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# flexraw's read/write tests, copied from fastraw's tests.
# There are still many tests to write; see the notes at the bottom
# of this document.

use PDL::LiteF;
# PDL::Core::set_debugging(1);
kill INT,$$  if $ENV{UNDER_DEBUGGER}; # Useful for debugging.

use strict;
use warnings;

# Load the testing harness and PDL
use Test::More tests => 12;
use PDL;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);

$PDL::debug = 0;

# Get a temporary directory and file name, which obviously we'll need for testing
# saving and reading of data.
use PDL::Config;
my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP=>1 );
my $name = $tmpdir . "/tmp0";
unlink $name, $name . '.hdr';	# just to be absolutely sure

# **TEST 1** make sure FastRaw loads
BEGIN { use_ok( 'PDL::IO::FlexRaw' ); }

# Set up the working filename and make sure we're working with a clean slate:

# **TEST 2** save a piddle to disk
my $a = pdl [2,3],[4,5],[6,7];
my $header = eval { writeflex($name, $a) };
ok((-f $name), "writeflex should create a file");

# **TEST 3** save a header to disk
eval { writeflexhdr($name, $header) };
ok(-f "$name.hdr", "writeflexhdr should create a header file");

# **TEST 4** read it back, and make sure it gives the same piddle
my $b = eval { readflex($name) };
ok(all(approx($a,$b)), "A piddle and it's saved copy should be about equal");

# **TEST 5** save two piddles to disk
my $c = pdl [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]];
my $d = pdl [1,1,1];
my $cdname = $name . 'cd';
$header = eval { writeflex($cdname, $c, $d) };
ok((-f $cdname), "writeflex saves 2 pdls to a file");

# **TEST 6** save a header to disk
eval { writeflexhdr($cdname, $header) };
ok(-f "$cdname.hdr", "writeflexhdr create a header file");

# **TEST 7** read it back, and make sure it gives the same piddle
# This is bug #3375837 "_read_flexhdr state machine fails"
my (@cd) = eval { no warnings; readflex($cdname) };
ok( (scalar(@cd)==2 and all(approx($cd[0],$c)) and all(approx($cd[1],$d)) ), ' bug 3375837');

# Clean up for another test
unlink $cdname, $cdname . '.hdr';	# just to be absolutely sure

# some mapflex tests

   my $c = eval { mapflex($name) };
   if ($@) {
      if ($@ =~ m/mmap not supported/) {
         skip('no mmap support', 5);

   # **TEST 8** compare mapfraw piddle with original piddle	
   ok(all(approx($a,$c)), "A piddle and it's mapflex representation should be about equal");

   # **TEST 9** modifications should be saved when $c goes out of scope
   # This failure is recorded in bug 3031068.
   # Presently, making $c go out of scope does not free the memory
   # mapping associated with mapflex, so this modification is never
   # saved to the file (or at least it's not saved immediately).
   $c += 1;
   undef $c;
   $b = readflex($name);
   ok(all(approx($a+1,$b)), "Modifications to mapfraw should be saved to disk no later than when the piddle ceases to exist");

   # We're starting a new test, so we'll remove the files we've created so far
   # and clean up the memory, just to be super-safe
   unlink $name, $name . '.hdr';
   undef $a;
   undef $b;

   # **TEST 10** test creating a pdl via mapfraw
   # First create and modify the piddle
   $header = [{NDims => 2, Dims => [3,2], Type => 'float'}];
   # Fix this specification.
   $a = mapflex($name, $header, {Creat => 1});
   writeflexhdr($name, $header);
   ok(defined($a), 'mapflex create piddle');

   skip('no mapflex piddle to check', 2) unless defined $a;
   $a += xvals $a;
   $a += 0.1 * yvals $a;
   # save the contents
   undef $a;
   # Load it back up and see if the values are what we expect
   $b = readflex($name);
   # **TEST 11**
   ok(all(approx($b, PDL->pdl([[0,1,2],[0.1,1.1,2.1]]))),
      "mapfraw should be able to create new piddles");

   # **TEST 12** test the created type
   ok($b->type->[0] == (&float)->[0], 'type should be of the type we specified (float)');


# Clean things up a bit
unlink $name, $name . '.hdr';
undef $a;
undef $b;

# Test the file header options:

# Tests to write still:
# Test using file handles instead of file names
# test read_flexhdr
# test gzip stuff