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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use warnings;
use strict;
use CAM::DBF;

our $VERSION = '1.02';

##no critic

if (@ARGV < 2)
       "Syntax: $0 <DBF file> <command> [<arg> ...] [<command [<arg> ...]]\n" .
       "Commands:\n" .
       "   fixheaderbytes\n" .
       "      Recompute the the number of bytes in the header by explicitly\n".
       "      reading to the end of the column data\n" .
       "   fixrecordbytes\n" .
       "      Recompute the the number of bytes per record\n" .
       "   fixnumrecords\n" .
       "      Recompute the the number of records in the file.  The header\n" .
       "      size and the record bytes must be correct.\n" .
       "   info\n" .
       "      Print a summary of the file metadata\n" .
       "   columns\n" .
       "      Validate and output the column description\n" .
       "   row <rownum>\n" .
       "      Print the contents of a record, counting from 0\n" .
       "   rows <rowlist>\n" .
       "      Print the contents of a set of records.  The list should be\n" .
       "      comma-separated, with ranges (like '3-7') allowed.  Open ended\n" .
       "      ranges (like '7-') work as you would expect\n" .
       "   rawrow <rownum>\n" .
       "      Print the raw contents of a record, counting from 0\n" .
       "   rawrows <rowlist>\n" .
       "      Print the raw contents of a set of records.  The list should be\n" .
       "      like in 'rows' above.\n" .
       "   countdeletes\n" .
       "      Print the number of rows flagged to be deleted\n" .
       "   countnondeletes\n" .
       "      Print the number of rows not flagged to be deleted\n" .
       "   matchregions <matchvalue> <bytesbefore> <bytesafter>\n" .
       "      Print regions of the file around a matching substring\n" .
       "   matchrows <colname> <colvalue>\n" .
       "      Print the rows where the specified column has the specified value\n" .
       "   corruptrows\n" .
       "      Tries to find corrupt data by looking in the deleted column for values\n" .
       "      other than ' ' or '*'.  Prints a count of the matches\n" .
       "   corruptdata\n" .
       "      Checks that all number, date and logical fields have valid values.\n" .
       "      Prints a count of the rows with bad data\n" .
       "   showcorruptrows\n" .
       "      Displays the rows that the 'corruptrows' command flags as corrupt\n" .
       "\n" .
       "NOTES:\n" .
       " * If more than one of the 'fix' commands are used, they must be used\n" .
       "   in this order: fixheaderbytes, fixrecordbytes, fixnumrecords\n" .
       " * The 'fix' commands should occur before any others (naturally)\n" .

my $filename = shift;

my $dbffile;
## Don't use the tie -- it is slower...
#tie($dbffile, "dbftie", $filename);
   local *FILE;
   local($/) = undef;
   if (!open(FILE, $filename))
      die "Failed to read $filename\n";
   $dbffile = <FILE>;

my $dbf = new CAM::DBF($filename);
if (!$dbf)
   die "Failed to read $filename\n";

