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MEME - Motif discovery tool
MEME version 3.0 (Release date: 2002/04/02 00:11:59)

For further information on how to interpret these results or to get
a copy of the MEME software please access

This file may be used as input to the MAST algorithm for searching
sequence databases for matches to groups of motifs.  MAST is available
for interactive use and downloading at

If you use this program in your research, please cite:

Timothy L. Bailey and Charles Elkan,
"Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover
motifs in biopolymers", Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, pp. 28-36,
AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, 1994.

DATAFILE= test.fasta
Sequence name            Weight Length  Sequence name            Weight Length  
-------------            ------ ------  -------------            ------ ------  
68723                    1.0000   2000  16939                    1.0000   2001  
20754                    1.0000   2001  6707                     1.0000   2000  
20755                    1.0000   2000  6700                     1.0000   2002  
20760                    1.0000   2000  20761                    1.0000   2000  
20762                    1.0000   2000  

This information can also be useful in the event you wish to report a
problem with the MEME software.

command: meme test.fasta -dna -nostatus -nmotifs 2 -minsites 8 -maxw 20 -revcomp 

model:  mod=         zoops    nmotifs=         2    evt=           inf
object function=  E-value of product of p-values
width:  minw=            8    maxw=           20    minic=        0.00
width:  wg=             11    ws=              1    endgaps=       yes
nsites: minsites=        8    maxsites=        9    wnsites=       0.8
theta:  prob=            1    spmap=         uni    spfuzz=        0.5
em:     prior=   dirichlet    b=            0.01    maxiter=        50
        distance=    1e-05
data:   n=           18004    N=               9
strands: + -
sample: seed=            0    seqfrac=         1
Letter frequencies in dataset:
A 0.295 C 0.205 G 0.205 T 0.295 
Background letter frequencies (from dataset with add-one prior applied):
A 0.295 C 0.205 G 0.205 T 0.295 

MOTIF  1	width =   20   sites =   8   llr = 147   E-value = 1.3e-002
	Motif 1 Description
Simplified        A  ::a1::931:6:348:1::1
pos.-specific     C  aa:::8:11841:331:139
probability       G  :::9::::63::84::3:8:
matrix            T  ::::a3161::9:::969::

         bits    2.3 **                  
                 2.1 **                  
                 1.8 *** *               
                 1.6 *****              *
Information      1.4 ******   * **  * ***
content          1.1 *******  * ** ** ***
(26.5 bits)      0.9 *******  **** ** ***
                 0.7 ******* ***** ******
                 0.5 ********************
                 0.2 ********************
                 0.0 --------------------

consensus                 T A GC AGC G C 
sequence                          C      

	Motif 1 sites sorted by position p-value
Sequence name            Strand  Start   P-value                    Site      
-------------            ------  ----- ---------            --------------------
20761                        +   1879  6.50e-13 TCTGATTAAG CCAGTCATGCATGGATTTGC ATTTTGGTTG
20760                        +   1875  6.50e-13 CCCAGTCACG CCAGTCATGCATGGATTTGC ATTTTGATTG
6700                         +   1100  2.27e-10 CCTGCTCATG CCAGTCATGGATAAATTTGC ATCTGGCTTA
20755                        +   1478  5.08e-10 CCCTGTCAGG CCAGTTATGGATGAATGTGC ACTTAANNNN
6707                         +   1431  6.11e-09 TCACACAGAT CCAGTCAATCCTGCCTGTCC ATCTCAATGA
20762                        +   1878  1.89e-08 CCTGGTTAGG CCAGTTAAACACAGATTTGC ATTTTGGTTA
16939                        -    914  2.01e-08 ACTTTTCCTT CCAATCATGCCTGCCCTTGA ACCCTATTGG
20754                        +   1175  6.73e-08 GCTCACCTTG CCAGTCTCCCCTGAATACCC TACATGCCCT

	Motif 1 block diagrams
-------------            ----------------  -------------
20761                             6.5e-13  1878_[+1]_102
20760                             6.5e-13  1874_[+1]_106
6700                              2.3e-10  1099_[+1]_883
20755                             5.1e-10  1477_[+1]_503
6707                              6.1e-09  1430_[+1]_550
20762                             1.9e-08  1877_[+1]_103
16939                               2e-08  913_[-1]_1068
20754                             6.7e-08  1174_[+1]_807

