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#! /usr/bin/perl
# Copyright 2009 Christopher J. Madsen
# Author: Christopher J. Madsen <>
# Created: 28 Oct 2009
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
# Test the structure and output of a complex report

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Encode qw(find_encoding);

# Load Test::Differences, if available:
  # SUGGEST PREREQ: Test::Differences
  if (eval "use Test::Differences; 1") {
    # Not all versions of Test::Differences support changing the style:
    eval { Test::Differences::unified_diff() }
  } else {
    *eq_or_diff = \&is;         # Just use "is" instead
} # end BEGIN

my $generateResults = '';

if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'gen') {
  # Just output the actual results, so they can be diffed against this file
  $generateResults = 1;
  open(OUT, '>', '/tmp/30-output.t') or die $!;
  printf OUT "#%s\n\n__DATA__\n", '=' x 69;
} elsif (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'ps') {
  $generateResults = 'ps';
  open(OUT, '>', '/tmp/') or die $!;
} else {
  plan tests => 6;

require PostScript::Report;

sub dumpReport
  my ($rpt) = @_;

  my $output = '';
  open (my $out, '>', \$output);
  select $out;
  select STDOUT;
  $output =~ s/ +$//mg;         # Remove trailing space

} # end dumpReport

my $cp1252 = find_encoding('cp1252');

# Define a Value::Constant with a blank string:
my $blank = \'';

my $desc = {
  fonts => {
    label     => 'Helvetica-6',
    text      => 'Helvetica-9',
    boldText  => 'Helvetica-Bold-9',
    pageNum   => 'Helvetica-8',
    bottomRow => 'Helvetica-6',
    disclaimerText => 'Helvetica-Bold-8',

  ps_parameters => { strip => 'all_comments' },

  font       => 'text',
  label_font => 'label',
  align      => 'center',

  padding_bottom => 4,
  padding_side   => 3,

  landscape     => 1,
  top_margin    => 25,
  left_margin   => 20,
  right_margin  => 20,
  bottom_margin => 25,
  row_height    => 22,

  default_field_type => 'FieldTL',

  stripe => [ 1, '#fa4' ],

  # The report_header is one line with text fields left, center, & right.
  # All values are constant.
  report_header => [
    HBox => { border => 0,
              font => 'boldText',
              height => 12,
              padding_side   => 0,
              _default => 'Field', # override default_field_type
    { width  => 200,
      align  => 'left',
      value  => \'AIRPLANE COMPONENT FIXING INC.' },
    { width  => 351,
      value  => \'WORK ORDER' },
    { width  => 200,
      align  => 'right',
      value  => \'F.A.A REPAIR STATION NO. L3PF428Q' },

  # The page_header is fairly complex.
  # The Material Type field spans rows 2 and 3.
  page_header => [
    # This HBox is row 1 of the header:
    [ { label => 'Customer Name:',
        value => 'custName',
        width => 160 },
      { label => 'Part Number Received:',
        value => 'partNumReceived',
        width => 146 },
      { label => 'Serial Number Received:',
        value => 'serialNumReceived',
        width => 156 },
      { label => 'Installed On:',
        value => 'installedOn',
        align => 'left',
        width => 130 },
      { label => 'Location:',
        value => 'location',
        width => 54 },
      { label => 'Work Order#:',
        value => 'workOrder',
        font  => 'boldText',
        width => 105 },
    # This HBox contains rows 2 & 3, because Material Type is 2 rows high:
      # This VBox is the left hand side of rows 2 & 3:
        # This HBox is the left hand side of row 2:
        [ { label => 'Part Description:',
            value => 'partDesc',
            width => 160 },
          { label => 'Part Number Returned:',
            value => 'partNumReturned',
            width => 146 },
          { label => 'Serial Number Returned:',
            value => 'serialNumReturned',
            width => 156 },
        ], # end row 2 left
        # This HBox is the left hand side of row 3:
        [ { label => 'Date Received:',
            value => 'dateReceived',
            width => 69 },
          { label => 'RO Due Date:',
            value => 'roDueDate',
            width => 91 },
          { label => 'Repair/Overhaul Per:',
            value => 'repairPer',
            align => 'left',
            width => 302 },
        ] ], # end rows 2 & 3 left
      # This field is two rows high:
      { label => 'Material Type:',
        value => 'materialType',
        align => 'left',
        height    => 44,
        multiline => 1,
        width => 130 },
      # This VBox is the right hand side of rows 2 & 3:
        # Don't need an HBox for row 2 right; it's only one field:
        { label => 'Customer Order Number:',
          value => 'custOrderNum',
          width => 159 },
        # This HBox is the right hand side of row 3:
        [ { label => 'Part Verified By:',
            value => 'verifiedBy',
            width => 80 },
          { label => 'Revised Due Date:',
            value => 'revisedDueDate',
            width => 79 },
        ] ], # end rows 2 & 3 right
    ], # end rows 2 & 3
  ], # end page_header

