A toolkit for manipulating population data is critical for population
geneticists, epidemiologists, evo-devo and others.

This proposal will outline basic set of objects which are useful for
manipulating population data.  Our primary driving force will be to
process the data generated from the SNP haplotype project.

Population Objects

Bio::Population namespace

Bio::Population::HaplotypeCohortI  a collection (likely) co-inherited
Bio::Population::HaplotypeI  -- a score for a particular haplotype
			        cohort or an individual
Bio::Population::GenotypeI   -- a score value for a marker for an individual 
Bio::Population::FrequencyI  -- an allele frequency in a Population
Bio::Population::PopulationI -- group of unrelated individuals
Bio::Population::PedigreeI   -- group of related individuals w/ relationships
Bio::Population::IndividualI -- a single identifiable entity with distinct
				genotypes for markers
Bio::Population::PhenotypeI  -- a trait associated with an individual 

A PedigreeI isa PopulationI
A PopulationI can contain other PopulationIs