	Motif 1 in BLOCKS format
BL   MOTIF 1 width=20 seqs=8
20761                    ( 1879) CCAGTCATGCATGGATTTGC  1 
20760                    ( 1875) CCAGTCATGCATGGATTTGC  1 
6700                     ( 1100) CCAGTCATGGATAAATTTGC  1 
20755                    ( 1478) CCAGTTATGGATGAATGTGC  1 
6707                     ( 1431) CCAGTCAATCCTGCCTGTCC  1 
20762                    ( 1878) CCAGTTAAACACAGATTTGC  1 
16939                    (  914) CCAATCATGCCTGCCCTTGA  1 
20754                    ( 1175) CCAGTCTCCCCTGAATACCC  1 


	Motif 1 position-specific scoring matrix
log-odds matrix: alength= 4 w= 20 n= 17833 bayes= 11.1216 E= 1.3e-002 
  -965    229   -965   -965 
  -965    229   -965   -965 
   176   -965   -965   -965 
  -124   -965    210   -965 
  -965   -965   -965    176 
  -965    187   -965    -24 
   157   -965   -965   -124 
   -24    -71   -965    108 
  -124    -71    161   -124 
  -965    187     29   -965 
   108     87   -965   -965 
  -965    -71   -965    157 
   -24   -965    187   -965 
    34     29     87   -965 
   134     29   -965   -965 
  -965    -71   -965    157 
  -124   -965     29    108 
  -965    -71   -965    157 
  -965     29    187   -965 
  -124    210   -965   -965 

	Motif 1 position-specific probability matrix
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 20 n= 17833 E= 1.3e-002 
 0.000369  0.999007  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.000369  0.999007  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.999120  0.000255  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.125213  0.000255  0.874163  0.000369 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.000255  0.999120 
 0.000369  0.749319  0.000255  0.250057 
 0.874276  0.000255  0.000255  0.125213 
 0.250057  0.125099  0.000255  0.624589 
 0.125213  0.125099  0.624475  0.125213 
 0.000369  0.749319  0.249943  0.000369 
 0.624589  0.374787  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.000369  0.125099  0.000255  0.874276 
 0.250057  0.000255  0.749319  0.000369 
 0.374901  0.249943  0.374787  0.000369 
 0.749432  0.249943  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.000369  0.125099  0.000255  0.874276 
 0.125213  0.000255  0.249943  0.624589 
 0.000369  0.125099  0.000255  0.874276 
 0.000369  0.249943  0.749319  0.000369 
 0.125213  0.874163  0.000255  0.000369 

Time 75.70 secs.


MOTIF  2	width =   15   sites =   8   llr = 117   E-value = 1.2e+003
	Motif 2 Description
Simplified        A  :1a39:::::18:::
pos.-specific     C  ::::1:::8a:::::
probability       G  96:3::1:::::4::
matrix            T  13:5:a9a3:936aa

         bits    2.3          *     
                 2.1          *     
                 1.8   *  * * *   **
                 1.6 * *  * * *   **
Information      1.4 * * ******   **
content          1.1 * * *******  **
(21.0 bits)      0.9 * * ***********
                 0.7 *** ***********
                 0.5 ***************
                 0.2 ***************
                 0.0 ---------------

Multilevel           GGATATTTCCTATTT
consensus             T A    T  TG  
sequence                G           

	Motif 2 sites sorted by position p-value
Sequence name            Strand  Start   P-value                 Site    
-------------            ------  ----- ---------            ---------------
20762                        +   1845  2.62e-09 TCCAGGAACA GGATATTTCCTATTT TTGAGAGTCC
6700                         +   1068  2.62e-09 TTTCAGAACA GGATATTTCCTATTT TGAGTATCCT
20755                        +   1445  2.84e-08 GCCAAGGGTG GGATATTTTCTATTT TGTAGAGTCC
20754                        -    664  5.62e-08 TTTCTTAGAA GGAAATTTCCTTGTT CTCTTTCTAT
20761                        +    670  1.06e-07 GAAGAAAAAG GAAGATTTCCTAGTT AACAATTCAA
68723                        -   1925  5.26e-07 TTGCTTTCTT TGAGATGTCCTAGTT CACTCCTAAA
20760                        -    651  5.56e-07 TTTAAACTTG GTAAATTTTCTTTTT CTTCACATTT
16939                        -   1616  6.78e-07 TAGTTCAGTT GTATCTTTCCAATTT TGATGTTTGG

	Motif 2 block diagrams
-------------            ----------------  -------------
20762                             2.6e-09  1844_[+2]_141
6700                              2.6e-09  1067_[+2]_920
20755                             2.8e-08  1444_[+2]_541
20754                             5.6e-08  663_[-2]_1323
20761                             1.1e-07  669_[+2]_1316
68723                             5.3e-07  1924_[-2]_61
20760                             5.6e-07  650_[-2]_1335
16939                             6.8e-07  1615_[-2]_371

