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# Gnuplot_demo package for PDL
# To use this manually:
#    use PDL::Demos::Screen;
#    do '';
#    PDL::Demos::Gnuplot_demo::run();
# Authors: Dima Kogan & Craig DeForest

package PDL::Demos::Gnuplot_demo;

use PDL;

    eval 'use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot;';
    if ($@ or !defined($PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot::VERSION)) {
	eval <<'EOF';
	    sub run {
	    print qq{

PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot is required for this demo, but didn't load.  You may have
to go get it from CPAN (  You might also need to get the 
external "gnuplot" app (

    return 1;

use PDL::ImageND;

use PDL::Demos::Screen;   # This is awful but seems to be needed since is where the Routines are located. -CED 2/2013

sub comment($);
sub act($);
sub output;

sub run {
    local($PDL::debug) = 0;
    local($PDL::verbose) = 0;

    $s = q|
  # ensure that the module is loaded 
  use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot;

  # Create a Gnuplot object - the default device displays on most 
  # operating systems.  (No plot window yet - just the object).
  $w = gpwin(%%params%%);

  # Create variables to plot
  $x = xvals(1000);
  $y = $x/1000 * sin($x/10);

    if(!defined($PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot::VERSION)) {
	die q{

This demo requires both the external "gnuplot" application and the module 
"PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot".  You don't seem to have the module installed on your 
system.  You might want to get it from CPAN and try again.


    if(!defined($PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot::valid_terms)) {
	my $ww = new PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot;

    if($PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot::valid_terms->{wxt}) {
	$subst = "wxt, size=>[8,6,'in'], title=>'Gnuplot demo window', persist=>0";
    } elsif($ENV{DISPLAY}) {
	$subst = "x11, size=>[8,6,'in'], title=>'Gnuplot demo window', persist=>0";
    } else {
	$subst = "";
    act $s;

   $s = q|
  # ensure that the module is loaded 
  use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot;

  # Create a Gnuplot object - the default device displays on most 
  # operating systems.  (No plot window yet - just the object).
  $w = gpwin(%%params%%);

  # Create variables to plot
  $x = xvals(1000)/1000;
  $y = $x * sin(100 * $x);

  # Generate a line plot.  Plot parameters in front.
  $w->lines({title=>" x * sin(100 x) ",xl=>"Ordinate",yl=>"Abscissa"}, $x, $y );
    $s =~s/\%\%params\%\%/$subst/;
    act $s;

  act q|
  # You can set persistent plot parameters with "options".
  $w->options(title=>"Two lines", xl=>"Ordinate", yl=>"Abscissa");

  # A two-line plot
  $y2 = sqrt($x) * cos(100*$x);


 act q|
  # You can set persistent plot parameters with "options".
  $w->options(title=>"Two lines", xl=>"Ordinate", yl=>"Abscissa");

  # A two-line plot.  
  # Groups of data are separated by non-PDL options -- in this
  # case, the null hash since there are no per-curve options.

  $y2 = sqrt($x) * cos(100*$x);

  # A two-line plot with legend.
  # The legend for each line separates the groups of PDL data.

  $w->options(title=>"Two lines (with legend)", key=>'left');
  $w->lines( legend=>"sin",$x,$y,  legend=>"cos",$x,$y2 );


 act q|
  # You can also generate multiline plots with threading.
  # Here, $x is a 1000-element 1-D PDL, and $yy is a 1000x2 2-D PDL.
  $x       = xvals(1000)/1000;
  ($y,$y2) =  ( $x * sin(100 * $x),   sqrt($x) * cos(100 * $x)  );
  $yy      = pdl( $y, $y2 );               

  # all options can be abbreviated to the smallest unique string. 
  # Here, "tit" stands for "title", and "le" for "legend".

  $w->lines({tit=>"2-lines threaded"}, le=>["sin", "cos"], $x, $yy);


act q|
  # line plots are far from the only thing you can do!
  # Here is the same plot, with points and some tweaks to the axis labels.
  $w->options(tit=>"2 sets of points");

  $l = ["sin", "cos"];
              xlab=>"Tilted Labels in 14-point text"
             le=>$l, $x, $yy);


act q|
  # Many types of plot are supported, using the "plot" command
  # and the "with" curve option.  Here, we can mix and match points and lines.

  # You can also set plot options *temporarily* with a hash ref at the start of the
  # plot call:

  $w->plot( {title=>"Points and lines mixed"},
            with=>'points', le=>'sin (points)', $x, $y, 
            with=>'lines',  le=>'cos (line)',   $x, $y2);


act q|
  # Many types of plot are supported, using the "plot" command
  # and the "with" curve option.  Here, we can mix and match points and lines.