  columns => {
    header => {
      font           => 'boldText',
      height         => 19,
      padding_bottom => 6,
    detail => {
      height         => 19,
      padding_bottom => 6,
    data => [
      [ 'SEQ#' => 29 ],
      [ 'STA#' => 40 ],
      [ 'REPAIR SCOPE' => 450, { align => 'left'}, { align => 'left'} ],
      [ MECHANIC => 73 ],
      [ INSPECTOR => 80 ],
      # The DATE column is filled in by hand after printing.  We'll
      # use a Spacer in the detail section so we don't need a blank
      # column in each row.  (Note: If this weren't the last column,
      # we'd also need to pass a fake value to the Spacer to tell the
      # builder not to increment the column number.)
      [ DATE => 79, undef, { _class => 'Spacer' } ],
  }, # end columns

  # The footer is also a bit complex:
  page_footer => [
    # We don't want a border around the whole footer:
    VBox => { border => 0 },
    # The first row is just one component:
    { _class => 'Field',
      font   => 'disclaimerText',
      value  => \'The component identified above was repaired/overhauled/inspected IAW current federal aviation regulations and in respect to that work, was found airworthy for return to service.',
    # The second row is filled in by hand, so the values are blank:
    [ HBox => { border => 1 },
      { label => 'Inspector',
        value => $blank,
        width => 339 },
      { label => 'Final Inspection Stamp',
        value => $blank,
        width => 154 },
      { label => 'Date',
        value => $blank,
        width => 258 },
    # The third row includes the page number and checkboxes:
    [ HBox => {
        border => 1,
        height => 14,
        font => 'bottomRow',
        padding_side => 0,
        _default => 'Field',
      # This HBox exists just to set parameters on its children:
      [ HBox => { border => 0, font  => 'pageNum' },
        { value => \'42410-1',
          width => 57 },
        { _class => 'Spacer',
          width  => 14 },
        { align => 'left',
          value => { _class => 'Page', value => 'Page(s): %n OF %t' },
          width => 377 },
      # This HBox exists just to set parameters on its children:
      [ HBox => { border => 0, padding_bottom => 6, padding_side => 2 },
        { align => 'right',
          value => \'ML',
          width => 10 },
        { align => 'right',
          value => \'FXN-',
          width => 53 },
        { align => 'left',
          value => 'FXN',
          width => 28 },
        { align => 'right',
          value => \'AP',
          width => 17 },
        { _class => 'Checkbox',
          value => 'AP',
          padding_bottom => 3,
          width => 20 },
        { align => 'right',
          value => \'BP',
          width => 20 },
        { _class => 'Checkbox',
          value => 'BP',
          padding_bottom => 3,
          width => 20 },
        { align => 'right',
          value => \'Photo',
          width => 45 },
        { align => 'left',
          value => 'photo',
          width => 28 },
        { align => 'right',
          value => \'QTY',
          width => 35 },
        { align => 'left',
          value => 'qty',
          width => 27 },
    ], # end third row of page_footer
  ], # end page_footer

my $data = {
  'custName'          => 'IMAGINARY AIRWAYS',
  'partNumReceived'   => '957X1427-3',
  'serialNumReceived' => '-45',
  'installedOn'       => '797',
  'location'          => 'A1',
  'workOrder'         => '68452-8',
  'partDesc'          => 'TURBOFAN',
  'partNumReturned'   => '957X1427-3',
  'serialNumReturned' => 'N/A',
  'materialType'      => 'FOO BAR 123 AND SOME MORE WORDS TO MAKE IT WRAP NOW',
  'custOrderNum'      => '8452647',
  'dateReceived'      => '05/06/2009',
  'roDueDate'         => '05/06/2009',
  'repairPer'         => 'REPAIR PER B797 CMM 47-42-96 REV 40 DATED 07MAY2009',
  'verifiedBy'        => '951',
  'revisedDueDate'    => '',
  AP                  => 0,
  BP                  => 1,
  FXN                 => 0,
  photo               => 6,
  qty                 => 1,

