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package Bio::Root::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;
# According to Ovid, 'use base' can override signal handling, so use
# old-fashioned way. This should be a Test::Builder::Module subclass
# for consistency (as are any Test modules)
use Test::Most;
use Test::Builder;
use Test::Builder::Module;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use File::Spec;

our @ISA = qw(Test::Builder::Module);

# ABSTRACT: a common base for all Bioperl test scripts
# AUTHOR:   Sendu Bala <>
# OWNER:    Sendu Bala
# LICENSE:  Perl_5

# CONTRIBUTOR: Chris Fields <>


  use lib '.'; # (for core package tests only)
  use Bio::Root::Test;

  test_begin(-tests => 20,
             -requires_modules => [qw(IO::String XML::Parser)],
             -requires_networking => 1);

  my $do_network_tests = test_network();
  my $output_debugging = test_debug();

  # Bio::Root::Test rewraps Test::Most, so one can carry out tests with
  # Test::More, Test::Exception, Test::Warn, Test::Deep, Test::Diff syntax

  SKIP: {
    # these tests need version 2.6 of Optional::Module to work
    test_skip(-tests => 10, -requires_module => 'Optional::Module 2.6');

    # 9 other optional tests that need Optional::Module

  SKIP: {
    test_skip(-tests => 10, -requires_networking => 1);

    # 10 optional tests that require internet access (only makes sense in the
    # context of a script that doesn't use -requires_networking in the call to
    # &test_begin)

  # in unix terms, we want to test with a file t/data/input_file.txt
  my $input_file = test_input_file('input_file.txt');

  # we want the name of a file we can write to, that will be automatically
  # deleted when the test script finishes
  my $output_file = test_output_file();

  # we want the name of a directory we can store files in, that will be
  # automatically deleted when the test script finishes
  my $output_dir = test_output_dir();


This provides a common base for all BioPerl test scripts. It safely handles the
loading of Test::Most, itself a simple wrapper around several highly used test
modules: Test::More, Test::Exception, Test::Warn, Test::Deep, and Test::Diff. It
also presents an interface to common needs such as skipping all tests if
required modules aren't present or if network tests haven't been enabled. See

In the same way, it allows you to skip just a subset of tests for those same
reasons, in addition to requiring certain executables and environment variables.
See test_skip().

It also has two further methods that let you decide if network tests should be
run, and if debugging information should be printed. See test_network() and

Finally, it presents a consistent way of getting the path to input and output
files. See test_input_file(), test_output_file() and test_output_dir().


# TODO: Evil magic ahead; can we clean this up?

    my $Tester = Test::Builder->new;

    no warnings 'redefine';
    sub Test::Warn::_canonical_got_warning {
        my ($called_from, $msg) = @_;
        my $warn_kind = $called_from eq 'Carp' ? 'carped' : ($called_from =~ /Bio::/ ? 'Bioperl' : 'warn');

        my $warning;
        if ($warn_kind eq 'Bioperl') {
            ($warning) = $msg =~ /\n--------------------- WARNING ---------------------\nMSG: (.+)\n---------------------------------------------------\n$/m;
            $warning ||= $msg; # shouldn't ever happen
        else {
            my @warning_stack = split /\n/, $msg;   # some stuff of uplevel is included
            $warning = $warning_stack[0];

        return {$warn_kind => $warning}; # return only the real message

    sub Test::Warn::_diag_found_warning {
        my @warns = @_;
        foreach my $warn (@warns) {
            if (ref($warn) eq 'HASH') {
                   ${$warn}{carped}  ? $Tester->diag("found carped warning: ${$warn}{carped}")
                : (${$warn}{Bioperl} ? $Tester->diag("found Bioperl warning: ${$warn}{Bioperl}")
                : $Tester->diag("found warning: ${$warn}{warn}"));
            } else {
                $Tester->diag( "found warning: $warn" );
        $Tester->diag( "didn't find a warning" ) unless @warns;

    sub Test::Warn::_cmp_got_to_exp_warning {
        my ($got_kind, $got_msg) = %{ shift() };
        my ($exp_kind, $exp_msg) = %{ shift() };
        return 0 if ($got_kind eq 'warn') && ($exp_kind eq 'carped');

        my $cmp;
        if ($got_kind eq 'Bioperl') {
            $cmp = $got_msg =~ /^\Q$exp_msg\E$/;
        else {
            $cmp = $got_msg =~ /^\Q$exp_msg\E at \S+ line \d+\.?$/;

        return $cmp;

our @EXPORT = (@Test::Most::EXPORT,
               # Test::Warn method wrappers

               # BioPerl-specific

our $GLOBAL_FRAMEWORK = 'Test::Most';

