
        last if -s $pidfile;
        sleep 1;

    ... #server already up. do your things ...

=head1 AUTHOR

Written by ChenGang,



Copyright (c) 2011 ChenGang.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<HTTP::Daemon>, L<HTTP::Server::Simple>, L<HTTP::Server::Encrypt::CGI>
