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package Zucchini::Template;
$Zucchini::Template::VERSION = '0.0.21';
  $Zucchini::Template::DIST = 'Zucchini';
# ABSTRACT: process templates and output static files
# vim: ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 sr sta
use Moo;
use strict; # for kwalitee testing
use Zucchini::Types qw(:all);

use Carp;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
use File::stat;
use HTML::Lint;
use Path::Class;
use Template;

# object attributes
has config => (
    reader  => 'get_config',
    writer  => 'set_config',
    isa     => ZucchiniConfig,
    is      => 'ro',

has ttobject => (
    reader  => 'get_ttobject',
    writer  => 'set_ttobject',
    isa     => TemplateToolkit,
    is      => 'ro',

sub process_site {
    my $self = shift;
    my $directory = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig->{source_dir};

    # start the directory descent ...
    $self->process_directory( $directory );


sub process_directory {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $directory   = shift;

    # for easier access - we should probably objectify this better - TODO
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();
    my $cliopt  = $self->get_config->get_options();

    # function variables
    my (@list, $relpath);

    # get the list of stuff in the directory
    @list = $self->directory_contents($directory);
    # get our relative path from 'source_dir'
    $relpath = $self->relative_path_from_full($directory);

    # loop through the items in the list and Do The Right Thing
    foreach my $item (@list) {
        # process individual files
        if (-f file($directory,$item)) {
            # skip ignored files
            if ($self->ignore_file($item)) {

            # getting this far means we should (try to) process the file
            $self->process_file($directory, $item);

        # process directories
        elsif (-d file($directory,$item)) {
            # skip ignored dirs
            if ($self->ignore_directory($item)) {

            my $outdir = dir($config->{output_dir}, $relpath, $item);
            # make sure the directory exists in the output tree
            if (! -d $outdir) {
                warn "output directory '$outdir' does not exist\n";
                if (not mkdir($outdir)) {
                    carp "couldn't create output directory: $!";
                warn "created: $outdir\n";


            # process the subdirectory

        # not a file or directory?
        # we don't handle Odd Stuff (yet?)
        else {
            warn "unhandled file-type for '" . dir($directory,$item) . "\n";


sub directory_contents {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $directory   = shift;
    my (@list);

    # get a list of everything (except . and ..) in $directory
    opendir(my $dh, $directory)
        or die("can't open '$directory': $!\n");

    @list = grep { $_ !~ /^\.\.?$/ } readdir($dh);

    return @list;

sub file_checksum {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    my ($md5);

    # try to open the file
    open(my $fh,$file) or do {
        warn "Can't open $file: $!";
        return undef;

    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($fh)->hexdigest;

    return $md5;

sub file_modified {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($template_file, $templated_file) = @_;
    my ($template_stat, $templated_stat);

    # if the destination file doesn't exist, it's "modified"
    if (not -e $templated_file) {
        return 1;

    # get stat info for each file
    $template_stat  = stat( $template_file)   or die "no file: $!\n";
    $templated_stat = stat($templated_file)   or die "no file: $!\n";

    # return true if the templated file is OLDER than the template itself
    # i.e. the source has been altered since we last generated the final result
    return ($templated_stat->mtime < $template_stat->mtime);

sub ignore_directory {
    my ($self, $directory) = @_;

    foreach my $ignore_me (@{ $self->get_config->ignored_directories }) {
        my $regex = qr/ \A $ignore_me \z /x;

        if ($directory =~ $regex) {
            warn "ignoring directory '$directory'. Match on '$regex'.\n"
                if ($self->get_config->verbose);
            return 1;


sub ignore_file {
    my ($self, $filename) = @_;

    foreach my $ignore_me (@{ $self->get_config->ignored_files }) {
        my $regex = qr/ $ignore_me /x;

        if ($filename =~ $regex) {
            warn "ignoring file '$filename'. Match on '$regex'.\n"
                if ($self->get_config->verbose);
            return 1;


sub item_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($directory, $item) = @_;
    my ($filename);

    # TODO - objectify better
    my $cliopt  = $self->get_config->get_options();
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();

    # default case - just the item name
    $filename = $item;

    # if we want to see the relative path
    if ($cliopt->{showpath}) {
        # get the full path to the file
        $filename = file($directory,$item);
        # remove path to sourcedir
        $filename =~ s{\A$config->{source_dir}/?}{}xms;

    return $filename;

sub process_file {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $directory   = shift;
    my $item        = shift;
    my ($relpath);