=head2 test_begin

 Title   : test_begin
 Usage   : test_begin(-tests => 20);
 Function: Begin your test script, setting up the plan (skip all tests, or run
           them all)
 Returns : True if tests should be run.
 Args    : -tests               => int (REQUIRED, the number of tests that will
                                        be run)
           -requires_modules    => []  (array ref of module names that are
                                        required; if any don't load, all tests
                                        will be skipped. To specify a required
                                        version of a module, include the version
                                        number after the module name, separated
                                        by a space)
           -requires_module     => str (as above, but for just one module)
           -requires_networking => 1|0 (default 0, if true all tests will be
                                        skipped if network tests haven't been
                                        enabled in Build.PL)
           -requires_email      => 1   (if true the desired number of tests will
                                        be skipped if either network tests
                                        haven't been enabled in Build.PL or an
                                        email hasn't been entered)
           -excludes_os         => str (default none, if OS suppied, all tests
                                        will skip if running on that OS (eg.
           -framework           => str (default 'Test::Most', the Test module
                                        to load. NB: experimental, avoid using)

           Note, supplying -tests => 0 is possible, allowing you to skip all
           tests in the case that a test script is testing deprecated modules
           that have yet to be removed from the distribution


sub test_begin {
    my ($skip_all, $tests, $framework) = _skip(@_);
    $GLOBAL_FRAMEWORK = $framework;

    if ($framework eq 'Test::Most') {
        # ideally we'd delay loading Test::Most until this point, but see BEGIN
        # block

        if ($skip_all) {
            eval "plan skip_all => '$skip_all';";
        elsif (defined $tests && $tests == 0) {
            eval "plan skip_all => 'These modules are now probably deprecated';";
        elsif ($tests) {
            eval "plan tests => $tests;";

        return 1;
    # go ahead and add support for other frameworks here
    else {
        die "Only Test::Most is supported at the current time\n";

    return 0;

=head2 test_skip

 Title   : test_skip
 Usage   : SKIP: {
                   test_skip(-tests => 10,
                             -requires_module => 'Optional::Module 2.01');
                   # 10 tests that need v2.01 of Optional::Module
 Function: Skip a subset of tests for one of several common reasons: missing one
           or more optional modules, network tests haven't been enabled, a
           required binary isn't present, or an environmental variable isn't set
 Returns : n/a
 Args    : -tests               => int (REQUIRED, the number of tests that are
                                        to be skipped in the event one of the
                                        following options isn't satisfied)
           -requires_modules    => []  (array ref of module names that are
                                        required; if any don't load, the desired
                                        number of tests will be skipped. To
                                        specify a required version of a module,
                                        include the version number after the
                                        module name, separated by a space)
           -requires_module     => str (as above, but for just one module)
           -requires_executable => Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase instance
                                       (checks WrapperBase::executable for the
                                        presence of a binary, skips if absent)
           -requires_env        => str (checks %ENV for a specific env. variable,
                                        skips if absent)
           -excludes_os         => str (default none, if OS suppied, desired num
                                        of tests will skip if running on that OS
                                        (eg. 'mswin'))
           -requires_networking => 1   (if true the desired number of tests will
                                        be skipped if network tests haven't been
                                        enabled in Build.PL)
           -requires_email      => 1   (if true the desired number of tests will
                                        be skipped if either network tests
                                        haven't been enabled in Build.PL or an
                                        email hasn't been entered)


sub test_skip {
    my ($skip, $tests, $framework) = _skip(@_);
    $tests || die "-tests must be a number greater than 0";

    if ($framework eq 'Test::Most') {
        if ($skip) {
            eval "skip('$skip', $tests);";
    # go ahead and add support for other frameworks here
    else {
        die "Only Test::Most is supported at the current time\n";

=head2 test_output_file

 Title   : test_output_file
 Usage   : my $output_file = test_output_file();
 Function: Get the full path of a file suitable for writing to.
           When your test script ends, the file will be automatically deleted.
 Returns : string (file path)
 Args    : none


sub test_output_file {
    die "test_output_file takes no args\n" if @_;

    # RT 48813
    my $tmp = File::Temp->new();
    push(@TEMP_FILES, $tmp);
    close($tmp); # Windows needs this
    return $tmp->filename;

=head2 test_output_dir

 Title   : test_output_dir
 Usage   : my $output_dir = test_output_dir();
 Function: Get the full path of a directory suitable for storing temporary files
           When your test script ends, the directory and its contents will be
           automatically deleted.
 Returns : string (path)
 Args    : none


sub test_output_dir {
    die "test_output_dir takes no args\n" if @_;

    return tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);

=head2 test_input_file

 Title   : test_input_file
 Usage   : my $input_file = test_input_file();
 Function: Get the path of a desired input file stored in the standard location
           (currently t/data), but correct for all platforms.
 Returns : string (file path)
 Args    : list of strings (ie. at least the input filename, preceded by the
           names of any subdirectories within t/data)
           eg. for the file t/data/in.file pass 'in.file', for the file
           t/data/subdir/in.file, pass ('subdir', 'in.file')


sub test_input_file {
    return File::Spec->catfile('t', 'data', @_);

