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# -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl

use strict;
use warnings;

    use lib '.';
    use Bio::Root::Test;

    test_begin(-tests => 77);


my $obj = Bio::Root::IO->new();
ok defined($obj) && $obj->isa('Bio::Root::IO');

# tests for exceptions/debugging/verbosity

eval { $obj->throw('Testing throw') };
like $@, qr/Testing throw/, 'throw()'; # 'throw failed';

eval { $obj->throw('Testing throw') };
like $@, qr/Testing throw/, 'throw() verbose(-1)'; # 'verbose(-1) throw did not work properly' . $@;

eval { $obj->warn('Testing warn') };
ok !$@, 'warn()';

eval { $obj->throw('Testing throw') };
like $@, qr/Testing throw/, 'throw() verbose(1)'; # 'verbose(1) throw did not work properly' . $@;

my @stack = $obj->stack_trace();
is scalar @stack, 2, 'stack_trace()';

my $verbobj = Bio::Root::IO->new(-verbose=>1,-strict=>1);
is $verbobj->verbose(), 1, 'set verbosity to 1';

ok $obj->verbose(-1);

# tests for finding executables

ok(my $io = Bio::Root::IO->new());
# An executable file
my $test_file = 'test_file.txt';
open FILE, '>', $test_file or die "Could not write file '$test_file': $!\n";
print FILE 'test';
close FILE;
chmod 0777, $test_file or die "Could not change permission of file '$test_file': $!\n";
ok ($obj->exists_exe($test_file), 'executable file');
# A not executable file
chmod 0444, $test_file or die "Could not change permission of file '$test_file': $!\n";
ok (! $obj->exists_exe($test_file), 'non-executable file');
unlink $test_file or die "Could not delete file '$test_file': $!\n";
# An executable dir
my $test_dir = 'test_dir';
mkdir $test_dir or die "Could not write dir '$test_dir': $!\n";
chmod 0777, $test_dir or die "Could not change permission of dir '$test_dir': $!\n";
ok (! $obj->exists_exe($test_dir), 'executable dir');
rmdir $test_dir or die "Could not delete dir '$test_dir': $!\n";

# tests for handle read and write abilities

ok my $TESTINFILE = Bio::Root::IO->catfile(qw(t data test.waba));

my($handle,$file) = $obj->tempfile;
ok $handle;
ok $file;

#test with files

ok my $rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file=>$TESTINFILE);
is $rio->file, $TESTINFILE;
is $rio->mode, 'r', 'filename, read';

ok my $wio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file=>">$file");
is $wio->file, ">$file";
is $wio->mode, 'w', 'filename, write';

# test with handles

ok open(my $I, $TESTINFILE);
ok open(my $O, '>', $file);

ok $rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-fh=>$I);
is $rio->_fh, $I;
is $rio->mode, 'r', 'handle, read';

ok $wio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-fh=>$O);
is $wio->_fh, $O;
is $wio->mode, 'w', 'handle, write';

    my $tempfile = eval { require File::Temp; File::Temp->new }
       or skip 'could not create File::Temp object, maybe your File::Temp is 10 years old', 3;

    my $temp_io = Bio::Root::IO->new( -fh => $tempfile );
    isa_ok($temp_io, 'Bio::Root::IO');
    is $temp_io->mode, 'w', 'is a write handle';
    warnings_like sub { $temp_io->close }, '', 'no warnings in ->close call';

# tests _pushback for multi-line buffering

my $rio1 = 

my $line1 = $rio->_readline;
my $line2 = $rio->_readline;

ok $rio->_pushback($line2);
ok $rio->_pushback($line1);

my $line3 = $rio->_readline;
my $line4 = $rio->_readline;
my $line5 = $rio->_readline;

is $line1, $line3;
is $line2, $line4;
isnt $line5, $line4;

ok close($I);
ok close($O);

# test _print and _insert

ok my $fio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file=>">$file");
ok $fio->_print("line 1\n"), '_print';
ok $fio->_print("line 2\n");
ok $fio->_insert("insertion at line 2\n",2), '_insert at middle of file';
ok $fio->_print("line 3\n");
ok $fio->_print("line 4\n");

open my $checkio, '<', $file;
my @content = <$checkio>;
close $checkio;
is_deeply \@content, ["line 1\n","insertion at line 2\n","line 2\n","line 3\n","line 4\n"];

ok $fio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file=>">$file");
ok $fio->_insert("insertion at line 1\n",1), '_insert in empty file';

open $checkio, '<', $file;
@content = <$checkio>;
close $checkio;
is_deeply \@content, ["insertion at line 1\n"];

# test Win vs UNIX line ending

my $unix_rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file => test_input_file(''));
my $win_rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file => test_input_file(''));

for (1..5) {
    is($unix_rio->_readline, $win_rio->_readline);


# test Win vs UNIX line ending using PerlIO::eol

    test_skip(-tests => 5, -requires_module => 'PerlIO::eol');
    local $Bio::Root::IO::HAS_EOL = 1;
    my $unix_rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file => test_input_file(''));
    my $win_rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file => test_input_file(''));
    for (1..5) {
        is($unix_rio->_readline, $win_rio->_readline);

# test Path::Class support

    test_skip(-tests => 2, -requires_module => 'Path::Class');

    my $f = sub { Bio::Root::IO->new( -file => Path::Class::file(test_input_file('') ) ) };
    lives_ok(sub { $f->() } , 'Bio::Root::IO->new can handle a Path::Class object');
    isa_ok($f->(), 'Bio::Root::IO');

# tests http retrieval

  test_skip(-tests => 2, -requires_networking => 1);

  my $TESTURL = '';
  ok $rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-url=>$TESTURL), 'default -url method';
  $Bio::Root::IO::HAS_LWP = 0;
  lives_ok {$rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-url=>$TESTURL)};

# test -string

my $teststring = "Foo\nBar\nBaz";
ok $rio = Bio::Root::IO->new(-string =>$teststring), 'default -string method';

$line1 = $rio->_readline;
is($line1, "Foo\n");

$line2 = $rio->_readline;
is($line2, "Bar\n");

$line3 = $rio->_readline;
is($line3, "Bar\n");
$line3 = $rio->_readline;
is($line3, "Baz");

# test format() and variant()

my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(
   -file    => test_input_file('bug2901.fa'),
   -format  => "fasta",
is $in->format, 'fasta';
is $in->variant, undef;

$in = Bio::SeqIO->new(
   -file    => test_input_file('fastq', 'illumina_faked.fastq'),
   -format  => "fastq",
   -variant => 'illumina',
is $in->format, 'fastq';
is $in->variant, 'illumina';

$in = Bio::Assembly::IO->new(
   -file   => test_input_file('assembly_with_singlets.ace'),
is $in->format, 'ace';
is $in->variant, 'consed';