Revision history for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodLoom

5.00   2013-11-13
	- Now compatible with Dist::Zilla 5 (but still works with 4)
	  Fixes RT#90330. (Thanks, Andreas Koenig.)

4.10   2011-12-12
	- PodLoom is now a FileFinderUser (defaulting to :InstallModules)

	  In most cases, this should not be an issue, but if you had
	  modules in the root directory, they won't be processed by
	  PodLoom anymore unless you override :InstallModules.

4.01   2011-10-15
	- Support custom bugtracker (require Pod::Loom 0.05)

4.00   2011-05-05
	- Fix compatibility with (and require) Dist::Zilla 4.200001+

3.02   2010-12-11
	- List Pod::Loom version in dumped config
	- Require latest Pod::Loom (0.04)

3.01   2010-12-01
	- For repository, prefer the 'web' key to the 'url' key

3.00   2010-05-22
	- Now compatible with (and requires) Dist::Zilla 3

0.08   2010-04-14
	- No longer distributed in Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-CJM

Prior to version 0.08, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodLoom was distributed as
part of Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-CJM.  This is the relevant history
from that distribution.  It includes only the changes made to PodLoom.

0.05   2010-03-30
	- Revised compile tests

0.02   2010-03-07
	- Added POD tests
	- Use the plugin's log method so the plugin name appears in the log
	- Define abstract, module, & version only if they
	  could be determined

0.01   2009-10-11
	- Initial release