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#! /usr/bin/perl
# Copyright 2011 Christopher J. Madsen
# Author: Christopher J. Madsen <>
# Created: 6 Oct 2011
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
# Test word wrapping in PostScript::File::Metrics

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More 0.88;            # want done_testing
use List::Util qw(sum);

use PostScript::File::Metrics ();

sub iName     () { 0 }
sub iText     () { 1 }
sub iExpected () { 2 }
sub iWarnings () { 3 }

my @tests = (
    "Basic test",
      "Basic test"
    "This is a long text to be wrapped on four lines",
      "This is a long",
      "text to be",
      "wrapped on",
      "four lines"
    "long hyphens",
    "This is-a long-text to be-wrapped with-hyphens",
      "This is\x{ad}a long\x{ad}",
      "text to be\x{ad}",
      "wrapped with\x{ad}",
    "long dashes",
    "This is\x{2013}a long\x{2014}text to be\x{2013}wrapped with\x{2014}dashes",
      "This is\x{2013}a long\x{2014}",
      "text to be\x{2013}",
      "wrapped with\x{2014}",
    "long slashes",
    "This is/a long/text to be/wrapped with/slashes",
      "This is/a long/",
      "text to be/",
      "wrapped with/",
    "This is\na long text\nwith\nnewlines to mark most of the places\n\nit should be wrapped.",
      "This is",
      "a long text",
      "newlines to",
      "mark most of",
      "the places",
      "it should be",
    "non-breaking spaces",
    "This is\240a long\240text to be\240wrapped with non-breaking spaces",
      "This is\x{a0}a",
      "long\x{a0}text to",
      "with non\x{ad}",
    "negative numbers",
    "This is -123456789 -987654321 -12\x{2212} -34\x{2212} -56\x{2212} -78\x{2212} -90\x{2212} -1234567890",
      "This is",
      "\x{2212}12\x{2212} \x{2212}34\x{2212}",
      "\x{2212}56\x{2212} \x{2212}78\x{2212}",
    "zero-width space",
    "maxlines 1",
      "This is a long text to be wrapped on only one line",
        maxlines => 1,
        quiet => 1
      "This is a long text to be wrapped on only one line"
    "maxlines 3",
      "This is a long text to be wrapped on only three lines",
        maxlines => 3,
        quiet => 1
      "This is a long",
      "text to be",
      "wrapped on only three lines"
    "maxlines 3 not quiet",
      "This is a long text to be wrapped on only three lines",
        maxlines => 3
      "This is a long",
      "text to be",
      "wrapped on only three lines"
      "'wrapped on only three lines' is too wide (122.28) for field width 72"
    "ends with newline",
    "newline after\n",
      "newline after"
    "only at whitespace",
      "This is-a long-text to be-wrapped with-hyphens",
        chars => ""
      "This is\x{ad}a",
      "long\x{ad}text to",
    "word too long",
    "ThisWordIsTooLongToWrapAnywhere so it warns.",
      "so it warns."
      "ThisWordIsTooLongToWrapAnywhere is too wide (170.05) for field width 72"
); # end @tests

# Capture warning messages:

my @warnings;

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0] };

my $generateResults;

if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'gen') {
  # Just output the actual results, so they can be diffed against this file
  $generateResults = 1;
} else {
  my $warnings = sum(map { $_ ? scalar @$_ : 0 } map { $_->[iWarnings] } @tests);
  plan tests => 2 * @tests + $warnings;

my $metrics = PostScript::File::Metrics->new(qw(Helvetica 10 cp1252));

for my $test (@tests) {
  @warnings = ();
  my @got = (ref $test->[iText]
             ? $metrics->wrap(72, @{ $test->[iText] })
             : $metrics->wrap(72,    $test->[iText] ));

  if ($generateResults) {
    $test->[iExpected] = \@got;
    if (@warnings) {
      s/ at \S*55-wrapping\.t.*//s or die for @warnings;
      $test->[iWarnings] = [ @warnings ];
    } else {
      pop @$test if $test->[iWarnings];
  } else {
    is_deeply(\@got, @$test[iExpected, iName]);
    if (my $w = $test->[iWarnings]) {
      is(scalar @warnings, scalar @$w, "$test->[iName] warnings");
      for my $i (0 .. $#$w) {
        like($warnings[$i], qr/^\Q$w->[$i] at /, "$test->[iName] warning $i");
    } else {
      is(scalar @warnings, 0, "$test->[iName] no warnings");
} # end for each $test in @tests

if ($generateResults) {
  require Data::Dumper;

  my $d = Data::Dumper->new([ \@tests ], ['*tests'])
  $d =~ s/\]\n\);\n\z/],\n); # end \@tests\n/;

  open(my $out, '>:utf8', '/tmp/55-wrapping.t') or die $!;
  print $out "my $d";
} else {

# Local Variables:
# compile-command: "perl 55-wrapping.t gen"
# End: