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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 35;

my $module = 'Text::WikiFormat';
use_ok( $module ) or exit;

can_ok( $module, 'start_block' );
my $text =<<END_WIKI;
= heading =

	* unordered item
	1. ordered item

	  some code

a normal paragraph


sub fetchsub
	return $module->can( $_[0] );

my $tags = \%Text::WikiFormat::tags;
local *Text::WikiFormat::tags = $tags;

my $sb       = fetchsub( 'start_block' );
my ($result) = $sb->( '= heading =', $tags );

ok( $result->isa( 'Text::WikiFormat::Block::header' ),
	'start_block() should find headings' ) or diag "... it's a $result";
is( $result->level(), 0,               '... at the correct level' );

($result) = $sb->( '	* unordered item', $tags );

ok( $result->isa( 'Text::WikiFormat::Block::unordered' ),
	'start_block() should find unordered lists' ) or diag "... it's a $result";
is( $result->level(), 2,               '... at the correct level' );
is( join('', $result->text() ),
	'unordered item',                  '... with the correct text' );

($result) = $sb->( '	6. ordered item', $tags );

ok( $result->isa( 'Text::WikiFormat::Block::ordered' ),
	'start_block() should find ordered lists' ) or diag "... it's a $result";
is( $result->level(), 2,               '... at the correct level'  );
is( join('', $result->text()),
	'ordered item',                    '... with the correct text' );

($result) = $sb->( '	  some code', $tags );

ok( $result->isa( 'Text::WikiFormat::Block::code' ),
	'start_block() should find code' ) or diag "... it's a $result";
is( $result->level(), 0,               '... at the correct level'  );
is( join('', $result->text()),
	"some code",                     '... with the correct text' );

($result) = $sb->( 'paragraph', $tags );

ok( $result->isa( 'Text::WikiFormat::Block::paragraph' ),
	'start_block() should find paragraph' ) or diag "... it's a $result";
is( $result->level(), 0,               '... at the correct level'  );
is( join('', $result->text() ),
	'paragraph',                       '... with the correct text' );

can_ok( $module, 'merge_blocks' );
my $mb     = fetchsub( 'merge_blocks' );
my @result = $mb->([
	map { Text::WikiFormat::new_block( @$_ ) }
		[ 'code', text => 'a', level => 1 ],
 		[ 'code', text => 'b', level => 1 ],
is( @result, 1, 'merge_blocks() should merge identical blocks together' );
is_deeply( $result[0]{text}, [qw( a b )], '... merging their text' );

@result = $mb->([
	map { Text::WikiFormat::new_block( @$_ ) }
		[ 'unordered', text => 'foo', level => 1 ],
		[ 'unordered', text => 'bar', level => 1 ],
], $tags);
is( @result, 1,                              '... merging unordered blocks' );
is_deeply( $result[0]{text}, [qw( foo bar)], '... and their text' );

@result = $mb->([
	map { Text::WikiFormat::new_block( @$_ ) }
		[ 'ordered', text => 'foo', level => 2 ],
		[ 'ordered', text => 'bar', level => 3 ],
], $tags);
is( @result, 2, '... not merging blocks at different levels' );

can_ok( $module, 'process_blocks' );
my $pb     = fetchsub( 'process_blocks' );
my $nb     = fetchsub( 'nest_blocks'    );
my @opts   = ( tags => $tags, opts => {} );
my @blocks = map { Text::WikiFormat::new_block( @$_, @opts ) }
	[ 'header',    text => [ '' ], level => 0,
		args => [ '==', 'my header' ] ],
	[ 'end', text => [ '' ], level => 0, @opts ],
	[ 'paragraph', text => [qw( my lines of text )], 
		args => [], level => 0 ],
	[ 'end', text => [ '' ], level => 0, @opts ],
	[ 'ordered',   text => [qw( my ordered lines ), 
		'unordered', text => [qw( my unordered lines )], level => 3, 
		args => [], @opts
	], level => 2, args => [] ];

# it's hard to fake these up; this may be a bad test
$blocks[2]{args}          = [ [], [], [] ];
$blocks[4]{args}          = [ [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 5 ] ];
$blocks[4]{text}[3]{args} = [ [], [], [] ];

@result    = $pb->( \@blocks, $tags );

is( @result, 1, 'process_blocks() should return processed text' );
$result = $result[0];
like( $result, qr!<h2>my header</h2>!,               '... marking header' );
like( $result, qr!<p>my<br />.+text</p>\n!s,  '...  paragraph' );
like( $result, qr!<li value="2">my</li>.+5">lines!s, '... ordered list' );
like( $result, qr!<ul>\n<li>my</li>!m,               '... and unordered list' );
like( $result, qr!</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ol>!,       '... nesting properly' );

my $f          = fetchsub( 'format' );
my $fullresult = $f->(<<END_WIKI, $tags);
== my header ==


	2. my
	3. ordered
	5. lines
		* my
		* unordered
		* lines

is( $fullresult, $result, 'format() should give same results' );

$fullresult = $f->(<<END_WIKI, $tags);
= heading =

	* aliases can expire
		* use the Expires directive
		* no messages sent after the expiration date
	* aliases can be closed
		* use the Closed directive
		* messages allowed only from people on the list
	* aliases can auto-add people
		* use the Auto-add directive
		* anyone in the Cc line is added to the alias
		* they won't get duplicates
		* makes "just reply to alias" easier


like( $fullresult, qr!expire<ul>!, 'nested list should start immediately' );
like( $fullresult, qr!date</li>\n</ul>!, '... ending after last nested item' );

can_ok( $module, 'check_blocks' );

my @warnings;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
	push @warnings, shift;

my $cb = \&Text::WikiFormat::check_blocks;
my $newtags = {
	blocks     => { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1 },
	blockorder => [qw( bar baz )],
$cb->( $newtags );
my $warning = shift @warnings;
like( $warning, qr/No order specified for blocks 'foo'/,
	'check_blocks() should warn if block is not ordered' );

$newtags->{blockorder} = [ 'baz' ];
$cb->( $newtags );
$warning = shift @warnings;
ok( $warning =~ /foo/ && $warning =~ /bar/, '... for all missing blocks' )
	or diag( $warning );