use strict;
use SVN::Web;
use Config;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;

die "already have config.yaml" if -e 'config.yaml';

open my $fh, ">config.yaml";
for (@SVN::Web::PLUGINS) {
    my $module = $_;
    print $fh lc(${module}).'_class:'.(' 'x(20-(length $_)))."SVN::Web::$_\n";

my %targets = (
    Template => 'template',
    I18N     => 'po',
    Style    => 'css',

while (my ($from, $to) = each %targets) {
    my $path = $INC{'SVN/Web.pm'};
    $path =~ s{.pm$}{/$from}i or next;

    mkdir $to;
    copy($_ => "$to/".basename($_)) for glob("$path/*");

print $fh <<END;
# set your repository path below:
#  test: '/tmp/svnweb-test'
#  test2: '/tmp/svnweb-test2'
# or a parent path contains repositories
#reposparent: '/path/to/repositories'
# if you set a parent you can block specific repositories
# like this:
#  - 'blocked1'
#  - 'blocked2'
# style: '/svnweb/css/styles-hlb.css'


close $fh;

open $fh, '>index.cgi';
print $fh <<"END";
$Config::Config{startperl} -w
#use lib '.';
#use lib '../lib';
use SVN::Web;

close $fh;

chmod 0755,'index.cgi';

# XXX: export the template too

print "SVN::Web now installed! please see config.yaml\n";