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package CAM::XML;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use CAM::XML::Text;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Carp;

our $VERSION = '1.14';

=for stopwords XHTML XPath pre-formatted attr1 attr2

=head1 NAME 

CAM::XML - Encapsulation of a simple XML data structure

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2006 Clotho Advanced Media, Inc., <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


  my $pollTag = CAM::XML->new('poll');
  foreach my $q (@questions) {
    my $questionTag = CAM::XML->new('question');
    $questionTag->add(-text => $q->{text});
    my $choicesTag = CAM::XML->new('choices');
    foreach my $c (@{$q->{choices}}) {
      my $choiceTag = CAM::XML->new('choice');
      $choiceTag->setAttributes('value', $c->{value});
      $choiceTag->add(-text => $c->{text});
  print CAM::XML->header();
  print $pollTag->toString();


This module reads and writes XML into a simple object model.  It is
optimized for ease of creating code that interacts with XML.

This module is not as powerful or as standards-compliant as say
XML::LibXML, XML::SAX, XML::DOM, etc, but it's darn easy to use.  I
recommend it to people who want to just read/write a quick but valid
XML file and don't want to bother with the bigger modules.

In our experience, this module is actually easier to use than
XML::Simple because the latter makes some assumptions about XML
structure that prevents it from handling all XML files well.  YMMV.

However, one exception to the simplicity claimed above is our
implementation of a subset of XPath.  That's not very simple.  Sorry.



=item $pkg->parse($xmlstring)

=item $pkg->parse(-string => $xmlstring)

=item $pkg->parse(-filename => $xmlfilename)

=item $pkg->parse(-filehandle => $xmlfilehandle)

Parse an incoming stream of XML into a CAM::XML hierarchy.  This
method just hands the first argument off to XML::Parser, so it can
accept any style of argument that XML::Parser can.  Note that XML::Parser
says the filehandle style should pass an IO::Handle object.  This can
be called as a class method or an instance method.

Additional meaningful flags:

  -cleanwhitespace => 1

Traverse the document and remove non-significant whitespace, as per

  -xmlopts => HASHREF

Any options in this hash are passed directly to XML::Parser.

NOTE: this method does NOT work well on subclasses.  I tried, but
failed to fix it up.  The problems is that CAM::XML::XMLTree has to be
able to instantiate one of this class, but there's no really good way
to communicate with it yet.


sub parse
   my $pkg_or_self = shift;
   my $mode;
   if ($_[0] =~ m/\A-/xms)    # If no mode was specified, imply one
      $mode = shift;
      $mode = '-string';
   my $xml   = shift;
   my %flags = (@_);

   local $SIG{__DIE__};
   local $SIG{__WARN__};
   require CAM::XML::XMLTree;
   require XML::Parser;
   my $pkg = ref $pkg_or_self;
   if (!$pkg)
      $pkg = $pkg_or_self;
   my $p = XML::Parser->new(Style => $pkg.'::XMLTree',
                            $flags{-xmlopts} ? %{$flags{xmlopts}} : ());
   my $self;
   if ($mode eq '-filename')
      if (open my $fh, '<', $xml)
         local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef;
         eval {
            $self = $p->parse(<$fh>);
         close $fh;
      eval {
         $self = $p->parse($xml);
   if ($self && $flags{-cleanwhitespace})
   return $self;

=item $pkg->new($tagname)

=item $pkg->new($tagname, attr1 => $value1, attr2 => $value2, ...)

Create a new XML tag.  Optionally, you can set tag attributes at the
same time.


sub new
   my $pkg  = shift;
   my $name = shift;

   if (!$name)
      croak 'No XML tag name specified';

   my $self = bless {
      name       => $name,
      attributes => {},
      children   => [],
   }, $pkg;

   return $self->setAttributes(@_);

=item $pkg->header()

=item $self->header()

Return a string containing the following message, suffixed by a newline:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>


sub header
   return qq[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>\n];




=item $self->getName()

Returns the name of the node.


sub getName
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{name};

=item $self->setAttributes(attr1 => $value1, attr2 => $value2, ...)

