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## This is a simple XML backend for TEI files     -*-cperl-*-
## author: Petr Pajas
# $Id: 3025 2007-04-23 13:55:04Z pajas $ '

package Treex::PML::Backend::TrXML;
use Treex::PML;
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXML::SAX;
use Treex::PML::IO qw(close_backend);
use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);
  $VERSION='2.16'; # version template

sub test {
  my ($f)=@_;
  if (ref($f)) {
    return ($f->getline()=~/\s*\<\?xml / &&
	    $f->getline()=~/\<!DOCTYPE trees[ >]|\<trees\s*>/i);
  } else {
    my $fh = Treex::PML::IO::open_backend($f,"r");
    my $test = $fh && test($fh);
    return $test;

sub open_backend {
  my ($uri,$rw,$encoding)=@_;
  # discard encoding and pass the rest to the Treex::PML::IO
  Treex::PML::IO::open_backend($uri,$rw,($rw eq 'w' ? $encoding : undef));

sub read {
  my ($input,$target_doc) = @_;
  #my $handler = XML::SAX::Writer->new();
  my $handler = Treex::PML::Backend::TrXML::SAXHandler->new(TargetDocument => $target_doc);
  my $p = XML::LibXML::SAX->new(Handler => $handler);
  if (ref($input)) {
    $p->parse(Source => { ByteStream => $input });
  } else {

  return 1;

sub xml_quote {
  local $_=$_[0];
  return $_;

sub xml_quote_pcdata {
  local $_=$_[0];
  return $_;

sub write {
  my ($output, $src_doc) = @_;

  die "Require GLOB reference\n" unless ref($output);

  # xml_decl
  print $output "<?xml";
  if ($src_doc->metaData('xmldecl_version') ne "") {
    print $output " version=\"".$src_doc->metaData('xmldecl_version')."\"";
  } else {
    print $output " version=\"1.0\"";
  if ($src_doc->encoding() ne "") {
    print $output " encoding=\"".$src_doc->encoding()."\"";
  if ($src_doc->metaData('xmldecl_standalone') ne "") {
    print $output " standalone=\"".$src_doc->metaData('xmldecl_standalone')."\"";
  print $output "?>\n";

  print $output ("<!DOCTYPE trees PUBLIC \"-//CKL.MFF.UK//DTD TrXML V1.0//EN\"".
		 " \"\" [\n".
		 "<!ENTITY % trxml.attributes \"".
		 join("\n",map { "  $_ CDATA #IMPLIED" }
		      grep { !/^(?:ORD|HIDE|ID)$/ } $src_doc->FS->attributes).
  print $output "<!-- Time-stamp: <".localtime()." Treex::PML::Backend::TrXML> -->\n";
  print $output "<trees>\n";

  my @meta=grep { !/^xmldecl_/ } $src_doc->listMetaData();
  if (@meta) {
    print $output "<info>\n";
    foreach (@meta) {
      print $output "  <meta name=\"$_\" content=\"".xml_quote($src_doc->metaData($_))."\"/>\n";
    print $output "</info>\n";

  print $output "<types full=\"1\">\n";
  foreach my $atr (grep { !/^(?:ORD|HIDE|ID)$/ } $src_doc->FS->attributes) {
    print $output "  <t n=\"$atr\"";
    if ($src_doc->FS->isList($atr)) {
      print $output " v=\"",xml_quote(join("|",$src_doc->FS->listValues($atr))),"\"";
    print $output "/>\n";
  print $output "</types>\n";

  foreach my $tree ($src_doc->trees) {
    my $node=$tree;
    NODE: while ($node) {
      print $output "<nd";
      print $output
	map { " $_=\"".xml_quote($node->{$_})."\"" }
	  grep { $node->{$_} ne "" }
	    grep { !/^(?:ORD|HIDE|ID)$/ } $src_doc->FS->attributes;
      print $output ">\n";
      if ($node->firstson) {
      while ($node) {
	print $output "</nd>\n";
	if ($node->rbrother) {
	  next NODE;
  print $output "</trees>\n";