my $ldquo = chr(0x201C);
my $rdquo = chr(0x201D);
my $mdash = chr(0x2014);

my $rows = [
  [  1, 'I1', 'INSPECT, PN & SN VERIFIED', 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [  3, 'I1', "${ldquo}Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this", 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [  4, 'I1', 'continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the ', 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [  5, 'I1', 'proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in ', 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [  6, 'I1', 'a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so ', 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [  7, 'I1', 'conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great ', 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [  8, 'S1', 'battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [  9, 'W1', 'that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their ', '', '' ],
  [ 10, 'W1', 'lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 11, 'W1', 'proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 12, 'W1', 'dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 13, 'W1', 'The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 14, 'W1', 'it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 15, 'W1', 'little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never ', '', '' ],
  [ 16, 'P1', 'forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 17, 'P1', 'dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 18, 'P1', 'have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 19, 'P1', "dedicated to the great task remaining before us${mdash}that from these ", '', '' ],
  [ 20, 'P1', 'honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which ', '', '' ],
  [ 21, 'F1', "they gave the last full measure of devotion${mdash}that we here highly", 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],
  [ 22, 'P1', 'resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 23, 'P1', 'nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 24, 'S1', 'government of the people, by the people, for the people shall ', '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 25, 'SR', "not perish from the earth.$rdquo", '', 'XXXXXXXX' ],
  [ 26, 'I1', "${mdash}Abraham Lincoln", 'XXXXXXXX', '' ],

my $startingPos = tell(DATA);

my $rpt = PostScript::Report->build($desc);

checkResults(dumpReport($rpt), 'structure after build');

$rpt->run($data, $rows);

# Use sanitized output (unless $generateResults eq 'ps'):
my $ps = $rpt->ps->testable_output($generateResults eq 'ps');

$ps =~ s/(procset PostScript__Report\S*) \d+\.\d+ 0/$1 0 0/g;

checkResults($ps, 'generated PostScript');

checkResults(dumpReport($rpt), 'structure after run');

# Now try it again using the default value for label_font:
# We should get the same results, except for the extra_styles being
# absent in the dump output.

unless ($generateResults) {
  seek(DATA, $startingPos, 0) or die "seek failed: $!";

  delete $desc->{label_font};
  delete $desc->{fonts}{label};

  $rpt = PostScript::Report->build($desc);

  checkResults(dumpReport($rpt), 'structure after rebuild', 1);

  $rpt->run($data, $rows);

  # Use sanitized output (unless $generateResults eq 'ps'):
  my $ps = $rpt->ps->testable_output($generateResults eq 'ps');

  $ps =~ s/(procset PostScript__Report\S*) \d+\.\d+ 0/$1 0 0/g;

  checkResults($ps, 'regenerated PostScript');

  checkResults(dumpReport($rpt), 'structure after second run', 1);
} # end unless $generateResults

sub checkResults
  my ($got, $name, $removeLabelFont) = @_;

  if ($generateResults) {
    # Write out the actual results:
    if ($generateResults eq 'ps') {
      print OUT $got if $name eq 'generated PostScript';
    } else {
      print OUT "$got---\n";
  } else {
    # Read expected results from DATA:
    my $expected = '';
    while (<DATA>) {
      last if $_ eq "---\n";
      $expected .= $_;

    $expected =~ s/^extra_styles:\n\s+label_font\s*: Helvetica-iso 6\n//m
        if $removeLabelFont;

    $_ = $cp1252->decode($_) for $got, $expected;

    # And compare it:
    eq_or_diff($got, $expected, $name);
  } # end else running tests
} # end checkResults


align         : center
border        : 1
detail_background: CODEREF
  label_font    : Helvetica-iso 6
first_footer  : page
font          : Helvetica-iso 9
footer_align  : bottom
line_width    : 0.5
padding_bottom: 4
padding_side  : 3
  strip         : all_comments
row_height    : 22
paper_size    : Letter
landscape     : 1
top_margin    : 25
bottom_margin : 25
left_margin   : 20
right_margin  : 20

    border        : 0
    font          : Helvetica-Bold-iso 9
    height        : 12
    padding_side  : 0
        align         : left
        value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
          value         : AIRPLANE COMPONENT FIXING INC.
        width         : 200
        value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
          value         : WORK ORDER
        width         : 351
        align         : right
        value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
          value         : F.A.A REPAIR STATION NO. L3PF428Q
        width         : 200

            label         : Customer Name:
            value         : custName
            width         : 160
            label         : Part Number Received:
            value         : partNumReceived
            width         : 146
            label         : Serial Number Received:
            value         : serialNumReceived
            width         : 156
            align         : left
            label         : Installed On:
            value         : installedOn
            width         : 130
            label         : Location:
            value         : location
            width         : 54
            font          : Helvetica-Bold-iso 9
            label         : Work Order#:
            value         : workOrder
            width         : 105
                    label         : Part Description:
                    value         : partDesc
                    width         : 160
                    label         : Part Number Returned:
                    value         : partNumReturned
                    width         : 146
                    label         : Serial Number Returned:
                    value         : serialNumReturned
                    width         : 156
                    label         : Date Received:
                    value         : dateReceived
                    width         : 69
                    label         : RO Due Date:
                    value         : roDueDate
                    width         : 91
                    align         : left
                    label         : Repair/Overhaul Per:
                    value         : repairPer
                    width         : 302
            align         : left
            height        : 44
            label         : Material Type:
            multiline     : 1
            value         : materialType
            width         : 130
                label         : Customer Order Number:
                value         : custOrderNum
                width         : 159
                    label         : Part Verified By:
                    value         : verifiedBy
                    width         : 80
                    label         : Revised Due Date:
                    value         : revisedDueDate
                    width         : 79
        font          : Helvetica-Bold-iso 9
        height        : 19
        padding_bottom: 6
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         : SEQ#
            width         : 29
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         : STA#
            width         : 40
            align         : left
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         : REPAIR SCOPE
            width         : 450
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         : MECHANIC
            width         : 73
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         : INSPECTOR
            width         : 80
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         : DATE
            width         : 79

    height        : 19
    padding_bottom: 6
        value         : 0
        width         : 29
        value         : 1
        width         : 40
        align         : left
        value         : 2
        width         : 450
        value         : 3
        width         : 73
        value         : 4
        width         : 80
        width         : 79