Set the value of one or more XML attributes.  If any keys are
duplicated, only the last one set is recorded.


sub setAttributes
   my $self = shift;

   while (@_ > 0)
      my $key   = shift;
      my $value = shift;
      if (!defined $key || $key eq q{})
         croak 'Invalid key specified';
      $self->{attributes}->{$key} = $value;
   return $self;

=item $self->deleteAttribute($key)

Remove the specified attribute if it exists.


sub deleteAttribute
   my $self = shift;
   my $key = shift;

   delete $self->{attributes}->{$key};
   return $self;

=item $self->getAttributeNames()

Returns a list of the names of all the attributes of this node.  The
names are returned in arbitrary order.


sub getAttributeNames
   my $self = shift;

   return keys %{ $self->{attributes} };

=item $self->getAttributes()

Returns a hash of all attributes.


sub getAttributes
   my $self = shift;

   return %{ $self->{attributes} };

=item $self->getAttribute($key)

Returns the value of the named attribute, or undef if it does not exist.


sub getAttribute
   my $self = shift;
   my $key  = shift;

   return $key ? $self->{attributes}->{$key} : undef;

=item $self->getChildren()

Returns an array of XML nodes and text objects contained by this node.


sub getChildren
   my $self = shift;
   return @{ $self->{children} };

=item $self->getChild($index)

Returns a child of this node.  The argument is a zero-based index.
Returns undef if the index is not valid.


sub getChild
   my $self  = shift;
   my $index = shift;

   return if (!defined $index || $index !~ m/\A\d+\z/xms);
   return $self->{children}->[$index];

=item $self->getChildNodes()

Returns an array of XML nodes contained by this node (that is, unlike
getChildren(), text nodes are ignored).


sub getChildNodes
   my $self = shift;

   return grep { $_->isa(__PACKAGE__) } @{ $self->{children} };

=item $self->getChildNode($index)

Returns a CAM::XML child of this node (that is, unlike getChild(),
text nodes are ignored.  The argument is a zero-based index.  Returns
undef if the index is not valid.


sub getChildNode
   my $self  = shift;
   my $index = shift;

   return if (!defined $index || $index !~ m/\A\d+\z/xms);
   my @kids = grep { $_->isa(__PACKAGE__) } @{ $self->{children} };
   return $kids[$index];

=item $self->setChildren($node1, $node2, ...)

Removes all the children from this node and replaces them with the
supplied values.  All of the values MUST be CAM::XML or CAM::XML::Text
objects, or this method will abort and return false before any changes
are made.


sub setChildren
   my $self = shift;

   my @good = grep { defined $_ && ref $_ && 
                     ($_->isa(__PACKAGE__) || $_->isa('CAM::XML::Text')) } @_;
   if (@good != @_)
      croak 'Attempted to add bogus XML node';

   @{ $self->{children} } = @good;
   return $self;

=item $self->add(CAM::XML instance)

=item $self->add(-text => $text)

=item $self->add(-cdata => $text)

=item $self->add(-xml => $rawxml)

=item $self->add(<multiple elements of the above types>)

Add content within the current tag.  Order of addition may be
significant.  This content can be any one of 1) subsidiary XML tags
(CAM::XML), 2) literal text content (C<-text> or C<-cdata>), or 3)
pre-formatted XML content (C<-xml>).

In C<-text> and C<-cdata> content, any reserved characters will be
automatically escaped.  Those two modes differ only in their XML
representation: C<-cdata> is more human-readable if there are a lot of
"&", "<" and ">" characters in your text, where C<-text> is usually more
compact for short strings.  These strings are not escaped until

Content in C<-xml> mode is parsed in as CAM::XML objects.  If it is not
valid XML, a warning will be emitted and the add will fail.


sub add
   my $self = shift;

   while (@_ > 0)
      my $add = shift;

      # Test different kinds of input
        !$add                                   ? croak 'Undefined object'
      : ref $add && $add->isa(__PACKAGE__)      ? push @{ $self->{children} }, $add
      : ref $add && $add->isa('CAM::XML::Text') ? push @{ $self->{children} }, $add
      : ref $add                                ? croak 'Invalid object type to add to a CAM::XML node'
      : $add =~ m/\A-(text|cdata)\z/xms         ? $self->_add_text($1, shift)
      : $add eq '-xml'                          ? $self->_add_xml(shift)
      : croak "Unknown flag '$add'.  Expected '-text' or '-cdata' or '-xml'";

   return $self;

sub _add_text
   my $self = shift;
   my $type = shift;
   my $text = shift;

   if (!defined $text)
      $text = q{};
   # If the previous element was the same kind of text item
   # then merge them.  Otherwise append this text item.
   if (@{ $self->{children} } > 0 &&
       $self->{children}->[-1]->isa('CAM::XML::Text') &&
       $self->{children}->[-1]->{type} eq $type)
      $self->{children}->[-1]->{text} .= $text;
      push @{ $self->{children} }, CAM::XML::Text->new($type => $text);

sub _add_xml
   my $self = shift;
   my $xml  = shift;

   my $parsed = $self->parse($xml);
   if ($parsed)
      croak 'Tried to add invalid XML content';

=item $self->removeWhitespace()

Clean out all non-significant whitespace.  Whitespace is deemed
non-significant if it is bracketed by tags.  This might not be true in
some data formats (e.g. HTML) so don't use this function carelessly.


sub removeWhitespace
   my $self = shift;

   my @delete_indices  = ();
   my $lasttag = -1;
   foreach my $i (0 .. $#{ $self->{children} })
      my $child = $self->{children}->[$i];
      if ($child->isa(__PACKAGE__))
         if (defined $lasttag)
            push @delete_indices, ($lasttag + 1) .. ($i - 1);
         $lasttag = $i;
      elsif ($child->{text} =~ m/\S/xms) # CAM::XML::Text instance
         $lasttag = undef;
   if (defined $lasttag)
      push @delete_indices, ($lasttag + 1) .. $#{ $self->{children} };
   while (@delete_indices > 0)
      my $node_index = pop @delete_indices;
      splice @{ $self->{children} }, $node_index, 1;
   return $self;

=item $self->getInnerText()

For the given node, descend through all of its children and
concatenate all the text values that are found.  If none, this method
returns an empty string (not undef).


sub getInnerText
   my $self = shift;

   my $text  = q{};
   my @stack = ([@{ $self->{children} }]);
   while (@stack > 0)
      my $list  = $stack[-1];
      my $child = shift @{$list};
      if ($child)
         if ($child->isa(__PACKAGE__))
            push @stack, [@{ $child->{children} }];
         else # CAM::XML::Text
            $text .= $child->{text};
         pop @stack;
   return $text;

=item $self->getNodes(-tag => $tagname)

=item $self->getNodes(-attr => $attrname, -value => $attrvalue)

=item $self->getNodes(-path => $path)

Return an array of CAM::XML objects representing nodes that match the
requested properties.

A path is a syntactic path into the XML doc something like an XPath

  '/' divides nodes
  '//' means any number of nodes
  '/[n]' means the nth child of a node (1-based)
  '<tag>[n]' means the nth instance of this node
  '/[-n]' means the nth child of a node, counting backward
  '/[last()]' means the last child of a node (same as [-1])
  '/[@attr="value"]' means a node with this attribute value
  '/text()' means all of the text data inside a node
            (note this returns just one node, not all the nodes)

For example, C</html/body//table/tr[1]/td/a[@target="_blank"]>
searches an XHTML body for all tables, and returns all anchor nodes in
the first row which pop new windows.

Please note that while this syntax resembles XPath, it is FAR from a
complete (or even correct) implementation.  It's useful for basic
delving into an XML document, however.


sub getNodes
   my $self     = shift;
   my %criteria = (@_);

   if ($criteria{-path})
      # This is a very different beast.  Handle it separately.
      return $self->_get_path_nodes($criteria{-path}, [$self]);

   my @list  = ();
   my @stack = ([$self]);
   while (@stack > 0)
      my $list = $stack[-1];
      my $obj  = shift @{$list};
      if ($obj)
         if ($obj->isa(__PACKAGE__))
            push @stack, [@{ $obj->{children} }];
            if (($criteria{-tag} && $criteria{-tag} eq $obj->{name}) ||
                ($criteria{-attr} && exists $obj->{attributes}->{$criteria{-attr}} &&
                 $obj->{attributes}->{$criteria{-attr}} eq $criteria{-value}))
               push @list, $obj;
         pop @stack;
   return @list;

# Internal use only

sub _get_path_nodes
   my $self = shift;
   my $path = shift;
   my $kids = shift || $self->{children};

   my @list = !$path                                   ? $self
            : $path =~ m,\A /?text\(\)          \z,xms ? $self->_get_path_nodes_text()
            : $path =~ m,\A /?\[(\d+)\](.*)     \z,xms ? $self->_get_path_nodes_easyindex($kids, $1, $2)
            : $path =~ m,\A /?\[([^\]]+)\](.*)  \z,xms ? $self->_get_path_nodes_index($kids, $1, $2)
            : $path =~ m,\A //+                 \z,xms ? $self->_get_path_nodes_all($kids, $path)
            : $path =~ m,   (/?)(/?)([^/]+)(.*) \z,xms ? $self->_get_path_nodes_match($kids, $path, $1, $2, $3, $4)
            : croak "path not understood: '$path'";

   return @list;

sub _get_path_nodes_text
   my $self = shift;

   return CAM::XML::Text->new(text => $self->getInnerText());

sub _get_path_nodes_easyindex
   my $self = shift;
   my $kids = shift;
   my $num  = shift;
   my $rest = shift;
   # this is a special case of _get_path_nodes_index
   # it's higher performance since we can go straight to the
   # index instead of looping

   my $match = $kids->[$num - 1];
   return $match ? $match->_get_path_nodes($rest) : ();

sub _get_path_nodes_index
   my $self  = shift;
   my $kids  = shift;
   my $limit = shift;
   my $rest  = shift;

   my $index = 0;
   my @list;
   foreach my $node (@{$kids})
      ++$index;    # one-based
      if ($self->_match($node, undef, $limit, $index, scalar @{$kids}))
         push @list, $node->_get_path_nodes($rest);
   return @list;

sub _get_path_nodes_all
   my $self = shift;
   my $kids = shift;
   my $path = shift;

   my @list;
   foreach my $node (@{$kids})
      if ($node->isa(__PACKAGE__))
         push @list, $node, $node->_get_path_nodes($path);
   return @list;

sub _get_path_nodes_match
   my $self  = shift;
   my $kids  = shift;
   my $path = shift;
   my $base  = shift;
   my $any   = shift;
   my $match = shift;
   my $rest  = shift;

   my @list;
   my $limit = undef;
   if ($match =~ s,\[([^\]]+)\]\z,,xms)
      $limit = $1;
      if (!$limit)
         croak "bad index in path (indices are one-based): '$path'";
   if ($match && $limit)
      # This is a special case that arose from a bug in _match()
      # TODO: move the @group and $index logic into _match()
      my @group;
      my $index = 0;
      my $max   = 0;
      foreach my $node (@{$kids})
         ++$index;    # one-based
         if ($self->_match($node, $match, undef, $index, scalar @{$kids}))
            push @group, 1;
            push @group, 0;
      $index = 0;
      foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$kids})
         my $node = $kids->[$i];
         if ($group[$i])
            ++$index;    # one-based
            if ($self->_match($node, undef, $limit, $index, $max))
               push @list, $node->_get_path_nodes($rest);
         if ($any)
            push @list, $node->_get_path_nodes($path);
   elsif ($match || $limit)
      my $index = 0;
      foreach my $node (@{$kids})
         ++$index;    # one-based
         if ($self->_match($node, $match, $limit, $index, scalar @{$kids}))
            push @list, $node->_get_path_nodes($rest);
         if ($any)
            push @list, $node->_get_path_nodes($path);
      die 'Internal error: neither match nor limit were true';
   return @list;

sub _match
   my $self  = shift;
   my $node  = shift;
   my $tag   = shift;
   my $limit = shift;
   my $index = shift;    # one-based
   my $max   = shift;

   if ($tag && $limit)
      die 'Internal error: _match() is broken for simultaneous tag and index matches';
      # currently, the $tag && $limit case is handled externally.
      # TODO: handle this better

   my $is_element = $node->isa(__PACKAGE__);
   if ($tag)
      return if (!$is_element);
      return if ($node->{name} ne $tag);
   if ($limit)
      # massaging
      if ($limit eq 'last()')
         $limit = -1;

      if ($limit =~ m/\A\-\d+/xms)
         return if ($max + $limit + 1 != $index);
      elsif ($limit =~ m/\A\d+/xms)
         return if ($limit != $index);
      elsif ($limit =~ m/\A\@(\w+)=\"([^\"]*)\"\z/xms ||
             $limit =~ m/\A\@(\w+)=\'([^\']*)\'\z/xms)
         return if (!$is_element);
         my $attr = $1;
         my $val  = $2;
         my $cmp  = $node->{attributes}->{$attr};
         return if (!defined $cmp || $val ne $cmp);
         croak "path predicate not understood: '$limit'";
   return $self;

=item $self->toString([OPTIONS])

Serializes the tag and all subsidiary tags into an XML string.  This
is called recursively on any subsidiary CAM::XML objects.  Note that
the XML header is not prepended to this output.

The following optional arguments apply:

  -formatted => boolean
        If true, the XML is indented nicely.  Otherwise, no whitespace
        is inserted between tags.
  -textformat => boolean
        Only relevent if -formatted is true.  If false, this prevents
        the formatting of pure text values.
  -level => number
        Indents this tag by the number of levels indicated.  This implies
        -formatted => 1
  -indent => number
        The number of spaces to indent per level if the output is
        formatted.  By default, this is 2 (i.e. two spaces).

Example: -formatted => 0


Example: -formatted => 1


Example: C<-formatted =E<gt> 1, textformat =E<gt> 0>


Example: C<-formatted =E<gt> 1, textformat =E<gt> 0, -indent =E<gt> 4>



sub toString
   my $self = shift;
   my %args = (@_);

   if ($args{'-formatted'} && !exists $args{'-level'})
      $args{'-level'} = 0;
      if (!exists $args{'-textformat'})
         $args{'-textformat'} = 1;
   if (!defined $args{'-indent'} || $args{'-indent'} =~ m/\D/xms)
      $args{'-indent'} = 2;

   return join q{}, $self->_to_string(%args);

sub _to_string
   my $self = shift;
   my %args = (@_);

   my $level  = $args{'-level'};
   my $indent = defined $level ? q{ } x $args{'-indent'} : q{};
   my $begin  = defined $level ? $indent x $level        : q{};
   my $end    = defined $level ? "\n"                    : q{};

   # open tag
   my @ret = ( $begin, '<', $self->_XML_escape($self->{name}) );

   # attributes
   foreach my $key (sort keys %{ $self->{attributes} })
      push @ret, (
         q{ }, $self->_XML_escape($key), q{=},
         q{"}, $self->_XML_escape($self->{attributes}->{$key}), q{"},

   # Empty tag?
   if (@{ $self->{children} } == 0)
      push @ret, '/>', $end;

   # Body is pure text?
   elsif ($args{'-formatted'} && !$args{'-textformat'}
          && 0 == scalar grep {$_->isa(__PACKAGE__)} @{$self->{children}})
      push @ret, '>';
      push @ret, map { $_->toString() } @{ $self->{children} };
      push @ret, '</', $self->{name}, '>', $end;

   # Body has elements
      push @ret, '>', $end;
      foreach my $child (@{ $self->{children} })
         if ($child->isa(__PACKAGE__))
            push @ret, $child->_to_string(
               %args, -level => defined $level ? $level+1 : undef,
            push @ret, $begin, $indent, $child->toString(), $end;
      push @ret, $begin, '</', $self->{name}, '>', $end;

   return @ret;

# Private function
sub _XML_escape
   my $pkg_or_self = shift;
   my $text        = shift;

   if (!defined $text)
      $text = q{};
   $text =~ s/&/&amp;/gxms;
   $text =~ s/</&lt;/gxms;
   $text =~ s/>/&gt;/gxms;
   $text =~ s/\"/&quot;/gxms;
   return $text;

# Private function
sub _CDATA_escape
   my $pkg_or_self = shift;
   my $text        = shift;

   # Escape illegal "]]>" strings by ending and restarting the CDATA section
   $text =~ s/ ]]> /]]>]]&gt;<![CDATA[/gxms;

   return "<![CDATA[$text]]>";




It is assumed that all text will be UTF-8.  This includes any tag
names, attribute keys and values, text content, and raw XML content
that are added to the data structure.

=head1 CODING

This module has just over 97% code coverage in its regression tests,
as reported by Devel::Cover via C<perl Build testcover>.  The
remaining few percent is mostly error conditions and a few conditional
defaults on internal methods.

This module passes most of the Perl Best Practices guidelines, as
enforced by Perl::Critic v0.14.  A notable exceptions is the
legacy use of C<camelCase> subroutine names.

=head1 AUTHOR

Clotho Advanced Media Inc., I<>

Primary Developer: Chris Dolan