# SAX TrXML to Treex::PML::Document transducer
package Treex::PML::Backend::TrXML::SAXHandler;
use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);
  $VERSION='2.16'; # version template
use Treex::PML;

sub decode {
  my ($self, $str)=@_;
  my $enc=$self->{TargetDocument}->encoding();
  if ($]>=5.008 or $enc eq "") {
    return $str;
  } else {
    print "encoding: $enc, $str\n";
    eval {
      $str = XML::LibXML::decodeFromUTF8($enc,$str);
    warn $@ if $@;
    return $str;

sub new {
  my ($class, %args) = @_;
  bless \%args, $class;

sub start_document {
  my ($self,$hash) = @_;
  $self->{TargetDocument} ||= Treex::PML::Factory->createDocument();
  $self->{FSAttrs} ||= [];

sub end_document {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $FS =     Treex::PML::Factory->createFSFormat([
		     '@N ORD', '@H HIDE', '@K ID'

sub xml_decl {
  my ($self,$data) = @_;
  my $doc = $self->{TargetDocument};
  $doc->changeEncoding($data->{Encoding});# || 'iso-8859-2');
  $doc->changeMetaData('xmldecl_version' => $data->{Version});
  $doc->changeMetaData('xmldecl_standalone' => $data->{Standalone});

sub characters {
  # nothing to do so far

sub start_element {
  my ($self, $hash) = @_;
  my $elem = $hash->{Name};
  my $attr = $hash->{Attributes};
  my $target_doc = $self->{TargetDocument};
#  my %attr = map { $_->{Name} => $_->{Value} } values %$attr;

  # $elem eq 'tree' && do { } # nothing to do
  # $elem eq 'info' && do { } # nothing to do
  if ($elem eq 'meta') {

    $target_doc->changeMetaData($self->decode($attr->{'{}name'}->{Value}) =>

  } elsif ($elem eq 'types') {

#    $target_doc->changeMetaData('TrXML types/@full' => $self->decode($attr->{'{}full'}->{Value}))
#      if (exists($attr->{'{}full'}));

  } elsif ($elem eq 't') {

    my $atrname = $attr->{'{}n'}->{Value};
    my $v = exists($attr->{'{}v'}) ? $self->decode($attr->{'{}v'}->{Value}) : "";

    push @{$self->{FSAttrs}}, '@P '.$atrname;
    push @{$self->{FSAttrs}}, '@L '.$atrname.'|'.$v if ($v ne "");
    # d and m not implemented
  } elsif ($elem eq 'nd') {

    my $parent = $self->{Node};
    my $new;
    if ($parent) {
      $self->{Node} = $new = Treex::PML::Factory->createNode();
    } else {
      undef $parent;
      $self->{Tree} = $self->{TargetDocument}->new_tree($self->{TargetDocument}->lastTreeNo+1);
      $self->{Node} = $new = $self->{Tree};
    foreach (grep { !/^{}(?:n|h|id)$/ } keys %$attr) {
      $new->{$self->decode($attr->{$_}->{Name})} = $self->decode($attr->{$_}->{Value});
    $new->paste_on($parent,'ORD') if ($parent);
  } elsif ($elem eq 'trees' or $elem eq 'info') {
    # do nothing
  } else {
    die "Treex::PML::Backend::TrXML: unknown element $elem\n";

sub end_element {
  my ($self,$hash) = @_;

  if ($hash->{Name} eq 'nd') {
  } elsif ($hash->{Name} eq 'trees') {

sub entity_reference {

sub start_cdata { # not much use for this
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{InCDATA} = 1;

sub end_cdata { # not much use for this
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{InCDATA} = 0;

sub comment {
  my $self = $_[0];
  my $data = $_[1];
  if ($self->{Node}) {

sub doctype_decl { # not use for this, so far
  my ($self,$hash) = @_;
  foreach (qw(Name SystemId PublicId Internal)) {
    $self->{"DocType_$_"} = $hash->{$_};


=head1 NAME

Treex::PML::Backend::TrXML - I/O backend for XML representation of FS files


This module implements a Treex::PML input/output backend for a legacy
XML-based representation of the FS format used in Prague Dependency
Treebank 1.0.


use Treex::PML;

my $document = Treex::PML::Factory->createDocumentFromFile('input.xml');


Copyright (C) 2006-2010 by Petr Pajas

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
