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# -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl
# $Id$

use strict;

    use lib '.';
    use Bio::Root::Test;
    test_begin(-tests => 66);

my $verbose = test_debug();

my $treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-verbose => $verbose,
                              -format => 'nhx',
                              -file   => test_input_file('test.nhx'));
my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;

# tests for tags
ok ! $tree->has_tag('test');
is $tree->add_tag_value('test','a'), 1;
ok $tree->has_tag('test');
is $tree->add_tag_value('test','b'), 2;
my @tags = $tree->get_tag_values('test');
is scalar @tags, 2;
is scalar $tree->get_tag_values('test'), 'a', 'retrieve the first value';
is $tree->remove_tag('test2'), 0;
is $tree->remove_tag('test'), 1;
ok ! $tree->has_tag('test');
is $tree->set_tag_value('test',('a','b','c')), 3;
is $tree->remove_all_tags(), undef;
ok ! $tree->has_tag('test');

my @nodes = $tree->find_node('ADH2');
is(@nodes, 2,'Number of nodes that have ADH2 as name');

if( $verbose ) {
    $treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-verbose => $verbose,
                               -format => 'nhx',
    print "nodes are: \n",
    join(", ", map {  $_->id . ":". (defined $_->branch_length ? 
                                     $_->branch_length : '' ) } @nodes), "\n";

$treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick',
                           -file   => test_input_file('test.nh'));
$tree = $treeio->next_tree;

if( $verbose ) { 
    my $out = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'tabtree');

my @hADH = ( $tree->find_node('hADH1'),
             $tree->find_node('hADH2') );
my ($n4) = $tree->find_node('yADH4');

is($tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes    => \@hADH,
                          -outgroup => $n4),1,'Test Monophyly');

my @mixgroup = ( $tree->find_node('hADH1'),

my ($iADHX) = $tree->find_node('iADHX');

# test height
is($iADHX->height, 0,'Height');
isnt( $tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes   => \@mixgroup,
                             -outgroup=> $iADHX),1, 'non-monophyletic group');

# binary tree?
is $tree->is_binary, 0, 'not a binary tree';
is scalar $tree->get_nodes, 12, '12 nodes';
is $tree->is_binary, 1, 'after force_binary() it is';
is scalar $tree->get_nodes, 17, 'and there are more nodes (17)';

my $in = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick',
                          -fh     => \*DATA);
$tree = $in->next_tree;
my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = ( $tree->find_node('A'),

is($tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes => [$b,$c],
                          -outgroup => $d),1, 'B,C are Monophyletic');

is($tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes => [$b,$a],
                          -outgroup => $d),1,'A,B are Monophyletic');

$tree = $in->next_tree;
my ($e,$f,$i);
($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$i) = ( $tree->find_node('A'),
isnt( $tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes => [$b,$f],
                             -outgroup => $d),1,'B,F are not Monophyletic' );

is($tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes => [$b,$a],
                          -outgroup => $f),1, 'A,B are Monophyletic');

# test for paraphyly

isnt(  $tree->is_paraphyletic(-nodes => [$a,$b,$c],
                              -outgroup => $d), 1,'A,B,C are not Monophyletic w D as outgroup');

is(  $tree->is_paraphyletic(-nodes => [$a,$f,$e],
                            -outgroup => $i), 1, 'A,F,E are monophyletic with I as outgroup');

# test for rerooting the tree
my $out = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick', 
                           -fh => \*STDERR, 
                           -noclose => 1);
$tree = $in->next_tree;
$tree->verbose( -1 ) unless $verbose;
my $node_cnt_orig = scalar($tree->get_nodes);
# reroot on an internal node: should work fine
$a = $tree->find_node('A');
# removing node_count checks because re-rooting can change the
# number of internal nodes (if it is done correctly)
my $total_length_orig = $tree->total_branch_length;
is $tree->total_branch_length, $tree->subtree_length, 
    "subtree_length() without attributes is an alias to total_branch_lenght()";
cmp_ok($total_length_orig, '>',$tree->subtree_length($a->ancestor), 
       'Length of the tree is larger that lenght of a subtree');
$out->write_tree($tree) if $verbose;
is($tree->reroot($a),1, 'Can re-root with A as outgroup');
$out->write_tree($tree) if $verbose;
is($node_cnt_orig, scalar($tree->get_nodes), 'Count the number of nodes');
my $total_length_new = $tree->total_branch_length;
my $eps = 0.001 * $total_length_new; # tolerance for checking length
warn("orig total len ", $total_length_orig, "\n") if $verbose;
warn("new  total len ", $tree->total_branch_length,"\n") if $verbose;
# according to retree in phylip these branch lengths actually get larger
# go figure...
# this should be fixed now/maj
ok(($total_length_orig >= $tree->total_branch_length - $eps) &&
   ($total_length_orig <= $tree->total_branch_length + $eps),'same length');

# prob with below: rerooted tree on node A at line 146; so $a IS root
#/maj is($tree->get_root_node, $a->ancestor, "Root node is A's ancestor");
is($tree->get_root_node, $a, "Root node is A");

# former test expected the old behavior of reroot; here is the new
# test/maj
my $desc = ($a->each_Descendent)[0];
my $newroot = $desc->create_node_on_branch(-FRACTION=>0.5, -ANNOT=>{-id=>'newroot'});
is($tree->get_root_node, $a->ancestor, "Root node is A's ancestor");

# try to reroot on an internal, will result in there being 1 less node
# Rerooting should be an invariant operation with respect to node number!/maj
# the test show that it now is, because the secret removal of nodes 
# no longer occurs

$a = $tree->find_node('C')->ancestor;
$out->write_tree($tree) if $verbose;
is($tree->reroot($a),1, "Can reroot with C's ancsestor");
$out->write_tree($tree) if $verbose;
#/maj is($node_cnt_orig, scalar($tree->get_nodes), 'Check to see that node count is correct after an internal node was removed after this re-rooting');
# but we did add a new node at line 166, so
is($node_cnt_orig+1, scalar($tree->get_nodes), 'Node count correct');
warn("orig total len ", $total_length_orig, "\n") if $verbose;
warn("new  total len ", $tree->total_branch_length,"\n") if $verbose;
cmp_ok($total_length_orig, '>=', $tree->total_branch_length - $eps, 
       'Total original branch length is what it is supposed to be');
# branch length should also be invariant w/r to rerooting...
cmp_ok($total_length_orig, '<=',$tree->total_branch_length + $eps, 
       'Updated total branch length after the reroot');
# again, we rerooted ON THE NODE, so $a IS the root./maj
is($tree->get_root_node, $a, 'Make sure root is really what we asked for');

# try to reroot on new root: should fail
#/maj  $a = $tree->get_root_node;
isnt( $tree->reroot($a),1, 'Testing for failed re-rerooting');

# try a more realistic tree
$tree = $in->next_tree;
$a = $tree->find_node('VV');
$node_cnt_orig = scalar($tree->get_nodes);
$total_length_orig = $tree->total_branch_length;
$out->write_tree($tree) if $verbose;
is($tree->reroot($a),1, 'Test that rooting succeeded'); #mod /maj
$out->write_tree($tree) if $verbose;
# node number should be invariant after reroot/maj
is($node_cnt_orig, scalar($tree->get_nodes), 'Test that re-rooted tree has proper number of nodes after re-rooting'); #mod /maj
$total_length_new = $tree->total_branch_length;
$eps = 0.001 * $total_length_new;    # tolerance for checking length
cmp_ok($total_length_orig, '>=', $tree->total_branch_length - $eps, 'Branch length before rerooting');
cmp_ok($total_length_orig, '<=', $tree->total_branch_length + $eps, 
       'Branch length after rerooting');
is($tree->get_root_node, $a,'Root is really the ancestor we asked for'); #mod /maj

# BFS and DFS search testing
$treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-verbose => $verbose,
                           -format  => 'newick',
                           -file    => test_input_file('test.nh'));
$tree = $treeio->next_tree;
my ($ct,$n) = (0);
my $let = ord('A');
for $n (  $tree->get_leaf_nodes ) {

for $n ( grep {! $_->is_Leaf } $tree->get_nodes ) {
# enable for debugging
Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick')->write_tree($tree) if( $verbose );

my $BFSorder = join(",", map { $_->id } ( $tree->get_nodes(-order => 'b')));
is($BFSorder, '0,1,3,2,C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B', 'BFS traversal order');
my $DFSorder = join(",", map { $_->id } ( $tree->get_nodes(-order => 'd')));
is($DFSorder, '0,1,2,A,B,C,D,3,E,F,G,H', 'DFS travfersal order');

# test some Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionI methods
#find_node tested extensively already
$DFSorder = join(",", map { $_->id } ( $tree->get_nodes(-order => 'd')));
is($DFSorder, '0,1,2,A,B,C,D,3,E,F,G', 'DFS traversal after removing H');
$tree->splice(-remove_id => 'G');
$DFSorder = join(",", map { $_->id } ( $tree->get_nodes(-order => 'd')));
is($DFSorder, '0,1,2,A,B,C,D,3,E,F', 'DFS traversal after removing G');
$tree->splice(-remove_id => [('E', 'F')], -keep_id => 'F');
$DFSorder = join(",", map { $_->id } ( $tree->get_nodes(-order => 'd')));
# the node '3' is not explicitly removed, so it should still be there
# I suspect that it disappeared before was due to the previously
# automatic removal of internal degree 2 nodes../maj
is($DFSorder, '0,1,2,A,B,C,D,3,F', 'DFS traversal after removing E');
$tree->splice(-keep_id => [qw(0 1 2 A B C D)]);
$DFSorder = join(",", map { $_->id } ( $tree->get_nodes(-order => 'd')));
is($DFSorder, '0,1,2,A,B,C,D', 'DFS after removing all but 0,1,2,A,B,C,D');
#get_lineage_nodes, get_lineage_string, get_lca, merge_lineage, contract_linear_paths tested in Taxonomy.t

# try out the id to bootstrap copy method
$treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick',
                           -file   => test_input_file('bootstrap.tre'));
$tree = $treeio->next_tree;
my ($test_node) = $tree->find_node(-id => 'A');
is($test_node->ancestor->id, 90,'Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->id, '25','Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->ancestor->id, '0','Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->id, '','Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->bootstrap, '90', 'Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->id, '', 'Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->bootstrap, '25', 'Testing bootstrap copy');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->ancestor->bootstrap, '0','Testing bootstrap copy');

# change TreeIO to parse 
$treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick',
                           -file   => test_input_file('bootstrap.tre'),
                           -internal_node_id => 'bootstrap');
$tree = $treeio->next_tree;
($test_node) = $tree->find_node(-id => 'A');
is($test_node->ancestor->id, '','Testing auto-boostrap copy during parse');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->id, '',
   'Testing auto-boostrap copy during parse');
is($test_node->ancestor->bootstrap, '90',
   'Testing auto-boostrap copy during parse');
is($test_node->ancestor->ancestor->bootstrap, '25', 
   'Testing auto-boostrap copy during parse');

# return an empty array when no nodes are found
ok $tree = Bio::Tree::Tree->new();
@nodes = $tree->get_nodes;
is scalar @nodes, 0;
