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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use SVK::Util qw( is_executable );
use SVK::Test;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { 1 };
    plan skip_all => 'gnupg not found'
        unless (`gpg --version` || '') =~ /GnuPG/;
plan tests => 9;
our $output;

mkpath ["t/checkout/sign-gnupg"], 0, 0700 unless -d "t/checkout/sign-gnupg";

$ENV{SVKPGP} = my $gpg = __('gpg --homedir t/checkout/sign-gnupg --no-default-keyring --keyring t/svk.gpg --secret-keyring t/svk-sec.gpg --default-key svk');

ok (`$gpg --list-keys` =~ '1024D/A50DE110');

my ($xd, $svk) = build_test('test');

is_output_like ($svk, 'verify', [], qr'SYNOPSIS', 'help');

my $tree = create_basic_tree ($xd, '/test/');

my ($srepospath, $spath, $srepos) = $xd->find_repos ('/test/A', 1);

# install pre-revprop-change hook

my $hook = "$srepospath/hooks/pre-revprop-change".($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '.bat' : '');
open FH, '>', $hook or die "$hook: $!";
print FH "#!$^X\nexit 0\n";
close FH;
chmod (0755, $hook);

my ($repospath, undef, $repos) = $xd->find_repos ('//', 1);

my $uri = uri($srepospath);
$svk->mirror ('//m', $uri.($spath eq '/' ? '' : $spath));
$svk->sync ('//m');

$svk->copy ('-m', 'branch', '//m', '//l');

my ($copath, $corpath) = get_copath ('sign');

$svk->checkout ('//m', $copath);
append_file ("$copath/Q/qu", "modified and should sign\n");
overwrite_file ("$copath/newfile", "sign a new file\n");
$svk->add ("$copath/newfile");
is_output ($svk, 'ci', ['-S', '-m', 'test signature', $copath],
	   ['Commit into mirrored path: merging back directly.',
	    "Merging back to mirror source $uri/A.",
	    'Merge back committed as revision 3.',
	    "Syncing $uri/A",
	    'Retrieving log information from 3 to 3',
	    'Committed revision 5 from revision 3.']);

is_output ($svk, 'pl', ['--revprop', '-r5', '//'],
	   ['Unversioned properties on revision 5:',
	    '  svk:signature',
	    '  svm:headrev',
	    '  svn:author',
	    '  svn:date',
	    '  svn:log',
is_output ($svk, 'pl', ['--revprop', '-r3', '/test/'],
	   ['Unversioned properties on revision 3:',
	    '  svk:signature',
	    '  svn:author',
	    '  svn:date',
	    '  svn:log',

is_output ($svk, 'verify', [3, '/test/'],
	  ['Signature verified.']);
is_output ($svk, 'verify', [5],
	  ['Signature verified.']);
is_output ($svk, 'verify', [4],
	  ['No signature found for change 4 at //.']);

$svk->pg ('--revprop', '-r3', 'svk:signature', '/test/');
$svk->propset ('--revprop', '-r3', 'svk:signature', '--',
	       "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nMD5 e17fdaa833db6a48b9183fd2f61d304a Q/qu\n".$output, '/test/');
$svk->pg ('--revprop', '-r3', 'svk:signature', '/test/');
is_output ($svk, 'verify', [3, '/test/'],
	  ["Can\'t verify signature",
       "Signature verification failed."]);
