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#$Id: Makefile.PL,v 1.14 2007/08/29 09:33:45 cmungall Exp $

# This Makefile.PL was cut-n-pasted from the DBIx::Abstract
# Nakefile.PL, by Andrew Turner <>

use strict;
BEGIN { $^W = 1 } # use warnings in Perl 5.6 parlance
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw( prompt WriteMakefile );
use Config ();
use Getopt::Long();
use Data::Dumper ();
use lib '.';
use lib 't';

use vars qw($opt);
$opt =
  { "help" => \&Usage,
Getopt::Long::GetOptions($opt, "help", 
#                         "testdb=s", 
# 			 "testport=s", 
#                         "testdriver=s",

my $hostflag = $ENV{TESTHOST} || $opt->{testhost};
my $hostdsn = $hostflag ? ";host=$hostflag" : '';
$hostflag = $hostflag ? "-h $hostflag" : '';

my $TESTDB  = $ENV{TESTDB} || "test";
my $TESTDRIVER = "Pg";
#my $TESTDSN  = $ENV{TESTDSN} || "dbi:Pg:dbname=test$hostdsn";
my $TESTDSN  = $ENV{TESTDSN} || "dbi:Pg:dbname=test$hostdsn";
my $TESTRECREATE  = $ENV{TESTRECREATE} || "dropdb $hostflag test; createdb $hostflag test";
if ($opt->{testdriver}) {
    if ($opt->{testdriver} eq 'mysql') {
          "mysqladmin --force $hostflag drop test; mysqladmin --force $hostflag create test";
    if ($opt->{testdriver} ne 'Pg') {
        $TESTDSN = "$opt->{testdriver}:test$hostdsn";
        print <<MSG;

**** NOTE ****
Some of the tests in the testsuite rely on postgresql CREATE TABLE syntax

This means that the test suite will not work for your driver

DBStag is known to work on mysql



my $source = {};

foreach my $key (qw/testdsn testdriver testuser testhost testpassword testrecreate/) {
  Configure($opt, $source, $key);

print <<"MSG";
I will use the following settings for compiling and testing:


delete $opt->{'help'};
my $keylen = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %$opt) {
  $keylen = length($key) if length($key) > $keylen;
my $slen = 0;
foreach my $val (values %$source) {
  $slen = length($val) if length($val) > $slen;
foreach my $key (sort { $a cmp $b} keys %$opt) {
    printf("  %-" . $keylen . "s (%-" . $slen . "s) = %s\n",
	 $key, $source->{$key}, $opt->{$key})

print <<"MSG";

To change these settings, see 'perl Makefile.PL --help'.


#sleep 5;

eval { require File::Spec };
my $fileName = $@ ?
  "t/db.config" : File::Spec->catfile("t", "db.config");
#die "Failed to determine location of $fileName" unless -f $fileName;
if (open(FILE, ">$fileName")) {
    print FILE "{ my " . Data::Dumper->Dump([$opt], ["opt"]) .
               "  sub connect_args { return (\n".
               "      \$opt->{'testdsn'},\n" .
               "      \$opt->{'testuser'},\n" .
               "      \$opt->{'testpassword'},\n" .
               "      ) }\n".
               "  sub recreate_cmd { return (\n".
               "      \$opt->{'testrecreate'},\n" .
               "      ) }\n".
               "} 1;\n";
    close(FILE) or die "Failed to create $fileName: $!";

	      'NAME'         => "DBIx",
	      'DISTNAME'         => "DBIx-DBStag",
	      'ABSTRACT'     => 'DBStag',
	      'AUTHOR'       => 'Chris Mungall <>',
	      'dist'  => {
				 'SUFFIX'       => ".gz",
				 'DIST_DEFAULT' => 'all tardist',
				 'COMPRESS'     => "gzip -9f" 
	      'VERSION_FROM' => "DBIx/",
	      'PREREQ_PM'    => {
				 'Parse::RecDescent'  => 0,
				 'Text::Balanced'     => 0,
				 'Data::Stag'         => '0.07',
                                 'XML::Parser::PerlSAX' => 0,
				 'DBIx::DBSchema'     => '0.34',
				 'DBI'                => 0,
	      'EXE_FILES'    => [
	      clean => {
			FILES => 'DBIx-DBStag-$(VERSION).tar.gz',

eval {
    require "";
if ($@) {
    print "You are missing a required module!\n";
    print $@;
    print "Exiting!\n";
    exit 1;
eval {
if ($@) {
    print STDERR <<EOM

Could not connect using these parameters; test suite will probably fail



package MY;

sub processPL {
    my($self) = shift;
    my @output;
    foreach (keys(%{$self->{'PL_FILES'}})) {
        my $from = $_;
        my $to = $self->{'PL_FILES'}{$_};
        my $cfg = '';
        push(@output, qq|
pm_to_blib: $to

$to: $from
			-I\$(PERL_LIB) -Ilib -MExtUtils::PerlPP \\
			-e ppp "$from" "$to" "$cfg"

    join('', @output);


sub Configure {
    my($opt, $source, $param) = @_;

    if (exists($opt->{$param})) {
        $source->{$param} = "Users choice";

    if ($param eq "testdriver") {
        $source->{$param} = "default";
        $opt->{$param} = $TESTDRIVER;
    } elsif ($param eq "testdb") {
        $source->{$param} = "default";
        $opt->{$param} = $TESTDB;
    } elsif ($param eq "testdriver") {
        $source->{$param} = "default";
        $opt->{$param} = $TESTDRIVER;
    } elsif ($param eq "testdsn") {
        $source->{$param} = "default";
        $opt->{$param} = $TESTDSN;
    } elsif ($param eq "testrecreate") {
        $source->{$param} = "default";
        $opt->{$param} = $TESTRECREATE;
    } elsif ($param eq "testuser"  || $param eq "testpassword" || 
             $param eq "testdsn" || $param eq "testhost" ||
             $param eq "testport") {
        $source->{$param} = "default";
        $opt->{$param} = "";
    } else {
        die "Unknown configuration parameter: $param";

sub Usage {
  print STDERR <<"USAGE";
Usage: perl $0 [options]

Possible options are:

  --testhost=<host>      Use the DBMS on <host> for testing
                         defaults to empty (localhost)

  --testdsn=<db>         Use the DBI datasource <dsn> for running the test suite
                         defaults to $TESTDSN

  --testdriver=<dbms>    Use the DBD driver <db> for running the test suite
                         defaults to $TESTDRIVER
                         (you may also need to change testrecreate)

  --testuser=<user>      Use the username <user> for running the test suite;
                         defaults to no username

  --testpassword=<pwd>   Use the password <pwd> for running the test suite;
                         defaults to no password

  --testrecreate=<cmd>   Unix command string for dropping and creating the db

  --help                 Print this message and exit


perl Makefile.PL

  uses the postgresql database 'test' on localhost

perl Makefile.PL --testhost mydbserver

  uses the postgresql database 'test' on host mydbserver

perl Makefile.PL -testdsn 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mytestdb;host=mydbserver' -mytestdbrecreate 'dropdb -h mydbserver mytestdb; createdb -h mydbserver mytestdb'

  uses the postgresql database 'mytestdb' on host mydbserver

Note: the options are only important for running the test suite - if
you are willing to risk an install without running the test suite,
just do this:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

  exit 1;