=head2 test_network

 Title   : test_network
 Usage   : my $do_network_tests = test_network();
 Function: Ask if network tests should be run.
 Returns : boolean
 Args    : none


sub test_network {

=head2 test_email

 Title   : test_email
 Usage   : my $do_network_tests = test_email();
 Function: Ask if email address provided
 Returns : boolean
 Args    : none


sub test_email {

=head2 test_debug

 Title   : test_debug
 Usage   : my $output_debugging = test_debug();
 Function: Ask if debugging information should be output.
 Returns : boolean
 Args    : none


sub test_debug {
    return $ENV{'BIOPERLDEBUG'} || 0;

=head2 float_is

 Title   : float_is
 Usage   : float_is($val1, $val2);
 Function: test two floating point values for equality
 Returns : Boolean based on test (can use in combination with diag)
 Args    : two scalar values (floating point numbers) (required via prototype)
           test message (optional)


sub float_is ($$;$) {
    my ($val1, $val2, $message) = @_;
    # catch any potential undefined values and directly compare
    if (!defined $val1 || !defined $val2) {
        is($val1, $val2 ,$message);
    } else {
        is(sprintf("%g",$val1), sprintf("%g",$val2),$message);

=head2 _skip

Decide if should skip and generate skip message

sub _skip {
    my %args = @_;

    # handle input strictly
    my $tests = $args{'-tests'};
    #(defined $tests && $tests =~ /^\d+$/) || die "-tests must be supplied and be an int\n";
    delete $args{'-tests'};

    my $req_mods = $args{'-requires_modules'};
    delete $args{'-requires_modules'};
    my @req_mods;
    if ($req_mods) {
        ref($req_mods) eq 'ARRAY' || die "-requires_modules takes an array ref\n";
        @req_mods = @{$req_mods};
    my $req_mod = $args{'-requires_module'};
    delete $args{'-requires_module'};
    if ($req_mod) {
        ref($req_mod) && die "-requires_module takes a string\n";
        push(@req_mods, $req_mod);

    my $req_net = $args{'-requires_networking'};
    delete $args{'-requires_networking'};

    my $req_email = $args{'-requires_email'};
    delete $args{'-requires_email'};

    my $req_env = $args{'-requires_env'};
    delete $args{'-requires_env'};

    # strip any leading $ in case someone passes $FOO instead of 'FOO'
    $req_env =~ s{^\$}{} if $req_env;

    my $req_exe = $args{'-requires_executable'};
    delete $args{'-requires_executable'};

    if ($req_exe && (!ref($req_exe) || !$req_exe->isa('Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase'))) {
        die "-requires_exe takes an argument of type Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase";

    my $os = $args{'-excludes_os'};
    delete $args{'-excludes_os'};

    my $framework = $args{'-framework'} || $GLOBAL_FRAMEWORK;
    delete $args{'-framework'};

    # catch user mistakes
    while (my ($key, $val) = each %args) {
        die "unknown argument '$key' supplied, did you mistake 'required...' for 'requires...'?\n";

    # test user requirments and return
    if ($os) {
        if ($^O =~ /$os/i) {
            return ('Not compatible with your Operating System', $tests, $framework);

    foreach my $mod (@req_mods) {
        my $skip = _check_module($mod);
        if ($skip) {
            return ($skip, $tests, $framework);

    if ($req_net && ! test_network()) {
        return ('Network tests have not been requested', $tests, $framework);

    if ($req_email && ! test_email()) {
        return ('Valid email not provided; required for tests', $tests, $framework);

    if ($req_exe) {
        my $eval = eval {$req_exe->executable};
        if ($@ or not defined $eval) {
            my $msg = 'Required executable for '.ref($req_exe).' is not present';
            return ($msg, $tests, $framework);

    if ($req_env && !exists $ENV{$req_env}) {
        my $msg = 'Required environment variable $'.$req_env. ' is not set';
        return ($msg, $tests, $framework);

    return ('', $tests, $framework);

=head2 _check_module


sub _check_module {
    my $mod = shift;

    my $desired_version;
    if ($mod =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
        $mod = $1;
        $desired_version = $2;

    eval "require $mod;";

    if ($@) {
        if ($@ =~ /Can't locate/) {
            return "The optional module $mod (or dependencies thereof) was not installed";
        else {
            return "The optional module $mod generated the following error: \n$@";
    elsif ($desired_version) {
        no strict 'refs';
        unless (defined ${"${mod}::VERSION"}) {
            return "The optional module $mod didn't have a version, but we want v$desired_version";
        elsif (${"${mod}::VERSION"} < $desired_version) {
            return "The optional module $mod was out of date (wanted v$desired_version)";