	Motif 2 in BLOCKS format
BL   MOTIF 2 width=15 seqs=8
20762                    ( 1845) GGATATTTCCTATTT  1 
6700                     ( 1068) GGATATTTCCTATTT  1 
20755                    ( 1445) GGATATTTTCTATTT  1 
20754                    (  664) GGAAATTTCCTTGTT  1 
20761                    (  670) GAAGATTTCCTAGTT  1 
68723                    ( 1925) TGAGATGTCCTAGTT  1 
20760                    (  651) GTAAATTTTCTTTTT  1 
16939                    ( 1616) GTATCTTTCCAATTT  1 


	Motif 2 position-specific scoring matrix
log-odds matrix: alength= 4 w= 15 n= 17878 bayes= 11.1253 E= 1.2e+003 
  -965   -965    210   -124 
  -124   -965    161    -24 
   176   -965   -965   -965 
   -24   -965     29     76 
   157    -71   -965   -965 
  -965   -965   -965    176 
  -965   -965    -71    157 
  -965   -965   -965    176 
  -965    187   -965    -24 
  -965    229   -965   -965 
  -124   -965   -965    157 
   134   -965   -965    -24 
  -965   -965     87    108 
  -965   -965   -965    176 
  -965   -965   -965    176 

	Motif 2 position-specific probability matrix
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 15 n= 17878 E= 1.2e+003 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.874163  0.125213 
 0.125213  0.000255  0.624475  0.250057 
 0.999120  0.000255  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.250057  0.000255  0.249943  0.499745 
 0.874276  0.125099  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.000255  0.999120 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.125099  0.874276 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.000255  0.999120 
 0.000369  0.749319  0.000255  0.250057 
 0.000369  0.999007  0.000255  0.000369 
 0.125213  0.000255  0.000255  0.874276 
 0.749432  0.000255  0.000255  0.250057 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.374787  0.624589 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.000255  0.999120 
 0.000369  0.000255  0.000255  0.999120 

Time 152.20 secs.



	Combined block diagrams: non-overlapping sites with p-value < 0.0001
-------------            ----------------  -------------
68723                            2.83e-04  473_[-1(8.43e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_35_[-1(3.15e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_9_[-1(7.89e-05)]_63_[-1(2.97e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_26_[+2(4.37e-06)]_46_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_6_[-1(7.97e-06)]_24_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_1_[-2(5.92e-05)]_279_[-1(8.43e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+2(5.60e-05)]_157_[-2(5.26e-07)]_61
16939                            3.50e-06  913_[-1(2.01e-08)]_682_[-2(6.78e-07)]_205_[+1(5.80e-05)]_146
20754                            1.05e-06  39_[-2(1.78e-05)]_4_[+1(4.78e-06)]_564_[-2(7.42e-05)]_6_[-2(5.62e-08)]_146_[+2(3.98e-05)]_335_[+1(6.73e-08)]_93_[+1(5.54e-05)]_694
6707                             2.26e-05  173_[+1(4.46e-05)]_655_[-2(5.60e-05)]_3_[+1(3.06e-06)]_12_[+1(4.78e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.93e-05)]_181_[-1(3.26e-05)]_251_[+1(6.11e-09)]_329_[+1(6.34e-05)]_201
20755                            5.26e-09  160_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_3_[+1(6.41e-06)]_219_[-1(4.80e-05)]_962_[+2(2.84e-08)]_18_[+1(5.08e-10)]_6_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_14_[+1(7.97e-06)]_83
6700                             2.48e-10  48_[+1(7.97e-06)]_267_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_129_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_3_[+1(4.41e-06)]_280_[+2(2.62e-09)]_17_[+1(2.27e-10)]_101_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+2(7.29e-05)]_[+1(6.41e-06)]_604_[-1(8.43e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_3
20760                            1.53e-10  259_[-1(6.20e-05)]_339_[-2(3.17e-05)]_17_[-2(5.56e-07)]_436_[-2(4.06e-05)]_7_[+1(2.95e-07)]_6_[-1(1.12e-05)]_705_[+1(6.50e-13)]_106
20761                            3.10e-11  397_[-2(1.10e-06)]_257_[+2(1.06e-07)]_382_[-2(5.60e-05)]_[+2(7.29e-05)]_[-1(3.24e-06)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_722_[+1(6.50e-13)]_102
20762                            1.72e-08  134_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_[+1(1.38e-05)]_92_[+2(9.22e-05)]_517_[+1(7.97e-06)]_7_[-1(4.78e-06)]_439_[+2(2.62e-09)]_18_[+1(1.89e-08)]_103


Stopped because nmotifs = 2 reached.

CPU: crick