while (@ARGV > 0)
   my $cmd = shift || "";
   if ($cmd eq "fixrecordbytes")
      my $len = $dbf->computeRecordBytes();
      if ($len != $dbf->nRecordBytes())
         print "Correct record length: $$dbf{nrecordbytes} -> $len\n";
         $dbf->{nrecordbytes} = $len;
   elsif ($cmd eq "fixheaderbytes")
      my $len = $dbf->computeHeaderBytes();
      if ($len != $dbf->nHeaderBytes())
         print "Correct header length: $$dbf{nheaderbytes} -> $len\n";
         $dbf->{nheaderbytes} = $len;
         $dbf = new CAM::DBF($dbf->{filename}, "r", ignoreHeaderBytes => 1);
   elsif ($cmd eq "fixnumrecords")
      my $n = $dbf->computeNumRecords();
      if ($n != $dbf->nrecords())
         print "Correct number of records: $$dbf{nrecords} -> $n\n";
         $dbf->{nrecords} = $n;
   elsif ($cmd eq "info")
      print "File: $filename\n";
      print "Header Size: " . $dbf->nHeaderBytes() . " bytes\n";
      print "Record Size: " . $dbf->nRecordBytes() . " bytes\n";
      print "Records: " . $dbf->nrecords() . "\n";
      print "Total Size: " . ($dbf->nHeaderBytes()+ ($dbf->nRecordBytes()*$dbf->nrecords())) . " bytes\n";
      print "Actual Size: " . (-s $filename) . " bytes\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "columns")
      my @widths = (16,4,6,3,7);
      my $format = join(" ", map {"%-${_}s"} @widths) . "\n";
      printf($format, "Name", "Type", "Length", "Dec", "Bytes"); # header
      print(join(" ", map {"-"x$_} @widths), "\n");     # dashes
      my $offset = 1;
      foreach my $c (0 .. $dbf->nfields()-1)
         printf($format, $dbf->fieldname($c), $dbf->fieldtype($c), 
                $dbf->fieldlength($c), $dbf->fielddecimals($c), 
         $offset += $dbf->fieldlength($c);
   elsif ($cmd eq "rawrow")
      my $row = getArg("Missing row number\n");
      printRawRow($dbf, $dbffile, $row);
   elsif ($cmd eq "rawrows")
      my $rows = getArg("Missing row number(s)\n");
      $rows = &makeRowList($dbf, $rows);

      foreach my $row (split /,/, $rows)
         printRawRow($dbf, $dbffile, $row);
   elsif ($cmd eq "row")
      my $row = getArg("Missing row number\n");
      printRow($dbf, $row);
   elsif ($cmd eq "rows")
      my $rows = getArg("Missing row number(s)\n");
      $rows = &makeRowList($dbf, $rows);

      foreach my $row (split /,/, $rows)
         print "------------------\n";
         printRow($dbf, $row);
      print "------------------\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "countdeletes")
      my $count = 0;
      my $len = $dbf->nRecordBytes();
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $dbf->nrecords(); $i++)
         my $offset = $dbf->nHeaderBytes()+$i*$len;
         $count++ if (substr($dbffile, $offset, 1) ne " ");
      print "$count deleted row" . ($count == 1 ? "" : "s") . "\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "countnondeletes")
      my $count = 0;
      my $len = $dbf->nRecordBytes();
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $dbf->nrecords(); $i++)
         my $offset = $dbf->nHeaderBytes()+$i*$len;
         $count++ if (substr($dbffile, $offset, 1) eq " ");
      print "$count non deleted row" . ($count == 1 ? "" : "s") . "\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "matchregion" || $cmd eq "matchregions")
      my $value = getArg("Missing match value");
      my $before = getArg("Missing before value");
      my $after = getArg("Missing after value");

      my $length = $after + length($value);
      my $i = $dbf->nHeaderBytes();
      while (($i = index($dbffile, $value, $i)) > 0)
         my $offset = $i-$dbf->nHeaderBytes();
         my $row = int($offset / $dbf->nRecordBytes());
         my $byte = $offset - $row * $dbf->nRecordBytes();
         print "index $i (row $row + byte $byte)\n";
         print substr($dbffile, $i-$before, $length),"\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "matchrow" || $cmd eq "matchrows")
      my $column = getArg("Missing column name");
      my $value = getArg("Missing column value");

      my $matches = 0;
      for (my $iRow=0; $iRow < $dbf->nrecords(); $iRow++)
         my $H_row = $dbf->fetchrow_hashref($iRow);
         next if (!$H_row); # deleted data