    # stuff we used to pass through in the script
    # TODO objectify this
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();
    my $cliopt  = $self->get_config->get_options();

    # get the relative path
    $relpath = $self->relative_path_from_full($directory);

    # push the section name into the vars to replace
    my $site_vars = {
        source_dir  => $config->{source_dir},
        %{ $config->{tags} }

    # some files should be run through TT
    if ($self->template_file($item)) {

        # only create the template object once - it's stupid to create
        # a new one for each file we template
        if (not defined $self->get_ttobject) {

        # if the template and the destination have the same timestamp, nothing's changed
        # HOWEVER, we only care if we're not forcing the template-output to be regenerated
        if (not $cliopt->{force}) {
            if ($self->always_process($item)) {
                # bypass modified check
            elsif (not $self->file_modified(
            ) {
                warn "unchanged: " . $self->item_name($directory,$item) .  qq{\n}
                    if ($self->get_config->verbose(2));

        warn (q{templating: } . $self->item_name($directory, $item) . qq{\n});
        $self->show_destination($directory, $item);

        # ->process doesn't like Path::Class thingies being thrown at it
        # so we force it to Stringify
            file($directory,$item) . q{},    
            file($config->{output_dir},$relpath,$item) . q{}
            or Carp::croak ("\n" . $self->get_ttobject->error());

        # if we're doing lint-checking
        if ($self->get_config()->get_siteconfig()->{lint_check}) {
            # check for HTML errors in file
            if ($item =~ m{\.html?\z}) {
                my $lint;
                eval "use HTML::Lint::Pluggable";
                if ($@) {
                    # create a new HTML::Lint object
                    $lint = HTML::Lint->new();
                else {
                    # create a new HTML::Lint::Pluggable object
                    $lint = HTML::Lint::Pluggable->new();
                    #  this gives us HTML5 support

                    file($config->{output_dir},$relpath,$item) . q{}
                foreach my $error ( $lint->errors ) {
                    # let the user know where and what the error is
                    warn (
                            q{!! }
                        . $self->item_name($directory, $item)
                        . q{: line }
                        . $error->line
                        . q{: }
                        . $error->errtext
                        . qq{\n}
    # others should be copied (if they've changed
    else {
        # only copy files if the MD5 hasn't changed
        if (not $self->same_file(
        ) {
            warn (q{Copying: } . $self->item_name($directory, $item) . qq{\n});
            # the ".q{}" forces stringification and resolves issues with
            # File::Copy::_eq() in perl-5.10
                file($directory,$item) . q{},
                file($config->{output_dir},$relpath,$item) . q{}
            $self->show_destination($directory, $item);


sub relative_path_from_full {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $directory   = shift;
    my $config      = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();
    my ($relpath);

    # get the relative path from the full srcdir path
    $relpath = $directory;
    # remove source_dir from directory path
    $relpath =~ s:^$config->{source_dir}::;
    # remove leading / (if any)
    $relpath =~ s:^/::;     # fixme - assuming unix system

    return $relpath;

sub same_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($file1, $file2) = @_;

    if (! -f $file2 or ! -f $file2) {
        return 0;

    if ($self->file_checksum($file1) eq $self->file_checksum($file2)) {
        return 1;

    return 0;

sub show_destination {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($directory, $item) = @_;
    my ($relpath);

    # stuff we used to pass through in the script
    # TODO objectify this
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();
    my $cliopt  = $self->get_config->get_options();

    # get the relative path for the directory
    $relpath = $self->relative_path_from_full($directory);

    if ($cliopt->{showdest}) {
        if ($relpath) {
                    q{  --> }
                . file($config->{output_dir},$relpath,$item)
                . qq{\n}
        # top-level files don't have a relpath and we'd prefer not to have
        # '//' in the path
        else {
                    q{  --> }
                . file($config->{output_dir},$item)
                . qq{\n}


sub template_file {
    my ($self,$filename) = @_;
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();

    foreach my $ignore_me (@{ $self->get_config->templated_files }) {
        my $regex = qr/ $ignore_me /x;

        if ($filename =~ $regex) {
            return 1;


sub always_process {
    my ($self,$filename) = @_;
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();

    # if we haven't got anything listed in our siteconfig, we don't have any
    # special cases to worry about
        if (not defined($self->get_config->always_process));

    # loop through our special cases ...
    foreach my $always_process (@{ $self->get_config->always_process }) {
        my $regex = qr/ $always_process /x;

        if ($filename =~ $regex) {
            return 1;


sub _prepare_template_object {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $config  = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig();
    #my $cliopt  = $self->get_config->get_options();

    my $tt_config = {
        ABSOLUTE        => 1,
        EVAL_PERL       => 0,
        INCLUDE_PATH    => "$config->{source_dir}:$config->{includes_dir}",
    if (defined $config->{plugin_base}) {
        $tt_config->{PLUGIN_BASE} = $config->{plugin_base};

    # if we've been given any tt_options, merge them into the config
    # now
    if (defined $config->{tt_options}) {
        my %merged_cfg = (
            %{ $tt_config },
            %{ $config->{tt_options} }
        $tt_config = \%merged_cfg;

        Template->new( $tt_config )





=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Zucchini::Template - process templates and output static files

=head1 VERSION

version 0.0.21


  # create a new templater object
  $templater = Zucchini::Template->new(
    { config => $self->get_config }
  # process the site


This module handles the processing of the template files into the
website source files.

The solution uses Template::Toolkit and tries to Be Smart - only process
that which has changed.

An exception to this is when a globally included file, for example,
has been modified. To apply this change to the site, one must either "touch"
all the templates, or use the 'force' option.

  # force all html files to be regenerated
  $ find . -name \*html -exec touch {} \;
  $ zucchini

  # brute force approach to regenerate all files
  $ zucchini --force

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates a new instance of the top-level Zucchini object:

  # create a new templater object
  $templater = Zucchini::Template->new(
        config => $zucchini->get_config,

=head2 process_site

Gets appropriate site-config, and initiates the template-processing.

  # start the templating...

=head2 get_config / set_config

Returns/sets an object representing the current configuration.

  # get the current configuration

  # get the source_dir from the configuration object
  $directory = $self->get_config->get_siteconfig->{source_dir};

=head2 get_ttobject / set_ttobject

Returns/sets the Template Toolkit object:

  # process the current item

=head2 process_directory

Perform the I<appropriate action> for each item in the given directory:
template or copy files; recurse directories. Ignore anything that should
be ignored, as per the site-config.

  # set off a cascading processing of the templates
  $templater->process_directory( $template_root_directory );

=head2 directory_contents

Get a list of everything (except . and ..) in the given directory.

  # get items in the site root
  @list = $templater->directory_contents( $template_root_directory );

=head2 file_checksum

Calculate an MD5 checksum for a given file.

  # get a checksum
  $checksum = $templater->file_checksum( $file );

=head2 file_modified

Given two files - a template file and its templated output - determine if
the template has been modified since the output was last generated.

  # do something with a changed template
  if ($self->file_modified($template, $output)) {
    # do stuff

=head2 ignore_directory

Given a directory, determine if it should be ignored; useful for CVS/ and
.svn/ directories. Uses 'ignored_dirs' from site-config.

  # don't do anything with ignored directories
  if ($self->ignore_directory($dir)) {
    # next

=head2 ignore_file

Given a file, determine if it should be ignored; useful for editor swap files.
Uses 'ignore_files' from site-config.

  # don't do anything with ignored files
  if ($self->ignore_file($file)) {
    # next

=head2 item_name

Returns a filename, optionally formatted to include the full (destination)
path if 'showpath' option is active.

  # tell the user where we're putting something
  print   "Writing: "
        . $self->item_name($dir, $file)
        . "\n";

=head2 process_file

Given a file take one of the following actions: template it, copy it, ignore

  # process the current file
  $self->process_file($dir, $file)

=head2 relative_path_from_full

This catchily named function returns the relative path to a directory,
from the template source dir; 'source_dir' in the site-config.

  # get the relative path ...
  $relpath = $self->relative_path_from_full( $dir );

=head2 same_file

Determine if two files are the same. Primarily used to avoid copying unchanged

  if(not $self->same_file($file1, $file2)) {
    # do stuff

=head2 show_destination

If the 'showdest' option is active, output where we are writing a file

  # let user know where we're putting the item
  $self->show_destination($directory, $item);

=head2 template_file

Detemine if the file should be treated as a template. Template files are
specified by the 'template_files' variable in the site-config.

  if ($self->template_file($item)) {
    # do some templating magic

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Chisel <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Chisel Wright.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