    border        : 0
        font          : Helvetica-Bold-iso 8
        value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
          value         : The component identified above was repaired/overhauled/inspected IAW current federal aviation regulations and in respect to that work, was found airworthy for return to service.
        border        : 1
            label         : Inspector
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         :
            width         : 339
            label         : Final Inspection Stamp
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         :
            width         : 154
            label         : Date
            value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
              value         :
            width         : 258
        border        : 1
        font          : Helvetica-iso 6
        height        : 14
        padding_side  : 0
            border        : 0
            font          : Helvetica-iso 8
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : 42410-1
                width         : 57
                width         : 14
                align         : left
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Page
                  value         : Page(s): %n OF %t
                width         : 377
            border        : 0
            padding_bottom: 6
            padding_side  : 2
                align         : right
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : ML
                width         : 10
                align         : right
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : FXN-
                width         : 53
                align         : left
                value         : FXN
                width         : 28
                align         : right
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : AP
                width         : 17
                padding_bottom: 3
                value         : AP
                width         : 20
                align         : right
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : BP
                width         : 20
                padding_bottom: 3
                value         : BP
                width         : 20
                align         : right
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : Photo
                width         : 45
                align         : left
                value         : photo
                width         : 28
                align         : right
                value         : PostScript::Report::Value::Constant
                  value         : QTY
                width         : 35
                align         : left
                value         : qty
                width         : 27
%%Orientation: Landscape
%%+ font Courier-Bold Helvetica Helvetica-Bold
%%+ procset PostScript__Report 0 0
%%+ procset PostScript__Report__Checkbox 0 0
%%+ procset PostScript__Report__Field 0 0
%%+ procset PostScript__Report__FieldTL 0 0
%%Title: (Report)
%%Pages: 2
%%PageOrder: Ascend
%%BeginResource: procset PostScript__Report 0 0
/db0 { 5 { pop } repeat } bind def
/db1 { gsave setlinewidth drawBox grestore } bind def
/boxLT { 3 index  3 index } bind def
/boxRT { 1 index  3 index } bind def
/boxLB { 3 index  1 index } bind def
/boxRB { 2 copy           } bind def
/bdrB { gsave setlinewidth } bind def
/bdrE {
lineto stroke
pop pop pop pop
} bind def
/dbT { bdrB  boxLT moveto  boxRT bdrE } bind def
/dbB { bdrB  boxLB moveto  boxRB bdrE } bind def
/dbL { bdrB  boxLT moveto  boxLB bdrE } bind def
/dbR { bdrB  boxRT moveto  boxRB bdrE } bind def
/dbTB { 5 copy  dbT dbB } bind def
/dbLR { 5 copy  dbL dbR } bind def
/dbTL { bdrB  boxRT moveto  boxLT lineto  boxLB bdrE } bind def
/dbTR { bdrB  boxLT moveto  boxRT lineto  boxRB bdrE } bind def
/dbBL { bdrB  boxRB moveto  boxLB lineto  boxLT bdrE } bind def
/dbBR { bdrB  boxLB moveto  boxRB lineto  boxRT bdrE } bind def
/dbTLR { bdrB  boxLB moveto  boxLT lineto  boxRT lineto  boxRB bdrE } bind def
/dbBLR { bdrB  boxLT moveto  boxLB lineto  boxRB lineto  boxRT bdrE } bind def
/dbTBL { bdrB  boxRT moveto  boxLT lineto  boxLB lineto  boxRB bdrE } bind def
/dbTBR { bdrB  boxLT moveto  boxRT lineto  boxRB lineto  boxLB bdrE } bind def
%%BeginResource: procset PostScript__Report__Checkbox 0 0
0  2 index
dup  0
600 div  dup  scale
75 257 moveto
219 90 lineto
292 240 382 377 526 508 curveto
418 447 299 331 197 188 curveto
{ pop } ifelse
} bind def
%%BeginResource: procset PostScript__Report__Field 0 0
/Field { gsave  4 copy  clipBox  8 4 roll setfont } bind def
/Field-C { Field showCenter grestore } bind def
/Field-L { Field showLeft   grestore } bind def
/Field-R { Field showRight  grestore } bind def
%%BeginResource: procset PostScript__Report__FieldTL 0 0
4 copy clipBox
3 index
7 -1 roll add
3 index
7 -1 roll sub
7 -1 roll showLeft
5 -1 roll setfont
2 index
8 -1 roll sub
4 index
3 index
3 -1 roll
8 -1 roll
3 copy
14 -1 roll
4 2 roll
12 index
12 index cvx exec
9 index sub
} repeat
pop pop pop
7 -3 roll
pop pop pop
} def
/FieldTL-C {
add 2 div
3 1 roll
} def
/FieldTL-L {
exch pop add
3 1 roll
} def
/FieldTL-R {
sub exch pop
3 1 roll
} def
/fnA /Helvetica-Bold-iso findfont 9 scalefont def
/fnB /Helvetica-iso findfont 6 scalefont def
/fnC /Helvetica-Bold-iso findfont 8 scalefont def
/fnD /Helvetica-iso findfont 8 scalefont def
/fnE /Helvetica-iso findfont 9 scalefont def
%%Page: 1 1
%%PageBoundingBox: 25 20 587 772
/pagelevel save def
userdict begin
20 579
fnA 20 587 220 575 Field-L 0.5 db0
395.5 579
fnA 220 587 571 575 Field-C 0.5 db0
771 579
fnA 571 587 771 575 Field-R 0.5 db0
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Customer Name:)
3 6 20 575 180 553 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Part Number Received:)
3 6 180 575 326 553 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Serial Number Received:)
3 6 326 575 482 553 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-L 1 fnE
(Installed On:)
3 6 482 575 612 553 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
3 6 612 575 666 553 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnA
(Work Order#:)
3 6 666 575 771 553 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
20 575 771 553 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Part Description:)
3 6 20 553 180 531 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Part Number Returned:)
3 6 180 553 326 531 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Serial Number Returned:)
3 6 326 553 482 531 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
20 553 482 531 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Date Received:)
3 6 20 531 89 509 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(RO Due Date:)
3 6 89 531 180 509 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
(REPAIR PER B797 CMM 47-42-96 REV 40 DATED 07MAY2009)
9 3 15 /FieldTL-L 1 fnE
(Repair/Overhaul Per:)
3 6 180 531 482 509 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
20 531 482 509 0.5 db1
20 553 482 509 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-L 3 fnE
(Material Type:)
3 6 482 553 612 509 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Customer Order Number:)
3 6 612 553 771 531 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
(Part Verified By:)
3 6 612 531 692 509 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
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(“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this)
fnE 89 452 539 433 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 439
fnE 539 452 612 433 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 439