         if ($iRow == 0 && (!exists $H_row->{$column}))
            die("Column $column does not exist in $filename\n" .
                "Try $0 $filename columns\n");
         if ($H_row->{$column} && $H_row->{$column} eq $value)
            printRawRow($dbf, $dbffile, $iRow);
      print "$matches match" . ($matches == 1 ? "" : "es") . "\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "showcorruptrows")
      my $count = 0;
      my $len = $dbf->nRecordBytes();
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $dbf->nrecords(); $i++)
         my $offset = $dbf->nHeaderBytes()+$i*$len;
         my $value = substr($dbffile, $offset, 1);
         if ($value ne " " && $value ne "*")
            print "row ".($i+1)."\n";
            print substr($dbffile, $offset, $dbf->nRecordBytes()), "\n";
   elsif ($cmd eq "corruptrows")
      my $count = 0;
      my $nulls = 0;
      my $len = $dbf->nRecordBytes();
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $dbf->nrecords(); $i++)
         my $offset = $dbf->nHeaderBytes()+$i*$len;
         my $value = substr($dbffile, $offset, 1);
         $count++ if ($value ne " " && $value ne "*");
         $nulls++ if ($value eq "\x00");
      print "$count corrupted row" . ($count == 1 ? "" : "s") . "\n";
      print "  $nulls of them contain" . ($nulls == 1 ? "s" : "") . " a value of null\n" if ($nulls);
   elsif ($cmd eq "corruptdata")
      my $count = 0;
      my $nf = $dbf->nfields();
      my @numbers = grep {$dbf->fieldtype($_) eq "number"} 0 .. $nf-1;
      my @dates = grep {$dbf->fieldtype($_) eq "number"} 0 .. $nf-1;
      my @bools = grep {$dbf->fieldtype($_) eq "number"} 0 .. $nf-1;

      my $len = $dbf->nRecordBytes();
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $dbf->nrecords(); $i++)
         my $bad = 0;
         my $data = $dbf->fetchrow_arrayref($i);
         foreach my $j (@bools)
            $bad++ if ($data->[$j] !~ /^tfyn10$/i)
         foreach my $j (@numbers)
            $bad++ if ($data->[$j] !~ /^[\- \d\.]+$/)
         foreach my $j (@dates)
            $bad++ if ($data->[$j] !~ /^\d+\/\d+\/\d+$/)
         my $offset = $dbf->nHeaderBytes()+$i*$len;
         my $value = substr($dbffile, $offset, 1);
         $count++ if ($bad);
      print "$count corrupted data row" . ($count == 1 ? "" : "s") . "\n";
      die "unknown command $cmd\n";

sub printRawRow
   my $dbf = shift;
   my $dbffile = shift;
   my $row = shift;

   my $len = $dbf->nRecordBytes();
   my $offset = $dbf->nHeaderBytes()+$row*$len;
   my $out = substr($dbffile, $offset, $len);
   $out =~ s/([^\x20-\xFE])/"\\x".hex(ord($1))/ge;
   print "$row $out\n";

sub printRow
   my $dbf = shift;
   my $row = shift;

   my $hash = $dbf->fetchrow_hashref($row);
   print map({"  $_: " . (defined $hash->{$_} ? $hash->{$_} : "(null)") . "\n"} $dbf->fieldnames());

sub getArg
   my $error = shift;

   if (!defined $ARGV[0])
      die $error;
   return shift @ARGV;

sub makeRowList
   my $dbf = shift;
   my $rows = shift;

   $rows =~ s/[^\d\-,]//g;  # clean
   $rows =~ s/^,+//g;  # clean
   $rows =~ s/,+$//g;  # clean
   $rows =~ s/(\d+)-(\d+)/join",",$1..$2/ge;
   $rows =~ s/-(\d+)/join",",1..$1/ge;
   $rows =~ s/(\d+)-/join",",$1..$dbf->nrecords()/ge;
   return $rows;

package dbftie;

   my $pkg = shift;
   my $filename = shift;
   return bless({
      value => undef,
      filename => $filename,
      isRead => undef,
   }, $pkg);

   my $self = shift;
   if (!$self->{isRead})
      local *FILE;
      local($/) = undef;
      print STDERR "reading file\n";
      if (!open(FILE, $filename))
         die "Failed to read $filename\n";
      $self->{value} = <FILE>;
      $self->{isRead} = 1;

   die "Can't store";

   # no-op