  $w->plot( with=>'points', le=>'sin (points)', $x, $y, 
            with=>'lines',  le=>'cos (line)',   $x, $y2);

  $x       = xvals(51)/50;
  ($y,$y2) =  ( $x * sin(20 * $x),   sqrt($x) * cos(20 * $x)  );
  $radii = 0.01 * (0.25 - ($x*2 - 0.5)**2);

  # Here are some other options.  
  $w->plot( {title=>"Circles and Steps"},
            le=>"Circles", with=>'circles', $x, $y, $radii,
            le=>"Steps", with=> 'steps',    $x, $y2

act q|
  # You can plot multiple plots on one pane with "multiplot".

  $x       = xvals(51)/50;
  ($y,$y2) =  ( $x * sin(20 * $x),   sqrt($x) * cos(20 * $x)  );


  $w->plot( {title=>"Impulses"}, with=> 'impulses', $x, $y );
  $w->plot( {title=>"Filled Curves"}, with => "filledcurves", $x, $y, $y2 );


act q|
  # 2-D data...

  $rv = rvals(51,51)/2;
  $im = 25 * cos($rv) / ($rv+1.5);

  $w->options(justify=>1);  # set nice aspect ratio
  $w->plot( {tit=>'Default color map'},             with=>'image', $im );
  $w->plot( {tit=>'Grayscale',      clut=>'gray'},  with=>'image', $im );
  $w->plot( {tit=>'heat map',       clut=>'heat1'}, with=>'image', $im );
  $w->plot( {tit=>'3d perspective', trid=>1},       with=>'pm3d',  $im );


act q|
  # You can indpendently specify color and position on surface plots,
  # and can overlay multiple types of plot -- even in 3D.
  $rv = rvals(101,101)/5;             $im = cos($rv)/($rv+2.5);
  $grad = sumover $im->range([[-1,0],[1,0]],[$im->dims],'e') * pdl(-1,1);

  $im2 = $im->indexND(ndcoords(26,26)*4);  # subsample $im

  $w->options( trid=>1,   hidden=>'front',  colorbox=>0,  clut=>'heat1'  );


  $w->plot( {title=>"A colormap-shaded 3-d surface plot"},   with=>'pm3d', $im );

  $w->plot( {title=>"Perspective 3-d surface plot"},         
             with=>'pm3d', xvals($im), yvals($im), $im, $grad );

  $w->plot( {title=>"Perspective grid plot"},
              with=>'lines', xvals($im2)*4, yvals($im2)*4, $im2 );

  $w->plot( {title=>"Combined"},
              with=>'pm3d',  xvals($im),yvals($im), $im, $grad,
              with=>'lines', xvals($im2)*4,  yvals($im2)*4, $im2 );



    use File::Spec;
    $d = File::Spec->catdir( "PDL", "Demos" );
    $m51path = undef;
    foreach my $path ( @INC ) {
	my $check = File::Spec->catdir( $path, $d );
	if ( -d $check ) { $m51path = $check; last; }
    if( defined($m51path) && -e "$m51path/m51.fits") {
	$m51path = "$m51path/m51.fits";
    } else {
	comment q|
  You seem to be missing the file 'm51.fits', which 
  should be included in the PDL distribution.  Without
  it, I can't show you the m51 image demos, so I'll 
  quit now.  

    $s =  q|
  # Images ...
  $m51 = rfits('%%m51%%');

  $w->image({j=>1, clut=>'gray', title=>"M51 galaxy"}, with=>'image',$m51 );

    $s=~ s/\%\%m51\%\%/$m51path/;
    act $s;
    $s =  q|

   $m51 = rfits('%%m51%%')->slice('0:-1:4,0:-1:4');

   $m51s = $m51->convolveND(ones(11,11)/11**2);

   $w->options(clut=>'heat2', trid=>1);

   # 3-D display of M51: various angles (note "columnsfirst" in multiplot)


   $w->plot({title=>"M51 in 3-D (default view)"}, 
             with=>'pm3d',xvals($m51s), yvals($m51s), $m51s, $m51s );
   $w->plot({title=>"M51 in 3-D (ortho view)",            view=>'equal xy'},
             with=>'pm3d',xvals($m51s), yvals($m51s), $m51s, $m51s );

   $w->plot({title=>"M51 in 3-D (near-vertical view)",    view=>[ 0, 80, 'equal xy' ]},
             with=>'pm3d',xvals($m51s), yvals($m51s), $m51s, $m51s );
   $w->plot({title=>"M51 in 3-D (nearly along X axis)",   view=>[ 85, 5 ]},
             with=>'pm3d',xvals($m51s), yvals($m51s), $m51s, $m51s );

    $s =~ s/\%\%m51\%\%/$m51path/;
    act $s;