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92 420
(continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the )
fnE 89 433 539 414 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 420
fnE 539 433 612 414 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 420
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(proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in )
fnE 89 414 539 395 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 401
fnE 539 414 612 395 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 401
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(a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so )
fnE 89 395 539 376 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 382
fnE 539 395 612 376 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 382
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34.5 363
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69 363
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(conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great )
fnE 89 376 539 357 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 363
fnE 539 376 612 357 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 363
fnE 612 376 692 357 Field-C 0.5 db1
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34.5 344
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(battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of )
fnE 89 357 539 338 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 344
fnE 539 357 612 338 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 344
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(that field as a final resting­place for those who here gave their )
fnE 89 338 539 319 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 325
fnE 539 338 612 319 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 325
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(lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and )
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575.5 306
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(proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot )
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575.5 287
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652 287
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(dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. )
fnE 89 281 539 262 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 268
fnE 539 281 612 262 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 268
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34.5 249
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(The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated )
fnE 89 262 539 243 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 249
fnE 539 262 612 243 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 249
fnE 612 262 692 243 Field-C 0.5 db1
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20 262 771 243 0.5 db1
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34.5 230
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69 230
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92 230
(it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will )
fnE 89 243 539 224 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 230
fnE 539 243 612 224 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 230
fnE 612 243 692 224 Field-C 0.5 db1
692 243 771 224 0.5 db1
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34.5 211
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69 211
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92 211
(little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never )
fnE 89 224 539 205 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 211
fnE 539 224 612 205 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 211
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34.5 192
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92 192
(forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be )
fnE 89 205 539 186 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 192
fnE 539 205 612 186 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 192
fnE 612 205 692 186 Field-C 0.5 db1
692 205 771 186 0.5 db1
20 205 771 186 0.5 db1
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34.5 173
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69 173
fnE 49 186 89 167 Field-C 0.5 db1
92 173
(dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here )
fnE 89 186 539 167 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 173
fnE 539 186 612 167 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 173
fnE 612 186 692 167 Field-C 0.5 db1
692 186 771 167 0.5 db1
20 186 771 167 0.5 db1
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34.5 154
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69 154
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92 154
(have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here )
fnE 89 167 539 148 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 154
fnE 539 167 612 148 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 154
fnE 612 167 692 148 Field-C 0.5 db1
692 167 771 148 0.5 db1
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34.5 135
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69 135
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92 135
(dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these )
fnE 89 148 539 129 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 135
fnE 539 148 612 129 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 135
fnE 612 148 692 129 Field-C 0.5 db1
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34.5 116
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69 116
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(honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which )
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575.5 116
fnE 539 129 612 110 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 116
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34.5 97
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(they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly)
fnE 89 110 539 91 Field-L 0.5 db1
575.5 97
fnE 539 110 612 91 Field-C 0.5 db1
652 97
fnE 612 110 692 91 Field-C 0.5 db1
692 110 771 91 0.5 db1
20 110 771 91 0.5 db1
395.5 65
(The component identified above was repaired/overhauled/inspected IAW current federal aviation regulations and in respect to that work, was found airworthy for return to service.)
fnC 20 83 771 61 Field-C 0.5 db0
9 3 15 /FieldTL-C 1 fnE
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3 6 326 565 482 543 fnB FieldTL 0.5 db1
20 565 482 543 0.5 db1
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(REPAIR PER B797 CMM 47-42-96 REV 40 DATED 07MAY2009)
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20 543 482 521 0.5 db1
20 565 482 521 0.5 db1
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(nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that )
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(not perish from the earth.”)
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(—Abraham Lincoln)
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(The component identified above was repaired/overhauled/inspected IAW current federal aviation regulations and in respect to that work, was found airworthy for return to service.)
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                width         : 27

# Local Variables:
# compile-command: "perl 30-output.t gen"
# coding: windows-1252
# End: